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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

Eros looked up at Cordelia. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?" He asks as if he was unaware of the aura, appearing instead to be worried for her. 'She seemed to have felt it.' He thought to himself and glanced at her familiar. 'The wolf too, it seems. Perhaps it was why I was feeling like I was being watched.' @MorticiansDaughter

Leo chuckles. "Seems like a pain to deal with so many suitors everyday. It's no wonder you wanted to leave Dual and travel." He smiled at her. "It may not seem like it but Zephyr also loves reading. He's almost always at the library when he has free time." @Snow Feather
Katherine nodded and smiled. "Really? How nice. Do you practice archery?" She asked him and she smiled wider, getting excited at the mention of her favorite hobby. @Verdas
Leo shakes his head. "Used to, not anymore. Since I got Neon I didn't have any need for bows or ranged weapons." He taps his sword several times. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled. "Well, if you don't mind, maybe we can shoot sometime. I'm pretty good myself if I do say so." She said, smiling and laughing at herself. "Meh, who am I kidding? In Dual, I was seen as, abnormal, because I insisted on joining in on my brother's so called 'dangerous' activities. I was seen as imperfect." She explained, rolling her eyes. @Verdas

Cordelia pursed her lips and looked at him with her pupils dilated, looking him over again and again yet nothing seemed odd about him in this slightest.

"I..no. no im fine. I space off now and again.."

She didnt want to run form whatever this was, if her familiar felt it to then she felt the need to stick around in case anyone needed help. It had been a long time since she felt an aura like this. When she looked back she noticed her familiar and her brothers which made her worried since her brothers only popped up every now and again at times like these.

"You dont need to be so worried.."

She thought to herself then looked back.

"I-im sorry..I guess the wolf came back. I should um..probably walk him away from here"​

Sebastian retrieved his blade from his chest of belongings and strapped it to his hip. He pulled the cloak on and the hood up, shadowing his face. He would have to pay the price if this wasn't filled... and the price wasn't a pretty one.
Eros nods in agreement. "You should. The people here don't like wolves." He turned his head to the wolf and his eyes dilated for a moment, like a cat's or a reptile's, a common trait of a demon, and a possible weakness in this time where they kill supernaturals. He covers his eyes as if he were blocking the sun from them. "I can give you a tour after you walk the wolf away." @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia nodded, looking him over while he blocked his eyes. He was strange and the fact that his presence made her brothers familiar show up set her on edge as well.

"Yes ill um..be back shortly"

She lifted her skirt a bit and quickly darted into the forest. She ran her hand through her familiars fur as the red markings on his face glowed and shimmered.

"Come now..away from the village"

She walked with it to the area where her cottage was.​

(That annoying moment when your cat steps all over the computer...)

Leo laughed. "Well... So far I haven't seen any girls that indulge in such activities such as shooting. I did have to fight some supernaturals like you though. Some of them were just little girls with enough power to beat up a grown man. Just like you beat up that wolf back there." He puts a hand on Neon again, remembering the original owner. @SnowFeather
Katherine laughed. "Really? Well come on!" She said as she pulled his arm. She had used her senses to figure out the route to the shooting course. They came out of the gates, Katherine running off as she let go of his arm. She lifted her skirts up and ran as fast as she could while still visible (very fast) and reached the course. @Verdas
Eros decided to follow Cordelia, out of curiosity. He walked through the forest silently, following her after a while. He put the grapes back to their original place by creating another small portal in his hand and then makes the portal disappear. As he began to catch up with her, he was more careful, using the forest to his advantage and hiding, hoping none of the common wolves show up. @MorticiansDaughter

Leo could not do anything but try and catch up with Katherine as she pulled her, her strength outmatching his since she was a vampire. When they finally reached the yard where they could practice shooting, he was surprised by the speed at which Katherine ran. "You're really excited about this." @SnowFeather
Katherine laughed. "Of course!" She said, smiling. She then laughed even more. "Would you be surprised if I said I wear pants under this dress?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Before he could respond, she took of the dress, revealing a pair of brown skinny pants and a white linen blouse. She then walked over to a bie and picked it up. "Arrows?" She asked. @Verdas
Leo laughed and did not seem too surprised. "I was actually kind of expecting that. I doubt anyone could shoot comfortably in a dress." He replies, smiling. He looked around. "It's been a while since I was here. It's in the castle but... I never had any need to come here much." He walked over to a stack that held several bows, as well as many, many, arrows, duller than the arrows they commonly use. He picks up a quiver filled with them and tosses it to Katherine, picking up two bows and his own quiver. "The arrows are dull since they're just used for training." @SnowFeather
Katherine nodded and caught the quiver, putting it on her back. She focused and inspected the bow, raising it and testing the flexibility. "It's fine." She said as she took out an arrow from her quiver. She aimed with the bow, holding it steady, and let go. It flew high up into the sky and above the clouds, out of view. "Bird." She said. A second later, a bird fell from the sky, an arrow attached to its wing. She smiled. @Verdas

