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Realistic or Modern School of Stars | Fight To The Top

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Danielle & Rashad

Feeling; Danielle is feeling nervous. Rashad is feeling excited. Interacting With; Danielle is interacting with her brother, Rashad.

Danielle's drive towards Grandell Heights was pretty peaceful. She jammed out to almost every song on the radio station until she pulled up into a parking space near the school. Upon her arrival, she saw her brother, who was interacting with his friends. She smiled and shook her head as she closed the car door and placed her sunglasses on the top of her head. Danielle strutted herself into the main building of Grandell Heights and just stared around for a moment, looking at the bulletin boards and sign up area. She felt someone tap her on the shoulder as she turned around with a bit of attitude until she saw it was her brother.

"Hey Bro." She cooed while giving him a small hug. "What are you doing here so early? Freshmen are not suppose to be here till later." Rashad said while eying Danielle. "Maybe I didn't want to be considered a Freshmen." She said while eying a lady before her, hair tied up into a bun as she held a clipboard. "Who is that?" Danielle said while pointing at the female. "Oh, that's Miss Davenport. She's head of the Musical Department here and actually produces successful plays here." A slight smile appeared among Danielle's lips as she muttered. "Me and her are going to get well acquainted soon." Rashad chuckled then punched her playfully in the arm. "Alright Sis. I'll see you around." She smirked a little. "Try not to."

Rashad twirled away from Danielle, who was still roaming the halls as she saw the lists of musicals the school had produced. She gasped when she saw some of them and a lot of memories fluttered throughout her head. She heard a pair of heels click behind her as she looked in the glass and saw Miss Davenport standing behind her. "I've produced this half of the memorabilia." She stood closer to Danielle now, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah, this school is for stars. Not wannabes." Her cold, piercing stare glared at Danielle. "Which one will you be?" She muttered softly then trotted off. Danielle was frozen in place as she didn't know what to do.

A few minutes had passed and she could be seen, struggling to get her luggage out of her trunk. "Crap!" She cursed under her breath while still struggling. Danielle sighed while sitting on the opening of her trunk now, nearly falling in as she now huffed and wondered if someone would help her. She saw a few upperclassmen pass by her, giggling as she just mimicked them while eying the scenery of Grandell Heights.

She was going to love it here. She could tell.
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Ben slides out his luggage from his parents car, not hard to take them out if you set them with you. Pulling back

his jacket's hood, the outside not as cold his parent's car. He looked over to a person seeming to have trouble with her luggage. Not really enjoying the sunlight, almost a vampire in ways.

Ben walked in the school, Grandell Heights, his notebook in his pocket, on the inside scribbled all over with poems, orginal drafts, crossed out mistakes, arrows flying almost every direction, red circles over every misspelled word, everything leading up to his plain draft, final draft.

He looked around at the inside and back down on his map, Ben started to walk to his dorm, following his map of the school, his luggage following him.

Nina Isabelle Renée

Nina closed her compact mirror as she brushed away a few loose strands of hair away from her eyes. She eyed up the building before sighing. Yet another year. It wasn't that she didn't like the school, it was just a bit tiring after a while - not seeing anything out of the usual that was. She looked across to see a girl struggling with her luggage, more or less getting it out of her car. She walked towards the girl, waving at a few people who called her name but inwardly she frowned. How annoying.

"Do you need any help?" She asked with an eyebrow raised. She walked towards the girl with a kinder smile - at least one that changed from the one she had before.

She looked towards the upper class men who were giggling and rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, they were once in your position too" she said as she helped shift the luggage around. "I think it's a case of once you're the victim you being to victimise other people" she said with experience. She looked across to look at the time at the grand clock before sighing. There was still a lot of time and the freshmen were coming late today - things were going to be a bit hectic.

"I'm Nina by the way, I'm in my second year. You are?" She asked with a smile though no one could really tell whether it was fake or real. She said was an actress after all and sometimes it was the hardest role to play of them all. Though she could swear the girl looked familiar. Did she have a relative here? Maybe something like that, it didn't really concern her anyway. She didn't really see the point in getting involved in affairs that weren't of importance.​


Alec Ryder

Alec hummed as he made his way to the school gates, he was here before but popped out for a while to get some coffee. A man needs something to start his day right? He remembered talking to Nana before he came to the school. 'Tienes mala cara'. She could never be more right. He sighed as he walked along and nodded to a couple of people in acknowledgement. To say he was known around here would be an understatement. There were so many rumours about him he lost count and generally just stopped bothering as a whole. It was a lot easier that way anyway.

"Where to go..." He murmured as he placed his hands in his back pockets and looked at the class list. He bit his lower lip in confusion. To go or to not to go into class - hmm tough decision. He shrugged his shoulder as he threw his coffee cup into the bin and held on to his bag. He walked towards the outside courtyard. At least he could be in peace for a while. He kicked at the ground before finding a bench to lay back on. Back again, and this time it was going to be tougher too. But he would have to persevere to say the least.​
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"Can you smell that boys?" he asked, and his friends looked rather confused at his loud sniffing, "It's the smell of helpless freshmen girls!" he said and the group finally understood and cheered. They were in the courtyard with a boombox, as it had been a tradition for them to meet and battle once before they were officially entering the new year. As usual Dante had shown his immense superiority over the group, and was crowned champion once again. At the end of the year they would have a dance off again, but Dante saw no reason why he shouldn't win once again.

"Look up! Who is that girl with the mini-shorts!" he began singing the song 'What a day in London', "It's not a pair of short, it's a skirt, good grief what can it be?" the guys seemed very entertained by his display.

