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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

He looked down at his blade and back up again. Katherine couldn't love a monster, she'd find out eventually. A princess and a mindless rogue. He couldn't bear to see her face if she ever found out. She deseved better than him, he was broken. Broken and bleeding inside. She had rekindled his emotion, but... was it really worth it? He loved her, yes that was true. But he couldn't bring himself to hurt her with his past... his life... his present.

Cordelia pursed her lips and now instead of surprise she looked determined. If he was going to try and take her back she wouldnt go down without a fight, that much was assured.

"Im not letting you take me to face death Eros..id rather kill myself here than give those humans the pleasure of cutting down one more supernatural"

The skies around them grew dark suddenly and the rumbling of thunder growled down at them as Cordelia took a few steps back towards her home. Her familiar stood close, his face bright with the red symbols.

"I stay away from the village as much as possible, I help people and I live quietly. Ive given no reason to be put to death yet I must fear it because I was born the way I was."​

Eros begins laughing almost uncontrollably when Cordelia thought he was here to kill her. After a bit of struggling to stop laughing, he finally managed to stop laughing and actually talk. He knew it was very unlike him to laug like this, but seeing that the girl before him did not even consider that he was also a supernatural after all the hints he gave, he couldn't help but laugh. "Take you to face death? Why would I do that? That's a waste of time. Since you're also a supernatural, why not trust me?" He asks, now back to his usual self, the laughter wiped off his face like a stain from a mirror after you wipe it thoroughly. @MorticiansDaughter

Leo chuckles as he knotched his arrow. "I'm certain that the archers here, especially our hunters, would love to take lessons from you after seeing how skilled you are." He replies, seeming to be flattering Katherine though he was simply speaking the truth. He fired, aiming for the targets, and hits, though the arrow landed quite far from the bullseye. @SnowFeather (sorry for late reply. I tend to forget things often.)

Cordelia kept her guard up as she tried to control the buzzing she felt in the back of her head that she often felt before losing herself, she couldnt help that the fear of being taken again triggered it. She frowned and summoned a knife into her hand.

"Also? Your not trying to tell me your..your one as well are you?"

She looked him over once more but this time a bit more carefully then the first time she had, and upon looking closer she noticed his aura had mixed colors.

"But...then why come all this way and kill a pack of wolves? If your a supernatural then you could have easily avoided them without killing them...and why follow me in the first place?"

She dropped her guard for the moment, giving him the chance to prove to her he was in face not there to hurt her though her familiar growled in protest.


Katherine nodded as she rose and narrowed her eyes. She smiled as she saw him shoot. "Hmm.. Here, let me help you." She said. She walked over and helped him fasten the arrow. She lifted his elbow slightly and lowered his chin. She then put a hand on his chest. "You need to feel it in here. The wind, the grass, the sky." She said as she smiled. She looked up into his eyes before looking at the target. "Try now." She added. @Verdas
Eros sighed and began walking even closer to Cordelia. "I am a supernatural too, and yes, I could have easily avoided them but it's much faster and easier to kill them is it not?" He continued walking towards her until he was close enough that he could reach her with his sword if he wanted to. He gave her familiar a very threatening glare that would be enough to scare off most grow tigers with the intensity of the glare alone. He stopped glaring and looked back at Cordelia, his eyes becoming dilated and yellow once more, like a cat or a reptile's eyes. "Would you tell me what species you are?" He asks, now smiling calmly.

Leo nods and let's go of the string, letting the arrow loose and hit the target again, now closer to the bullseye. "Wow that shot was a lot better than the first. If I ever go into battle again, you're the first one that will come into mind to watch my back." He picks another arrow from the quiver determined to try again. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia sneered, she had lived kindly and peacefully with that pack for years while avoiding violence. She stared him down as he approached her though she kept her guard down even after feeling the intensity of his glare pierce through her. She could feel her skin tingling and her eyes started to glow intensely.

"Isnt it obvious? I figured us witches were easy to figure out once confronted.."

She gave him a mocking smirk but she wiped it away almost as quickly as it showed up. She wasnt going to give in now and give him a reason to kill her, because if the curse took over she would be in some serious trouble.

"And after closer examination I can tell your a demon like creature am I correct? Ive come across enough of your kind to know their auras by now. You just acted so..human the first time we met that I didnt think otherwise."

