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Fantasy Save Point! [Closed]

Unaware of the stress he had put an innocent pinkette through Olivier's day went as normal. Groggily fighting to grab another beer. What was less common was some woman having the audacity to snatch it away from him.

Olivier glares at Rosa.

“Rosa… give it back-”

And then a pretty girl comes calling after him, which wasn't unusual in its own right. He didn't recognize her, that part wasn't unusual either.

Olivier's expression goes brittle. He knew how this usually went.

“Look lady, as cute as you are, I'm a one night guy only. I don't really do the whole sticking around thing-”

His mind catches up what she'd said, properly parsing through her words.

He kooks at her, head still aching a bit but mind clearing up a bit as he starts to pay attention. With a hawk-like gaze on her he speaks.

“What are you talking about?”, he demands.
Vega made a mental note that Olivier clearly needed more friends, and also, not to go too far to be one. He snipped at so much. Did therapy exist in this world? ‘It never exists in fantasy worlds.’ Right, that wasn’t the point right now, of course.

Rosa didn’t know she was penniless, even if Rosa probably didn’t know what kind of clothes she was wearing, and went off to gather what was requested. Apparently, people here didn’t bother to ask what you wanted – then again, it was just as likely they didn’t have a variety on any given night and you ate what was available.

Vega approached the table, “This is going to sound insane to you, but you listened to my insanity before,” she dug in her pocket, and took out phone, and coins, things he wouldn’t recognize, “My name’s Vega. I’m from Illinois. You gave me a bag of coins, and a ring with a blue stone, and told me to tell the academy that Haistulf sent me, and to talk to Aurarius. I wasn’t able to make it,” a bit of a wane smile, “but I’m working on that. I owe you for that help,” even if she no longer had the ring, or the coins. “And I don’t need you arguing or getting defensive about not remembering this. That part doesn’t matter. I remember, and I appreciated it.”

She gestured to the table, “If you’d sit with me, I can try to explain more.”

She didn’t think what she said was a lot. It didn’t seem like it was anything personal, other than the ‘Haistulf’ name, but she was waiting for a reaction, half-expecting him to blow up. His mood turned foul rather quickly. It was why she didn’t want to say too quick this was a matter of life or death, lest he dismiss it and leave before he could hear her out.
His expression was already ice cold when she'd started talking and as she continued it only dropped further.

He didn't tell her to leave though or scream over how she knew these things. There was a calmness to him that may have been at odds with what Vega had seen in the recent past. He was carefully parsing through her words even as he had his eyes locked onto hers, looking for any sign of this being a dumb joke.

He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't stop her from taking a seat either. Neither does he say anything to her about the food that Rosa eventually drops off.

And when the tension heightens-

“You're definitely not a past fling that's for sure, I never share my last name, gives the wrong impression”, he says with a playful smile.

“Well then, tell me about this story of yours! How exactly do you know so many personal details about me”

He was still smiling but it didn't match his eyes. He definitely wasn't happy about some stranger showing up knowing things about him as if through some unknown spell.

Olivier preferred to forget the person he was supposed to be. There was no need for some stranger to dig up corpses like that.
Olivier was tense.

All the information meant something to him. More than she could guess, though she guessed many things about his bad history with magic and the academy already. She'd even guessed that was his last name.

Vegas set phone and coins on the table. “You didn't tell me it was your last name,” she added that as she reached for one of the still warm buns. “You didn't explain much at all. You were kind of done with me by then. I had a dream of going to learn teleportation magic in the academy since I'm not from this world. In my world, magic isn't a thing. It's a myth. Even those who claim to do magic treat it more like ritual prayer and believe what they want to happen will come to pass. It's not the fireballs you can perform.”

Nothing so certain.

Nothing so harsh.

She shut her eyes against the phantom pain of boiling eyeballs.

“You told me all of this today, in this tavern, only I was later to come in and I was soaking wet. You dried me off with magic,” she forced her eyes back open as thunder cracked and the rain grew harder. “I can't explain it. I don't understand it myself. I either had a vision of this happening or it happened and…that's more difficult to believe. But if it's a vision I'm trying to change what happens next. Lots of people will die.”

