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Fantasy .: Secrets :.

Leo mounts the horse he picked and notices a ring on Katherine's finger. "That's a very beautiful ring you have there, princess. Freigh has many rings and jewelry. Would you like to try them once we finish our ride?" He asks, not knowing that the ring was protecting Katherine from the sunlight and thinking of it as just an ordinary ring. @SnowFeather
"...There's a festival?" She said. The moment those words left her mouth Pandora appeared from behind her and made a mad dash into the center of town. "Wait Pandora!" She shouted as she reached for her but it was too late and she had already disappeared into the the crowd. "Dammit Pandora..." She sighed. "Oh well, as long as she doesn't cause anything unfortunate..." She said.
Katherine smiled as they trotted out of the stable. "Perhaps your magesty." She replied, dipping her head. She did not want to be rude, as she had no interest whatsoever in taking off her ring. @Verdas


Metaphysics said:
"...There's a festival?" She said. The moment those words left her mouth Pandora appeared and made a mad dash into the center of town. "Wait Pandora!" She shouted as she reached for her but it was too late and she had already disappeared into the the crowd. "Dammit Pandora..." She sighed. "Oh well, as long as she doesn't cause anything unfortunate..." She said. "That was Pandora, she's my Contracted Spirit." She said.
(Do not exspose your powers. Reminder, you'll most likely get killed.)
Leo smiles at Katherine and gives his horse another apple. "You may simply address me by Leo, princess." He sniffed the air again and made a slightly disgusted face. "Do you have a reason for visiting, princess?" @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled. "Traveling. I got a bit bored and decided to leave the northern coast of Dual. Freigh seemed like the most reasonable option." She replied as they came down to a path that led to the woods. She felt Aragon's tense body, knowing he was longing for the endless hills of Dual, where you could run for days on end. "Shall we pick up the pace, Leo?" She asked politely, Aragorn snorting as he started trotting a bit faster. "Easy." She said as she laughed. @Verdas
Leo nods. "If that is your wish." He made his horse trot a little faster. Freights horses were well trained and responded to certain gestures and commands. "Since this is your first time being here, I must warn you that the forest of Freigh is very dangerous. It is quite nearby so this is just a warning so you never go near it. Anywhere else in this kingdom you are free to go to." He says darkly, remembering the friends he lost because they wandered too far into forest. Eros returned to the spot and saw that Katherine and Leo were gone and decided to report to King Zephyr. @SnowFeather
Katherine frowned slightly, but nodded. "Surely it can't be too dangerous? No disrespects." She asked, adding the last part as she dipped her head. Might take a look later.. She thought to herself. "Well, I'll take note of it." She replied as she smiled at him. Aragorn walked closer to Leo's horse and Katherine laughed. @Verdas
Leo also frowned after hearing what Katherine said. "It is very dangerous. Getting lost and never finding a way back out is the least of your worries in that place. There are wolves everywhere." He tries to change the subject and adds "What do you think of Freigh so far, princess?" Eros enters the throne room and reports to King Zephyr and exits, with commands to find and watch the Dual princess. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled. "Very, you and your brother have been very kind to me and the land is beautiful." She replied, smiling as she looked to her side, admiring the landscape. She heard a howling and realized they were nearing the woods. Aragorn reared and Katherine shrieked as she almost fell off. "Aragorn!!" She yelled and the white stallion fell back down on his four legs. He panted and Katherine realized she'd dropped her crown. She looked down with wide eyes to see her crown laying on the side of the clearing. "Oh dear." She said as she hopped off. The woods are still a bit away, no reason why a wolf would come here. She thought as she bent down, reaching for her crown. She heard a growling and looked up to see a big black wolf standing a mere feet away from her. She gulped. @Verdas
Leo saw the black wolf and unsheathed his sword, Neon, and unmounted his horse who was now out of control and was surrounded by an electric shield. He ran in front of Katherine with his sword out in front of him. "Didn't think I'd have to deal with this today... Oh well... Stay back, princess." He says as if it were a casual thing though this wolf was bigger than the others he'd faced before. "This is why you stay away from the forest." The electricity surrounding him grew brighter and more violent, zapping and striking the ground around him. @SnowFeather
