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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

(Lol, I gtg..)

Katherine growled as she rolled off of him, barely missing getting crushed. She took out a knife and hissed. "Why do you want to kill me?..." She asked, her eyes blazing. @Verdas

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(Status messages??

@Verdas )

Had Cordelia been in her human form she probably would have looked at him with an insulted look.

"Not all witches have black cats you know..such rumors.."

She turned from him and went inside with the pup in her jaws, her familiar close behind her. When she put the pup down she turned human again.

"Look after him while im gone..and dont do anything stupid. I expect you to be here with him when I return...I need to figure out this boy and see what I can do"

She patted her familiar on the head and turned to go back outside, waving her hand so the candles blew out. She shut her door and walked back out to Eros.

"Why do you wish to still take me on this tour in the first place..I figured you came and figured out what you wanted so why continue?"

She had her arms crossed, her blouse sleeves puffed up and ruffled around her wrists where she had scars running along them.

Ryuu shrugged. "Who wouldn't kill a princess if they would get a hunk of gold in return for her head?" He asks, annoyed by the same repeated question asked by Katherine. "Do you not remember me, princess?" He asks, smiling at her. "We met when you arrived but you walked away with that boy." He stealthily throws several throwing knives that were hidden in his pockets -a poor place to put them- which were his last weapons besides the blade in his hand. @SnowFeather (So sorry for late reply. No notifications.)

Eros picked up the pup, which now began struggling, scratching, and growling once again at being held by the killer of it's pack and it's parents, as well as because of the way Eros held the pup by it's tail deliberately, making it upside down. He dropped it and kicked it, sending it flying and out of sight, though there was a thud hinting where it may have landed. "I just feel like taking a walk with another supernatural. Is there anything wrong with that?" He asks casually, despite the fact that he just kicked the poor pup away. "I apologise for the pup. It's probably already dead anyways so no need to worry. I'll even find it later and bury it if you'd like me to." @MorticiansDaughter (By far the most cruel and heartless character I've ever made... Poor pup T-T ;- ;)
(christ @Verdas my jaw just dropped and i just kinda stared at my screen! xD I almost cant tell if your trying to provoke her or not!)

Cordelia was going to reply but then watched in horror as he kicked the pup she had just put down. This guy was seriously twisted and she could feel the blood in her veins boiling. This time she wasnt sure if she would be able to hold back like last time but she almost didnt care at this point because this boy was just going to keep at it.

"What is your problem!?"

She walked up to him and grabbed his shirt tightly as she looked at him right in the eyes, they were about the same height so it made it easier. She was reverting back to her cursed form now that she wasnt holding back. She sneered as she looked at him.

"Do you think its ok to just follow someone to their home and then kill every living thing in sight? If thats how much a living creatures life means to you im shocked you havent offed me yet for your own sick pleasure"​


Eros chuckled slightly at Cordelia's sudden, what he thought to be, anger. "Calm down. I just got rid of some pests. Is there anything wrong with me killing a pack of wolves that has been bothering my kingdom for several years? Wouldn't being killed by a demon be a more honorable death than being shot to death with arrows and skinned, eaten, and eventually sh@t out?" He asks, wondering if he had made a mistake and will have to fight her. "I once heard of a family of cursed witches in a book. Shall I tell you exactly how many living creatures they were said to have killed? It was quite a lot more than a few wolves, I'll assure you of that. If I'm considered sick from just killing a few wolves, what would that make you witches?" (Lol ikr? @MorticiansDaughter)
(Your pushin buttons there man pushin buttons!! xD )

Cordelia felt stunned at his comment but in the state she was in now all it did was fuel the fire, and though the voice in her head was telling her to stop and calm down it seemed it was to late to reel back. She gripped his clothes tighter as the black aura started spilling off her body like fog.

"Pests huh? Do you think its fair that because of one lousy ancestor a whole family needs to suffer from something they cant control? Do you think we liked knowing what happened and how we had to murder our loved ones!? Do you know what you demons have done? Because ive seen a lot more of your kind f8ck up entire villages than my family did! Separating them then killing and raping. You think your some saint just because you were born in the castle!?"

