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Fantasy School of Magical Arts


The Druid
View attachment 54101 In a world filled with wacky magic, a new school has been formed.

The principal and founder has recently sent out advertisements all across the globe, calling on magically gifted individuals. They say;

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The School of Magical Arts. Everyone is welcome to apply, but only the best and brightest will be accepted. Here at the SMA, you will learn to control your magic and live a fruitful life in the superstitious society of today. First semester starts in June. Come to the SMA today! Magical instructors needed.

Can you make the cut?

Roles Taken:

Headmaster: Midorikawa Chiaki

Students (First Class):


Philis Tivnan

Lucia Blackbourne


Cynthia Aster

Mei Miyamoto

Drake Kuran

Alia Ethedil

Michael Finnighan


Combat Instructor: Midorikawa Chiaki

Arcane Studies Instructor: Ajax Wellington

Alchemy Instructor: Dorris

Music Instructor: Cross Angelico

Enchantology Instructor: Shadow Ally

This is a world of magic! Be creative, if you can do a good job explaining it, it can happen.


View attachment 54101 In a world filled with wacky magic, a new school has been formed.

The principal and founder has recently sent out advertisements all across the globe, calling on magically gifted individuals. They say;

View attachment 54093

The School of Magical Arts. Everyone is welcome to apply, but only the best and brightest will be accepted. Here at the SMA, you will learn to control your magic and live a fruitful life in the superstitious society of today. First semester starts in June. Come to the SMA today! Magical instructors needed.

Can you make the cut?

Roles Taken:

Headmaster: Midorikawa Chiaki

Students (First Class):


Philis Tivnan

Lucia Blackbourne


Cynthia Aster

Mei Miyamoto

Drake Kuran

Alia Ethedil

Michael Finnighan


Combat Instructor: Midorikawa Chiaki

Arcane Studies Instructor: Ajax Wellington

Alchemy Instructor: Dorris

Music Instructor: Cross Angelico

Enchantology Instructor: Shadow Ally

This is a world of magic! Be creative, if you can do a good job explaining it, it can happen.


1. RP Nation rules.

2. No God-moding.

3. At least three sentence posts, be creative.

4. Give others a chance to respond.

5. Be dedicated. This means that you plan to be involved in the rp every day. If you know that you'll be gone for a while, or that you want to drop, please inform us.

6. I reserve the right to kick anyone who isn't following these rules.

7. Be creative and have fun!

(P.S. Any newcomers are welcome, but please write Slenderpig in your character skeleton).

Midorikawa Chiaki walked through the empty halls of his academy. It had originally been a castle that was donated by the Nosferatu family. Thy had hoped to see their son attend the school in a few years. Yet now it was Chiaki's job to establish the school. Of course, if he failed, the wrath of the Nosferatu family would undoubtedly be brought upon him. Why did he start the school did you ask? Well, since the beginning of time, magical beings have hidden in relative peace, only appearing occasionally to the normal human population. Some families held stories of horror, and others held stories of happiness. Yet people always make mistakes. For the most part, these magical families have been peaceful. However, there are new magical families popping from the sludge of the internet. These are relentless beasts that have no class. They are wreaking havoc on the earth and giving a bad name to magical creatures across the globe. Headmaster Midorikawa Chiaki wishes to change this bad rap by teaching magical beings to be stewards of honesty, peace, and amazing power.

However, with all of this riding on his shoulders, he was very uneasy. He exited the school building and strolled through the courtyard. The sun was just peaking over the mossy walls. We'll need to clean this place up a bit. Nothing better than the first class! he thought. Finally, he approached the huge doors to this magical castle. He under the latch and stepped back as the doors screeched open. Magic moved the doors, but that didn't stop the rust from fighting back. Midorikawa Chiaki stood in his traditional Japanese kimono, holding a staff in front of him. Then he waited, watching for the prospective students to come rushing in. You can pretty accurately judge the student by how they enter a school, he thought.
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After being pushed out the front door by his father and getting his half packed suitcase thrown out the second story window, spewing clothes and books everywhere, all Philis Tivnan could do was be thankful he wasn't being burned at the stake.

Well that certainly could have gone better,” he thought, picking up a book from the porch, “but it was definitely not as bad as I expected.”

His parents were part of a small cult full of extreme rhabdophobes, making them hate magic and everyone who used it. Philis didn't blame them for how they treated him, heck, he was afraid of himself the first time he could make a pebble float an inch off the ground! He had meant to slowly introduce them to his abilities but could never find the right time to tell them and never knew where to begin, so instead he decided to leave with a bang and tell them about his powers as he left the door.

