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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

Libra259 said:
Aero holds her sword slightly tilted above her head. The minotaurs club collides with her katana and slides off; nullifying its attack. Aero has grown accusom to using this move since most of the attacks that are thrown at her are downwards towards her head. She wouldnt waste anytime as she sidesteps to the left and thrusts her katana down at the arm that has the club. In a quick swipe she cuts off its arm and swiftly plunges her sword into its stomach. From there she pulls down cutting the minotaurs stomach open. Since she is using a weak weapon her attacks are less powerful then normal. The minotaur then attempts to punch her; which she dodges gracefully and quickly. Aero jumps up and with a mighty swing, she cuts its head off. She lands in a crouched position on the ground and doesnt bother to check the drops.
He looked at her "well it looks like the monsters on this floor are nothing for you" he half laughed and walked over "have you ever thought about trying making a party to take out a boss? I bet there's tons of people as strong as you" he said playing as the weak fool until he figured out if she was friend or foe
The Black Knight laughed. He brought a hand up to the spear at his neck and bent it so that the tip was facing the kid.

"You don't want to do that."
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]The Black Knight laughed. He brought a hand up to the spear at his neck and bent it so that the tip was facing the kid.
"You don't want to do that."

"Maybe I do" he stabs his arm and even if his hp doesnt go down. it is enough for him to let my character go. He then jumps to the left so he is on an open field right now.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He looked at her "well it looks like the monsters on this floor are nothing for you" he half laughed and walked over "have you ever thought about trying making a party to take out a boss? I bet there's tons of people as strong as you" he said playing as the weak fool until he figured out if she was friend or foe

Aero raises an eyebrow at him, "I know you know who I am. Theres no way your on this level and wouldnt know. Also I know that you know that there are more strong players out there like me, for the record im not that strong, and im pretty sure since you are on this level that you know that we have formed parties to take out bosses, so why did you ask? Do you think tour funny? Or maybe that im stupid?.." At this point her tone has gotten more serious.
Libra259 said:
Aero raises an eyebrow at him, "I know you know who I am. Theres no way your on this level and wouldnt know. Also I know that you know that there are more strong players out there like me, for the record im not that strong, and im pretty sure since you are on this level that you know that we have formed parties to take out bosses, so why did you ask? Do you think tour funny? Or maybe that im stupid?.." At this point her tone has gotten more serious.
He looked down and sighed "no its not like that..." He pulled his hood down to reveal who he was "I was wondering how much you knew and how much you were willing to let a stranger know" he smiled "ya I don't think there's a player here who doesn't know the blood lust maiden..." He scratched the back of his head nervously "you may have heard of my nickname they call me the worker of shadows for obvious reasons and actually I'd be past this floor already if I could beat the boss by myself...that's why I asked about the parties" he chuckled a little nervously tightening the grip on his sword in case things went bad
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The Black Knight laughs again as he pulled the other spear out and dropped it on the ground, stomping on it and breaking it in two. He pulled his broadsword out and began to approach him.

"Very well. The Alpha shall once again slay the Beta."
The Red Symbol was clearly visible on top of his head which made most players back away from him when he walked past. He was a player killer but only killed people if they were bounties set by other players in the game. He glanced into his menu to see how much Col he had. 'Hmm..' he thought for a moment before deciding that he would stop by a food stand or anywhere to get food. Once he reached one he payed for a snack and took it out of his inventory. No one had seen his face yet so he took the food to a Dark ally to remove his mask and chomp down.

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He looked down and sighed "no its not like that..." He pulled his hood down to reveal who he was "I was wondering how much you knew and how much you were willing to let a stranger know" he smiled "ya I don't think there's a player here who doesn't know the blood lust maiden..." He scratched the back of his head nervously "you may have heard of my nickname they call me the worker of shadows for obvious reasons and actually if be past this floor already if I could beat the boss by myself...that's why I asked about the parties" he chuckled a little nervously tightening the grip on his sword in case things went bad

She chuckles, "dude don't believe everything you hear. Im seriously not bad... The damn rumours people come up with and then bam! Everyone is afraid of you.. And yeah ive heard of you.. Though again you dont really fit the description." She chuckles. "Oh and would you quit tightening your grip on that damn sword? Im not a player killer no matter what you've heard. And no one would actually join a party with the bloodlust maiden. You might wanna be careful about killing the boss alone. The one on the last floor was a nightmare.. Irregular offensive patterns, it was the worse."
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Libra259 said:
She chuckles, "dude don't believe everything you hear. Im seriously not bad... The damn rumours people come up with and then bam! Everyone is afraid of you.. And yeah ive heard of yeah.. Though again you dont really fit the description." She chuckles. "Oh and would you quit tightening your grip on that damn sword? Im not a player killer no matter what you've heard. And no one would actually join a party with the bloodlust maiden. You might wanna be careful about killing the boss alone. The one on the last floor was a nightmare.. Irregular offensive patterns."
"Ya I heard that's why I said if I could which by the sounds of it I can't..." He laughed and sheathed his sword and sent her a friend request "if ya hear about a group going for the boss I'll make a party with ya...I see you have this handled so I'm gonna go get my money for this quest I just finished" he waved before pulling out a teleport crystal and leaving once back in town he headed for the npc quest giver getting his coin and two health potions and headed to a tree in the clearing leaning up against it in the shade of its leaves
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Ya I heard that's why I said if I could which by the sounds of it I can't..." He laughed and sheathed his sword and sent her a friend request "if ya hear about a group going for the boss I'll make a party with ya...I see you have this handled so I'm gonna go get my money for this quest I just finished" he waved before pulling out a teleport crystal and leaving once back in town he headed for the npc quest giver getting his coin and two health potions and headed to a tree in the clearing leaning up against it in the shade of its leaves