She lifted her hands then, “I'm asking for five minutes. That's all. We can save this tavern, and then if you want me out of your life, I'm gone. And if I'm lying, well, I only wasted five minutes, right?”
Olivier just watches the stranger. His expression seemed lost, as if he wasn't sure he'd heard rightly.

“The future, eh?”

The look in his eyes is skeptic, but he seemed to be entertaining her notion.

Olivier studies the woman in front of him carefully. There was no known method of seeing what was yet to be through the means of magic, even the most esoteric wizards had never come close. The woman in front of him was trying to convince him she had a manner of magic not even the most brilliant of minds could fathom.

Logically, it had to be a lie, but it was one so bad that there would have been no purpose to it. Not unless this was some strangely elaborate scheme to get him to do what she wants without thinking too much.

Olivier smiles at her, teeth visible.

“So? Who exactly is it you want me to kill? Oh, don't be so surprised. It's very obvious why someone would come to a person like me for help”

The smile was like that of a shark.

“Tell me everything lady, let's see how much this… prediction of yours is worth. I'll decide then if I'm going to help you out”

He wasn't a fool who'd start murdering people without a second thought. Just because the stranger knew things about him didn't mean she wasn't taking advantage of the information to manipulate him. He'd see for himself what he was dealing with.

Of course if someone really was out there to start shit there wouldn't be more than ashes by the end of it.
Vega’s brows lifted when Olivier asked about killing, then she quickly started to shake her head. That wasn’t what she wanted! “I’d rather not kill anyone if it can be avoided!” that was the problem she wasn’t sure could be resolved. This world might work too much on anime and video game logic.

Did people always have to die to resolve the situation?

But he was listening to her, and willing to humor this, so she sighed and refocused, “Two people are going to enter wearing robes,” and then one would leave, and come back with several more. They should cut it off before that happens. ‘But then those others will still be out there….’ A problem for later.

“I do hope you find a way out of this somehow.”

The memory returned, final words, a comment about not rescuing damsels. No, it was pretty obvious he didn’t do this. Not for free, at any rate. Still…he’d done it. He’d tried to help. There was a complicated person in Olivier.

“They’re…I don’t know what, exactly. They serve some unnamed Master, and they’re going to kill everyone here in service to that Master. I wish I knew more,” she really did. Like why they wanted her, who their Master was – so many things. “If we could get them alive, maybe that part could be figured out, but – I don’t want anyone in danger for that, so if they have to die, then…they have to die.”

They were very willing to kill everyone here.

Everyone but her. She wasn’t quite ready to toss the blame on herself, though.

“If we don’t stop them at two, they’ll come back with more. There aren’t enough fighters in here for that, and I’m…not really a fighter, either,” sure, she knew how to defend herself, but when it came down to killing, she wasn’t sure she could. And she’d gotten so turned around with all the magic going on. Earth hadn’t prepared her for that. “They find what they’re looking for, one leaves, and comes back with reinforcements. That’s…how it went, before. I'm sure I can actually get them to act before they bring the reinforcements, if you're worried about harming innocents, though."

Worried she was lying just to get some people killed.

"Is not believing me worth the lives of everyone here?"

There was a sick joke in the timing, with the two robed figures entering from the downpour.
They raise a brow. “I'm a mercenary”, Olivier explains, a hint of amusement in his tone, “Killing people is kind of the job. It's how I usually solve problems, and this especially seems like an appropriate time for violence, my lady”, they say with a hint of teasing near the end.

It went unsaid that this was assuming she was telling the truth. Despite everything she'd shown him one thing wasn't adding up in Olivier's head. One particular thing…

Olivier eyes the girl in front of him. They were after her weren't they? He couldn't say for sure but it made sense. There was nothing worth fighting over in a tavern like this, not normally. Stands to reason if trouble came it had to do with the queer stranger that barged in.

He opens his mouth to speak. He's not sure what he was about to say, but it ends up not mattering.

They'd arrived.

Olivier stares.

He quickly turns back to the girl in front of him. Part of him still felt hesitant, but she'd been right so far. It was time to get acting.