Katherine took a step back and her eyes glowed yellow as she stared at Leo. Her nails grew longer and sharper and she felt panicked. (Can you do it so that he somehow gets attacked so that she can intervene?)
(Sure.) Leo charges at the wolf and slashes but the wolf jumps aside and leaps at him, going for his throat. Leo curses under his breath. He still had his electric shield but it didn't protect from attacks, just something that would damage others if they made contact. (There you go.) @SnowFeather
Katherine gasped and she snapped. She jumped and as she rose from the ground, she shifted into a snow white wolf and leaped at the wolf, crashing into his side. They wrestled in a bundle of fur and claws. She whimpered as he clawed her face and they seperated. The wolf growled and jumped at her again as she laid on her side. She kicked up her hindpaws into his belly, causing him to fall into a tree. She rose to her paws and lashed her tail, growling as her eyes glowed yellow. The wolf wimpered and rose. @Verdas
Leo looked at Katherine with shock and surprise. "You're a... You're one of those supernaturals?" He asks in disbelief that someone from a royal family, especially the princess of the Dual kingdom, could be one of those monsters. Eros arrives at where Leo and Katherine are and hides on a tree, watching the silver wolf and the black wolf fight. "Hmm... I must let the king know that the princess is dangerous. No one would believe the princess of Dual is such a savage beast, and killing her would mean war." He thought to himself. @SnowFeather
Ciel watched as the strange girl ran twords town. He was meeting a large batch of peculiar people today. Ciel walked into the library, the woman said she could handle her girl so Ciel chose to believe that. @Metaphysics
Katherine turned human as she panicked. "I-I.." She stammered before she ran off. Aragorn chased her and as he neared her, she hopped up on his back. "I'm sorry!! I would never hurt anyone!" She called, her voice full of pain. @Verdas
Sebastian rubbed his chin, he lay lazily on a rooftop overlooking the city. He was deep within his thoughts, his green eyes glazed over. A woman of royalty, a *princess* was one of the supernaturals. The thought almost made him laugh out loud. If it wasn't for seeing it himself. His mind mulled over the events.
Leo put his sword back in it's scabbard and quickly got on his horse to chase Katherine. He noticed the pain in her voice and felt bad for her, unlike Eros who simply thought that she must be gotten rid of as soon and as discretely as possible. Eros leaped off the tree and ran back to the castle to report to the king, leaving Leo to go after the princess. @SnowFeather
Katherine trotted into the town square and hopped off Aragon's back. She led him to a stable and then came out alone. She walked into an alley, to avoid being noticed by as many people as possible. She straightened her dress and fixed her hair, crown resting on her head. @XxLuluxX @Verdas
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Moon walks after Ciel and she looks around the library "So many books, though I'm sure you have a lot of books at your house as well" she says looking at the younger boy. @Artorias
Eros reported to the king of Freigh and nodded when he was given orders to let the princess know that the king wants to have a private talk. He went back through the portal he made and looks for Katherine. Leo arrives at the same place and leaves his horse in the stable besides Aragon and orders the guards there to help looking for the princess. One of the guards find the alley Katherine was in but was separated from the others. "I found the princess!" He yells but was not heard by the others through the noise of the people. @SnowFeather
"I have my own private library that holds more books then this place could even dream of having." Artorias walks around the library grabbing books filled with folklore of the land, and some on the lands economic value. He found a place to sit and began to read. "Do you read at all miss" @Flame Demon
He was snapped away from his thoughts when he heard a cry ring out. "I found the princess!" A guard yelled. He stood, smoothing his suit and looked over the edge of the rooftop. He was greeted by the sight of Katherine, and a guard at the entrance way to the alley. He crouched and lept down, with inhuman grace. He landed and pulled himself to his full height. "Nife evening" he smiled charmingly to both the guard and princess.
Katherine saw the man and shrieked. She saw Sebastian. "Yes, excuse me!" She said as she spun around, running off behind a corner. She kept running and stumbled into a man. He was dressed as a noble, but his appearance looked more like one of those guys who picked up girls at bars. "Well hello there." He said and smiled, grabbing her arm. She shrieked and tried to get loose. @Verdas @XxLuluxX

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