Aero accepted it. She found it odd how he sent a friend request to her, now she has at most 6 players on her friend list. Its not easy making friends when everyone you meet is afraid of you. Aero sighs and walks farther into the dungeon. Though so far nothing has spawned.

After a while Aero got bored of the emptiness and grabbed her teleport crystal, she'd return to the town she was in before and yawn. Jeez I really need to sleep.. She'd rent a room at the closest inn and change into more comfortable clothes. She then tiredly plops onto the bed and falls asleep.
Ádis opened his eyes to someone trying to force a duel with him instantly he drew his sword and held it to the mans throat standing up slowly keeping the tip of his blade under the mans throat "and what exactly were you planing on doing..." He held a finger over the accept button before he moved it and hit decline "begone before I lose my patience!" The man ran as fast as he could away from ádis "seems it's time for me to go to bed" he walked to the hotel renting a room and taking off his armor before plopping in bed
Once finished he wiped his mouth from the crumbs and placed the mask over his head once again. He looked around to see if anyone had seen him before returning to the street where he would aimlessly walk around in search for a bounty to follow up on. His glare landed on people as he walked past them only to return their looks back at them. "Hmm.." He muttered out loud bored of the current events. "Maybe I'll give the boss a go.." he rubbed his chin through his mask but shrugged. "No.. Not today anyway.."
Aero would jolt awake from a nightmare, tears pooring from her eyes. Though she doesnt notice them. Ever since she has been young Aero's past has haunted her in forms of dreams, memories, and flashbacks. She couldn't help but think it was her fault. She sits up and swings her legs onto the floor. Only when the tears run down her face and drop onto her legs, she realizes she is crying. She shuts her eyes as she forms a fist with her left hand, her knuckles turn white as she tightens the fist. Aero exhales and smashes her fist into the wall, a small sign appears saying, 'Inanimate Object' and she sighs.

Damn emotions who needs them? She wipes her tears away and changes into her nornal clothes. She still doesnt wear any piece of armour. Then she walks out of the inn.
Struck from being bored he opens his menu again and brings up the "Mass Message" option which should send every player on this floor a message friend or not saying what ever he types. "I need a Bounty." He types within the chat box and hits the send button. He did not have his picture up so it would pop up as a blurred out face with a question mark on it. But a Red Player symbol would appear next to his name.
She walks through the town passing a guy dressed in mostly black with a mask and tattered cape. She notices the red mark above his head, signifying that he was a player killer and the glares he was giving to various people and chuckle a bit, a small smirk forming on her lips. People in the town would steer clear of her recognizing her as the Bloodlust Maiden. Rumours rumours go screw yourselves over.. And these people! So irritating, god im not a player killer.. She'd then get the message, bounty hunter... Hm.. Should keep my guard up around him.. There was indeed a fairly large bounty on her head placed by various players, she has a talent for pissing people off and she has many many enemies. She wonders whether anyone would answer with her name, well title.
A message popped on the Black Knight profile, and he quickly pulled it up and looked at it, smiling to himself, and replied quickly.

'I will pay a hundred million Col for the death of a Beta Tester. Doesn't matter whom. Bring me their weapons as proof and I'll pay you.

Dearest Regards,

Revin A.K.A The Black Knight.'
He received a message back from someone who was titled as "Revin" with a request on someones Death. 'One hundred Million..' he thought about it thinking of the possibilities of the skill of said Beta tester he was speaking of and his chance of survival. Even if he was skilled in battle he still had to assess every situation before he walked in there aimlessly. He returned a message back to 'The Black Knight'. "I need this Players Level, Stats, Nickname. Anything you can think of." He said and then waited for another Message back.

@Knight Nate
The Black Knight sighed as yet another message arrived. He replied as quickly as possible.

"It's not a person. It's people. Kill any and all Beta Testers you find, and bring me their weapons. I shall pay a hundred million for each kill."
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Vylle sighed as he walked around the town, it has become hard for him to move because of the increase of players in the area. It has also become harder to scout these said people as they have higher levels and stronger gear than him.

While he was walking, he accidentally bumped into a girl eating her food. He is currently wearing a cloak in order to hide his identity.

"O-Oh um... Sorry, please excuse me", he said before continuing on his own walk.


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