“Well then… tell me who the most dangerous among our little group of friends is. If we have the time I'd appreciate some tidbits about the others too”, he says softly, barely audible.

His voice is calm, his tone relaxed, you couldn't sense any tension from how he sounded. No, for that you needed to look at the slight tensing of his muscles.

Olivier's hand moves, the gemmed hand. Vega would notice it had three rings on this time, he still had the sapphire looking gem on his finger after all.

“In the meantime, keep an eye on this thing for me would you? It wouldn't be the first time I've tried to woo a lady with a light show, so I doubt anyone will get suspicious”

And with that said there's a glow from one of the rings, a brown one with green at the edges of the gemstone.

Fire pours out from it. Though fire isn't quite the right word. The substance that slipped out was too… congealed as it floated midair. It was more akin to lava but more ethereal in a way.

Olivier's other hand moves to the substance and seems to direct it. He shapes the substance like clay until it shifts into a more crystalline structure.

A beautiful orange crystal forms right in front of Vega. It glows with a gentle heat.

“Pretty isn't it?”

It wasn't easy to tell if it was just him selling the act or if he was intentionally showing off on some level.

Olivier's other hand stays close to the crystal and he finally works his actual magic.

Mana pours from both sides of his body. The mana from the left, the one passing through the Earth filter, maintains the crystalline structure while the other…

Olivier pours his more natural, rawer mana, straight into the structure. The crystal holds it there, trapping the flame inside.

He continues to pour it in and in. The warmth of the crystal increases from that of a match to a hearth and soon approaches a blaze.

Vega would perhaps guess that this was only a small portion of the fire within. This was just the heat the crystal couldn't trap within, the small amount that escaped.

There was a lot more within.
Of course he was a mercenary! It fit that amoral, silver haired vibe too well. Vega didn't try to argue the point with Olivier. There wasn't really any time, and he wanted to know about the people he was going to be dealing with. She couldn't blame him for seeking information.

“The man who entered,” Vega said with no hesitation, recalling the way he'd been able to grab her. Phantom pain radiated from her gut, and she shifted in her seat as Olivier began to play with magic. Her eyes lifted, that fear that sparked with the phantom pain only increasing bit by bit with the lava imagery…even if it cooled.

“Pretty,” her agreement was obviously tainted with incomplete knowledge of what it could do, but a suspicion it could do a lot.

She swallowed and continued, “The man has a wand that let's him use lightning magic.”

‘He destroyed your hand.’

“He's not unskilled in hand to hand but that's his go to. The woman seemed to use the earth element well. I didn't catch how she used it,” her eyes stayed off the people she was talking about. “I think she may have used fire, like you. It wasn't clear when everything was on fire….”

And her understanding was left wanting.

“There was another with poison knives. They're not here. Lightning Man fetched them, the others weren't alive long….”

A shadow fell on their table.

Lightning Man had eavesdropped, as he had before, but the conversation was different this time. Rather than reveal who she was, it revealed that she knew him which was…strange.

And the crew he left.

He laid a hand on the table, hood down, smile on his face, “I've never quite been called that before. Usually Elliott,” he saw how pale she went. “I'm rather curious how you seem to know me and the people I'm traveling with. I don't believe we've crossed paths before.”

Vega’s throat was tight.

She'd promised to reveal them if she needed to. Why not now? “You said you brought me here. Trying to pull your master in.”

Obviously he said no such thing and for a moment Elliot was confused before understanding dawned on his face. “Oh…oh I see.” He straightened up, “what an interesting gift they left you with.”
He carefully notes down her words in his head until it happens. Olivier's expression is as carefree as ever but his body tenses the moment the stranger arrives.

They'd been careless.

He watches the stranger, Elliot, with an uncaring expression. Presenting the image of a man who really didn't give a shit.

He kind of did.

Olivier was sitting, the man was standing. It might have sounded like a minor thing but it could well take Olivier half a second to burst from his position and in a battle every moment counted. He didn't doubt he'd be able to kill them, but he'd be risking an attack from the rest of their cronies. He also wasn't sure if he really should just attack them already, they technically hadn't don't anything yet.

