Richard steps out of the closet of his chemistry class. "Sweet, skipped class." He walks over to the door to hear banging. Turning the doorknob, he saw a figure running down the hall. He quietly steps out into the hall. "Creepy..." He thought to himself.
I hear talking by the front door, I pickup my books and slowly peak out at you guys and realize we're trapped. "Oh my gosh" but then realize that you guys didnt know i was behind you and turn red 
HOw do i? im sorry I'm new at this 
i added my character 
soory for posting everything, just learned how it works. Again so sorry!
When our group got to the library Aaron went to a section with couches in the back. He sat down and then looked around. So this is what our library looks like, he thought.

He then asks, "So what are we going to do now?"
"I don't know. Is there at least a girl here? I don't wanna get stuck in a building full of boys.. No offence, I like being around guys just... Never mind.." She crossed her arms and walked around the library.
"I hope.." She walked around the library and touched all the spines of the books with her finger tips.
I continue walking down the hall to the cafeteria. I pushed the door open and saw an empty room. "Woah, ghost yard." I thought aloud. I approached the trays and looked behind them. A dead body was creepily staring at me with eyes open. I tucked tail and ran back out the cafeteria and down the hall. My head turned to look at a poster while my legs kept running. "BANG!" I ran into the library door.
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[back.] Chase woke with a start. He was back in the library which means that he must've made it back from the computer lab, and then promptly fell asleep out of nervous exhaustion.

It was still night and the reason for his sudden awakening was that a boy had rushed violently into the room.

Chase let out a small shriek of fear, for his nerves were still unsettled after finding the body yesterday.

"Who are you?" He managed to say.
Ashley jumped up letting out a tiny scream and immediately ran where Chase was. "THE HECK WAS THAT?!" She yelled.
"Ohmygosh..." Chase was breathing heavily.

"Sorry Ashley. Everything scares the heck out of me right now. It's just another student."

Chase looks around as a female voice reverberates off the walls.

"Over here!" He hollers.
"I'm still trying to... T-to figure that out." Chase begins to stammer again as another girl enters the picture.

"So far all we know is that we're all stuck here. All the doors are locked... And there may be a psychopathic killer running around here..." Chase ran his fingers through his eye length blonde hair.
"L-L-Locked?! I have to get home! My little brother, and my sister, they need me!" I look as people start to approach me
Aaron whispers to Ashley trying to block the situation from his mind, "Mandi and Chase look so good together."
I blush, unsure if they are talking about me and i start to head to one of the doors and try to push it open but no budge.
"I know right! I ship it haha! Hashtag Mase or Chandi!" she whispers back.

"I'm Ashley! Glad NOT to be the only girl here!" She smiles.
"Are your siblings alone Mandi?" Chase asks.

His ears turned red as he hears the conversation of the others.

'No way.' He thought to himself. 'I always end up getting hurt when I like girls. So I'm just going to... To stay away.'
"I dun-no" She says. She notices Chase's face and ears getting red "Are you okay?" she asks
"I have to watch them, my mom won't be home." I look at Chase

'why is everyone laughing and staring at me? Did i say something. I'm always so good at blending in and not being noticed, they probably don't even realize I'm in classes with them'

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