"Look there, i swear, she's got a real nice pair, she must wild, she's just a child." he went on and the girl heard him and immediately covered up, he simply gave her his crooked smile and a wink and she blushed and ran away.

"But guys seriously, John here is the only guy with a lady! And how the hell is that possible, I mean have you seen his face!" the pride that had been present on John face at the mentioning of his 'conquest' named Anna had been completely washed off by the laughter that now filled the air.

"No guys I am serious." Dante said and sat on the ground in a lotus position rocking back and forth in a elegant almost female manner, "What is your secret dude?" he said and the guys laughed once again, because they knew that he mend that he must have some insane trick because his looks didn't help. "Hey I am just kidding around, Peter is ugly as hell too!" he said and Peter immediately stopped laughing, while the others fell the to floor. Dante knew were he excelled, and humor among men was one of these.

"Now let's dance!" he yelled, wanting to show another.

He got up and hit play on the boombox. The song "Teach me how to jerk" came on and Dante let the music guide him. Hip Hop and break were his favorite styles, but if it came down to what the teacher here would suggest or him, it was ballet. But right now Dante was doing a sick flip, making the boys go "Ohhh". And that was the reaction he liked, not the stiff eyes of an underwhelmed crowd in a fancy opera house.


"Excuse me...sorry, coming through!" Amara was riding her skateboard around the school grounds, trying to get some good footage of the school, featuring the new and confused freshmen. She saw a pair of siblings hug, and made sure to capture it. She saw Dante sing his legendary freshmen song, and made sure to capture it. And then she saw a boy lying on a bench, and she knew who that was, it was Alec. Oh Alec, he was the hottest guy in the entire world. Or so Amara felt, she had had the biggest crush on him for so long now. Well three years, but she wasn't even sure if he knew who she was.

"What the hell Jones?" one of Dante's underlings exclaimed when she had gotten a little to close to his backpack. Same as Dante's she noticed. What unoriginal friends he had. She sighed as she turned to go on without apologizing to the guys. She went past Alec, though making sure to film him with her attached-to-backpack-idea camera. Inside she noticed a new student who seemed to be interesting, he seemed to be looking at some scribbled notes, properly a poet or songwriter, she thought to herself as she filmed him.

"These shots are amazing!" she exclaimed as she took another round around the courtyard. She stopped a couple of times, once to get a pair of lovers goodbye kiss, once to capture a girl with a suspiciously barking backpack being caught by a teacher, and then once to catch a shot of Nina Renee whom she had had her eye on for quite some time. But she ended up in the courtyard once again where Dante seemed to have started another round of his stupid battle-tradition.

She tried taking her normal route but her skateboard was caught in a crack in the stone, and it send her flying right onto the bench where Alec was lying.

"I am so sorry!" she exclaimed while still lying on top of him, her cheeks as red as the freshest tomatoes...


Alec Ryder

His eyes widened in surprise as he felt someone hitting him. As she quickly stood up he too quickly got up and brushed off his clothes. Rather than check if he was okay, he went straight ahead to see if she was fine or not. "Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" He asked with a frown as he saw her with her face really red. He raised an eyebrow slightly being completely oblivious to her feelings though he knew who she was. She was Amara - she filmed the productions brought on by the school and he would be a liar if he didn't say that her skills were amazing. But he recognised her because everyone called her Indiana - after Indiana Jones that was. And why did he remember that? Because it was the first movie Nana had shown him as cheesy as it was.

Once he realised that she was fine he held his hand out to introduce himself to her though he didn't know that she already knew him. "Alec" he said quickly not bothering to mention his second name. Most of the rumours about him originated from his surname. Something about how it seemed 'strange'. He rolled his eyes at that. Just because people were actors didn't mean they needed to be dramatic in everyday life. He gave her a gentle smile unlike what he gave most people which was mostly cold looks. He didn't really have a choice seeing what they thought of him.

He looked towards Dante and his crew for a second, they were rallying up a crowd it seemed. "Did he do this?" He asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. It wasn't Dante in particular who started all these rumours about him but it definitely was his friends. Heck, apparently they knew more about his own life than he did which was a pretty scary thought. Though he did calm down a little to make Amara not think that he was going to beat the snot out of those idiots over there.

@Anno Bane
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Daelynn E. Rose

Opening Act

The cab ride to the school was a torture. Out of all the possible cab drivers the city had to offer, Daelynn got the can that smelled like cheese, and the driver that made inappropriate jokes and seemed to think that she cared about his first time proving he was a man. "So I see the chick, right? And I sayta her, I think you and I will make cute babies." Daelynn's face turned into a pained expression really not wanting to here the story. "By the time I knew it, we were both..." Daelynn threw up a little in her mouth as the driver described in very disturbing details the scene. Why did I forget my headphones? Why, out of all the times, did I choose now to forget my headphones? Daelynn looked over to the backseat next to her and saw her lucky pillow poking out of her bag. Daelynn reached over to the Super Mario Star shaped pillow and shoved her face in it yelling in frustration. "Yeah that's how she sounded, but a bit lower and with more of a moan sound." Daelynn looked up with a disgusted expression for a second before plopping her head by down on the pillow careful to not make any more sounds.

Arriving to the school felt more like arriving to heaven. Not because she was looking forward to the experience she would gain in the school, but because she was finally out of that cab. With both arms carrying two bags each, Daelynn made her way to the school. Walking through the doors was like walking into a palace. Coming from the country side, the smallest bit of elegance made Daelynn feel like a princess. She looked around the place her eye's widening in awe and mouth dropping. Feeling the overwhelming sense that she was in a fairytale, Daelynn walked into the school in her tiptoes and twirled around the room pretending to have a beautiful ball gown dress flowing around her.