“I do believe the young lady is rather averse to your presence, sir. I'm a mercenary you see and she's come all this way to request my services so I must insist that you stay away from my client. I can't risk anything happening to her, a mercenary's reputation is a very precious thing, it's not something I can part with cheaply”

He playfully has the crystal in his hands do a little spin. As if he couldn't care less about the potential danger of the situation.

“Though… I suppose we can both see that this isn't exactly a pleasant scenario for either of us. Get in my way and even if you survive I assure you it would not be without a price but well… same could be said for me”

The crystal continues to spin, Olivier turns to Elliot with a smile.

“I'm a mercenary, my loyalty is very important. It's not something I can part with easily for my own sake… what's your offer?”

The question comes out of nowhere.

“If you can pique my interest… well let's say I might go for a walk outside. Assuming you promise not to cause too much of a ruckus here, this is my favorite haunt after all”

Olivier glances at Vega, but turns away, without saying a thing. There was just the hint of a tenseness to his face, the only sign of guilt.
Olivier didn't start a fight.

Quite the opposite, he offered to sell himself out and hot rage boiled up within Vega, trailed by a certain despondence she tried to ignore. ‘I should have gone to the barracks.’ but Olivier had listened. He'd fought.

Then again, he said it himself – he wasn't accustomed to rescuing damsels.

Her one pathetic hope was that Elliot would still care about others hearing, but, “Quite the offer. I'd rather be done with this simply myself, so how is 100 gold for your troubles?”

Apparently, because he'd come over to converse, there was no one to fight. The others didn't know. Olivier may have known from her mentioning their master, but that didn't seem to bother Elliot.

Rather than stay and let them figure out how much Oliver's peace would cost, Vega got to her feet to bolt for the door. She hadn't been watching the woman, and realized too late she had also risen from the table, and she caught Vega by the arm.

“Let me–”

“Honestly, running out and sticking this poor man with the tab? Don't worry, I can cover for my sister as well,” Elliot played it off to downplay any potential distress Vega could create. “She's always like this.”

“You're not my brother!” Vega snapped, but held on more violence a moment. She didn't want anyone here hurt, but did she stand a chance outside? Probably not.

Not that anyone here did, either.

Except Olivier.

She quite wished her glare was as fatal as the Death Bell.
“My mother raised me to be a gentleman and because of you sir I have just made a pretty lady upset. I have stained my honour and my mother's memory… that's got to be worth at least a hundred and ten”, Olivier says, too busy haggling with Elliot over paying attention to Vega's glares.

All the while the fire crystal he'd crafted floated uncaringly over his hand. Olivier glances from it to Vega and then to Elliot.

“Hmm. Won't be needing this anymore”

He taps it with the Earth ring. The crystal seems to harden, grow more solid. The warmth increases but at the same time, it feels as if the brightness within was decreasing. He was shunting off the heat within rather then making it stronger.

The crystal suddenly shatters to flakes, reminiscent of little embers. Olivier holds them in his hands and then looks to Vega.

He blows the embers towards her. The gesture wasn't dissimilar to a kiss. The bright orange, ashes flitted across the tavern and cover Vega, as if coating her in orange glitter. It might have been pretty, but it did look a bit haphazard.

Olivier winks at her.

“A little something to remember me by. This was a wonderful evening, love. Looking forward to more, but no running off next time”.

He says this with a smile.

“Now, now Elly. There's no need to apologize on her behalf. I could never be mad at a beautiful woman… though yes, I would prefer my tab”

There's a certain emphasis on the word tab. To those in the know it was obvious he was talking about his payment.

Shameless, absolutely shameless. The man right now seemed nothing like the warrior who'd died trying to save Vega. It was as if they were two completely different people.
Elliot couldn’t help but laugh at the additional bartering. He could part with ten additional coins, and he took it from his pouch and placed it upon the table, “Count if you like, it’s all there, and a little extra for the tab,” he had counted it out a bit as Olivier destroyed the crystal, the residue falling where it pleased – some blown upon Vega.

She glared through the glittering dust.

Well, after flinching, and half-expecting to be blown up. The heat that settled wasn’t comfortable in the slightest, and she was doing her utmost to fight off angry tears. She always hated that reaction and wasn’t going to offer that satisfaction.