She tossed him back with enough force to sending him stumbling a few feet as she glared at him, baring her fanged teeth as lightning struck nearby. Each step she took seemed to kill off the grass below her feet. Her familiar stood back but he was unable to do anything, in fact he to seemed to have the same aura leaking off him as she did and his body seemed to morph a bit to a creature that looked like a wolf but more demonic.​

(Eros mashes some buttons on a strange device, trying to figure out what they did. Eventually a warning sign came up on the device: "Good luck, man. -Verdas" Eros was confused at this but continued mashing the buttons like there was no tomorrow.) Eros sighs when he realised his mistake and takes one step backward. "It is within our nature to do such things. We are demons. Besides, your 'lousy ancestor' gained your family a great power that would be even stronger if one gains mastery and control over it, unlike how you are getting taken over by your own emotions which you cannot even control." He snaps back, and several portals opened behind him, in case Cordelia attacks him, which seemed very likely to happen. He laughed when Cordelia said if thought he was a saint, unable to hold back. "I wasn't born in a castle, either. I was born in a stinking dungeon and did not see the light of day until the age of seven." @MorticiansDaughter (What a coincidence. I didn't even notice till now. Eros is 17, he got out of the dungeon when he was 7, and there are also seven sins.)

(Your on your own!)

Cordelia sneered as she looked at the portals behind him, she knew he was going to try and run if she pushed him any farther and she wasnt done with him just yet. She then smirked and started laughing as the wind started to pick up.

"Because you obviously know so much about my family..its not something you can control because its no longer you! Dont you understand that? You either become well..me or stay as the weak little witch I usually am!"

She took a few steps closer to him, lightning now only striking a few feet away.

"And thats priceless..poor little demon boy locked away so mommy and daddy dont have to face the music?"

She started laughing again as she flicked her wrist and the pile of dead wolf bodies caught fire. And when she picked up a branch she murmured a few words after wiping some blood onto it, slowly the twig took the form of a curved knife so shiny it looked as if it was just made.

"Trust me..you may have read the books...but its entirely different when your born to it"​

@Verdas (I really cannot tell what kind of relationship these two are gonna have)
(@MorticiansDaughter Same.)

Eros' eyes became dilated again and he let out the scary aura he had let out earlier when he and Cordelia were back in the town. Even more portals appear and out of all of them the tips of swords, spears, maces, axes, halberds, arrows, knives, even war hammers, slowly came out, ready to fire at Cordelia at high speed if she made move to attack. He also opened a portal in the castle training yard since it should be empty today, in case he lost. "All this for the death of a single pup. You truly are mad. Are those scars on your wrist the doing of your parents, angered by your behaviour?" He asks mockingly, now certain that they will clash.

Cordelia arched her brow and looked at the weapons that now surrounded her, a small smile on her lips. Though she ignored them for the time being and continued to take small steps towards him.

"Are you that scared Eros? Can you not fight me with your fists? Or at least with a weapon similar to mine? Or do you doubt yourself so much that you need to go overkill..."

She twirled the knife in her hand and then glanced at her wrists.

"Ah these? No no..I required these from my days of the witch trials..it seems executioners dont know when to loosen up a ladies restraints right? That and I must say busting out of corded rope doesnt just happen without damaging oneself slightly.."

She raised her hand a bit causing a large piece of metal scrap to hover close to her for extra blockage form his attacks. Its not like she couldnt feel his aura because oh she could..

"And oh no not just because of the pup..but I must say that upset us quite a lot you know"

She gave him a fake pout and tilted her head.

"But how would you expect someone whos lived peacefully this whole time alone in the woods to react when a stranger comes and disrupts it all? Just as you killed the wolves for your town because of the havoc they caused..wouldnt it be just the same if I killed you for the sake of everything that lives in this forest, including myself? Because whos going to care if the animals die...or if a lowly witch dies..so someone has to stick up for us right?"​

Eros smirks and unsheathes his rapier. "Why shouldn't I use my own power? Just as you are more stronger now because of your curse, these portals are my greatest weapons, but since you insist so much, I suppose I will fight you close up, though fighting with my fists is not my kind of thing. Plus I don't want to get any of your cursed witch blood on me and my clothes." He begins walking toward Cordelia with his rapier out in front of him, ready to attack her with a barrage of thrusts. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia laughed and ran her finger along her knifes blade, drawing a bit as blood. But as she did so it also made the blade much longer now like a sword instead of a small curved blade.