Daelynn danced her way into the front office to sign in. She placed her bags down on the floor for a bit and spoke to the woman in the front with a fake British accent only to amplify her belief that she was a princess in a castle. "Hello, My name is Daelynn E. Rose and I am a new to this kingdom. Is there a knight that can show me the way?" The woman rose an eyebrow obviously not falling for the accent and handed her some papers and a key. She spoke in a slow and high pitched nasally voice. It sort of reminded her of Ross from Monster's Inc. "This is your schedule and room assignment. Leave your stuff, go to class, don't get in trouble. Everything you need to know is in those papers." Daelynn bowed still keeping her fake accent, "Thank you very much m'lady. I shall send you a messenger with a gift." Daelynn grabbed her bags, papers and key and headed over to her room.​


Feeling; Frustrated. Interacting With: Nina.

Danielle had just given up on getting her luggage out of her trunk. She didn't really appreciate the upperclassmen giggling at her instead of helping her. Her eyes fluttered up towards this female walking her way, who had actually stopped. "At least someone is going to laugh in my face." She spoke towards the female then realized she was there to actually help her. Danielle sprung up when the female asked did she need any help as she nodded her head while turning around, waving her hands at her luggage. "Yes, I would love it so much." She leaned down and helped the female shift around the luggage and finally pulled it out. "Oh my god. Thank you so much." Her ears twitched slightly at the female's words the eyed the upperclassmen. "Yeah, I know. I'm going to crush them so it doesn't matter to me." Danielle said then slammed her trunk.

"That was so dramatic, wasn't it?" She asked but wasn't really looking for an answer as she eyed the female that introduced herself as Nina, a second year. "Nice to meet you. I am Danielle, Freshmen obviously, right?" She chuckled a little bit the pulled her carry on over her shoulder while pulling up the two handles from her other luggage. "Hm, mind showing me around to the Freshmen girl dorms?" She asked her with a raised brow and rocked on the balls of her feet as she hoped that Nina would say yes.

As she waited for an answer, the intercom boomed to the outside as Miss Davenport voice came over it. "Attention everyone of Grandell Heights. To start this year off, I'll be holding auditions for this year's musical tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to seeing you guys there." The intercom beeped and turned off. Danielle couldn't really contain her excitement as she was literally jumping up and down, her raven colored hair bouncing along with her. "So, are you going to audition?" She asked as she began to walk and wheel her luggage behind her, following closely beside Nina.


Feeling; Excited. Interacting With: Dante.

Rashad was wandering around the school, bumping into the new kids on the block and giving them encouraging advice about Grandell Heights. He saw that Dante and his crew going out to the courtyard as he smirked a little bit. Rashad waved for the Freshmen to follow him to the courtyard as he saw Dante dance moves. They were impressive, to say the very least but Rashad was here to battle him. "Remember our battle a year ago, Dante?" Rashad asked while stepping through the sea of people and eying him now. "Where I won and you were a sore loser." The crowd ohh as Rashad made a small insult towards Dante.

Rashad turned the boombox back on and did a couple of moves that didn't require a sick flip. He was a Hip Hop dancer as well. He finished his small routine then eyed Dante with a smirk then looked off and saw a girl fly over and land on the bench, where a guy was sitting. Rashad raised a brow then went back to eying Dante. "I'll be waiting for another battle." With those words said, he walked off and took his Freshmen entourage with him.

They entered the Freshmen dormitory area as he showed them a side for the girls and a side for the boys. Most of them asked why the Freshmen wasn't upstairs like the rest, Rashad turned to them. "Because you have to work your way up." He chuckled at his little pun while walking off and exiting the Freshman building, thinking about Miss Davenport's announcement.

@AllThisBadBlood, @Anno Bane

Nina Isabelle Rénee

"Crush them? It isn't dramatic at all" she chuckled as she looked at the girl with curious eyes. "Actually it's good that you have your head in the game" she replied to that. She knew many people who came here for "fun" and ended up crashing and burning because of it. Once they were done pulling all the luggage out of the car Nina had finally smiled. Thank god they were done. It was getting hot and she needed shade immediately.

"Of course I'll show you to your dorms" she said with a smile. If it means I can get some shade then why not? The freshmen in front of her wasn't like the others. She's special. Nina raised an eyebrow at her actions before smiling. Yep, she's definitely going somewhere.

She listened to the intercom and a smile came on her face. The school musical was always so picturesque and grandeur. She remembered that last school plays - all of which were successes. She had only ever been in one of the school musicals and that was when she was a Freshmen and when life wasn't so hectic like it was now. "Maybe, I'm not so sure but by the looks of it I'm guessing you're going to audition?" She asked with a playful look on her face.

It was cute how Danielle was excited over it so she decided to answer obviously. Though she hope she knew what she was getting herself into. Most of the kids in the musical are ruthless. But then again seeing that, Danielle didn't really have a problem.

She led Danielle to the female Freshmen dorms and looked up. "Such memories" she murmured with tone somewhere between being happy and being sad. It was a bit confusing. She looked towards Danielle and plastered on a fake smile. She was an actress, she had to be the part.​



Dante was distraught by the sudden stop in his music, and when he saw Rashad, he wanted to hurl. The guy was still thinking about something that happened last year, in a period were Dante was more concerned with almost being deported, having his visa revoked, because of the North Korean threats. But it didn't change the fact that Rashad was good! Really good, and he wasn't certain if he would be able to win even if he was at the top of his game. If the challenge was Hip Hop. Dante cursed under his breath as a Amara fell on top of Alec, but he was to busy with self pity to care about what they were doing, or who they were doing. If the challenge had been ballet, he would have won, but in this western world the practice of ballet was considered less than manly, and Dante had had his share of snarly remarks about his profession back when his name was Choi. The western world might not have been as free as he had hoped it would have.

