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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

"Mostly good. That wolf almost did me good though. I probably should have done a better job at it..." Leo replies, thinking back to the moment when the wolf almost had his throat. "Is there something wrong?" He asks, noticing her glancing at the torches. The torches were so natural for him that he didn't notice anything wrong about it. @SnowFeather
"Oh no, it's nothing." She assured him. Katherine smiled at him and used her senses to track down Sebastian. Sebastian?.. She reached out with telepathy but there was no answer.


Cordelia was picking through supplies at the market, the castle looming over them almost eerily but beautiful at the same time much like a solar eclipse. Her long hair hung down almost to the ground though it was being held up by a ribbon in her hair so it didnt. She had her satchel at her side and her long sleeved blouse fluttered gently in the breeze as she looked herbs over in her palm.

"This is very nice quality..ill take a half a pound of this please?"

Her smile was genuine and her bright blue eyes glowed, the merchant blushing as he gathered what she had asked for. Young or old men seemed to find her attractive but she just never seemed to find the right guy, which was truly saddening for her. But it wasnt all bad..sometimes it was better that way. When she said her thanks she walked away form the mans table to go sit under a tree overlooking the castle gates. When no one was looking she opened her bag and slipped the large herb bag inside her smaller pouch, a handy little trick she thought. She then reached inside and summoned an apple form it, pulling it form the bag. As she sat eating her fruit she relaxed and people watched. To her right sat her familiar that seemed to have just appeared, its black fur warming her up and its red eyes piercing the very shade they sat under. To any normal human he must have just looked like a normal wolf with normal eyes..but she had to be careful either way. Witch hunters often looked for a witches familiar first and if they managed to get caught it could mean much trouble.​
(Be careful with your familiar. In this kingdom, wolves are probably the greatest enemy, and they are feared by all. They never leave the woods, so people would be very suspicious.) @MorticiansDaughter
Eros saw the wolf next to Cordelia and was curious why no one panicked. Wolves were common in the forest and was feared by many in Freigh. He walks up to her. "Excuse but is that wolf tame? I do not want any people within this kingdom harmed lest my father becomes angry." He says politely. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia jumped at the sudden appearance of a young man, dropping her apple to the ground with a gasp. She looked between her familiar and this stranger with slightly wide eyes.

"U-um...you could..say that..Ive raised him from a pup and he usually stays away form the village. Im just as surprised as you I guess."

She looked to her familiar and pursed her lips, and through their connection it closed his eyes and stood up walking back in the direction of the forest. When he was gone she stood up and bowed.

"Im terribly sorry if I may have caused any troubles..."

Her long hair flowed over her shoulders and grazed the grass. She needed to be careful with the people like this around..one mistake and it would be back to the ropes with her and she couldn't risk that. As she sat back up the red tinted hair around the frame of her face curled around her cheeks and she had to tuck them behind her ear to keep them out of her face. And though she gave of a kind atmosphere the weariness she felt round people gave way a little in her eyes.​

Eros stood and stared at Cordelia until the wolf was gone. "I see. I recommend you don't let that pet of yours be seen by the people here. Wolves are... Not liked here." He noticed the weariness showing in her eyes and half smirked. Her presence was very similar to a witches though he could not tell since he was only a half demon. "Since you're new around here shall I give you a tour?" He glanced at the forest where the wolf disappeared to, scanning it to make sure it was gone for good. @MorticiansDaughter
(I think you should make another character just in case @SnowFeather) Leo opens the door to Katherine's room when they arrived. There was a large bed, that would fit a total of two people, and one long and narrow window, letting the wind and air in. There were a few red hairs, possibly Nyx's, that were rendered almost invisible by the red carpet. "This is your room. I can also show you around the rest of the castle if you want."

Of course her familiar would stick around in a somewhat close proximity just to keep an eye on her, but as a spirit he hid himself quite well. She picked up the apple from the ground and used her skirt to wipe it down. She put it in her satchel but it left a small bulge giving it the appearance of but a normal bag of small size.

"Ill be sure to keep that in mind..I must just not be used to the state here"

She gave him a small smile and nodded.

"I would be thankful for that,I seem to only really know this side of it where I come to by food and supplies. If its no bother to you I would glady join you"

She brushed of her long skirt, its ruffles and uneven edges giving it a wispy and gypsy like look to it. The waist of the skirt coming to her waist as it pulled in her white blouse.​

Katherine smiled as she walked into the room. "It's perfect." She replied, turning to face him. "Yes please." She said politely, smiling. @Verdas
Eros nods. "Of course. You don't seem to recognize who I am, however." He felt the same feeling as earlier, the feeling of being watched but ignored it for now. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia arched her brow and tilted her head. Should she recognize him?