(Sorry got caught up in doing something)

Once Cordelia got to her cottage she sighed a breathe of relief.

"Your going to get me caught!"

She tapped her familiars nose and peered over at her brothers familiar.

"And I dont see why you need to be here..im fine on my own you know"

The two wolves then started rough housing. Cordelia sighed and started pulling her items from her bag, one by one she pulled out sacks of food and herbs as well as small bags of crystals. She walked inside her home and with a flick of her wrist the candles lit up and gave her home a cozy glow.​

Eros walked to the cottage and accidentally snapped a twig, and almost cursed. He opened a portal beneath him and came through another on top of a tree, balancing on the large branch and trying not to be seen in case Cordelia heard the twig. He saw the candles light up all at the same time and was now certain that she was a supernatural. "Zephyr tries to find supernaturals and yet he can't find them even though they are all around us." He mused, smirking. @MorticiansDaughter

Leo walked over to the bird and picked it up. "You're really good at this. Even our best archers can't do this... Not that quickly anyways." He snaps the bird's neck, wanting to end it's pain and took out the arrow, tossing to the ground. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled and bowed almost tauntingly. "Thank you. I'd be glad to give lessons to anyone willing." She walked over to him and looked down at the dead bird. She then lifted her head to the sky before going down on one knee , her gaze to the ground. She whispered a saying, bloodshed shall be eternal, but peace is thou enemy. @Verdas

Cordelias familiar heard the twig and perked his ears growling fiercely. He alerted Cordelia and she could feel it breach her mind.

"What is it now?"

She walked outside, hand on her hip, looking at the two wolves.

"No ones out there..no one ever comes this deeply into the forest you know that. Now calm down."

She rolled her but checked around her cottage once more before heading back inside. She had things floating around her as they were all being separated into jars, cans and what not. She felt a little bad about not going back to Eros but he seemed a little off and in a world where her kind is killed you could never be to careful.​

Howling could be heard as a pack of wolves approached, just passing through by chance, repelled by the presence of the two strong wolves in the cottage, until they saw Eros and began clawing at the tree trunk and growling. "I suppose this is not my lucky day. Not my lucky day at all..." He says quietly, before a multitude of portals appeared, and sword, maces, spears, axes, arrows, all kinds of weapons, began being fired from them, attacking the pack of wolves from all directions, quickly wiping them out. He jumped down and opened portals, sending the weapons back to the armory in Freigh, a bit bloody, but still good. This had made a lot of noise and now he wasn't even worried about getting caught. Since Cordelia seemed to be another supernatural, he could reveal himself. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia almost dropped her vase when she heard the pitiful whimpers of wolves in the distance, her familiar never had made a noise like this so it worried her. She put her things down and ran outside.

"What now? Are you hurt?"

Her familiar went up to her and growled, latching onto her sleeve as it led her deeper into the woods. She made him let go when she could follow on her own. But the farther they went the more she felt uneasy and a familiar smell drifted through woods masking the pines earthy smells. She stopped when she saw the bodies of the wolves, her hand quickly covering her mouth with a gasp. Her familiar growled and when Cordelia noticed Eros her body froze.

"D-did you..do this?"​

Eros walks closer to Cordelia, stepping on the bodies and remains of the now dead wolves as if it didn't bother him, and it didn't. "Who else do you think could have possibly done this? I doubt your pet would hurt one of it's own kind unless threatened or provoked." There was not even a drop of blood on him save for his legs and pants, which were now being covered in blood as he walked through and on the dead wolves. "I had suspicions about you since your presence felt like that of a supernatural. I saw you light those candles with your power." He continues walking towards her calmly, though stops when he sees her wolf growling. @MorticiansDaughter

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