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Fandom SAO Rp! (Always accepting!)

Ádis ran from the minotaur he had engaged earlier "crap! crap! crap!" He tried disarming it and had failed he ran into a corner cursing himself in his head as he ran up the wall backfliping over the minotaur slamming his sword into its head knocking it to the ground where it shattered into pixels "that was too close I need to stop relying on that skill..." he heaved resting for a moment before checking the item drop-a minotaur horn and gold

[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Ádis ran from the minotaur he had engaged earlier "crap! crap! crap!" He tried disarming it and had failed he ran into a corner cursing himself in his head as he ran up the wall backfliping over the minotaur slamming his sword into its head knocking it to the ground where it shattered into pixels "that was too close I need to stop relying on that skill..." he heaved resting for a moment before checking the item drop-a minotaur horn and gold

Aero got sick of waiting for her friend and decided to go find a dungeon to clear. She'd get up and venture around the forest till she comes across another town. Since she was already there she decided to explore. How could she of missed a town so close to the one she is consisting at? Aero didn't know and just sighed as she walks into the new town.
Libra259 said:
Aero got sick of waiting for her friend and decided to go find a dungeon to clear. She'd get up and venture around the forest till she comes across another town. Since she was already there she decided to explore. How could she of missed a town so close to the one she is consisting at? Aero didn't know and just sighed as she walks into the new town.
(Has the no log out been announced)

Ádis saw someone enter the dungeon he hid in the shadows disappearing out of fright but decides to meet up with them he snuck behind her "watch out for the minotaurs" he had a hand on his sword if he needed to defend himself
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Has the no log out been announced)
Ádis saw someone enter the dungeon he hid in the shadows disappearing out of fright but decides to meet up with them he snuck behind her "watch out for the minotaurs" he had a hand on his sword if he needed to defend himself

(Yeah its been a couple months since that was announced)

She wouldn't look back at him. "Minotaurs huh?.. Sweet." She says nonchalantly while unequipping her dagger. She'd then equip a katana and hold it in her other hand.
Libra259 said:
(Yeah its been a couple months since that was announced)
She wouldn't look back at him. "Minotaurs huh?.. Sweet." She says nonchalantly while unequipping her dagger. She'd then equip a katana and hold it in her other hand.
"ya they aren't that bad if you know what you're doing" he said as if he didn't just get chased by one and walked beside her and looked over to see he was talking to the bloodlust maiden and almost yelped he had heard stories about her but he calmed himself down so he could talk casually "so you have a high perception skill or do you just not scare easy?" He was pretty sure it was the later being that it didn't really help a whole lot in the game so unless you didn't know what you were doing most people didn't level that up
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"ya they aren't that bad if you know what you're doing" he said as if he didn't just get chased by one and walked beside her and looked over to see he was talking to the bloodlust maiden and almost yelped he had heard stories about her but he calmed himself down so he could talk casually "so you have a high perception skill or do you just not scare easy?" He was pretty sure it was the later being that it didn't really help a whole lot in the game so unless you didn't know what you were doing most people didn't level that up

She smirks a bit, Aero found what he asked amusing. "Course I do, ive run into people who can turn invisible and it annoyed me. My perception skill is almost maxed out. I also just dont scare easily either." She'd rest the flat of her katana on her shoulder.
Libra259 said:
She smirks a bit, Aero found what he asked amusing. "Course I do, ive run into people who can turn invisible and it annoyed me. My perception skill is almost maxed out. I also just dont scare easily either." She'd rest the flat of her katana on her shoulder.

"Huh..." He put his hood up on the cloak under his armor "that's quite smart but I didn't know there were others that could turn invisible guess I should've figured it was possible though"
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[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Cya)
"Huh..." He put his hood up on the cloak under his armor "that's quite smart but I didn't know there were others that could turn invisible guess I should've figured it was possible though"

"Its a more common skill than tou think. Anyone can work on it and it is useful. Most people just dont think perception is gonna do them anything. But those people can do it anywhere... Where it looks like you can only do it in the shadows or the dark... Is that correct?" She asks. Aero had started to become bored and that reflected in the tone of her voice.
"Ya...I know perception is useful when hunting it helps you find more rare animals but I've never found any use for it..." Ádis thought for a moment "I've got all the items I need do the day if you want I can help you get...whatever it is you're down here for...."
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Ya...I know perception is useful when hunting it helps you find more rare animals but I've never found any use for it..." Ádis thought for a moment "I've got all the items I need do the day if you want I can help you get...whatever it is you're down here for...."