Unfortunately for Philis, his dad had walked in while he was packing at 3 am and saw his acceptance letter to 'The School of Magical Arts' on the desk.

“Philis, what the hell is this?” His father had asked.

“Well, uhm.. uhh..” As Philip tried to find some sort of reasonable response.

“Philis, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?!?” He had yelled furiously.

“What's all the yelling?” His mother had said when she walked in.

“Well hon, it looks like our son is A BLOODY HEATHEN!”

“What are you talking about? Philis has always been a good, godly boy.”



“I knew this would happen when I saw your uncle, 'Oh but I never got any of those traits, see? I don't have any horns or a tail so I can't be part demon like him'” he said mockingly, “But look at this! Our son was born with a tail and now he can apparently use magic and is going to run away so we can't try to fix him!”

“What are you talking about, Philis, is this true?” she said in a worried tone.

Philis decided this was as good of a time as any to show them what he could do, lifting a book off his dresser, without touching either, and putting it into his bag.

“Oh my god! It IS true!” she had screamed

“See? Now let's throw him out of our house and out of our lives before he can try to infect us!” he had said

And so they did, yelling and screaming the whole while. As soon as Philis was outside he could hear his former parents screaming at each other over who's fault it was that he had turned away from all that was good and what they were going to say to the leaders. When he had picked up all his thrown belongings he decided that all he could do was start walking, taking his tail out and making small stones fly around him to scare off any other cult members, wondering how he would have responded to this before he numbed his emotions to keep his powers under check.

“Well,” he said to himself, “I guess I'm homeless now.”
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Anika Grimm walked down the side-walk, envelope in hand. The School of Magical Arts. it read on the front. She kept flipping it around in her hands as a white ram rested on her shoulder. What should I do with this? Go to the school? Or burn the letter. she thought running her fingers through her pink hair. Well, it's not like I have anywhere else to stay. I guess i'll go. she pulled her hood up over her pale ram horns and broke into a jog down the street.
Mei stepped out of her shambles of a home, smiling at the sun as it curled it's fingers around her face. "Well, hello again." She spoke to it. She ran down the animal trial to the highway; where her mailbox was located. She pulled her kimono up to her knees as she ran and slid to a stop before the highway. As she opened the mailbox small vines crawled up the post; she was very nervous. There it was. The letter that would take her away. Ripping the envelope from School of Magical Arts she found the acceptance letter hidden inside. At this point the vines on the post and all other plants around her went into full bloom. She ran home, shoved things into her chest and dragged it out to the road, thenwas picked up by a nice driver. She rode with the girl 3/4 of the way to the school, with that far she could walk the rest of the way. The girl helped put wheels on Mei's small chest. Mei fell to a deep bow, thanking her a lot. She headed toward the school. "Time to get situated!" She thought to her self in front of the school building.

(I have to leave for a few hours, sorry I'm so busy... I will be back though~)
The moon hung in the sky on a string, it's usual crooked smile plastered across it's milky expression. Through the darkened trees and hidden among the shadows, stood a magnificent castle owned by the family known as the Blackbourne's. The stones holding the castle's structure were blacker than night itself, glistening with the fresh droplets of rain and the white rays of the moon above. A delivery man stood at the grand silver gate, a letter in his back pocket with the name:

Lucia Blackbourne

written across the middle in delicate cursive writing. He pressed his finger against the silver answering machine next to him, a loud buzzing noise ringing through his ears.

"Speak visitor." A deep voice boomed from the speaker, causing the deliveryman to jump and drop his hat. He swiftly leaned down and swooped it up before pressing the button next to the speaker.

"I have a letter for uh..." He paused and looked down at the wet letter, and turned back to the machine.

"Lucia Blackbourne." The delivery man replied, stepping away from the speaker as another loud buzzing came from it.

"You may enter." The voice said suddenly, opening the silver gates with a loud creaking sound.

The deliveryman slipped into his car, driving up the dark road and towards what looked like a large castle. Nearing the entrance he parked his car in front, and calmly got out. A large red door that stood at around 15 feet welcomed him, two demonic like statues seeming to be watching him carefully as he walked up to the castle. He knocked, and than took a few steps back. Almost immediately, a man dressed in the finest clothes and glowing red eyes opened the door, staring at the man in front of him.