As one of his friends tapped him on his shoulder he regained his composure.

"Are you just going to let him talk to you like that?" Peter asked him, and Dante shook the self pity of and regained his slightly narcissistic flair.

"Oh, you are going down at the end of this year Rashad, I will make sure of it!" he growled. And the boys seemed more pumped than ever. They really were nothing but his possy, he even forgot their names sometimes, he just surrounded himself with lesser personalities, so he himself could appear more manly. He always felt like his masculinity was threatened by his dance. Even the hostility he had around women was because of a pretend higher-level-of-testosterone-disease, that everyone thought he had. He looked at his sack filled with the basic clothes, but more importantly his dancing clothes, both Hip Hop and 'others'. On the old sack were stickers from all over the world. Nobody knew why he held the sack so close to heart, except one person, someone at the school. The truth was that the sack had been the one he was smuggled out of Korea in. It was his last connection to his nation of birth, and even though he hated the place, he just couldn't let go 100%.

"I'll see you later dudes!" he said and grabbed the sack and his boombox and went to the main hall to be registered. He was assigned a room and he ran up the stairs the third year dorms! It's almost over, he thought to himself as he entered his room and leaped into the bed.


"I'm okay" she quickly leaped of Alec, her cheeks feeling like they might burst in a moment, all the blood rushing to them made her knees go all wobbly. "I was just skating and then a crack....stupid crack... no no it's not Dante's fault! Even though it might as well have been." she said mumbling the last part. Amara was so flustered and embarrased that she didn't even notice the extended hand, and when she did she might have grabbed it a bit to harshly and most certainly with more enthusiasm then intended.

"Nice to meet you Amara.... I mean.... I know who you are.... You are Alec Ryder, and I am Amara...not you. Definetly not Amara, you don't even look like an Amara!" she rambled on, she really hated her name.

"But please call me Indi!" she said still kinda stumbling over her words. She let go of his hand and brushed herself of, as she noticed that she had scraped her knee. Not the best day to be wearing a pair of short without having on knee-protectors.

"Sh*t!" she said as she always felt kinda nauscious when it came to blood.

"I need to sit down!" she said and she fumbled for the bench, but then her mind went to something completely different. Her camera, it was on the ground, so just as quick as she sat down, she got up again and ran to her precious baby.

"Are you ok?" she asked it while checking if anything was cracked, but it seemed that it had survived without problem.

"Oh my god, I don't know what I would have done without you, I am so glad that you're ok!" she exclaimed and kissed her camera, over and over until she realised Alec was still there.

Amara's outfit:

Alec Ryder

"Might as well have been?" He asked with an eyebrow raised as he folded his arms. "You can't let people push you around..." He said with a smile before he ruffled her hair with his hand and laughed. His eyes slightly widened when she grabbed his hand. Damn. She was strong, she was quite strong actually. Then again Alec wasn't a dancer nor a body builder so they couldn't really expect him to have huge muscles. He smirked when he saw her flustered face but shook his head with a laugh.

He laughed once again when she started to get confused about the names. She really was something wasn't she? He shook his had before he nodded at calling her Indi. This time he leaned against the bench rather than sit down on it with his arms then by his sides.

He noticed her kiss her camera and he couldn't help but feel kind of - happy? Inside. If that was the word for it. Most people usually got sick of their passions by the time they entered the third year and a lot of people dropped out so to see her treat her camera with such care kind of brightened his day. Kind of.

"So that's your camera" he said out loud as he lifted her camera from her hands and turned it on himself. He looked at the video before giving a boyish smile and hitting the record button.

"So Indi" he said in an interview style as he focused the camera on her face and zoomed in slightly. "This video is evidence that could potentially be used against you in court" he joked around laughing before attempting a serious face and focused the camera at her once again. "Do you or do you not confess to falling on Alec Ryder in an attempt to kill him?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

@Anno Bane
Jung-Eun Jedynak

Jung-Eun stepped out of the taxi that took her from the Airport to Grendall Heights. Being in such a foreign place made her hyperventilate slightly, taking deep breaths every so often to calm herself. Her brother didn't even know she was here. She blinked a few times, puffing out her cheeks out of habit before blowing out air. "O mój..." she whispered to herself in Polish. She tossed her hair over her shoulder before turning around and walking to the back of the taxi. With the help of the driver she got out two pink frilly suitcases. The small Korean girl set off towards the check in area. After a few minutes she found the place. Her heels clicked against the floors as she gave them her name and what she was studying. "Jung-Eun Jedynak. Spelled J-U-N-G-E-U-N J-E-D-Y-N-A-K. Music Composition." She spoke quietly in English, giving them the spelling of her complicated Korean and Polish name. With that they handed her her room key and number. It took the girl a long while but she found it. She didn't take time to unpack. She had to find her brother. She placed her suitcases on a bed before leaving the room, locking it on her way out. After a few seconds of deep breaths she set off around the dorms, asking around for her brother.

Jaxson Jedynak

Jaxson was quick to move his stuff from his second year dorm to his third year dorm. So far his photographs had been in 23 showcases. But he wanted more. This year he was going to work to get his photograph into Hollywood's number one art exhibit. This last few years had sucked with the fact he hadn't seen his family in two years and he missed them greatly, but all he needed was one more year. One more year to get his name famous. Jaxson pushed his sunglasses up his nose and grabbed his camera, exiting the room. He planned on going to the dance hall or something to get some action shots. He slid down the stair railing before hoping down and heading over to the hall, messing with the camera in his hands. "Lets see if anyone is serious enough to be practicing right now. I want to turn them into art." He whispered to himself.

