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Fantasy School For the Supernatural [Reboot]

Daggora Keket

Unlucky in Life ;P
Welcome to the school of the supernatural, where you learn to harness your powers and make new friends...

Please check the overview for rules!

(The other one died, so me and @RedRider decided to start it again)
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"So what you're saying is I have to go to this stupid school for 4 years?" Dana asked.

"Exactly." Replied his father, Hades.

"And why is that?"


Good answer...... Dana thought, as he was cast away to the overworld.
Lehon had been living alone for the past month, so he was somewhat excited to live around people again. Although, the language barrier frightened him, his English was okay but it was difficult, and his accent is strong to the point where he has to speak slowly to be understood. He walked to the school, he was almost there. His clothes contrasted with the world around him, the colors were dull and neutral, he wore no shoes just cloth that wrapped around the arch of his feet and wrapped up like leggings underneath his loose pants. His staff was tied to him by a bright red sash.
Daggora yawned, walking to the huge building in front of her. "School.....wonder what it will be like." She said, stopping at the door. She opened the door, and stepped inside. She bit her lip as she looked around. The building was hauntingly empty.
Nia stormed through the front doors, holding her schedule and few possessions, and stood in the hallway. "HELLO!" She screeched, her call echoing down the hall. Nobody. "I'LL START BURNING STUFF! THAT"S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'M LEFT UNATTENDED!"
Dana appeared out of the ground in front of Daggora. "It's not empty. You just have to look at it from a different angle." He said, reading her mind. Just as he said that, white smoke flew through the air, stopping in random places. The smoke started to form into people, doors, stairs, and hallways. "Get to the auditorium." He said. He then flapped his wings, and flew away down one of the hallways.
RedRider said:
Dana appeared out of the ground in front of Daggora. "It's not empty. You just have to look at it from a different angle." He said, reading her mind. Just as he said that, white smoke flew through the air, stopping in random places. The smoke started to form into people, doors, stairs, and hallways. "Get to the auditorium." He said. He then flapped his wings, and flew away down one of the hallways.
Startled. Daggora nodded at the boy before making her way to the auditorium. Using the signs on the walls as a guide. It didn't work as well she hoped though, and was soon lost. She groaned, exasperated. "It's fucking maze in her!" She yelled.
Nia yelped as white smoke filled the hallways, and suddenly there were people everywhere. A old woman in with an apron dusted Nia's face, and she sneezed. "Ma'am, do you know where new students go? I'm kinda lost." The woman slipped on some glasses, evidently surprised the lamp came to life. "Oh, I'm sorry Miss. Auditorium I believe. Just picture where you want to go and the building will do the rest."

She bustled off, leaving Nia confused. Was the building going to pick her up or something? Well it had to be at least a little bit magical. She sighed and began walking down the corridors.
Dana was the first person in the Auditorium, except for the dean and the chancellor.

"Mr. Heartstrings!" The chancellor said into the microphone on the stage. "I've been expecting you. Your father and I have had some time to..... 'discuss' your arrangements."
Nia had to question nearly twenty people, but eventually found herself in the auditorium. That old lady had probably just lost her mind. She saw a couple other people besides her self, but they seemed to be in a conversation. She ignored them and took a seat.
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Dana rolled his eyes and put his feet up on the seat in front of him.

"Please, Mr. Heartstrings, if you'd be so kind as so put your feet down?" the dean said.

Dana opened his wings and flipped off the dean. his feet slammed to the floor and his wings closed.

What the....

"No need to be rude, Dana." said the chancellor, obviously manipulating Dana with his telekinesis.
Daggora finally managed to find the auditorium. She saw a couple of people talking in a little group, one of them the same boy she saw at the entrance of the school. She smiled at seeing him flip off one of the older men, before scanning the rest of the room. There was a girl sitting down too. She decided to go and introduce herself to the girl. Sitting down beside the girl, she introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Daggora." She smiled slightly at the girl.
Lehon remembered the instruction he made his way into the auditorium. Upon entering he was struck with both a realization that his life would change drastically from this point, and with confusion of never seeing a room like this in his life. Tears filled his eyes and he began to snivel. He slowly started walking up the stairs, not knowing where to sit.
Nia nearly flew out of her seat as some girl plopped beside her. "Hey, I'm Daggora." She was just..smiling at her. Did she want something? Nia hadn't exactly been around a whole lot of people in her life, so this was confusing. "I'm Nia." She said slowly.
Dana struggled to move. He felt paralyzed. He was terrified, but he didn't show one drop of fear. Just staring at the chancellor, waiting for the right moment to say something.
Atlas had waken up 30 minutes and was now shooving his head in a grey T-shirt with a picture of a Nintendo device on it. He darted into his kitchen and grabbed the peice of toast he prepared earlier and put it in his mouth. He opened the door only to be reunited with his camo blue skateboard he had left outside the day before. "I guess I'm taking this." He said quickly before jumping on it and heading to the school. He really didn't live that far, only he couldn't afford being late every day; which is precisely why his mother arranged a dorm for him. Next thing he knew he was there but as he attempted to ride it he was bombarded by a sign stating 'no smoking, no bikes, and no skateboarding' knowing he had no choice but to follow the rules he got off and continued into the school.
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Amelia stared at her reflection in the mirror for a long moment. Excitement was bubbling in her chest as she arranged her long locks around her face, twisting the mass of hair into a pretty bun at the base of her neck. She was wearing a simple pair of figure hugging jeans, a vest top and a leather jacket. Smiling at her reflection, she turned and snatched up her new school bag, her trunk was packed and would be delivered later in the day. Mia would be staying in the dorms.

