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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

Revin scoffed and shook his head.

"Good? Evil? Those don't mean anything to me anymore. It's about survival, and my duty."
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Revin scoffed and shook his head.
"Good? Evil? Those don't mean anything to me anymore. It's about survival, and my duty."

"Survival by killing people that havent even attacked you once? And duty? Why would you kill beta testers?"
Karasūma eventually ventures into a unfamiliar town. She walks down the streets watching the people chat and such. Some people would look at her and she'd quicken her pace not liking the attention. They recognized her as The Sweet Hearted Demon, Karasūma didnt know who gave her that stupid nickname. It just didn't make sense and she absolutely hated it. Just because she has a bad temper when she was upset doesnt mean they could call her a demon... Well a bad temper is a understatement and she knew it. She diverts her gaze from people and stares at the ground in front of her. Oh how she hated when people stared.

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[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Revin glared at the person next to him.
"I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Never said you have to. You must have your motives. I dont agree with them but they are yours not mine so I cant change that"
"Good. Then leave me be."

He sighed as he looked back out down the hill to the small village, a plain of grass surrounding it.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
"Good. Then leave me be."
He sighed as he looked back out down the hill to the small village, a plain of grass surrounding it.

"Calm down. Just one more thing. You killed one of my friends' friend. And that is a thing I cant ignore"
Karasūma picks up her pace to a full jog/sliw run. She heads right out of the town and back into the grassy plains. She sighs and tucks the hair in her face behind her ear. She hated how the people who recognized her saw her. She was no demon and she knew it. She takes a deep breath and continues to walk through the grassy plains.
Grimm walked through a forest looking around his immediate area "Seriously I've been waking for who knows how long"He sighed "I hate walking"
Kirasūma wanders further into the grassy plains, a small smile decorates her lips. She closes her eyes as another warm breeze passes by her.
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[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Revin sighed.
"I'm in no mood to kill someone right now. Do yourself a favor and just leave."

"i cant do that. You killed too many people" she draws her sword "I just want to know the why and I will leave"
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Revin shook his head.
"The reasons are my own. Leave me."

"I told you I cant. Tell me or I wont leave"
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]He said nothing, only continued to stare out at the hill.

(I got "666" I am happy now) "Are you hearing me?"
Karasūma makes her way up a hill and spots both a male and female under a cherry blossom tree. The female was pointing a sword at the male. Karasūma still continues to walk up the hill and passes them.

@Knight Nate

Ádis grined "I meant nothing by it I was just making sure" ádis switched in slashing from its left shoulder across to its adjacent waist causing it to groan and shriek then stabbed it in a star burst style leaving read hit marks all over its body and with one giant arch cut at its waist "switch!" He jumped back heaving but recovered quite quickly

@Timmy Turner
Revin sighed as he reattached his cape and put his helmet back onto his head.

The Black Knight stared at the girl, and pulled his broadsword out if the ground and pointed it at her.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Ádis grined "I meant nothing by it I was just making sure" ádis switched in slashing from its left shoulder across to its adjacent waist causing it to groan and shriek then stabbed it in a star burst style leaving read hit marks all over its body and with one giant arch cut at its waist "switch!" He jumped back heaving but recovered quite quickly
@Timmy Turner

She'd come charging at it slashing at it nonstop, the red slice marks are visible all over it. She jumps back while yelling, "Switch!"
Karasūma would look back and recognize the girl. She knew Night_Crawler! Karasūma didnt want to interrupt then though she did want to ask about her friend. She decides to just sit were she was until the fight was over. Maybe they were gonna duel? Though it certainly didnt look like a duel... Were they pkers?.. Was only one? Karasūma didn't really recognize them with any titles since she didnt like to involve herself in it. She yawns a bit as she gets lost in thought.

@Knight Nate
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Libra259 said:
She'd come charging at it slashing at it nonstop, the red slice marks are visible all over it. She jumps back while yelling, "Switch!"
Ádis switched back in cutting the reapers knees before rolling underneath it turning around only to be swatted into the wall using the force he jumped up off the wall and drove his sword into its head shattering it to pixels as it hit the ground the item drop list appeared in front of him as he was on a knee supporting himself with his sword if anyone checked his health it was at about 35%
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Ádis switched back in cutting the reapers knees before rolling underneath it turning around only to be swatted into the wall using the force he jumped up off the wall and drove his sword into its head shattering it to pixels as it hit the ground the item drop list appeared in front of him as he was on a knee supporting himself with his sword if anyone checked his health it was at about 35%

"Sweet what did you get?.. Hope it wasnt to good, did let you get that last attack bonus." She chuckles.

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