((Disclaimer: The siblings are heading in complete opposite directions at the moment))
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~Ivanna Reefer~

Ivanna currently sits in the grass within the campus's courtyard, cheerfully watching other students. With it being her second year at the academy, the female does not see the point of wandering around as she did last year. Her camera is set gently on her knee, but, in her criss-cross position, it is obvious Ivy is not currently snapping pictures. She sits up perfectly straight and her eyes calmly shut. Her hands blindly feed her mouth a handful of fresh blueberries, and she chews the fruit as politely as she can. Her face is already decorated in its usual array of makeup, complementing the girl's outfit of the day. Her eyes flicker open to triple-check her flat-ironed hair in her hand-held mirror. She grins at her reflection, squinting her eyes a bit too much for the camera. She focuses on keeping her eyes visible, despite the sunlight shining upon her and returns the mirror to its place on the grass. Ivy smiles at her bare feet and wiggles her toes happily. It is very rare to catch this female with any form of shoes on.

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Dante lay in his bed for a while before he got up and ran to get a shower. He loved taking showers, it was a luxury his childhood had been lacking. Big time! So he let water wash over his body, washing all the sweat and worry off of him. And when he was done he felt 100% reborn, ready to face the day. So he ran to his room, put on some clothes and ran down to the courtyard once again, where he saw a real beauty. Sitting on a bench with her beloved camera. He was sort of surprised that Ivanna wasn't snapping pictures of everybody, but he simply ran to her.

"What a lovely lady sitting there all by herself. What man would let such beauty be left by herself." He said and knelt before her, grabbing her hand and kissing it. He let go and then laughed a bit at himself, she probably thought he was weird but it didn't matter.

"I am surprised not to see you looking through that thing!" He said and pointed to the camera on her lap, but let it go with a shrug. He made a handstand and fell down on the bench the wrong side up, somehow he thought it was comfortable. He put on his sunglasses and raised his head at her again swinging his legs.

"So what do angels do in there free time?" He was really asking her what she had been doing this summer but he liked making people roll their eyes at his antics. He loved pissing people of, he loved testing his limits, because back in North Korea he never had the chance to be a child. So now he was a 21 year old child at heart. He had the body of a 21 year old, but the mind of a 14 year old. And he loved it.


Amara was really surprised when Alec took Baby, yes her camera was called Baby. She wanted to take it back, but it seemed like Alec knew exactly what he was doing. And she didn't mind him seeing what she had filmed, except for the place where she had filmed him, but that wasn't on that camera but on her backpack camera. So he could look all he wanted, she thought to herself and smiled.

"So Indi, Do you or do you not confess to falling.." oh shit he wasn't going to say " on Alec Ryder in an attempt to kill him?" she breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled at the camera. She didn't particularly enjoy being in front of the camera, but something about seeing Alec in that way made her wan't to play along.

"Never, I will never confess. Muhahahah!" she laughed and went closer to the camera. "NEVER!" she yelled and sat back. She then looked into the camera.

"Safe under first school day, self-footage, under the file happy memories!" she said in a serious voice. It helped her later, when she had to trim the footage, ad decide where to put it. She had hours upon hours of footage and she needed to divide it in away in which it would be easy for her. She grabbed the camera and turned it at Alec.

"So Alec Ryder, are you ready for your final year?" she asked him. Feeling a lot more confident behind the camera.


Alec Ryder

Alec raised an eyebrow when he heard her talking to herself but laughed it off anyway with an unusual boyish smile. He was usually less expressive than that. She really was something though, wasn’t she? Though he had to admit that a part of him was glad that she wasn’t like the others – at least she didn’t buy into the rumours about him (though some of them were real). He shook his head before thinking about the question. Was he really ready for his final year?

Well… ” he said with a pause before smirking. Not the arrogant type. The type that would tell you that he has a plan or the kind that the devil flashed moments before he fell from heaven. That type of smirk.

I would tell you, but then I’d have to keep you close so you don’t spill my secrets” he chuckled before he gave her a wink.

Though this year, I am hoping to record something in Spanish” he said as he flashed a genuine smile. Nana was always reminding him that rather than always singing in English, he should return to his roots and make a romantic ballad like Alec’s father once did for his mother. And that’s what he was going to do.

Remembering all of what he wrote so far he began to sing quietly “Cuando el noche avanza entre sus brazos, las mananas se ven mas claras. He empezado a vivir a traves de tus ojos porque derramar mas lagrimas”.

He turned to Indi before giving her a gentle smile. A part of him was proud of being able to make that much considering he wasn’t very good at heartfelt songs at all. He looked down before taking the camera before facing it back to Indi.

Well, Indi. When you’re famous and look back on these videos – who are you going to thank?” he asked which a grin on his face as he joked around.

@Anno Bane

Evangeline Barillot

Evangeline didn't stand out that much. She was one to blend in with the crowd a little too easily. The one thing that made her pop out was the silvery tone in her long hair. It certainly did not look like an old woman's hair, it looked more like the first layer of snow when winter comes knocking on the door. The hair even seemed to shimmer if the light hit it properly, but that would be considered very rare. For this occation, the strands of hair were pulled into a fish-tail braid, one that had gotten a lot messier over the night. Not that she cared all too much, appearance was the least of her worries. This year, the final year, would be the one where everything would matter. Every wrong step, every bad choice, would suddenly mean something. Luckily, she wasn't one of those bad girls. She wasn't unfocused, she got every homework done a few days earlier; She wasn't loud, she would be the one sitting in the front row writing down everything the teacher said; Nor was she the party girl, she preferred to stay home and read a book rather than spending a night out with a whole bunch of alcohol. The whole thought about loss of memory due to liquor gave her a feel of unease, according to her it was pathetic.