The blue in her eyes was now replaced by the vibrant bright red, the dark clouds over head still looming over as small flashes of lightning ran across the skies.​


Katherine smiled and took up her own boe. She fastened her arrow and lifted it up to her face, her lip brushing against the string. She aimed and let the string go, the arrow shooting off and hitting, bullseye. She smiled. @Verdas
Leo shoots again, hitting the target less than an inch from the bullseye, beginner's luck, perhaps. He puts down the bow. "I'm guessing you don't know anything about using a sword." He aims his index finger at the target and hits the bullseye with a bolt of lighting, weak enough to leave only a black mark. @SnowFeather

Eros nods. "Correct. I am a demon. However, unlike the others of my kind, I am only half demon, so I am also half human. Since I was raised in the dungeons, I don't have much knowledge of other creatures such as you." He extends his arm for a handshake. "So now that we know about each other, how about we become allies?" He smiles, a fake one, but very believable. @MorticiansDaughter

A man sees Ryuu walking to the castle and walks up to him with a fat pouch, filled with gold, and hands it to him. "Kill the Dual princess, Katherine Pierce, and this gold is all yours. I'm sure you're strong enough to kill an old man like me but I have lots of gold in a place that only I can find so killing me now will be to your disadvantage. Bring me her head before she marries one of the princes and takes over Freigh. I've never trusted that Serbion, I'm sure he's planning something." The man tries to bribe Ryuu with gold for the princess' head and Ryuu smiled at this and replied. "What man could refuse an offer like this? Of course I'll accept your job. In fact, I may be able to do it in a day or two." He was yet unaware that Katherine was a vampire but he did sense bloodlust from her before he started smelling blood coming from an alley. He walked to the castle while the man behind him began laughing in triumph.

(Thought I should make this rp a bit more exciting @SnowFeather ;P)
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Cordelia looked at his hand silently for a few moments. A dungeon? So he probably didnt have the best relationship with the royals then, but even so she had learned to survive all this time with no help. The clouds dissipated a bit and silenced.

"I dont know...allies always seemed a little unneeded to me. Ive done ok these past few years and im not sure I would like you running amok in my forest killing the animals that live here the moment you feel threatened. But I can assure that if your in any trouble..I wont deny help."

She nodded and regained her self control once more, with a thankful sigh she gave him an apologetic smile.

"Besides...I dont really even know you..I couldnt ally with someone if I really didnt know who they were. Its a trust thing im sure you know. That and..well, im not to sure getting friendly with people is a good idea for me."​

Eros begins laughing once again. "This whole forest, as well as the deeper and darker forest further inside, and the woods nearby, belong to Freigh. The people just don't come this far because of the wolves." A little pup, possibly belonging to the pack he had just wiped out, came out from under a bush, nudging it's nose against the body of what may have once been it's mother, and whimpered. When it saw Eros it growled, showing hostility and threatening him. He glanced at it and a small portal appeared, and out of it came out a chunk of deer meat. "I believe you would have protested if I tried to kill it since it seems that you're softhearted. Either way, I can tell on you anytime I want if I don't feel obliged to keep your secret. I'm certain you'll be at a disadvantage since the ones at the castle will never believe you when you tell them I'm a demon." He smirked at Cordelia. @MorticiansDaughter

Cordelia was about to go to the pups aid until she noticed what he did. She pursed her lips and motioned her head so her familiar went to the wolf pup.

"Just because people fear something doesn't mean they should kill whatever it is that instills said fear. I've known many places to fair well with their wildlife. Isn't that what's happening with us? They fear what we can do and kill us to avoid conflict. "

Her eyes widened at his threat. He truly was a demon, half human or not.

"Fine then go ahead and rat me out to whomever you want...but know that you will be bringing more death and suffering to those you send my way because I can guarantee that I won't go down without taking a few with me"

While speaking to him she walked closer to him, her eyes a bright red but now had black inking it's way up to her irises and her hair started fading and crackling into a dark purple. She started giving off her own aura like his though it was coming off in what looked like steam and it was a stark black.​

Katherine smiled. "I know some, but not too much," she replied, smiling as he left a mark. She turned into a golden retriever - after checking for people - and laid down with her head on her paws. She wagged her tail slightly. @Verdas
Eros chuckled. "Can a mere witch defeat a Phoenix, though?" He replies, not telling Cordelia any more about what he meant by that. He opened a portal beneath the wolf pup and another above his open palm, making the pup go through the one below and land in his hand. It growled and scratched for him to let go of it. He tosses it to Cordelia. "You can have this if you want. You should try doing things yourself instead of making your familiar do all the work for you." @MorticiansDaughter

Leo smiled at Katherine who was now a golden retriever and pats her pat gently. "Strange for a vampire to be able to turn into a dog." He looks around and at the windows in the castle wall to make sure no one was watching. @SnowFeather

Rye changed into his true form, a serpent of great size, and went over the wall of the castle building from a secluded alley, that once had beggars and homeless people but was only now filled with a few bones. He changed back into his human form once he got over and walked along the wall, approaching the training yard, almost directly next to the shooting yard.

