"Ivy!" She hugs ivy and comfort her "Shhh... it's okay.. I'm here"

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"Mom dad please stop Let go No stop it! Ow stop stop please!" Ivy yells shaking and crying.
"Ivy! Stop! Your alright! Your mom and dad Isn't here!" She lets her of her and wipes her years off her face

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Hubert sighed and turned his attention back to his game. Granted, the battery was beginning to die, but that didn't matter to him. He always brought a charger. And besides, girls who screamed at nothing weren't worth much notice. On the plus side, the game secluded him from the creepy stuff that was happening.

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Austin slowly woke up he yawned and crawled our of under the computer and looked around no one was around he heard nothing but silence how long was he out he decided to walk out of the computer lab and look around
"Ivy gets flashbacks of when her parents abuse her..." She told Richard

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Ivy screams again in the flashback still. "Nooo mom dad stop ow stop it... Someone help me!" She yells. Her eyes slowly open. "Guys it happened again didn't it?" She asks the group.
Aaron goes back to the pile of blankets and grabs one and a pillow and walks to a spot to settle down at.
"Yeah.. I tried to get you to calm down but you wouldn't. I'm sorry for leaving you alone.." She apologized to Ivy

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"Ashley I'm sorry I- they- the flashbacks happen whenever." Ivy says snuggling into the blanket.
Hubert looked up at Richard and showed him the screen. "Super Mario Bros."

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"It's okay.. Just go to sleep now it'll be okay and it's pretty late.."

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out of no where Austin heard a scream he reached into his bad and grabbed a pistol that his dad said should never leave his side no matter what the authority says he carefully walks towards the source of the scream being careful no to make to much noise
Ivy slowly lays down snuggling into the blanket. "Ashley um will you um sleep by me?" Ivy asked pulling out her phone.
Richard gets up and walks across the room to a bookshelf. "Well, we can make a fire in here." He said aloud.
Aaron lays down after seeing the text he got a few days of his girlfriend breaking up with him. He would stare at the wall across the room for a while.

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