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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

Shane glared at him and it got more and more intense the more he talked. She figured attacking one of the people there wouldn't do to good for her, but all she wanted right then was to knock his lights out. "I'm this close to knocking your lights out!" She shouted at him, clenching her hands into fists. "Call me cupcake one more time," she ground out, slowly stepping closer to him again. While she didn't look very strong, she had taken down a guy before... which led to the cops finding her and sending her off to some other program that she didn't last long in.
He raises his hands in surrender, before he smiles and says ,"Alright you win, cupcake." He winks as he sees the anger flash over her face. He could take her, he was fast for his size and he was taught self defense.
Shane glared at him, her anger burning inside of her like a wild flame. "I said stop calling me that!" She shouted, so close to throwing a punch that it was visible in her twitching nerves that were just waiting for the go ahead from her brain.
"Are you afraid of me, cupcake?" He laughs and acts like he isn't even a threat, but he was actually in a defensive stance in case she came at him.
"Afraid? Of you? Oh, please! I've met worse than you and sent them packing!" Shane yelled, finally snapping and throwing her fist at his face. She was tired of hearing him call her that stupid name and she wanted to teach him a lesson for it.
He easily swept her fist aside and it went weakly back to her side. "Was that it? Is it my turn now?" He smiles.
Shane glared at him, not having expected him to deflect her punch so easily. "You wouldn't dare," she growled, preparing herself for whatever he would do.
"Would you quit calling me that?!" Shane snapped, watching him as he started to walk towards the fields. She still didn't want to start the 'chores'... or ever do them for that matter. She wasn't sure if she was mad or relieved that he didn't take his shot.
"Are you going to stand there all day cupcake or am I going to have to 'encourage' you to do chores?" He laughs again.
"Would you knock it of?! My name is Shane, not 'cupcake'," Shane yelled in frustration, not moving an inch.
"I am not! I've gone through a lot worse than you have, hillbilly! Things you couldn't even dream of, so I would shut your trap before I tape it shut!" Shane yelled, clearly getting worked up once again.
"Well if you have been through so much, why can't you handle a little bit of work or even touch me with what you call punches, ya big cupcake!"
"You people will never understand so there is no reason for me to waste my breath on you!" Shane screamed, so worked up that her face was turning red. She was surprised that nobody had overheard them.
His parent's were pretty heavy sleepers luckily. "All we want to do is help! Why do you shut out anyone who is trying to help you!" He shouts.
"Because any time I let anybody in they always made me pay for it! Why would I let that happen again?!" Shane screamed, tears threatening to form in her eyes, but somehow managing to keep that from happening.
"Well how would you know if we are different or not if you don't even give us a chance!" she shouts again. He was trying to get her to see that they wanted to help her.
"Because I've given enough people enough chances! I'm done with people like you!" Shane shouted back, wishing he would just see her point so he would shut up.
"No! That is not how the world works, cupcake! You need to trust people sometimes..." he seems to be oddly calm now.
"Well, sometimes you give up when every time you've tried you failed! See it through my eyes and let's see you still making this case!" Shane yelled, anything but calm.
"What is the point of living if you don't take chances and trust people? You would end up all alone in this world...do you really want that?"
"What's the difference? It all ends the same! I'm tired of trying to explain myself to you," Shane told him, a near growl in her voice.
"You don't know until you try!" he says loudly and raising his arms, "Isn't that right...cupcake?" he smirks.
"Would you quit calling me that?! All you're doing is making me want to knock your lights out!" Shane screamed again. "I've tried too many times so just shut up!" She added.

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