The deliveryman winced, feeling a chill run up his spine as he met the vampire's cold, lifeless eyes.

"Uh... Here." He said quickly, reaching into his pocket and handing him the letter. The vampire slowly outstretched his hand toward the letter, gently taking it from the deliveryman's possession.

"I thank you for your courteous journey to deliver this. It's takes quite a long time to travel this far up the hillside. Would you like a drink?" The powerful vampire asked him, grinning and flashing the man his pearly fangs. The deliveryman smiled nervously, taking a step or two back.

"Oh, no thank you. It's gotten quite late and I really need to get home. Have a nice night!" He said, eager to get away from the creepy stare of the vampire in front of him. Smiling again, the vampire waved and nodded in understanding, watching the deliveryman drive off and disappear down the road.

As soon as the car was out of sight, the vampire's smile vanished, and he slipped back into the castle.

"Filthy mortal." He whispered to himself before speed walking down the long corridor. Silk, blood red curtains blew across the windows that overlooked the moon, drifting like a ghost into the hallway. The vampire's black dress shoes clapped against the black marble floor as he ran up a large spiral staircase, and down another dark hallway. The soft, eerie sound of a violin echoed throughout the castle, getting louder as the vampire approached the doorway to a room. Stepping inside, he bowed slowly towards the girl in front of him.

"Lady Lucia. You have a letter." He murmured, continuing to bow. The girl sat on a marble balcony, her long white hair blowing in the wind and her red eyes glowing brighter than the moon itself. She set her violin and the bow down onto a white table beside her, and began walking gracefully towards the vampire at the door. Taking the letter gently, she bowed back.

"Thank you, Severus. You are free to leave." Her voice was like the sound of falling rain, soft and delicate. The vampire at the door nodded, and slipped through the doorway.

Sitting back on the balcony, Lucia slipped her nail across the letter, cutting open the paper with a simple swipe of her finger. She pulled out the letter, opening it and reading the title above.

The School of Magical Arts

She read over the letter, a brilliant smile forming on her blood red lips.

"Severus! Get me my bags."
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"Mom where are my bags?" Ivy asked in a worried tone she was wearing her crest and a beautiful light purple dress with light blue heels. She walked around looking for her bags and grabbed her tiara and put that on. "Calm down my dear they are down here with me oh you have a letter." Ivy's mom said. Ivy squealed and ran downstairs and grabbed the letter that had... Ivy Anne Vega in capital letters on the front of it she opened the envelope and read "Ivy Anne Vega we are glad to announce that you are now a part of our glorious school Bring whatever you want just no pets and you don't need to bring blood bags we have some for you we hope you have a glorious time in our school. ~ School of Magical Arts own Midorikawa Chiaki." Ivy squeaked in excitement and kissed her dad's cheek and closed her bags and started to walk out. "Wait a minute you forgot me." Ivy's mom said. Ivy hugged both her parents and promised to be good and write to them when she could. She then ran out and got in her car and drove to the school she breathed deeply. "Ok Ivy you can do this. Don't get kicked out this time." She said to herself.
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Rhythm stared up at the... school... Funny, it looked a heck of a lot like a castle to her. But, the letter she'd received said it was a school, so... Shaking her head, she made her way slowly towards the front doors, half of her attention on her own thoughts while the other half was listening obsessively for anything that sounded threatening. She stopped in front of the building, just a few feet from the towering front doors, and pulled her hood up to mostly cover her short red hair and shroud her bright purple eyes in shadow. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the building with her head down, trying not to be noticed. She wasn't very good with people...
It was a long walk to the bus station and an even longer ride to the airport, giving Philis plenty of time for reading and, when nobody was looking, practicing his abilities. He could control things fairly accurately, what little weight he could control that is, but it could never hurt to practice especially now that he will be meeting people with powers too. He wasn't sure what he would do about his tail though, sure he could have it out safely but he doubted he would be able to feel safe for a long time.

The bus trip was two days long, in order to travel the vast land known as Canada. In the town they stopped for the night Philis decided he should go shopping to replace the clothes he had lost and maybe get a few new books, until he saw the pet store. As soon as he saw it he ran in and looked for the reptiles.

New life, new pet.” he thought as he looked through the various lizards.

The cult he had been brought up in said that all animals contained demons and only humans were holy, so he was never allowed to go near any animals let alone have a pet. Despite this Philis always really wanted a snake, not because they were sneaky or because they were dangerous, but because he thought they were so cute! He eventually decided on a Liochlorophis vernalis, a small green snake that is just big enough to wrap around your wrist twice.

