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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

Katherine laughed slightly, blushing. And now how would I do that? She asked sarcastically. She had no intention to invade, but she was bored.
He sprinted past the markets, and down backstreets to the grand palace. His feet carrying him swiftly, hair whipping back and emerald eyes narrowed in concentration. He stopped at the entrance, and saw the bloody mess. Then he saw her outline, next to the kings and princes. He felt relived, and looked around at his surroundings. Would it be acceptable for him to approach?
Katherine turned her head slightly and her eyes brightened as she saw Sebastian. She was about to scream his name, when she stopped herself. She smiled at Leo. It wouldn't be appropriate now.. She thought to herself.
Leo sighs. "Well... Keep this a secret ok? I heard that he is currently looking for supernaturals. Don't know why. Since you're one of them... I don't know. He was also looking for supernaturals when he adopted Eros." He whispers in Katherines ear, very quietly so that Zephyr wouldn't hear.

He didn't like meeting authority figures... especially with his... condition. He took a hesitant step forward, and then took a deep breath. He pulled himself straight and strode to Katherines side. He gave an elegant, sweeping bow to the king and princes "Sorry for the interruption your majesties" he said respectfully.
Katherine nodded slightly. Would he hurt me if he found out about me?

She smiled as she saw Sebastian making his way over, trying to keep her cool. She held her back straight and head high, like a princess should. "Hello Sebastian." She said to him, smiling. @Verdas @XxLuluxX
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Zephyr watched Sebastian as he approached them. "I heard you coming. Are you a friend of the princess?" He asks, gesturing to the guards to clean up the mess and dump the body somewhere near the forest.

Leo hesitated and whispered in her ear yet again, enough times to raise suspicion. "I wouldn't recommend that. He's probably just very interested in knowing about supernaturals. Since you're one, maybe he might be interested if you told him you studied them at Dual?" He suggests, not knowing that his mother was a supernatural herself. "People have been found bitten in alleyways a lot recently so I'm guessing he thinks it's vampires. He's very overprotective of Freigh, you know." @SnowFeather
Katherine nodded and felt herself shiver as he whispered into her ear. It was a nice shiver. She smiled and glanced up at Leo before returning her gaze to Sebastian. @XxLuluxX @Verdas
He smiled warmly at Katherine, before turning back to the king "Yes, forgive my rude introduction. Im Sebastian. I heard the commotion, and came to check on the princess" @SnowFeather @Verdas
Katherine smiled. "That's sweet of you Sebastian." She said, her eyes bright. She resisted the urge to kiss him, since it might not be the best. @XxLuluxX
His eyes twinkled mischievously "I couldn't abandon you here after hearing what happened" He smiled, his lips curving.
Katherine laughed. "Its still sweet of you." She replied, smiling warmly. She really wanted to just leave with him, but that would be rude. @XxLuluxX
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He wakes up to his apartment. "Where is my hand? Where is my face?" He looks at the mirror scared. "I must find a way to hide this.
Zephyr chuckles. "I see. Word travels fast." The guards take away the last of the unconscious guards, leaving nothing but a few drops of blood where one of the guards were killed. "Katherine." He says, without using anything formal or calling her princess. "Since this is your first time here, shall I show the castle? I've had the servants prepare a room for you soon after you arrived."

Lailah hummed as she visited the room Zephyr had the servants prepare for their special guest, making sure everything was done right and wondering what the princess looked like. She looked out of the room's window, observing the buildings and people below wondering if she would find Zephyr and the princess to be among them. No luck. She sighs and walks away from the window, exiting the room and walking down the hall to her own private quarters. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled. "It would be an honor my king." She replied, curtsying. She glanced from Leo to Sebastian and smiled again. @Verdas

(Is she falling for both of them? Yes..)
Zephyr smiles kindly at Katherine and gestured to Leo to follow. "I shall lead you to your quarters. I will also show you the way to Leo's room in case you need him and Eros' room. I must request that you don't enter it, though it may have been already locked." He walks to the direction of the castle and turns to Sebastion. "You can come too if you'd like. I shall have the servants prepare a room for you as well since you're a friend of the princess." @SnowFeather @XxLuluxX

(Congratulations, Katherine! You just leveled up! You are now a potential two-timer. One more level until you become a two-timer. 2 more levels until you become a Whoreible Person.)
Sebastian smiled handsomely, and bowed. Taking her hand into his and brushing his lips lightly against her knuckles. "I'll see you again soon, i promise?" He asked, and stood straight, letting her hand fall gently back to her side.
"Alright." She said, frowning slightly. She then turned to the king. "That's kind of you." She replies smiling. She walked over to him and glanced back at Sebastian. "Take care!" She called. @Verdas @XxLuluxX

Zephyr leads Katherine into the castle, turning and walking to the direction of her room when he hears Nyx (Lailah) approaching from the same direction. He smiles. "You still haven't met the queen yet, have you, princess?" He asks, hearing her footsteps coming closer.

Lailah takes a turn and sees Zephyr with the princess and Leo. She smiled, looking even more beautiful than she already was by doing so and approached them, glowing dimly, a known trait of the Phoenix. "Are you the princess of Dual, Katherine?" She asks, still smiling. She was in her usual clothes, nothing fancy like when she went out in public or sat on the throne next to Zephyr. @SnowFeather
"You too. Stay safe" He said with a lopsided smile, and turned away. His eyes shadowed with guilt of what atrocity he would comit
Lailah smiled kindly. "I see. I hope you will find your room suited to your tastes." Her earing made a clinking sound as she moved her head. The ruby on it seemed almost alive, as if it were observing it's surroundings and taking in the knowledge. Originally she would have been able to sense other supernaturals and tell their presence apart from the humans but the earring prevented this. She sighed and raised a hand to touch her earring. @SnowFeather
"Well, that was a massive waste of time. I told you so Pandora." Esh said as Pandora materialized in front of her. "Bright side, I got a few new Soul Threads. C'mon, let's get out of here." She said as she showed a few glowing pieves of string that looked alive before she disappeared back down the tunnel.

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