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Fantasy Sea of Spells OOC

Appreciate the explanation- at least it gives a bit more context. You did specifically say it was fine to bunny your characters so, since Abel is out on the beach recruiting, and Raf is unlikely to just walk up and say 'I wanna join your crew, random stranger', it didn't seem like an issue to give Abel an obvious, generic line. Again, if you want me to edit the 3-4 non Raf/M lines in the post, just tell me what I need to change them to.

As for the whole scene with Helena, since it seems so important to get it out there, why don't you just PM me about it and we can collab' on a side/short-while-ago flashback post that can introduce whatever you want to introduce without requiring me to rewrite my entire intro post or jump out of the post order and current interactions?

EDIT: Oh wow I just realized what happened. The bunnying thing is from the other RP I've been looking at joining at the same time as this one, and I just confused one for the other. I'm so sorry about that- this sort of thing usually doesn't happen to me, but I'm so exhausted and overwhelmed that stuff I would normally be on top of just falls through the cracks x.x Any way feel free to PM me about those edits xD
Ahhhhhhh, well. I definitely can't fault you if you thought you WERE following the rules, lol. Thanks for the apology, I'll start a PM
Stok Stok Hurrah! I was trying to keep her power down as to not be OP but, now that I've really read and understood the point where every one else is, I agree that she does seem a little under powered. I think that those two assumptions would be correct! I feel she is probably known for her almost monstrous physical capabilities even before she began traveling on her own. The runes she has right now probably serve a few different purposes besides strength like speed, durability, mind (an example would be to allow for faster reaction times to be able to strategize in the heat of battle), and probably a few others. We can definitely sit down and discuss more on her runic magic as runes can have multiple different meanings - as well as discuss the effects of them. Like EIHWAZ with it's multiple meaning of yew, wisdom, the mystery of life & death, and passing through a gateway.

As for more powers, I would add them according to the runes that she applies to herself, taken with whatever meaning she means to give it. I don't want to make her a god though! Like if she has an rune that lets her control water, she isn't going to be able to destroy the world with a humongous tidal wave after etching it into her skin. More like she would be able to read the currents, tide, and have some sort of manipulation over water.

If you wanted everyone to grow in power as the story goes, then the extent of her growth can be discussed, perhaps towards a later date she might be able to make large waves etc.
Stok Stok Hurrah! I was trying to keep her power down as to not be OP but, now that I've really read and understood the point where every one else is, I agree that she does seem a little under powered. I think that those two assumptions would be correct! I feel she is probably known for her almost monstrous physical capabilities even before she began traveling on her own. The runes she has right now probably serve a few different purposes besides strength like speed, durability, mind (an example would be to allow for faster reaction times to be able to strategize in the heat of battle), and probably a few others. We can definitely sit down and discuss more on her runic magic as runes can have multiple different meanings - as well as discuss the effects of them. Like EIHWAZ with it's multiple meaning of yew, wisdom, the mystery of life & death, and passing through a gateway.

As for more powers, I would add them according to the runes that she applies to herself, taken with whatever meaning she means to give it. I don't want to make her a god though! Like if she has an rune that lets her control water, she isn't going to be able to destroy the world with a humongous tidal wave after etching it into her skin. More like she would be able to read the currents, tide, and have some sort of manipulation over water.

If you wanted everyone to grow in power as the story goes, then the extent of her growth can be discussed, perhaps towards a later date she might be able to make large waves etc.
There's going to be an opportunity for a power up about halfway through where we'll all delve further into our arcane studies. You can add your other powers before then, however. And as a caveat for having access to many different types of runic effects, let's make it so that she can only use one at a time. Perhaps after the power up, two at a time?

Either way, you are clear to post my friend. Once you do, we'll move right along with the plot.

As far as scale: I think she could summon a wave to knock into a mid-size ship with force. Not completely capsize it, but maybe do some damage and slow it down if we're chasing it. After the power up: you could completely capsize smaller boats and rock a man-o-war

Edit: I think it would be rad as fuck if Astrid were our navigator. Using her ocean rune while we're in transit to ensure we stay on course without us having to pay attention.
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Mkay, looks like I'm next up in the posting order. I should have my edits to the first post (almost finished) and my reply/second post done within the 48h posting window- bear with me as I deal with more insanity.
Mkay, looks like I'm next up in the posting order. I should have my edits to the first post (almost finished) and my reply/second post done within the 48h posting window- bear with me as I deal with more insanity.
Take your time. You've got plenty of writing I dumped on you! Everyone else, be sure to keep an eye out for that edit. It'll have a few details about Helena in it
Sorry to be a pain, but could I make a teeny tiny request from everyone... Could we use more obvious colours for our text? I have my site in dark mode as it helps with my mild dyslexia, and some of the text colours have been difficult for me to read.
Sorry to be a pain, but could I make a teeny tiny request from everyone... Could we use more obvious colours for our text? I have my site in dark mode as it helps with my mild dyslexia, and some of the text colours have been difficult for me to read.
Yes, please do try to accommodate everyone.
Hey all!!! I'm very excited to hear you were strategizing behind the scenes. I wanted to share Abel's weaknesses in case they weren't clearly outlined enough in his sheet. Maybe it will enhance/change the plan.

All the magic is basically offensive. The slight healing described in my Biomancy will basically give Abel magical tumors if overused. So enough damage to him in general and he'll give in.

The tarot cards are one-use only until the whole deck is replaced. This means he likely won't go for the most powerful spells unless he's literally about to die.

Hexes require a ton of prep time, and therefore are useless in hand to hand combat unless the battlefield has been prepared. (Hint, the wrestling circle was not enchanted by Abel, but by Kofi)

cinnarinn cinnarinn Ayama Ayama EmperorNorton1 EmperorNorton1

I know we discussed you won't be in the 3v1, but I felt bad not tagging you lol This Name is unavailable This Name is unavailable
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First post has been edited. Second will be a lot shorter, so shouldn't take too long to get it done and posted as well.
Everyone please feel free to share your thoughts on Helena and her crew based on Ayama's post. If you think they can be befriended or if they'll become an enemy. What abilities they might have, etc.
they would be very powerful allies, but we'd need to earn their respect, and they'd need to earn our trust. possibly, a common enemy would do the trick, once we are stronger.
some incorect quotes sorry if they are wrong im going off vibes


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I imagine Sebastian saying the denny's thing like a proud and innocent hero character. Like he doesn't understand the denny's parking lot isn't a cool place for a wizard duel lol
Sebastian, in a modern universe, would have been a techie in his high school's theater productions. he knows the hell that is a Dennys at one am full of highschoolers is hell. he has seen things, terrible things.
The last one is definitely accurate for Astrid! I would say she would be the type of person who you would see sitting at a fire, enjoying a bowl of soup, looking lost in thoughts that seem a million miles away, something incomprehensible! When she's really only like, "humans are technically soup." 😂

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