But right now, the girl wasn't lost in thoughts. No, she knew exactly where she was heading. She had looked forward to it for several hours. Now, you may ask where she was headed. But oh just look at her clothes. She wore black tights and a slimmed, black tank-top. Around her shoulders hung a grey, woven sweater and her feet were warmed up by leg warmers and fuzzy socks. Intertwined with her slender fingers hung a pair of shoes that distinguished her from the others- a pair of pointe shoes. Sure, the outfit may have been terrible. But there comes that one part yet again, she did not care. People have all the rights to judge her if they want to, as long as she'll be able to do what she loves; dancing. And besides, she would take the leg warmers and socks off as soon as she begins her practice, it was just to keep her muscles warm, that's what her mother used to say back in the day.

Evangeline snapped back to reality to see where she was going. While she walked, her fingers ran through her braid which resulted in her silving hair falling loosely down her shoulders. She then stretched out her arms which also led to a melody of cracking noises coming from her spine. "I should really book an appointent with Natasha" She mumbled, the thought accuring due to her recent pain in her upper back. The woman she spoke about was her new-found mother-figure. In reality, she was just another physiotherapist who just happened to see Eve as her own child. She had all the tips and tricks when it came to taking care of an aching body.

Evangeline blinked a few times as she continued to walk but looked down on the shoes she held in her hand, only to avoid any eye-contact from the bypassing students.

Jaxson Jedynak

Jaxson continued to walk along the path to the dance studio. He normally did landscape shot around the campus. He was always finding something new to photograph. A birds nest, a dewy spiderweb, a single blooming flower in a field of dead ones. But this year for his entry for the Hollywood art exhibit he wanted to do a set entitled 'A Picture Perfect Dance'. He wanted it to mainly consist of action shots with various dance styles. From a downrock by a break dance performer, to a couple doing a mediocre dip, to a prima ballerina doing a perfect jeté. He wanted to capture the joys different dance styles brought to people. With that he was heading to the studio, in hopes that someone would be there.

His goal in mind didn't stop him from taking other pictures however. Upon traveling to his location he stopped, intrigued by a blonde hair girl and Dante talking. It wasn't the interaction between the two that intrigued him though. Jaxson crouched down, pulling his sunglasses off and placing them on the top of his head. He brought his Nikon to his eyes, zooming in and focusing on the camera that rested on her knees. It was a nice camera. Professional of course. He snapped a single picture of it before replacing his sunglasses and standing up. He let his camera rest on his side as he continued to walk to the studio.

It took a few minutes longer than it would take a normal person to get to the studio due to Jaxson stopping every five seconds to tae yet another picture. When he finally reach the studio he lifted his hand up to the handle. It was lock. Which meant no one was inside just yet. Pity. Although, he had a mission her wasn't going to fail. Instead of leaving, he settled himself down on the ground by the door. He was using his Nikon D3200 today. As he sat and waited for a dancer, he switched out his lenses to one that would be able to focus quicker. He was excited to see who would show. Would it be a new freshman excited to work on their career, or an old timer, serious about their work and ready to dance until their toes bled.

Evangeline Barillot

The noise in the hallways increased as more students appeared. In fact, there were few spots left in silence. One of those were where Evangeline was headed. During heer years at this place, she had learned that the most appropriate time to practice dancing was at this hour. It had grown to be a part of her morning routine. She knew the exact schedual of when the dance studio was empty. It had become that glimpse in her eye every morning. Sure, the silence wasn't all great, every dancer needed some kind of music. But it was the fact that the room would be empty that excited her. No judging looks on some unfamilliar faces, no odd gazes, just plain mirrors. If she were to admit it herself, Eve was kind of shy on the stage. She was never the kind to stand in the center of attention, more the type to stand suffering in the shadows behind.

There, in the distance, she saw the all too familliar door. A wooden one with a golden doorknob. Childish as she was, her face lit up ever so slightly before she hurried to the door and walked inside. When she took a quick glance across the room, it was just like she had expected, empty. Not that she was one to notice anything else, but she thought she was alone. It pleased her ever so slightly, she was now able to have the room completely to her own. She was able to move as freely as she wanted to, not worrying about crashing into others on the run.

Evangeline dropped her pointe shoes in the center of the room and sunk down right next to them on the wooden floor. There she removed anything that could be making it hard to move, like the leg warmers and the sweater. In the end, she just looked like a dark shadow, with her whole outfit of slimme, black jersey material. But there came that part once again, her silver hair brought a little life to her clothes of choice along with the shoes.

Once she had put her white hair in a tight bun, she began those minutes of preparation. With cracking noises every here and there, she stretched every mucle that a human body was able to stretch; She tied on those shoes that an ordinary person would consider impossible; She even got up and did some warm-ups. Jeté's, Passé's, Developé's, you name it. Those all to familliar moves in order to get her muscles warmed up. It took another quarter before she did reached it. Even then, she had lost to her thoughts and had disappeared into the world of ballet.

When those fifteen minutes had passed, Evangeline waltzed over to one of the sterios. The one that still had her CD in it. Ever since she was a child, she had been practicing the same song with her mother. It was the stereotypical ballet solo. You all know it, The Dying Swan. It might've seemed boring to most, but Eve had this way of really messaging the emotions through her dancing. She was passionate about it, her dance became the mirror of her soul.

