Ashley's questions makes Chase turn all the redder. "Uh... Yeah! Yeah I'm fine. More... More than fine actually thanks. Oh gosh that was awkward. Sorry."

Chase clutched his book for comfort. This was so out of his comfort zone, it was almost scary. But if he was going to be stuck with these people for all of spring break he might as well get used to it.
Aaron walks back feeling tired. "So what are we going to do the rest of the night?" he asks "Because just sitting around school during school break was not something I wanted to do."
"There's got to be a way out, and emergency exit? Do we know of others?" 'i need to get home, my family needs me'
"I dunno... We could try and ignore the fact that there's a homicide victim in the computer lab and try to enjoy our selves." Chase said sarcastically. He wasn't usually sarcastic but he was dog tired.

"We've tried everything Mandi. This is an old school... And they're not really keeping up with safety regulations."
"How old are your siblings?" She asked Mandi.

"It's like 12 am, I think we should rest. I'm planning on going to the gym and maybe play some indoor soccer or something." She replied to Chase.

Ashley sat next to Chase and asked "Are you sure your okay? There's really nothing to be shy of."
I nod and decide theres no use trying to get out. I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands. My response to Ashely is muffled "Six"
"That doesn't sound too bad. We should stay together in groups of at least two though. Who knows what could happen if we're alone..."

Chase stroked the worn cover of his book.

"Yeah I..." Chase sighed as Ashley sat down next to him. "I think I'm just really tired. And I'm just really not used to girls talking to me. The only attention I'm used to receiving is teasing." Chase looked at the floor.
"Probably not best to go looking around the school at night anyway," Aaron said.

"Wait you're going to play soccer? Can I go with when you do?" Aaron asked Ashley
i stay seated facing everyone else and try to hold my sobs in 
I sniffle and wipe my nose and nod, "I-I, umm, have never played soccer"
Chase nodded to Aaron. "Agreed."

He noticed Mandi sniffling. "Hey. You... You doing OK?" He wanted to hold her and comfort her but he was way too nervous to try that.
Chase looked back and gave a small smile. "We should all get some sleep. We've got to find food and whatnot tomorrow." (And I'm actually going to go to bed! xD GNIGHT! Feel free to continue without me.)
"Of course you can play soccer with me!"

"I'll yeah you how don't worry!" She said to Mandi.

"Here's a tip, if you see a girl with a group of friends who are girly... Stay away.." She told Chase
i murmer under my breath 'as if i had a bunch of friends' i lean my head against a book shelf and shiver since its cold in the library and I'm only wearing a tank top
"Tomorrow after breakfast! If we ever find food.." She told Aaron.

"Isn't there like a stash of sleeping a bags and blankets around here? Since sometimes there's a huge storm none of us can leave so we have to stay over night?" She asked
Her teeth chatter "It would be with the emergency supplies in the basement or the main janitors office"

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