‘When I learn magic….’


She only had the dagger of words left until then, “I see why Aurarius must have given up on you.” She had no idea if Aurarius gave up on him, or if he gave up on Aurarius, but she still hoped the words hurt him. He sounded like he retained respect for whoever Aurarius was, last time.

With the money passed off, Elliot moved from the table to where Vega was being restrained, not a soul moving to change it. They had their heads down, no doubt telling themselves they didn’t have the full story, maybe she was a runaway sister in need of being returned? They didn’t want involved, and Vega hated them all in the moment.

“You could change it,” Elliot said conversationally as he grabbed her arm, taking her from his companion to lead out. She didn’t fight it, but walked, staring straight ahead. They walked out into the rain. “As you did last time we met.”

Vega didn’t respond, but she didn’t ignore the words. They were a question – and she understood he knew more about her than she did, but she didn’t want to go with him. He’d still massacred the bar the last time.

At least the rain was removing the dust.

“I know you must think me uncouth and terrible, but I promise this is for a greater good. You will understa—ah, ah, no,” he caught her elbow as she attempted to take what little freedom she’d been granted by following along to her advantage. He grabbed both wrists then and held them behind her back as he pushed her on ahead of him. “Don’t make this difficult.” They left the main road that led outside the city, turning into the wooded area.
The heated glare the mage sent her way wasn't entirely faked. Olivier grips the gold coins tight as he turns away. He cuts his words sort, simply giving Elliot a curt nod as they leave. He didn't spare Vega another glance.

A moment passes, then another. Olivier waits until he's certain they're gone.

“Leave the crossbow where it is, Rosa. You don't want to get involved in this”

The barkeep in question had been inching towards where she kept her old reliable weapon. The woman had a glare on her face as she looked at Olivier.

“That wasn't a good look for ye, Liver”, she speaks through gritted teeth.

That woman, she couldn't help but get involved in everyone's problems, couldn't help but see herself in every scared girl. Olivier imagines it was a sign of trust she hadn't pulled the weapon out by now.

He sighs as he leans back.

“Yeah. Yeah, I'll get on it, just give me a minute”

He closes his eyes, focusing on the remnants of his mana. Mages had an almost sixth sense when it came to their magic, it wasn't entirely easy, but if you focused it was more than doable.

Olivier feels it. The crystals were fading quickly, but they'd lasted long enough. He could tell where the group was going.

He opens his eyes, cracks his knuckles and heads towards the door.

“Oi, make sure nobody here leaves. Not until I wrap this up ye hear?”

That last part was loud enough for the crowd to here. He wanted that, Olivier had a nasty glare as his eyes roamed over the other patrons. They looked sheepish and confused, but they didn't really gainsay him.

He didn't need more people to worry about.

“Wait. Let me-”

Olivier doesn't bother to here her concerns. He slams the door shut as he leaves. He didn't need the help, and the offer only annoyed him. They really thought he couldn't handle this much? How insulting.

With a scoff he heads towards Vega.
The others were waiting. Vega recognizes the poison mage easily; she’s flicking a dagger up in the air and catching it as they approach. It’s a small campsite built in the woods, with a single carriage, and four mammalian-esque creatures that likely pull it, no longer yoked. They seem like a gazelle mixed with a rhino, to Vega.

The oddity is a brief distraction.

“That’s…not our Master,” the one with the poison-knife states, and Vega’s attention breaks from the oddity to refocus on the situation. She still had to find a way to escape.

“Correct, but she came into contact with them,” Elliot answers, “and not in just any way. A parting gift was left. We can use it to improve our spell next time.” The one with the poison gemmed blade looks disappointed. “Pack up, we need to leave immediately.”

The campsite begins to move, and Elliot adds, “Someone bring me a bit of rope, she isn’t inclined to cooperate, no matter how she’s behaving now.” Vega rolls her eyes, but indeed, when one arrives with rope, she does struggle anew, pulling one hand free and twisting her body away. She attempted to drive her fist into his own stomach, but he was able to block it, and catch her arms, “Would someone help me with this?”

Poison Knife girl volunteered as he held her arms, she took the rope.

