"We should all go together. I mean... its probably nothing right? We're the only ones left inthe school. But I'm not going to deny that this is a little weird. I think it came from the computer lab."

Chase swallowed hard and started walking down the hall.
Ashley walks with them too "Pfftt! It's the computer lab! Maybe someone forgot to turn off a computer or something?"
When we get to the computer lab Aaron opens the slightly cracked door. "looks like nothing," He says suddenly.
Chase nods, partially convinced.

"Yeah that makes sense. The kids that use it last always leave them on."

The door was close now.
Chase cracked the door open.

The room was completely dark except for one computer monitor... which gave him enough light to see... the dead body of a teenage girl.

Chase stood still, paralyzed with horror.
Aaron tried to turn on the lights but they did not work then he says worryingly , "Guys the lights are not working!" 
Aaron would then too see the body, "Oh my goodness," He says while walking out the room, "I am not dealing with this i'm going to go find a way out."
Chase reached out a shaking hand to steady himself on the wall.

A dead... dead girl. There was a killer inside the school.
"Yeah... I... I'm c-coming."

Chase's pulse was pounding in his ears. He back slowly out of the room, as if the body was going to come back to life, and then sprinted down the hall.

"Library... go... to... library." Chase spat out as he ran toward Aaron.
"Yeah... lets camp in the library." Chase was still shaking.

"The library is safe. I know it is."

[i'm going to bed as well. Gnight! Talk to you tomorrow!]
Aaron would walk to the library and find somewhere to sit down.
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Hubert yawned. He'd been playing on his DS for who knew how long. Glancing at it, Hubert saw the game he'd been playing. Pokemon. It made sense, Pokemon games had a weird ability to put him to sleep. Closing the lid and tucking it in one of his pants pockets, Hubert pulled out his pocketwatch. It had been his sister's before...well, he kept it as a memory of her. Studying the hands, Hubert sighed. 11:32. It took a moment for that to sink in, but when it did, his eyes widened. 11:32. That meant that the school was already locked up. Had he been asleep for that long? Hubert sprang to his feet, hitting his head on ceiling of the crawlspace he'd secluded himself in. Rubbing his head, he opened the hatch in the ground nearby, grabbed his backpack, and jumped down. Instantly upon hitting the ground, Hubert began running. There was one door the janitor sometimes forgot to lock, and that was his only hope now. As he ran, Hubert realized something. It was Friday. If the door was locked, he'd be stuck here for the entire weekend. This thought made him panic, and he ran even faster, completely ignoring the small group walking toward the library. He barreled through the halls, seeing his target at last. Hubert ran full speed at it and slammed into it. It stayed shut, and Hubert fell backwards. He landed on the ground and just lay there. His head hurt now, and his heart was beating faster than normal. He sighed. Now something else had come to memory. It was Spring Break. Hubert closed his eyes in an attempt to keep out the rising fear. Fear wasn't one of the motions he had much experience in suppressing, and he could feel his heart beating faster by the minute. He took three deep long breathes, and that seemed to help. Carefully,Hubert reviewed his situation. Stuck in the school all alone for a week...was he alone? It looked like a shadow had just moved....
Chase began wringing his hands together. But then he stopped, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened them again to try to calm himself. Only to see another teen come sprinting past him toward the janitorial door.

"Whoa!" Chase exclaimed. His pulse began racing again.

That better have not been the murderer.
Aaron yells down the hall to the kid on the floor, "Who are you, and are you stuck too?"
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Hubert's eyes shot open. "Who are you, and are you stuck too?" He turned at the sound of the voice, and saw another kid poking his head out into the main hallway. Hubert narrowed his eyes, but it helped calm him down. Knowing that somebody else was there always helped him hide his feelings. "I'm Hubert. You are?" He yelled back, and slung his backpack on his shoulder before walking over. As he approached, he saw a few other students as well. Apparently a lot of kids had missed the deadline.
Chase pulled a book out of his bag and clutched it tightly. Being close to literature gave him comfort.

"You stuck in here too?" he asked. "All of the doors and windows are locked, and we haven't got an ounce of signal out here."

Chase shuffled his feet nervously.

"And... there's a... umm... dead body in the computer lab."
Hubert sighed. So they'd already checked the windows...maybe they could break one? But that would get them in way too much trouble. Thoughts whirling, Hubert began winding his pocketwatch out of habit. "And... there's a... umm... dead body in the computer lab." Huber's heart practically stopped short. His eyes widened, and he let go of the watch. "A what?!"
"yeah... We were just going to the library to spend the night and then find a way out tomorrow. Would you like to join us?" Aaron said.
Hubert shrugged. "Sure. It's not like there's much else I can do." He pulled out an ipod and turned on his headset. Before pressing play, he spoke again. "Safety in numbers."

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