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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

Libra259 said:
"Sweet what did you get?.. Hope it wasnt to good, did let you get that last attack bonus." She chuckles.
He held up a finger as to say hold on as he caught his breath once he did he checked it "well I got the scythe 800 gold and his eyes widened clicking on the screen and a scroll piped into his hands he held it reading it "a blueprint on how to make God-tier weapons...anyone know a blacksmith!?
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He held up a finger as to say hold on as he caught his breath once he did he checked it "well I got the scythe 800 gold and his eyes widened clicking on the screen and a scroll piped into his hands he held it reading it "a blueprint on how to make God-tier weapons...anyone know a blacksmith!?

"MICHI! Shes like the best blacksmith there is!"
Libra259 said:
"MICHI! Shes like the best blacksmith there is!"
"Let me guess she's that girl from the Knights of the blood oath...." He had a look that just let you know he didn't like that idea
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Let me guess she's that girl from the Knights of the blood oath...." He had a look that just let you know he didn't like that idea

"Whats with you and KOB? Ive noticed you get one edge when someone mentions them. You get in trouble with them?"
Yugi knew God tier weapons, as he obtained a lot of them,including the sevel he had with him always, as well as dealing with God tier monsters solo. He shook a bit , and asked: " Sorry to ask... but, do you two want God tier weapons..? I can give you some, if you wish... " He said shyly, as he showed them three weapons he obtained recently, before meeting them.

@Libra259 and @ashel darkwing
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Libra259 said:
"Whats with you and KOB? Ive noticed you get one edge when someone mentions them. You get in trouble with them?"
He sighed "no it's just they haven't left me alone since one of them saw me dissappear in a dungeon so now I try to avoid that guild as much as possible" he rolled up the scroll and put it back in his inventory "but if she is what you say she is then I think I'll go to her once I get the materials...do you want the scythe cause if not I'm just going to sell it and split the profit"
@Libra259[/URL] and @ashel darkwing
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He sighed "no it's just they haven't left me alone since one of them saw me dissappear in a dungeon so now I try to avoid that guild as much as possible" he rolled up the scroll and put it back in his inventory "but if she is what you say she is then I think I'll go to her once I get the materials...do you want the scythe cause if not I'm just going to sell it and split the profit"

"Oh I see... I dont need it I have enough crap. Thanks though both of you." She smiles at Yugi and at Ádis. "Well im glad i met people who arent afraid of me! Though I must be going!" She waves then teleports out.
He smiles as well, and nods. He teleports elsewhere, because he's going to attempt a Boss Battle that no one has reached or even been to, the final Boss Room. Using a teleportation crystal, he set it for that Boss Room, and was teleported immediately.
He smiled ádis teleports to the town above "even more ahead of schedule now let's go get those materials" he heads out for the first town on the next floor 'well if three people can do the job better than the entire KOB army then there is obviously a problem' he laughs to himself as he seeks out his new sword and a vendor to sell the scythe to
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]Revin sighed as he reattached his cape and put his helmet back onto his head.
The Black Knight stared at the girl, and pulled his broadsword out if the ground and pointed it at her.

she sighs "Why do you kill people... I think you are sick. That is why you do it. You think you are a murderer so you act like one. Just like I sometimes act like i am a Valkyrie. But now you will face justice" besides her, another 4 people surround him, her and the tree
Yugi was just finishing the boss battle, and with one mighty swing, it was completely destroyed. The boy walked away from the Boss Room, it shattering into several pieces behind him, as he obtained the " Giga Smasher " Skill as a result. He equipped it into his Paladin suit, one of many skills he obtained as a result of this game. However, as he walked out, and materialized downwards, he saw a confrontation of sorts. 3-4 people was surrounding a man, one that seemed familiar for the aura he had. He gasped, as the armour was the exact one he fought not too ago. It was The Dark Knight, without his helmet. He knew these unfortunate souls would get killed. So, he equipped his other suit on, one with a hooded cloak, and a giant Zweihandler that he used. This was one of the other classes within SAO, but also slightly changes his more speed based to strength based, though his other stats aren't behind his strength by only like 2 points each. He asked, in the very same voice he always had.." Are you sure...you want to fight him ? " He said, soon appearing beside the 4 people attempting to kill him / subdue him .

(It was a Mini-Boss, before the Floor Boss, but yeah, it was a Boss ) The man wasn't detered in the slightest, and simply pointed his golden handled Zweihandler at the person who defended their group. " You will be killed if you fight the Black Knight. Believe me, he's a powerful opponent. " He looks back at him, and sighs : " People have respectable reasons to do what they do. No matter how evil it may seem, you must always be willing to forgive those who have wronged you. If you don't heed my warning, you'll have to face me... " He said, no signs of worry or concern, especially considering he was outnumbered.
[QUOTE="Timmy Turner](It was a Mini-Boss, before the Floor Boss, but yeah, it was a Boss ) The man wasn't detered in the slightest, and simply pointed his golden handled Zweihandler at the person who defended their group. " You will be killed if you fight the Black Knight. Believe me, he's a powerful opponent. " He looks back at him, and sighs : " People have respectable reasons to do what they do. No matter how evil it may seem, you must always be willing to forgive those who have wronged you. If you don't heed my warning, you'll have to face me... " He said, no signs of worry or concern, especially considering he was outnumbered.

