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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

"I'll see you again, won't i?" He asked cupping her face in a hand. His emerald eyes, like windows into his soul.
Katherine smiled and leaned in, giving him a quick kiss. "Of course." She promised. She disappeared and appeared just outside the castle. @Verdas
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Sebastian stood with a stupid smile on his face. He laughed lightly, what a situation! He ran a hand through his hair, by habit, his mind preoccupied by thoughts of Katherine.


Just saying her name, gave him a feeling of newfound hope. He could heal. He could move on... He could love.
Katherine nodded to the guards who hesitated, but let her in. As soon as she entered though, three guards came up and grabbed her. "Hey! Let me go! I am the Princess of Dual!" She yelled as one of them lifted her up on their shoulder. "Release me this instant!" She shrieked. "Leo!!" She yelled, hoping he would hear her. @Verdas
He goes to Kath "Leave her alone" He uses his XSCREAM scaring them. He says "Kath, run!" and looks to the guards "Let's see what you got" Someone hits his arm hitting the endoskeledon making it fall. He says "Now it is my turn" He takes the sword and cuts guards' neck. But one surviving guard cuts his face. He puts his hand into his chest and takes out the heart and smash it to the ground.
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Katherine ran and looked back over her shoulder. she saw more guards coming. "Bonnie!!" She shrieked, stopping dead in her tracks. "Get out of there!!" She yelled, her eyes glowing blue as she turned into a silver wolf. She crashed into the guards and knocked them down.
Katherine jumped at Bonnie and knocked him away from the guards. "Run stupid!!" She snapped as she turned human. She grabbed his arm and dragged him with her as she ran.
"Quick! Over here!" Esh said as she climbed out of a tunnel and signaled towards her. "Pandora, distract them." Pandora appeared and turned into a strange wind that flowed towards the soldiers and made them trip.
Zephyr walks up to the guard, wearing commoner clothes instead of his usual, and cuts the guard in half. "Traitors." He mutters, glaring at the guards who attacked the princess and drags Katherine away. "I apologize, daughter of Serbion. Did they cause you trouble?" He asks kindly, now mostly covered in blood. The guards saw the man cut in half and back away in fear. @SnowFeather (King Zephyr to the rescue (massacre))
Katherine relaxed and smiled brightly. "I would like to say no, but I prefer not to lie my King." She said as she dipped her head in respect. She felt a little tense but didn't let it show. "Oh, and its an honor to meet you." She said, curtsying. @Verdas

(In case anyone forgot how her dress looks like, check the cs.)
Zephyr nods in understanding. "I see. Since you're the one they bothered, tell me, shall I execute them here, or let them live in the dungeons?" He asks casually, waiting for Katherine's response.

Leo heard the commotion and ran to where everyone was and was shocked to see a guard cut in half on the ground and was even more shocked to see his father. "What happened here?" He asks the guards and his father and notices Katherine speaking to his father. "Are you alright?" @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled at the King. "I see no pain harder to suffer than to live the rest of your life in the dungeons." She replied. Her eyes brightened when she saw Leo. She nodded. "I'm alright. I think." She said, looking down at her hand where the guard had cut her. It had already healed, so it was no harm. @Verdas
Zephyr nods once again and knocks out one of the guards with the flat part of his sword, then proceeds to do the same to the others, who mostly attempted to resist. "For such a young princess, you certainly are cruel." He comments and turns to Leo. "Nothing much. Just a few failures of assassins that needed to be taught a lesson." @SnowFeather
Katherine stared down at her hands as she locked them, the wind blowing her long, blonde hair into her face. She glanced over at Leo, her eyes pleading for him to keep quiet about her secret. @Verdas
Zephyr turns back to Katherine. "Did you see something silver around here? I'm pretty certain I saw it on my way here." He asks, still ignorant of the fact that Katherine was a vampire because Eros did not tell him the truth. He then calls for the other guards stationed nearby to come to his location.

Leo swallows, understanding what the consequences will be if his father, the king, found out about Katherine's secret. "I'm certain it was just the flash of metal. Most likely the armor of one of the guards. I often mistake them for something like that myself when I look at them from afar." He lies, in the most believable way possible. He was only half as good a liar as Eros, but he had gotten away with things in the past. @SnowFeather
Katherine shook her head, smiling slightly at Leo in thanks. "I did not." She replied. The sun was almost setting and Katherine was almost hypnotized at the beauty. She walked closer to Leo and whispered "Thanks. I owe you." into his ear. She then turned to the king, still standing beside Leo, and smiled. @Verdas
"No problem. I told you I would keep it a secret, didn't I?" Leo whispers back to Katherine. He walked over to one of the guards and sighs. "I wonder why they would do such a thing..." He says, quietly enough for no one else to hear him, except for Zephyr who had excellent hearing.

The guards arrive and carry the unconscious guards away, to the dungeons of Freigh. Zephyr wipes the blood off his sword and puts in back in it's sheathe. He glances at Katherine. "I'm surprised that you're unharmed, princess Katherine." @SnowFeather
Sebastian had heard of the commotion down at the palace. Word had spread fast, leaving the public in slight distress. He immediately set off in he direction of the castle, only one person on his mind. Katherine. Was she ok? Was she hurt? He should have been there. He should uave protected her... he should have.
Katherine tensed and stares blankly at the ground. "Luck." She replied, shrugging. She removed the hair from her face and glanced from Leo to Zephyr. They wanted me gone. Probably because they thought I was going to take over the kingdom. But the only way I would have been able to do that would have been to marry you or Prince Eros, but I find that highly unlikely. She answered using telepathy. @Verdas
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Leo was confused by the telepathy at first but realized it was Katherine. "I see..." He replies by whispering in Katherine's ear because he had no way of replying otherwise because he did not have any special powers other than lightning manipulation. "I doubt you'll be able to take over that easily, though. That is, unless you please my father." He whispers in her ear again. @SnowFeather

(What my dad just did right now:)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/oE6zV.jpg.41efcda63d97bc98449b9cee1a50c2d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/oE6zV.jpg.41efcda63d97bc98449b9cee1a50c2d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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