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SAO- Land of Elements Online

"Yeah, ready to go." She nodded, standing up herself and putting the book back while she let him stretch... if he wanted to. Not everyone does, after all. Once that was done she stretched her arms, taking a few steps down the hall, wondering if they would be looked on negatively for just barging into a library like that....
after stretching his back out, and popping his neck a few times, vlad follows after her. "so......which way from here......?" he said, looking int othe hallway, and looking both directions.
"Left. The castle, according to what I've read, is one giant maze." One or two of the books about history had actually been on the castle's construction... misleading titles just like in real life. Made her feel at home actually, a world where studying was just as important and confusing... while still allowing for someone like Vlad, who just wanted to go around hunting, to live how they wanted... she wished for a brief bit that their world was just as odd.
"Left, ok then. and really? it had to be a maze? so cliche....." Vlad said as he turned to the left, and started walking down the hallway, torches flickering on the walls. "cool that they still use torches...."
"Don't ask me who coded this." She shrugged, walking along the hall almost calmly, "The torches were probably because this is a feudal system... it seemed like their ability to use magic freely caused the people of this floating country to forgo technology completely." She was sure some of them came up with mage lights, but it didn't really matter.
After a good long while of traveling around they ended up, finally, at an area with random people traveling around. Well, random NPCs, actually.
Vlad stops, looking around. "well, you're the leader. what are we doing?"
"Ummm...." A quick look around and she grabbed the first person who didn't seem to be doing anything, a man this time, and asked her "Excuse me, we were looking for information on a portal down to the lower edges of the planet?"

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