Vega at least had the satisfaction of kneeing her in the gut and watching her keel over, before she was met with a blade to her throat.

Don’t.” Elliot’s warning was firm.

“I wouldn’t kill her—”

“Don't even be so daft,” he spoke sharply, sounding…afraid. “We may not get a third time.”

‘Third time….’

It rung with what he said before, and Vega began to doubt that it was a vision she had. She dared to probe, when the knife was away from her face and the Poisonous One found a better position, “Are you suggesting that the first time…when I met and described you all…that was real? You remember it?”

“If you come along with us peacefully, I will explain. If you’re going to insist on fighting, however, I will not help you learn to develop your powers.”

The ruckus of the camp, and the movement of packing up, and getting the animals yoked, would likely drown out the sound of any approach – or any notice of it.
It was tedious and surprisingly frustrating keeping up with the group. Oh, Olivier could definitely race towards them and close the distance in a matter of moments but that would put him at a dangerously low level of Mana. No, he had to pace himself, use just the bare minimum so that he had enough in him to be able to mount a fight.

A wielder of lightning, a ground mage with some control over fire, and a rogue with poisoned daggers. Not to mention the unknowns. Things could get ugly if he was careless, they apparently already had according to the girl.

Not for the first time Olivier wonders what in the hell was that woman.

She was another consideration too. The strangers didn't seem like they wanted her dead but who knew how long that mentality of theirs would last. If they were dying anyway they might kill her out of spite.

Olivier smiles a nasty smile as they finally come to a stop.

He'd been trailing at a distance, the flecks of embers allowing him to just barely keep them in sight. They were distracted now, too busy focusing on the girl to notice him creep closer. It was an old foible of man, the closer you were to victory the more your vision narrowed.

He was close enough.

Olivier takes a breath, preparing himself for what was to come. He was outnumbered and he'd already wasted some of his mana in the bar, but the odds weren't strictly against him. Battles between mages tended to be brutal, quick things. He just needed to wreck havoc while he held the element of surprise.

He glances up at the sky. It was a full moon. Enough light for someone to see with… provided their eyes were used to the darkness.

Olivier looks to the group, blissfully unaware of the danger nearby.

His first strike would be pivotal. He had to ensure it left them disoriented, and then he had to ensure he could capitalize on that weakness.

Heh. He'd hoped for a challenge.

A fireball slams into the middle of the encampment. A large inferno of heat and light that shatters the peace of the forest. The Blaze so bright in the darkness it burns at the eyes of those unfortunate enough to actually look at it.

It was only a distraction.

A white blur races through the forest, arm covering their face.

Olivier uncovers his face and opens his eyes, a stern look on his face as he surveils the battlefield. They'd need a moment to gain their bearings after that burst of light.

His eyes snap to one of the cultists, like a hawk on to a mouse. Without a word, he races towards them.

The crackling of fire is joined by the screams of the dying and the smell of iron.

Again, with fire.

Vega assumed death would come with that sudden inferno, but it never came close enough to do more than heat her. Elliot dragged her back from it and the one with the poison daggers quickly took a defensive stance, trying to figure where the danger came from.

Two cultists fall, the ones Vega couldn’t remember doing much before. They do even less, this time around.

Elliot pulled the familiar yellow wand in one hand, and kept his other holding onto the rope that now bound Vega’s hands. The assailant was obvious near the corpses now as vision returned, and a certain calm settled.

But Elliot didn’t waste time with irritated words; he lifted his wand, and called down lightning, which would only be empowered by the water in the air, and with any luck for him, on Olivier, as well.

Vega did what she could to disrupt the accuracy by pulling roughly forward, dragging Elliot forward with her, pulling him off balance. Not enough to fall, but certainly enough to help make sure his strike wasn’t the truest.

The one with the daggers moved to get distance from Elliot and find a better position from which to throw her daggers, while the earth mage was still regrouping from being blinded, or else she might have tried to sink Olivier’s feet into the mud.
He doesn't waste a moment. Even as he cuts the stranger down his eyes scan across the field, keeping track of every foe left alive. The man he'd talked to in the bar had already gathered himself.