Darting from her room, she took the stairs two at a time, almost losing her balance at the bottom and running straight jnto her mother.

"Be careful today Mia." Page warned, a look of worry etched onto her pretty features. Mia beamed at her, reaching up onto her toes and kissing her mother's cheek.

"I will. I'll see you at the weekend."

Mia practically ran down the streets to her new school. She was full of wonder and intrigue at what the day would bring. Prior to her mother agreeing to send her to the boarding school she had been home schooled. Sure, she'd had friends on her block but she'd never been to school, let alone with others of her kind.

As she drew nearer to the school, her smile widened. It was beautiful. Taking a deep breath, she walked through the gates and towards the main doors. As she did, someone passed close to her on a skateboard.

"Hey cool board." she called in a friendly voice as he got off of it.

I looked at the large school in front of us as my brother was taking forever with his things. "Hurry up already will ya" I yelled at him serious and angry we have to go here. It's not our fault our mother turned on them. I looked at Andrew as I spread my dark wings proud of myself. "You may want to help me here instead of staring at your looks jade" said Andrew angry as I looked back at him. "is it a crime for a lady to look at herself in the mirror?" I asked him smiling. "it should be a crime for you" said Andrew laughing as I glared at him. "Oh shut up you idoit lets just go inside" I tell him carrying my bag with all my clothes in it inside the building. I looked as we entered a hallways lost as I don't know what. "Maybe we should ask for directions" I tell him. "In all these years you still don't know how to talk to others. Excuse me miss do you know the way where new students go?" Asked Andrew keeping his sunglasses on. "They go to the auditorium" said the lady. "Oh thank you" said Andrew as we started walking there the building already telling us where to go. This is going to be a long 4 years I thought. When we made there we took our seats. "This is all mother's fault" I tell Andrew. "Yeah I know" said Andrew upset.
Atlas turned around swiftly "Oh? Thanks." He said, rather surprised that she said that. "Are you new here too?" Atlas asked calmly.
Amelia smiled brightly at the guy in front of her. She nodded briefly, glancing at the school for a moment. Up close it looked slightly scarier than it had before, but she was still excited. Looking back at Atlas, she gave him her loveliest smile.

"I am new. My name is Amelia, or just Mia." She introduced, holding out her hand.
Once everybody was settled in the auditorium, the chancellor let Dana go, and shook his head. Since there were only Freshmen in the room, there were a few more than a thousand people. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am chancellor Porter, the head of this school. I'm here to tell you that the reason you are here is because you have some sort of special ability unlike any other. You are here to not only learn about these abilities, but to learn to control them. To manipulate them, and make them yours. To start off this wonderful day, we have dorm assignments. We will say the names of two people, who will be dorm mates. Once you've been assigned a dorm mate and a dorm number, you are to take your things and escort your dorm mate to your dorm. Now. Shall we begin?" The chancellor started reading off names from a list, two by two, each followed by a three-digit number. (You can find your dorm mate in the overview.)
Aki had been late and was sprinting towards the school, pushing or dodging people on the sidewalk. Her footsteps echoed as she got onto school grounds. She entered the building and didn't really have a problem finding the place she had to be. She let her ears guide her. Aki stopped in front of the dorms of the auditorium and gave out a breath from running so much. She tightened the grip of the bag over her shoulder slightly and stopped swishing around the lollipop in her mouth. Was she nervous? No.... She just didn't feel like having to go in there. She opened the door and quite a bit of attention was drawn to her. She took her time and made her way to an empty seat she spotted at the side of the big room where almost no students had been sitting. Aki wasn't sure if she would be in trouble or something; but, she was sure that the punishment wouldn't be too bad. The superiors in the room probably didn't even notice so she didn't really care. She sat down and listened to the listing of the names, wondering if hers had been called out yet.
Jay floated through the forest. Looks like I'm late. Oh well. She smiled as she created a little 'portal' and climbed through. She appeared next to Aki and sat down as the chancellor started reading off names. Amelia huh? Wonder where she is. She thought as she turned to the girl next to her. You wouldn't happen to be Amelia, would you?

The doors creaked slowly open as Lunette snuck in,holding her staff with both sides.Her parents had been giving her advice and telling her to contact them if anything went wrong and all that,she barely managed to leave the house at the time she did.As the princess she was she arrived in a limosine,passing two people who probably should have been inside by then.She finds a seat and quietly snuck,drawing a lot more attention than she required due to her clothes
Aki had stiffened up slightly due to being off guard at the moment; which wasn't like her. "Um, no....I'm not Amelia," she said returning her attention the speaker in front. She wasn't that psyched that someone sat next to her, but what could she do? Another had entered the room as late as the two off on the side. Aki wondered if she attracted that much attention when she had entered a few moments earlier.

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