“Excuse me, how much is that snake?” he asked the person at the cash register.

“That? It's only five dollars, they're pretty common. Do you need any information or do you know everything?” the cashier said.

“I don't know much really...”

“That's alright, you should probably write most of this down.” he then spent about ten minutes giving telling Philis about how to care for his pet.

“So what are you going to call it?” the cashier asked.

“I'm thinking Niohoggr after the great dragon from Norse mythology.” Philis replied, feeling extremely happy.

“Alright kid, what ever you sa-” he cut off.

“What's wrong?”

The cashier pointed behind Philis, where a few small dog toys were flying around randomly. As soon as Philis realized what was going on, all the toys dropped and Philis ran with Niohoggr.

No, no, no, no. I am supposed to not supposed to lose control at all” he thought angrily, “Now he will tell someone and they will tell someone and now I wont be able to get on the bus and I will be trapped here and they will all hate me.”

Okay calm down, think rationally. Most people aren't like my parents, and he seemed like a decent person so I will probably be okay, but be defensive just in case.”
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With two velvet red and black bags in hand, Severus dropped them gently at Lucia's bedroom door. He nodded respectfully at her, and clasped both of his hands together.

"Is there anything else you need, Lady Lucia?" He asked, keeping his upright posture and calm expression still. The girl had a small grateful smile on her face as he had brought her bags and set them by the doorway.

"Yes. Would you mind waking my mother from her slumber? I'm afraid this matter must be approved by her before I depart." Lucia murmured while gently placing her violin and bow in it's case, and snapping it shut.

"Right away, my lady." Severus bowed deeply, and than existed the large bedroom.

The vampire servant wandered down the spiral staircase once more, wandering deeper, and deeper into the castle until he was standing in front of two black doors leading to the coffins. Since all vampires were born with night vision, he walked into the dark room as if it were daytime. Severus stopped in front of a huge, magnificent coffin that was lined with rubies and gems of all sorts on the black edges. Opening the jeweled coffin, a pale, but beautiful woman lay there. Her long white hair sat in waves, trailing down to her hips and touching her slender waist. The vampire suddenly bit his wrist, drawing blood and dripping it into the woman's mouth.

Almost immediately, the woman's eyes shot open, and she took in a small breath of air.

"Yes, my Severus? Is there something you need?" The woman asked in a mesmerizing voice, sitting upright in the coffin and getting out with the help of Severus's extended hand. Leading her out of the coffin gently, she stood beside him in a red, silky patterned dress that was so long, it dragged on the floor.

"Lady Lucia asked me to summon you, ma'am. She has been accepted into a certain school, and is in need of your assistance." Severus replied, closing the jeweled coffin and dusting it off. Lucia's mother nodded slowly, beginning to walk away without a word.

Lucia packed her things into the expensive velvet bags, placing delicately folded clothes into them. Seeming to be all packed, she stood up as she felt the presence of her mother appear at the doorway.

"Hello mother." She greeted her, watching as her mother glided over to the table, and picked up the letter. Her bright orange eyes skimmed over the words on the paper, carefully folding it when she was done reading it.

"Is this where you truly choose to go? This wouldn't be an all vampire school, you know." Her mother asked her softly, meeting Lucia's gaze with a warm, motherly smile.

"Yes, mother. This is truly where I want to go. I will be leaving any moment now. I don't want to travel by day." Lucia wrapped her arms around her mother, embracing each other with a cold, yet warm hug. Letting go of her, Lucia lifted her bags from off the ground, and wandered towards the balcony. Spreading her long bat-like wings, Lucia gave her mother one final look, before disappearing into the night.


A few hours later...

Lucia Blackbourne landed in front of her new school, her wings creating small gusts of wind that clear away a few loose leaves from under her. Folding her wings on her back, her red eyes flicked back and forth as she studied the detail of the school. She had to admit, the school was beautiful, and there seemed to already be a decent amount of students here.

A few students looked in her direction, whispering giddily to one another as they passed her.

"Hey... Isn't that Lucia Blackbourne?" One of them said quietly to a friend next to them.

"Yeah. She's the daughter of that really powerful vampire family, right?" Another one said.

Lucia sighed, trying her best to keep her identity hidden. But it seemed that most students were already aware of her presence.
Headmaster Midori stood at the door awaiting the students arrival. Finally they were starting to show up. Time for the warm welcome. Show them this is home, but don't let too much out or they won't take you seriously.