Olivier feels his hair rise

He leaps away from his spot without a moment's hesitation. The lightning slamming right behind him went wild, far off track from its actual target. The girl's interference had helped.

Olivier rushes towards Elliot-

And completely shifts directions without warning.

Lightning magic was far less effective when you couldn't pin down where your opponent was after all.

He fires a small burst of flame at the knife wielder.

With both Elliot and the knife wielder somewhat distracted, he races towards the Earth mage. She was the most vulnerable of his foes, so she was the most logical target.

Olivier reaches her, sword held upright.

"A shame really, you were kind of cute... Oh well", he says nonchalantly.

He slashes down
There's nothing the earth mage can do in the moment, but hear the words, and die. She didn't even manage to prepare a defense before the blade came down.

The one with the knives had backed up from the burst, and blinked away her own momentary blindness from it, only to launch knife after knife – five of them – at Olivier. She'd try to aim and throw even after he moved, though her attention would be caught.

Elliot, it seemed, had considered the moment and decided Olivier was not the one to aim for any longer.

“Wretch! Did you know this would happen?” his anger thundered at the possibility of being tricked when he regained his footing. Vega was a bit away but not separated. Elliot held the rope, not her hands.

Vega shook her head. For all her foresight into the bar, this was new. Not that she owed her damn kidnapper an answer, but she couldn't even feign smug and gloat about it, a bit too surprised to see Olivier there, as well as still fairly pissed at him.

“I suppose next time will have to be the charm,” he sighed, “I'm sure they'll understand.”
Olivier rushes pasts what knives he could but there's only so many projectiles a man can dodge.

The remaining knives rush towards him-

A burst of flame erupts from the brown ring on his finger. It was more a miniature explosion then anything else. The force of it sends the blades flying away, and that reprieve is enough for the mage get his footing.

Olivier eyes the knife juggler with something akin to predatory intent before he hears it, the screams of a man. He snaps his head to the side, Elliot was looking at Vega and there was something about his presence that made Olivier go cold.

They were going to kill her.

He wasn't sure why the bastard suddenly changed his mind. It didn't matter. The girl would die if he didn't do anything.

The scream is somewhere between a snarl and a roar. The kind of sound you might hear from an angry beast.

He couldn't use his flames, not without risking hurting the girl. If he had a moment to focus maybe he could control- no. There wasn't any time.

Olivier charges at them.

“LET HER GO!”, he screams.
Elliot thought he had resolved himself to death of a certain kind when he killed Vega, but the shout distracted him, and that irksome will to live snapped his focus onto Olivier. A part of his mind clawed at him, ‘The girl, kill the girl.’ He could restart it. Get another chance. Sure, he’d never know, but his intent was the same every time.

Find what was summoned, and use it to bring their master back.

Olivier was going to kill them all, but he could have ended it on his own terms then and there.

Unfortunately for him, he didn’t snap back to Vega, though he did let go of the rope to better deal with the threat rushing at him, and not deal with her potentially off-balancing him again. He moved to try and get out of the brunt of the rush, and pull lightning down into his hands.

He couldn’t hold lightning long, he knew that, but he wanted to throw it out before him, not drop it down.

Vega rushed to where one of the poison knives had fallen in the ground to work on cutting the rope that bound her, something the knife thrower didn’t care about. They were waiting for a good moment to hurl at Olivier, waiting to make sure Elliot had their full attention.
The ruthlessness in Olivier's eyes made him seem more beast then man. He had genuinely liked Elliot, at least a little. It wouldn't change a thing.

Olivier glances behind him. He wasn't new to this, when facing more then one opponent never take your eyes off any of them for longer than you had to.

He notices little miss knifie taking aim.

Olivier shifts directions to position himself between her and Elliot. That should give her some pause.

Things were far from over though.

Olivier stares straight at Elliot charging their own attack.

He waits for one nerve wracking moment. Too early and they'd adjust aim, too late and he'd die anyway. He had to time it just right.

Olivier pushes as much mana as he could spare into his legs and leaps into the sky.

Perhaps it was instinct or perhaps it was just dumb luck, but he'd managed it. He could see both of their expressions from his current angle, they weren't going to hit him.

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