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Fantasy Sea of Spells OOC

I’ve got my last assignment due Tuesday next week and then an exam on June 12th 🙃 Chemistry is exhausting me
Hey everyone!

An old friend of mine wants to join our current roleplay. I told him I'd talk to you all, and get your okay before adding another player. Five players can be a crowd, just by way of schedules slowing things down. Dragon is pretty reliable when it comes to posting, so I wouldn't be worried about it personally. Still, I won't allow him to join if you all would rather keep it streamlined.

Tldr: do you all mind a fifth player?

cinnarinn cinnarinn EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1 This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable cherrycosmos cherrycosmos
Sorry about that delay everyone. I'm willing to accommodate everyone else taking a bit longer to respond as a result. Obviously I was giving some time for cherry to take their turn, but I also got caught up with work.
I'm going to go ahead and let my pal Just_Dragon Just_Dragon join in on the fun. By the way my man, that one anime reference we discussed will be an ultimate attack kind of thing. Yes you can destroy a Spanish galleon, but no more big blasts for that battle, capish? Just for the first chapter
Hi everyone! Just noticed that I was mentioned here, hopin' to join y'all once I get my character situated for the setting 😎

I'm going to go ahead and let my pal Just_Dragon Just_Dragon join in on the fun. By the way my man, that one anime reference we discussed will be an ultimate attack kind of thing. Yes you can destroy a Spanish galleon, but no more big blasts for that battle, capish? Just for the first chapter
I promise that I wasn't planning on doing it left and right, but when it DOES eventually happen, it's gonna be sick

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