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Fantasy Sea of Spells OOC

Pretty standard demon fare- leathery black skin, sunken glowing eyes, large horns... Nothing too exciting, really xD
Hey guys I wanted to let you know that my brother is visiting, and so it’s gonna be a little bit before I can get my reply in. Thanks and so sorry!
Ayama Ayama would you mind phrasing your last paragraph as an "attempt" to knock the wind out of Abel, instead of saying it already happened?
Sure, but I'd much prefer collaborating on posts like this, because fight scenes or quick dialogue/interactions are an absolute drag to write without inter-player collaboration and take way longer than they should.
Sure, but I'd much prefer collaborating on posts like this, because fight scenes or quick dialogue/interactions are an absolute drag to write without inter-player collaboration and take way longer than they should.
I feel exactly the opposite. It's my favorite part, actually. As a matter of fact, the bulk of the roleplay I plan to do like this. When we aren't directly involved in dialogue or off-action plot, there will be many many wizard battles where Im not going to tell the crew how to defeat the boss or enemy. If this isn't the type of roleplay you enjoy, we might be diametrically opposed. I'm sorry about that.

Edit: To me, combat in roleplay can be a chess match if both parties are in agreement to the rules. I enjoy describing the combat, and the scenes do take some time to portray properly move-by-move. Its why I screened your characters' exact abilities so thoroughly so that I knew what would be fair or unfair to throw at you. That's the kind of roleplay I like. It seems to be the opposite for you, and that's okay.
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Oof yeah, that basically sounds like written-form DnD so that's gonna be a hard pass for me. Imma finish up this scene with y'all and then write Raf out of there- in any case I appreciate the heads-up.
Oof yeah, that basically sounds like written-form DnD so that's gonna be a hard pass for me. Imma finish up this scene with y'all and then write Raf out of there- in any case I appreciate the heads-up.
I mean, I'd hate to make you participate in something that isn't fun for you lol. I can understand it's a drag, and the scene could potentially carry on. We could delete the posts with Raphael attacking with the demon and just keep the ones of him sulking for flavor and lore. Then the roleplay just picks up with the others strategizing, and you don't have to write any more

I'd prefer that over a forced exit actually, so I'll go ahead and handle that. I won't delete them just in case there's anything you cared about in there character wise. If you want to copy and paste. If not, let me know when you're at peace with me making those edits.
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If anyone else doesn't like that particular description of the roleplay, no hard feelings if you thought this was something else. You may speak without prejudice!
I'd appreciate you not deleting my posts, as I put time and effort into them and already had to edit them twice. Not attacking after being insulted is not entirely out of the question for Rafael's character, of course, but I'm getting tired of being asked to re-write everything when I already agreed to see this scene through to the end for continuity's sake so I wasn't just bailing and leaving you all to retcon the events in my absence.
I'd appreciate you not deleting my posts, as I put time and effort into them and already had to edit them twice. Not attacking after being insulted is not entirely out of the question for Rafael's character, of course, but I'm getting tired of being asked to re-write everything when I already agreed to see this scene through to the end for continuity's sake so I wasn't just bailing and leaving you all to retcon the events in my absence.
You don't even want to be part of the story though. I don't really want to continue a fight scene with a character who won't be participating. I'd rather the plan I had for forming the crew actually involve my crew I'm going to be playing with. Like you said, fight scenes take a long time. I won't delete your posts, but you're really taking my roleplay and giving it the run around. You're getting tired of rewriting, but I'm getting tired of having to cater to your idea of what MY roleplay should be. And I'm sorry to everyone who has to read this very ugly message, but I've felt like I'm being told I'm running my own game wrong this entire time. Im sorry we couldn't play together Ayama, but I don't have any further interest in writing this scene.
I'll be honest I don't actually understand what you want. I feel like things you said contradicted each other, which probably means I must have misunderstood at least one of them. Since you were nice enough to be clear about the kind of RP you're trying to run, I figured the least I could do was put in the work to finish up this scene the way it currently is and gracefully and naturally write Rafael out of the story, so that no deletion, further edits, or awkward retconning would be required.

If that made you feel like I was trying to tell you how to run your game, then I apologize, as it certainly wasn't my intention. I was just trying to be a team player- just because my style doesn't fit with the RP and it's best if I leave, that doesn't mean I can't at least do so in a way that naturally flows with the conclusion of the current scene, so as to not make things more difficult for the players who are staying.
Thank you! I have not caught up on the current story line, but after reading Aya's must current post, in wondering if there's a summary someone could give me
alright, basicaly, we are a bunch of prospective pirates for varying reasons, and Abel, our dm's oc, has a ship and is looking for a crew. the way to join the crew is to beat him in a fight.
Ahhh... Hmm... I assume he has some sort of arcane ability then. Which makes it difficult to beat him
Hmm... I'll look into that. But I know Aya and really follow get ideas of good RP/story telling.

So... I'm a bit hesitant to jump into this.

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