Cordelia starred him down and sneered, she was not im full control at this moment. Now she was just allowing her anger to get the best of her. When Eros took the wolf pup in hand she felt the hair on the back of neck stand on end, her eyes reverting back to their natural color as well as her hair. But in the next moment she took on the form of a large black wolf.

"I dont allow my familiar to do everything..he does what he chooses to and at times I ask him to help me. Surviving alone isnt the best thing you know and sometimes its ok to have someone around to really on."

She got onto her hind legs and plucked the pup fro his hand with her teeth by its scruff. She felt it was easier to be in a form it best recognized.

"Just because you spent it alone doesnt mean you had to..I chose not to.."

Her familiar stood next to her and sniffed the pup then looked back at Eros with bored eyes before huffing and walking off.​

Katherine barked happily as he petted her and sat up. She then stopped barking as she heard a sound. She turned back to human and took his hand off of her head. "There's someone here..." She hissed. She shifted into her wolf form and started walking in the direction of the training yard. @Verdas
Leo stays silent, straining to hear if anything moved. He slowly unsheathes Neon and follows Katherine, walking beside her. Neon begins glowing as electricity surrounding it, making low zapping noises. He leans closer to Katherine. "It might just be a guard or a soldier. That's the training yard after all." He whispered to her, rationalising. @SnowFeather

Ryuu felt Katherine and Leo approaching and hissed. He took out a small, slightly curved dagger that looked very sharp, and his behind a stack of weapons, crouching and waiting for them to come. The dagger resembled a Wakizashi, a weapon from the east that almost no westerners know about. He glared through the gaps between the weapons.

Two portals appeared above Eros' hand and through it a small pouch, about the size of a grown man's fist, came out. He handed it to Cordelia. "It seems that I have offended you. I apologise, that was not my intent. I was merely pointing out a few things." He apollogetically. "Have this. There's a bit of silver in here. You can buy whatever you need in the markets with this." He was unfazed by Cordelia's sudden change of her form, as well as the dark sky above them. "You have a bad temper. You should practice patience."
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Katherine shook her head. "Its someone else..." She hissed, glancing up at Leo. She turned human and held his hand. "Stay close.. It might be dangerous.." She warned as she walked last the stack of weapons. @Verdas
Ryuu came out from behind the stack of weapons soundlessly and charged towards Katherine, making muffled footsteps that she may notice immediately. His eyes were like that of a snake's before it strikes the bird it has been staring at the whole time.

He hissed, exposing several sharp teeth, the most notable being the two at the front which were the largest and sharpest, long enough that he couldn't close his mouth completely and was forced to leave it slighty ajar.

Leo turns around when he thought he heard something and saw Ryuu running towards them and tries to warn Katherine. He had forgotten that she was a vampire that probably didn't even need his protection. "Hey, watch out!" He yells before he deflects the blow stumbling backwards and almost falling at the great force of the strike. @SnowFeather
Katherine heard him coming and knocked Leo out of the way. She hissed and jumped at Ryuu. Before he could cyr her, she jumped up on his back, knocking him down. "Who are you!!?" She yelled at him, using full strength to pin him down. @Verdas

Ryuu hissed once more and began getting up, despite Katherine's superhuman strength and chuckled. "Fancy meeting you here, princess." He says before rolling over, trying to knock her off his back. "You're strong for a human. I should kill you quickly now that you know what I am." @SnowFeather (K cya tomorrow, Snow.)
Katherine growled as he rolled over, almost getting squished. "Why would you want to kill me!?" She snapped as she wrapped her legs around around his waist to stay on his back. [Last post] @Verdas

Cordelia looked closely at the bag but stayed where she was while she spoke to him.

"I dont need the money..I have a lot saved up. And its not a temper...."

She huffed and felt her fur fluff up, she hated when people mistook her actions for anger. She can repress her anger but she cant stop how the curse makes her act and that makes her feel helpless and ridiculous.

"I wouldnt expect you to understand my situation as im sure I dont fully understand yours. All I wish to get from anyone is respect."

Ryuu sighs when Katherine wrapped her legs around him (I'm not the only one who thinks this sounds weird, right?) and began getting up, now in a position similar to squatting. "What do you think? Do you think I'd climb over that wall and go through the trouble of killing you and get nothing in return but some more meat?" He replies, getting up, then fell backwards deliberately in order to try and rid his back of Katherine. @SnowFeather

Eros dropped the bag of silver and as he did, a portal appeared in the ground to swallow the bag up. "You certainly seemed angry. A black cat with all the hairs on it's back up straight, hissing threateningly would be the best way I can describe it." His eyes return to normal, and changed into a slightly darker, yellow, faintly resembling amber. He turned to her and smiled at Cordelia like a human. "You can go back in and do your things. I'll wait out here until you're done for the tour." @MorticiansDaughter

(Sorry for late reply. I really like your status messages, @SnowFeather @MorticiansDaughter.

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