As the first few students entered, he nodded to them and gave them directions to the dormitories, where the maid would show them to their rooms. Then there was a little commotion as a girl walked up to him. He heard some of the children whispering about Lucia Blackbourne.

"Hello, welcome to the SMA. What's your name?"
The girl with the flowing white hair and glowing red eyes strode gracefully towards the entrance, a respectable and yet powerful aura radiating off of her. The first students entered the large castle quickly, seeming to be greeted by the headmaster who stood at the doorway. She saw his attention turn towards her, and she hoped he hadn't caught word of her identity yet. But she suspected he had. He was the headmaster after all.

Bowing her head respectively at him, she met his gaze with her usual lifeless, glowing eyes.

"Good morning, headmaster. My name is Lucia Blackbourne." She murmured softly to him. Her posture was upright, and her head was held high. She made sure people didn't underestimate her appearance.

As she stood in front of the headmaster, she felt his emotions run through her. He was nervous, and a little bit worried. She didn't blame him, however. It was the first day. He would have to meet many new people with magical powers of all sorts.
Ivy calmly walked in taking a big deep breath. "Hello everyone." She said as walked by the other students and Headmaster. She breathed again and then looked around students were whispering about Lucia Blackbourne she sniffed the air she smelled a lot of blood but she also smelled another Vampire. "Lucia must be a vampire as well." She whispered to herself she smiled. Lightly she reached her hand out to shake hands with someone. She smiled a bright warm smile as she waited for another student to shake her hand.
Headmaster Midori looked up above the door, where a large banner of the school containing all of the students names was placed. Slowly a large pencil raised toward the name of Lucia Blackbourne and made a check. "Welcome to the SMA Lucia. The dormitories are to your right. Oh, and students are judged here by their abilities, not their family ties. It's a great place to prove who you really are," he finished with a reassuring wink. Then he looked at the next student who had walked in. He cleared his throat, "Miss Ivy, you must check in."
Lucia watched the banner with curiosity, watching as her name was smoothly checked off. The headmaster turned back towards her, welcoming her once more and explaining where the dormitories were. However, what he said next, made a rare smile spread across her blood red lips.

"Oh, and students are judged here by their abilities, not their family ties."

She felt gratitude flood through her gaze, and she once again bowed her head respectively towards the headmaster.

"I'm afraid that's why I have come. You get tired of the constant attention after awhile." Lucia responded with a small smile on her face. Striding into the castle, she turned right towards the dormitories, and searched for her dorm.

After finding it, she unlocked the door delicately with her key, and stepped inside. She placed her bags by her bed, and immediately began unpacking her things. She placed a cloth over the window, making sure all sources of light were blocked out from the room. Lucia didn't want to burn in her own dorm after all.

Her pale, slender fingers drifted towards her neck, running her hand over the sharp edges of her neck brace. It concealed the demon she really was, and without it, her power would be uncontrollable. She was given it when she was a first born, and has never taken it off.

With a soft sigh, Lucia removed her touch from the brace and exited her dorm. She didn't know much about the school's grounds, and decided to explore a bit.
The next day Philis had realized how much trouble he could wind up in for bringing a snake on a plane. He decided that the simplest option was to put hold Niohoggr in a pocket through the metal detectors and put him in the plastic cage he got at the same time and put him in his half full carry on suitcase.

After finally arriving at the school, Philis felt like a pressure on his shoulders had been released.

Now I can fit in, now I don't have to constantly worry someone around me might realize what I am and then try to kill me” he gladly thought, “But I can't relax completely, randomly flying objects could hurt someone and I would wind up in trouble.”

He decided to look around and try to socialize, more likely listen, and maybe see if there was anybody he could hang out with. Most of the people here were a few years older than him, more than half seeming to be at least 18, but that didn't matter much since he had always had an easier time with people a bit older than himself. It seemed like there were two types of people here, really social people who would be in groups of tens or people standing back and observing, There was one group that seemed to be trying to inconspicuously follow a very pale girl and failing miserably while she almost acted like she either didn't notice, or didn't want to.

When the headmaster opened the doors, Philis was glad to have something to focus on and some way to get out of the sun, he began walking towards the doors with everyone else while watching to make sure he didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. After the headmaster's short speech, Philis got worried.

