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Second Chances (Mobius & Sgt Gomez)

He frowns, "I said get up!" He pulls the covers from on top of her, unknowingly though she was partially on the covers and she was pulled off of the bed. His eyes go wide as he sees her fall.
Shane growled in her throat, the best human growl she could muster. However, her eyes widened and she yelped as the covers sent her to the ground with a thud. Cursing loudly, she looked at him with a glare. "Who the heck do you think you are?!" She yelled at him, adding a few other things. Grumbling under her breath, she brought herself to her feet, still glaring at him.
He tried to act tough, but he really felt sorry for pulling her off of her bed. He watched her walk over to her closet. "I will give you some privacy to change, but I want you downstairs in 5 minutes or I will get my air horn."
Shane shot him another hot glare as she pulled out her clothes for the day, a pair of tight black pants and a v-neck stonewashed colored t-shirt. Once he was gone, she got changed, yawning like crazy the entire time. She put the boots from the day before on before she flopped down on her bed and shut her eyes, there was no way he would come up and use an air horn.
Lo and behold, 5 minutes had passed and he always made good on his promises. He whispers, "I'm sorry," before letting loose with a new and fresh air horn. Luckily his parents and Sasha were below us so they were not able to really hear the air horn go off.
Shane heard him come back, but, not expecting him to actually have an air horn, she didn't open her eyes. She heard him whisper an apology, but it was too late. She screamed and literally jumped into the air as it went off, a new string of curses coming about of the mouth. "You're a freakin' pesticide!" She yelled.
"I told you that I would give you 5 minutes before I came back! Now get up and go outside!" He yells and points to her door. He puts the air horn in his room and walks outside to find Shane.
Shane mumbled a few other choice words under her breath. She watched him leave before rolling her eyes and walking downstairs, going outside and lighting a cigarette she'd grabbed, walking far enough away to avoid that mess again. She sat down in the grass along the driveway as she dreaded the moment he would come looking for her.
He spotted her immediately when he walked out of the house. "Shane, when you are done with that cigarette, let's start the morning chores!" He walks over and stands over her. When it came to work, he meant business.
Shane sighed and rolled her eyes when she heard him coming over, talking about the chores that she so dreaded. When he stood over her, she looked up at him and sent a puff of smoke in his direction. "What's the rush?" She asked, pretty much just trying to get on his nerves.
"Well, the earlier we get this done, the sooner you can sit down on your lazy posterior,' he sounded mad. He was very to the point and sometimes hurtful when he was mad.
Shane rolled her eyes. She was long past letting words like that hurt her. "Whatever," she said before blowing out another puff of smoke, but surprisingly not at him.
"Now finish that cancer stick and let's finish because I would like to do other things today than babysit a city girl like you."
Shane glared at him when he said what he did that time. She was so tempted to burn him with the "cancer stick", but she knew that wouldn't do good for keeping her out of prison. "You realize that the more you talk, the slower I'm going to finish, right?" She asked him, pulling the cigarette out of her mouth for a moment.
"Well the slower you take, the closer you get to going to prison," he smiles at her with a hint of anger underneath.
"You think you're such a tough guy," Shane mumbled with a roll of her eyes, still not getting up off of her butt.
"I'm tougher than you cupcake," he says and begins to walk away, he was trying to lure her into getting up.
Shane glared at him, trying so hard to not bite the bait he was setting out. "Oh, really? You don't even know who I am!" She snapped, having a hard time focusing on her smoke.
"Then come show me who you are cupcake!" He shouts back at her. He knew it was getting under her skin.
Shane gritted her teeth, nearly death clutching the cigarette in her hand. She knew what he was trying to do, but she didn't want to give in. It was so hard to resist the temptation, though. "You don't want me to!" She yelled at him, practically shoving the cigarette back into her mouth.
"oh really? That sounds like chicken talk to me, cupcake," he says and turns around with his arms out. He liked calling her cupcake since she hated it.
Oh, how Shane hated him calling her cupcake. She absolutely hated it. What he said last teared it and she stood up, throwing her cigarette down to the ground. She was clearly infuriated by his words and she stormed over to him, a look as cold as ice and hard as stone on her face as she took away whatever personal space he had. "Don't you dare test me," she nearly snarled.
As she approached him, he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. It wouldn't hurt her, but it would cause a lot of pain. He leaned in close and whispered, "You live here with my family now and if you do 1 thing to hurt them then you will have to face my wrath now let's go!" he lets go causing her to fall forward a few feet.
Shane's eyes widened momentarily in surprise when he grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back. "Augh!" She exclaimed, pain pulsing through her from the position she was put in. After he whispered what he did and she was sent stumbling forward from him letting go, she turned to face him and glared at him. "If you think you intimidate me in any way, you're sadly mistaken," she ground out, but then she took a deep breath and let it out,"But if you think I'd hurt any one of your family, then you're as stupid as you come off to me as. I'm not that kind of person, but as far as I see it, you're fair game."
"Are you trying to prove something?!? Do you want to fight me! Because if you are let's go cupcake!" He laughs and outstretches his arms again. He motions his fingers to try and taunt her to come at him. He didn't like hitting girls, but if he needed to, then he would.

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