"O-oh..im sorry. Im not all that good with faces. I dont mean to be rude, may I ask who you are then?"

She wasnt used to this area and she only really ever came out to get supplies and what not. So it wasnt really surprising she didnt know who he was right off the bat.​

"I am Eros Bane, second son of the king of Freigh. Don't worry, though. No one can realize who someone is right off the bat." Eros replies, believing the girl to be more interesting than their current guest who seemed to be the same as any other noble. "Mind telling me who are?" He asks, curious, though none of the curiosity showed in his voice. @MorticiansDaughter
Leo closes the room door and smiles at Katherine. "Sure. It might take some time to show you everything, though." He takes out a key and hands it to her. "For your room. A bit tricky to lock and unlock but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it." @SnowFeather (Controlling five characters is not easy.)
Katherine smiled and took the key. She nodded and gestured for him to continue as she started walking again. "So, what do you do during the day?" She asked, smiling brightly. @Verdas

Cordelia found herself freezing for a moment and in her mind she could hear her familiar growling, her eyes looking away from Eros.

"I-im sorry your majesty for not realizing soon enough. I didnt mean any disrespect"

She bowed her head and kept her emotions in check as she looked at the grass, eyes swirling with a reddish color before returning to normal. Royals always set her on edge much more than common people. If he caught she would for sure be burned at the stake.

"My names Cordelia Nightingale and its a pleasure to make your acquaintance"

For now though he seemed to be unaware and willing to show her kindness, and she wouldnt judge him yet for his nobility.​
"Cordelia... That's a unique name. Strangely fitting." Eros continued feeling the presence of a witch which he did not know was a witch, coming from Cordelia. "You should be careful in Freigh, especially at night. There may be bloodsuckers among the large crowds of people you see." He summons several marked grapes that were in his room to his hands through a small portal he created in his palm, hidden from Cordelia. He hands on to her. "Would you like some?" He asks. @MorticiansDaughter

Leo ponders over the question. "I usually train in the yard. What about you? You don't need to answer if you don't want to." He replies to Katherine, asking another question about her this time. @SnowFeather

Cordelia gave him a small smile as she sighed quietly. She seemed to be doing pretty well thus far and the young man seemed nice enough, though her familiar kept growling in the back of her mind. She knew why he distrusted the royals and he knew she had the same reasons but her mother raised her to be kind to all.

"Thank you..im sure my family thought the same."

She chuckled and was amused at the thought of other strange creatures running around.

"Ill be fine though..im no stranger to the dangerous of the night. As a traveler I come across many people and things, thank you for your warning though"

When he brought the grapes forth she scrunched her eyebrows a bit, had he been holding those previously? Though she quickly shakes away the thought.

"Thats very kind of you..if its not troubling you I wouldnt mind"

But of course as always she never seems to think about the whole no taking food from strangers concept.​

Katherine shrugged. "Horse riding, sleeping, courting. The usual, though the third can be a pain. I get letters from suitors daily, yet none of them seem interesting. I don't know if I'll ever find my true, true soulmate." She replied casually, all the time thinking of Sebastian. "I also enjoy archery and reading quite a lot." She added as she focused her gaze on him. @Verdas
Eros nods and picks one from his palm and eats it. "You won't find better grapes in markets and shops." He notices Cordelia scrunching her eyebrows and knew she was suspicious of him. He still felt a presence unknown to him coming from her and concludes that either she isn't human, or is human with some special exceptions like his brother Leo. He decides to test it out and lets out a very hostile, almost frightening, aura-like feeling, though any changes won't be visible to the naked eye. Several people nearby felt shivers run down their spine and some even jumped after feeling the hostility. He continues acting casually on the outside, showing no change whatsoever. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia gently took one of the grapes and popped it into her mouth, it was one of the sweetest grapes she had ever had with a small twinge of sour that wasnt to overpowering. She nodded and smiled.

"Your quite right! These are very good indeed! Ill probably have to go hunting for a batch myself to take home."

She was going to ask Eros where she might acquire such a fruit when what seemed like out of nowhere an aura so overpowering and threatening came over her. And by the looks of people nearby they felt it to. What gave it off was so close to her it was hard to keep herself from shrinking away, her eyes changing to a light purple color as the red started coming out. Her familiar peaked from the woods, fur fluffed in a protective stance as he watched over her, and seemingly behind her familiar was a white wolf with glowing blue eyes and marking over its face not seeming to care how hidden it was or not.

"A-ah..I um..."

She was losing her train of thought as she looked at Eros, it couldnt have been him..so suddenly.​


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