While she put on the music, she cracked her ankles before the violin started to play from the speaker. In the same rythm as the music, Evangeline got up on her toes and began to roam around the floor in the same dance that her mother had thaught her. It was like she was hypnotized by the music, her mind had been left somewhere along the way, because all she did was to feel the song, feel the dance.

Jaxson Jedynak

Jaxson got bored just sitting there. He could have sworn someone would be there by now. He didn't let that small fact let him down. Instead he just stood up and walked down the hall. Right there he laid down on his stomach, aim the camera at his eyes towards shoes. He wasn't entirely sure where he was going with the idea of taking pictures of shoes but he thought it was a good shot. He spent a ten fifteen minutes on the ground, getting picture after picture. He ignored the stares he was getting from the freshman. They would get used to the sight eventually.

Then he heard it. 'The Dying Swan'. He knew this song because his sister could play this piece forwards and back. Jaxson quickly stood up, looking towards the dance studio door, the faint music seeping through the thick door. How could he be so foolish as to not realize someone was in there? He quickly walked over to the door, slowly opening it. He decided not to interrupt the girl dancing as much as possible and quietly shut the door.

The women dancing was Evangeline. He had heard of this dancing prodigy. He'd even seen her a few times. But he didn't realize how good she was. He didnt realize how easily he could get captivated so easily. It seemed like a clash of shadows and light coming together as one. Jaxson quickly shook his head out of his trance. He was quick to bring his Nikon to his eyes, focusing it on the girl. He captured her leaping through the air, as though there was no such thing as gravity. The polish boy continued to click his camera again and again, each shot perfect. He finally pulled his camera away from his eyes, examining the photo's he had just taken. "Piękny..." he whispered the word beautiful in polish, admiring the way Evangeline's face told a story in each shot. This is what he needed to make his set perfect.

~Ivanna Reefer~

Ivanna grins briefly at Dante but tries not act too excited as he kisses her hand. Ivy loves attention, but even she knew better than to drool over a dance major. They love being looked at just as much as she does. She instinctively hugs the young man and gathers all her hair to one side of head. The girl giggles at Dante's behavior, finding his immaturity rather cute and exciting. She tilts her head like a confused puppy as the male turns upside down.

"I think everyone knows I'm out of their league."

Ivy grins as she jokes with him, and she snaps her fist picture of the morning. The camera shines the image of Dante on its screen and Ivanna nods, satisfied. She tries to copy his position, but her petite size causes it to be quite troublesome. She huffs a weak sound of frustration and shrugs.

"I went home and saw my Gramps and Nana; they don't like to get out much with the heat and all... And I went to the beach, of course!"

The female unbuttons her jean shorts and carefully exposes her left hip, proud of her even tan. At times such as this, Ivanna forgets the limits put in place at the school and sees all the other students as her family.

"No tan line, see! I adore the sun's magic!"

Evangeline Barillot

The passion in her dancing what somewhat extraordinary, there wasn't even any thought behind it. She just felt it. The corepgraphy had already been planted inside her head, where it had been ever since her first steps. Her mother was kind of a pusher, always told the child what to do, even if it resulted in the damage of her body. Whether that was a good or a bad thing, you decide for yourself. But Evangeline believed it was a good thing, she wouldn't have put her soul into anything this much if it wasn't for her mother. She was the source of her talent.

The melody slowed down, more drama was put into it. Someone who had heard that song before would know that it was soon to end. The young woman now danced close to the ground, following every piece of the coreography. As the music became more dramatic, so did she. She messaged the emotion of anxiety and sorrow, heartbreak as well. Everything about her ballet was spoken with expressions on her face and her body. As it did any ither day, a voice in her head talked to her. A voice of a loving mother that told her what to do. Lift your chin...Pull back your shoulders...Point your toes more. And so it had went on every practice since her mother's death. It was almost something to expect. Of course, she was the only one to hear the voice, but it made a good tutor. Nevermind the fact that she may have been considered insane.

The final position, where she laid on the ground with her torso folded over the outstretched leg. Her forehead touching her knees and her arms reached forward, touching the hem of her shoe. The final note echoed through the speakers before the room fell silent. But there was that one sound, a clicking one, that caught her attention. It sounded like a metallic click, something that could not have come from a human being. No, it sounded more like a camera. Evangeline threw her eyes off the ground and focused them where the noise had come from. There, by the wall, stod a young man with a proffesional camera on glued to his face. But the lens wasn't directed towards his own face, it was directed towards her. The girl shrieked loudly and sat down on her bum. "What the hell are you doing?!" She screamed as she crawled backwards across the floor until she hit the wall behind her. Her face was covered in panic and a little bit of fear, she wasn't expecting someone to be watching.


((Hate to break it to you, but I'm goin on a trip over the weekend. I don't know if I'll be able to post anything until sunday. But feel free to continue without me if you really want to ))

Jaxson Jedynak

Jaxson brought his camera back to his face, taking one shot after another. He was completely entranced. He walked around, making sure to stay out of the ballerinas way. He stood on a chair once, getting a few above shots. He laid on the floor, making her jumps seem higher than eve before. He finally went back to standing, taking a few more shots as the last few measures of the melody played at. As the white hair girl finished dancing, the final position looking like a final swan. He moved over slightly angling his camera to make sure he got the way her hands folded together on top of each other as well as the leg folded beneath her. One last click. It was loud in the silent room.