Aero chuckles, "I dont need help in the slightest, but do what you please. I'm simply here for 'fun' i suppose you can call it; just grinding some monsters, leveling up." She'd swing her katana in a large circle in front of her. "Have to get use to this weak weapon.." She sighs.
Libra259 said:
Aero chuckles, "I dont need help in the slightest, but do what you please. I'm simply here for 'fun' i suppose you can call it; just grinding some monsters, leveling up." She'd swing her katana in a large circle in front of her. "Have to get use to this weak weapon.." She sighs.
"Have you ever tried some of the rare material quests? That's how I got this" he pulls out his sword "the material had some weird name but it's pretty much black glass and a silver hilt it's light weight and balanced and has a decently high attack for the level I'm at...I know of some others that regenerate every so often I could give you my map data on them if you want" he knew of other ones that didn't regenerate but he wanted to keep those for himself he needed the materials to survive
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]"Have you ever tried some of the rare material quests? That's how I got this" he pulls out his sword "the material had some weird name but it's pretty much black glass and a silver hilt it's light weight and balanced and has a decently high attack for the level I'm at...I know of some others that regenerate every so often I could give you my map data on them if you want" he knew of other ones that didn't regenerate but he wanted to keep those for himself he needed the materials to survive

"Nah man its cool. I got some pretty good weapons though using weak weapons help with your own strength."
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]The Black Knight narrows his eyes and picks the boy up with one hand and places him in front of a nearby tree. He draws his blade again and holds it near his head.
"I'm sure she'll understand. Now, do you know any other Beta's?"

"First, get your hand out of me. Second yes I do. Third can I at least msg her saying Ill be late?"
"First: No. Second: Tell me. Lastly: I'll send your condolences when I meet her."

He didn't usually speak like this, but he was annoyed, and this kid was getting on his nerves. Might as well let him know how kiddish he sounded by mocking him.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
"First: No. Second: Tell me. Lastly: I'll send your condolences when I meet her."
He didn't usually speak like this, but he was annoyed, and this kid was getting on his nerves. Might as well let him know how kiddish he sounded by mocking him.

"Look I dont know you so stop with that stuff. I will tell you if you let me go. Im not going anywhere. I can even challenge you for a duel if you want"
"What I want is the information I asked for. But I'm not risking you running away. So please....tell me."

His please was sarcastic, and his grip tightened. It was clear that he wasn't in the mood to deal with this.
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
"What I want is the information I asked for. But I'm not risking you running away. So please....tell me."
His please was sarcastic, and his grip tightened. It was clear that he wasn't in the mood to deal with this.

he sighs "Dude I dont want any problems. I say we duel. If I win you just let me go. If you win ill tell you want you want"
Libra259 said:
"Nah man its cool. I got some pretty good weapons though using weak weapons help with your own strength."
He looked at his sword then over at hers "hm I never thought about it that way..." He unequipped his sword and equipped a regular steel bastard sword "this should be good enough...sorry if there aren't many monsters I think I pretty much cleared this level out...names ádis by the way"
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]He looked at his sword then over at hers "hm I never thought about it that way..." He unequipped his sword and equipped a regular steel bastard sword "this should be good enough...sorry if there aren't many monsters I think I pretty much cleared this level out...names ádis by the way"

"Im Aero and there respawn eventually."
He quickly walked up to his room in the inn. The room number was 69....he chuckled as his dirty mind took over "sixty nine..... he snickered. he put the key in the hole and turned it. His room was a basic layout: a bed with a phone and lampon the dresser next to it, a bathroom with a shower and tub. He layed on the bed and started to clean his weapons.
Libra259 said:
"Im Aero and there respawn eventually."
Ádis almost laughed 'ha wow I wonder if I should tell her my irl name she might get a kick out of that...but no I shouldn't I need to keep that secret I don't need anyone I piss off getting back at me once we get out of here' he just smiled and kept walking until a minotuar came into view through the mist "well there we go" he readied his sword as they got closer the minotaur was holding a club that it swung downward toward aero (you aero not me aero)
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]Ádis almost laughed 'ha wow I wonder if I should tell her my irl name she might get a kick out of that...but no I shouldn't I need to keep that secret I don't need anyone I piss off getting back at me once we get out of here' he just smiled and kept walking until a minotuar came into view through the mist "well there we go" he readied his sword as they got closer the minotaur was holding a club that it swung downward toward aero (you aero not me aero)

Aero holds her sword slightly tilted above her head. The minotaurs club collides with her katana and slides off; nullifying its attack. Aero has grown accusom to using this move since most of the attacks that are thrown at her are downwards towards her head. She wouldnt waste anytime as she sidesteps to the left and thrusts her katana down at the arm that has the club. In a quick swipe she cuts off its arm and swiftly plunges her sword into its stomach. From there she pulls down cutting the minotaurs stomach open. Since she is using a weak weapon her attacks are less powerful then normal. The minotaur then attempts to punch her; which she dodges gracefully and quickly. Aero jumps up and with a mighty swing, she cuts its head off. She lands in a crouched position on the ground and doesnt bother to check the drops.

He moved his blade down to the boys stomach and held it right next to his skin.

"Give me names. I'm not going to ask again."
[QUOTE="Knight Nate]
He moved his blade down to the boys stomach and held it right next to his skin.

"Give me names. I'm not going to ask again."

"Then dont" he grabs his two spears and in a quick movement he is pointing one at his neck, and the other at his hand that is grabbing him

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