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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

"But there is always the chance things will be different, right?" he ignored the comment about wanting to knock him out. She wouldn't be able to beat him!
"No, cupcake! I enjoy having the fresh meat here. Do you really think you will be able to get away with not doing chores? I will make you, just like I have everyone else..."
(Quit... not quite lol.)

"Call me cupcake one more time and I don't care if I go to prison!" Shane screamed, her face red from being so worked up.
"You've said that before and how did that work out for you?" He smirks and laughs, he enjoyed calling her cupcake.
"I sleep one room away from you. I can make your life a living nightmare," Shane growled, her hands clenching into fists.
"Like you would want to do that," he scoffs, "You are all bark and no bite! You are just a big...Cup...Cake."
Shane suddenly launched herself at him, their bodies colliding. She planned on showing him just what she was made of.

(Should his parents come out and see them scuffling? xD )

Michael and Shane fell to the ground with a hard thump, knocking the wind out of Michael leaving him stunned for a few seconds. He eventually gets his arms up to block allowing him to roll over to pin her to the ground.
Shane threw a few punches before he recovered himself, but once she was pinned to the ground she glared at him, not saying a word and trying to get out of his grip.
Finally, his parents were awake and his father walks out to see Shane squirming underneath Michael. "What are y'all doing there?" He calls out in his boxers and a bathrobe.
Shane looked towards the voice and her eyes widened at the sight of the man on the porch. She then glared at Michael, yelling,"Get off me!" and a few other choice words.
Michael gets off of her and dusts himself off. "We were just messing around dad," he says and does an awkward laugh. "Go get yer chores done," his father calls out.
Shane got up and glared at him, brushing herself off as well. "Oh, yeah right! You provoked me!" She yelled at him.
"You are the one with anger issues!" He says loudly. His dad frowns, "Both of you go do the chores before I have to punish you!" he says in a stern voice that commanded respect.
Shane looked over at him and narrowed her eyes. "Sure, whatever, pops," she mumbled before shooting a glare at Michael.
He begins to walk towards the fields as his father watches them. "Come on Cupcake, we have a long day ahead of us!"
"Quit calling me cupcake!" Shane screamed, making sure his father heard. Cursing louder than she should have, she started following him.
Michael gets to the field first and begins the day by sitting on the wooden fence and staring at the sunrise.
"This is the precious chores you people are so motivated to get done?" Shane asked him, unamused, as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"Will you be quiet for one minute, it is important to start the day off right...which means watching something beautiful, like the sunrise."
Shane sighed and rolled her eyes at him before leaning back at the fence, glancing up at the sky for a moment before shaking her head and shoving her hands in her pockets.
After a few minutes, he hops off of the fence and walks towards the cows, "I'm gonna show you how to milk a cow."

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