"Huh?" Jaxson raised his eyebrow, confused. "Isnt it obvious? Im taking pictures." He held up his camera, giving a grin as he held up his Nikon proudly. The polish boy brought the camera to his face, snapping a picture of her frightened one. It was an usually beautiful shot. He let go of his camera finally, letting it hang from the strap around his neck. The polish boy took a few steps forward. "That dance... The way your body moved... it was so... so..." He struggled to find the right English word, completely giving up and just speaking in polish. "wspaniały." He nodded, satisfied with his word choice. He smiled once move, looking the tall fine girl up and down. "Where did you learn to dance like that?" He asked, titling his head as he shoved his hands in his pockets. However he realized something. He took his hands out and walked towards the cowering girl, holding out his hand in front of her face. "Jaxson Jedynak. Here for Photography. Ive heard about you Evangelina." He spoke softly, not wanting to frighten the girl but not knowing when to back off.


((its fine, im actually moviing to florida tomorrow and loose internet for a few days so ill be gone as well.))

Why was he asking such hard questions, Amara screamed in her head, and all sorts of weird facial expressions made it's way onto her face. She looked around thinking it might help, while starting a long "ehm". THINK, tree, no, bench, what the hell Amara, are you going to thank that bench? But then it hit her, this was also were she had met Alec, and where Dante would always flirt with her, in fact that bench did have some meaning to her.

"I am not going to thank a who, but rather a what! This bench was the bench I was sitting on the first year, so nervous, seeing all the talent the school had to offer, that i almost peed myself. But then...." she stopped and her face turned red again, " You came and talked to me, and I showed you a small video, and you told me how good I was!" she said, but then swiftly continued, "It is also where I shot my first video, of Dante singing a weird song to a beautiful girl, I think it was Evangeline!" she continued. "This bench is were I sat before finals last year, it's were I sat when I learned that my father had gotten into and accident, but also the bench were i sat when i heard that he was out of critical condition. So that's it, this bench is my favorite part of the school!" she said and smiled.

She then quickly got hold of the camera and turned it off, not wanting to rely on it any more.

"Are you going to audition for the musical? I mean I am thinking of begging Miss Davenport to let me tape you, so I can make a trailer for the school website like I did last year. Did you know the ticket sale went up by 5% last year after i put my trailer up!" she said excited. She loved the fact that she had been able to contribute to the muscial.

"Really I was considering auditioning, but i don't think I'll get picked" she mumbled, whispering the last bit, because she really didn't have the courage to audition, with the amount of talent at the school, but she really wanted to make her parents proud, and they would be over the moon proud if she landed a role in the musical.

Alec Ryder

He thought about what she said before it really did hit him. That was exactly what happened. He remembered having coming to this school for the first time – everything was so strange. He felt like a small town boy in the big city, then the first person who spoke to him was – well it was Miss Davenport but then after that he met Indi at the bench. A smile crept on his face as he looked down to the ground with a sudden awareness taking over him.

The school musical?” he asked before he looked up to the sky. Was it really worth auditioning for? He pondered on it for a while before a bashful smile plastered on his face. “Maybe. I mean there are a lot of good people here so I don’t know how I’ll exactly stand out…” he said with his voice trailing off. What did make him unique? His short track record for relationships? Nah – that sounded stupid. He was Spanish? As are millions of other people in this world. Think… His mind became blank for a second. Ah – maybe I should audition for that school play instead.

Tape me? Why me?” he laughed at the statement. By nature Alec was rugged. He had the appearance of a bad boy or the type of boy you wouldn’t want to take home to your parents because you know they’d disapprove of him. That’s just how it was with him. He did his own thing and mostly preferred the company of himself as opposed to others. He raised an eyebrow when Indi gave him that statistics. 5% was incredible actually considering what they were doing already. “5%? Wow, you really know what you’re doing, don’t you?” he said with a cheeky wink before giving a boyish smile. Smooth Alec. Smooth.

Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it” he said as a joke before leaning back on the bench. but then he wanted to laugh at his own hypocrisy. “The least you could do is try out – it doesn’t matter if you don’t get picked” he stated with his voice becoming gentler and gentler as he went along. Oh no. Don’t think about that Alec. Not now at least.Because you might live with regret” he said with his voice breaking a bit. He quickly cleared his throat and flashed a quick smile at her as he looked at her from the corner of his eyes. Just play it off and act like nothing happened.

@Anno Bane

Evangeline Barillot

Her head bumped against the wall behind her with a loud thud when she saw the bright light flash for a second, her eyes still wide in horror. She wasn't scared of him, but she was shocked. Who would even do such a thing without asking for permission. "Why the hell would you even do that?" Her voice was now loud as it echoed through the dance studio. Sure you may call it over-reacting, but to her it was considered some seriously private things. She knew just well that she wasn't on the top just yet, and pictures of it would only make it worse. A picture of her bad posture or a little too pointed toe could make her mood drop from 100-0 in a few seconds.

But her upset mood quickly calmed down when he once again decided to speak. This time, he talked about the dance, and a word in some unfamilliar language. But even so, Evangeline's cheecks heated up a little. Just like someone took the color of a scarlet rose and stroke it right across her cheekbones. And since the rest of her skin was pale as the winter snow, the outcome showed off as quite obvious. Her cheeks glowed bright red when he said those last words. He had heard about her. Something a little too uncommon, in fact it was a rare thing to hear. Evaneline looked up from the ground where she had recently glued her eyes onto and looked up at the young man who stood in front of her. Indeed he was a gorgeous being. He had cheekbones and jawline carved out by the definition of beauty. And by the looks of it, he was tall, taller than her. All in all, a very handsome young man. But when Evangeline realised where her thoughts had wandered off towards, her eyes flew wide open and her cheeks burned up a little once again. As she did so, she noticed a masculine hand right in front of her face. Slowly and carefully she reached up her slender hand and gently grabbed a hold of his. "Evangeline Barillot, the dancing program" She mumbled and looked up at his face yet again.


((Sorry for the delayed post :o I've been a tad busy ))

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