Oh no, if we are ranked by my abilities I am so screwed, I can't do much and I don't have much power and, and...” he was freaking out at this point, “No, calm down, there is nothing to worry about. Your only current limiting factor is how much you can lift and your range, both of which have increased dramatically with what little time you can practice so it will be fine.”

But what about Niohoggr? He will be fine, this is a magical academy I am sure that pets are allowed since many people's powers might rely on them, Niohoggr will be fine.”

After that little internal conversation Philis was feeling calm and wanted to see what the inside of the school/castle looked like because it looked like it had a lot of history behind it.

(OOC)snake on a plane was completely unintentional
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"Oh hello Headmaster I'm Ivy Anne Vega... Oops I mean Ivy Vega. Sorry I forget that I don't need to say my middle name all the time." Ivy said bowing politely she sensed some weird thoughts from Lucia. "Dang it Ivy control your mind/emotion reading you know you can." She said to herself. Ivy sighed deeply and looked back to the headmaster. Ivy then turned to the door to see another student she smiled when she heard his thoughts she frowned she didn't like when people fought with themselves she smiled again and turned back to headmaster and sighed shaking a little. "I hope I fit in here thanks for having me Headmaster." She said.
Midori smiled and said, "If you have any problems Miss Ivy, just tell it to one of the staff. What better place to fit in than a school of misfits huh?"
"Of course. Now um where's my dorm?" Ivy said the asked nicely. She shook again but it was because she needed blood she didn't drink any before she left. "I am so forgetful I need blood." She said in a nice but pleading manner she bowed calmly her eyes then started to shut. No control it control it. She thought but she couldn't stop her eyes they shut and she found herself in the school two years from now smiling and talking with Lucia then her eyes opened again and she blinked. Stupid vision you had to come while I was with the headmaster and thirsty. She thought in anger. "Um sorry about that headmaster I just had a vision sorry." She said calmly still shaking.
Rhythm stood awkwardly off to the side. She had to 'check in' with the headmaster, but he just looked so busy... So, she found herself standing off to the side, trying to stay out of people's way as they went to check in themselves. At this rate, she'd be the last to get to her dorm... Wait... Would she be made to have a roommate here...? She didn't remember reading anything about that, but it was still a possibility... She made a soft squeaking sound when someone knocked her over on their way by. They didn't stop to help her up or apologize, but Rhythm hadn't expected them to.
Gracefully striding down the hallway, Lucia held a delicate champagne glass between her fingers. The glass seemed to be filled with a blood like liquid, with a tablet fizzing at the bottom. Students shot her curious glances as she sipped the drink, and licked her fangs carefully. The school was rather big, and reminded her of the familiar castle-like walls of home. She almost immediately felt comfortable here.

Seeming to be wandering back towards the entrance, she caught sight of the headmaster once more welcoming more students. The familiar scent of another vampire wafted into her nose, and she stopped delicately in her place. It wasn't common for vampires to attend this school. Most of them were sent off to high class academies.

She sensed the vampire's presence near the doorway, calmly talking to the headmaster. Lucia turned away when she began overhearing their conversation, and immediately wandered off to quit eavesdropping. It was rude after all.
Philis was looking at the architecture, trying to remain calm and struggling to do so. He was taking occasional glances at the headmaster to see when he was free so he could check in without getting in someones way. While walking around he got a hard bump against his legs and turned around to see someone who was knocked over with nobody offering to help. After being confused for half a second he bent over and offered her an arm, not noticing it was the arm with Niohoggr wrapped around it.

"Hey, need any help?" feeling awkward.
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"I understand," responded Midori to Ivy, "You'll be in a dorm with Lucia I believe. You two are roommates I believe." Then he looked down at the girl who had been knocked over. He walked over and nodded thankfully to the boy who helped her up. "Hmm, Rhythm and Philis I take it? Don't worry, I'll make sure that kid learns the lesson of patience. Welcome to the SMA."
"Oh, um, sir? Are small pets allowed here? I mean, I just bought him yesterday and I wasn't thinking but I was already on my way here so I wasn't sure what to do about it." Philis asked in a rather small, worried voice, "If they aren't allowed I am very sorry, is there somewhere I can put him?"
"Thank you I'll go find her." Ivy said as she walked she bumped right into Lucia. "Sorry Lucia hi I'm Ivy your roommate. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ivy said as she held out her hand for Lucia to shake. Her eyes looked like they were turning black and she shook again. "Um uh I think I'm thirsty your blood in that cup looks good." Ivy told Lucia now she feared she was sounding stupid.

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