"Oh dont be such a baby...your like a child afraid to get cooties"

She smirked and got into her stance, ready to take him on at any moment as her arm was outstretched and her left hand ready to cast spells if she needed. Her inner voice was yelling for her to stop but she ignored it. She let people bully her to often..hell she was lucky to have this curse or else she would be pushed around more often by men like him.​

The weapons in the portals behind him fired at Cordelia, and as they did, even more tips of weapons appeared out of the portals to be shot at her, and he approached with the portals at his back, seemingly unafraid of the possibility that he could also be hit by the endless rain of weapons. He stopped and got into a stance. "Come if you can." He challenged her, his eyes becoming more dilated, and his aura becoming stronger, showing his true, demonic nature behind the cold mask he always wore. The weapons were all aimed at her but some missed and hit the wall of her little cabin, grazing, denting, and even going through and staying in the wooden walls, while others just got themselves stuck in the grassy earth, only to be sucked into another portal and reused. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia used the metal covering to knock aside most of the weapons that would have caused excessive damage to her body though a few made it past and grazed her, slicing through her clothes and drawing blood. Her own aura combating his in a swirl of aggressive and angered feelings. Anyone within a few yards would have stayed away from this area form the feelings they would get form the two.

"My pleasure.."

She smirked and ignored his weapons as she made lightning strike right next to him, knowing that it never really strikes right where she wanted it. She focused in on him and quickly advanced towards him, swiping her blade at him in quick slashes. Even if she didnt pierce him right away it was fun to at least draw blood. She grunted when a knife from his portal struck her shoulder and lodged itself their.

"Oh she wont be happy with me for that.."

She chuckled.​

Eros stepped back just in time to avoid the quick slashes but gets a graze on his cheek and shoulder, causing blood to drip out and soak through his black clothing. "Heh. It seems that I'll have to deal with quite a bit of questioning when I get back to the palace, especially after this fight is over." He advances one step toward Cordelia and thrusts his rapier at her several times, aiming for either her throat, stomach, or anywhere fatal, and then stops when blood trickled down from his wrist from a cut. "Your sword is sharp. I didn't even notice that." He leaps backwards, away from Cordelia to wipe the blood off his hands so he could hold his rapier without worrying about it slipping. @MorticiansDaughter
Katherine growled and dodged the knives with ease. She then jumped at him, turning into a wolf. She bit his arm and then let go, turning back to human as she rose to her feet. "You little bastard!!" She hissed, her eyes silver.

A blade appeared in her sleeve and she advanced on him. "You are sick!" She shrieked. @Verdas (Got no notice..)

When he stepped back so did she, catching her breathe and yanking the knife from her shoulders as she tossed it back.

"Wonderful what magic can do isnt it?.."

Cordelia pressed her hand to the wound and looked at her hand as it was soaked in blood.

"Pain doesnt bother me in anyway..though I know when this is over shes going to feel it a whole hell of a lot...but why do I care. This is just pure fun now"

She smirked and a blade that was going to go right past her she twirled her hand a round and made it whip right back his way at just the same amount of speed and at the same time she had lightning strike down branches from the tree above him.​

Ryuu ran toward Katherine at great speed, though half as fast as Katherine herself. "I need the gold to survive without killing others for food." He said, disgust obvious in his voice. "I'm so sick of it... Now just shut up and die." He says as he slashed his dagger at her horizontally, aiming to decapitate her. @SnowFeather

Eros was surprised when his own sword was pierced through the right part of his chest, making blood spill out of his mouth like a waterfall. He chuckled, despite his state, but was stopped when he coughed at the blood. "You're better than I thought. I doubt I can continue on too long in this state due to blood loss. What a pain it is to have a body so similar to humans." He takes out the rapier, luckily it wasn't a big sword and it hit above his lung. A portal opened in the ground behind him, and he fell backwards to go through. "I'll be back for sure, witch." @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia smirked as her eyes glowed brightly, almost like purple fire.

"I plan on it.."

By the time he was gone her familiar came up to her as well as her brothers. But where hers just watched her brothers came up to her and nudged her body with his snout. Cordelia then frowned and held her head in her hands groaning.


She collapsed to her knees as her body slowly started to go back to her natural form, the blood now pouring from her wounds as she curled up onto the ground. Her familiar whimpered and started to fade back to normal as their auras dissipated.

"What h-have I gotten myself into..."

The wolves came up to her and helped her back into her home. The waved her hand slightly and put out any fire that was left from the lightning strikes and as she walked through the front door she dabbed away and tears building up in her eyes.​

Katherine ducked and stabbed him in the back. "You could have just asked for help!!" She shrieked, tears streaming down her face. "You don't have to kill to survive.." She added. She took a step away from him, her eyes glowing sympathetically. "You would have gotten help." She snapped, clearly offended that he took the offer. "I was so kind to you.." She muttered. @Verdas

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