"I told you to leave. One of us has already fought him and knows he isnt that strong" she points to a man holding two spears. One red and the other white. It was Nathan aka Ace_Of_Spades "If you want to fight him, wait from it to kill us. If he doesnt do it then I am sorry but you lost your chance"
He decided to go and get something to eat, so he went downstairs to the nice attendant behind the counter "Is there some kind of Room service..?" She shook her head while grabbing a map of the small town. He skimmed the map and found a nearby restaurant. "thank you....ill be back soo." he waved then walked out.
" That's because he held back. Honestly, why settle for revenge for someone you hardly know in real life ? Someone you only know through association with another individual, and rumors, but have you ever stopped to wonder..."why" he did what he did. He must have some explainable situation. And also, even if you managed to "kill" him, your no better than he is ! " He said, pausing for a second to let that sink in, then continued : " If you want him, i will confront you , high levels or low levels. i have no quarrel with him nor with you , but i will protect those who both deserve and don't deserve it. "

( Forgot to mention, Super Bosses are stronger than Floor Bosses , which is what you have to beat in order to obtain God tier weapons , like the one The Knight has, as well as the ones Yugi has. The Zweihandler he has in his hand is a God tier weapon, but he's going to hold back if him and the Valkyries clash )

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[QUOTE="Timmy Turner]" That's because he held back. Honestly, why settle for revenge for someone you hardly know in real life ? Someone you only know through association with another individual, and rumors, but have you ever stopped to wonder..."why" he did what he did. He must have some explainable situation. And also, even if you managed to "kill" him, your no better than he is ! " He said, pausing for a second to let that sink in, then continued : " If you want him, i will confront you , high levels or low levels. i have no quarrel with him nor with you , but i will protect those who both deserve and don't deserve it. "
( Forgot to mention, Super Bosses are stronger than Floor Bosses , which is what you have to beat in order to obtain God tier weapons , like the one The Knight has, as well as the ones Yugi has. The Zweihandler he has in his hand is a God tier weapon, but he's going to hold back if him and the Valkyries clash )

"You are insane. First yes I didnt know the person very well, but my friend over there" she points to a person with brown, iron armour and an heavy sword that looks like a giant key "was his best friend. They knew each very well. And this person" she points to the black knight "Kill it. And the only thing he will keep doing is killing people. So he must day so the others dont die for him. He is a red player, only kills people, but you try to protect him when he tried to kill you too? Oh and his reasons? it wont matter cause he refuses to tell them. So yes we have the right to stop him. I have the duty too. The fact that you dont know me just proves your ignorance. Now go away because we 5 can destroy you. We are 5 really high level players. We are all pros in this game. We know alot of abilities and together we are almost immortal. Only a floor boss could defeat us 5 together. You are just a player that doesnt care about the others that died. Now leave!. You have no right to stay here" (Valkyrie* . The others arent called that. In fact you can see all their information in the "character sign-up". And you 1v1 a Super Boss?)
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" ... " The Pharoah / Pharoah Atemu simply smiled under his hood, and took off the hood, revealing his Egyptian attire. He took control of Yugi's body, in the very same way a spirit controls a vessel, which is pretty much both their relationship, and isn't. He was at least a foot taller, probably two feet taller. He just stood there, his cape flowing in the wind, and the necklace he wore glowing a incredibly bright, yellowish coloration . He knew he could defeat them all , but didn't want to seem cocky. His eyes were fierce, and the pupils looked like they had fire in them. He didn't have a weapon, unlike his other costume, but he had a purple and black aura, which increased in size like a wildfire to a forest . All he said was, " You have no right to tell me what i do and don't care about. If you cared, you would've attempted to beat the game, instead of tracking someone down who wouldn't care whether or not you seeked revenge. You would've cared not for one, but for the whole. I am defeating floor bosses, and mini-bosses, by myself , using god tier weapons , so i can help everyone escape, instead of being blinded by one thing . If you talk once more, in a accusing matter, i will show you no mercy in our fight. Leave now, while i am still merciful . " He said, some mercy in his eyes, but not much . The God Puzzle ( the necklace around The Pharoah's neck ) was a god tier item, and believe him, it was a item they did not want to be used on them.

The Black Knight sighed as he looked down at the ground.

"I hate days like these...."

He turned to the kid.

"You should leave. If death wants them, he can have them."

He turned back to the girl in blue and stared at her, a glint of orange under his helmet.

"I'm going to give you to the count of three to put your weapons away and forget this all happened."
( a bit too late, old sparring partner. If they launch at you, he'll fight them off . And yes, he has had two occasions which he has fought a Super Boss, but it wasn't easy, without the God tier weapons. )

@Knight Nate
(ok so first you think your character can defeat them with his hands? There is no magic in SAO. So good luck with that. And you cant 1v1 a boss that is harder than a floor boss. That is impossible. And God Tier Weapons are really rare. Everything cant be a rare item. My char got his spears because they gave them to him) "You know what I am done with you lets fight. You cant win against 5 of us"
The Black Knight shrugged.

"Five. Ten. Twenty. Fifty. It doesn't matter how many of you there are. I always win. I've never lost. I don't plan on starting now."

He moved into a defensive , ready to counter.

[QUOTE="Knight Nate]The Black Knight shrugged.
"Five. Ten. Twenty. Fifty. It doesn't matter how many of you there are. I always win. I've never lost. I don't plan on starting now."

He moved into a defensive , ready to counter.


the 5 member squad get in a battle position. Nathan and the guy that holds a key has his heavysword in front. Behind them is the girl with blue armor and a guy with a golden light sword. behind them all its a girl with her bow and wolf made of smoke. The girl has a wolf's mask while the wolf has a lamb's mask
He ran down the street, his stomach hurting from the lack of food and protein. His stomach grumbled causing him to hold his stomach. Death soon got to his destination and quickly ordered some food.

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