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Realistic or Modern Salvation

" dam you!" he yelled as he fell from the ledge back onto the roof, he now knew he should have just shot them when he had the chance it was a mistake hoping they would be different he thought, a bullet had just gazed his neck. He held his neck tightly and began to grind his teeth in pain. He felt like taking his gun out and shooting the guy, but he knew it would be rather rash and dangerous, he slowly stood up his hands in the air, " what do you want?" was the question he dared to ask
"i'd really love to know why you are so quick to try and kill me- us!" he yells back weapons still rasied
Adrian looks over at Rei and immediately going over to him. She takes out her first aid kit. "You are soo lucky I have this..." She says quietly.
" I never intended any harm it was merely a warning shot" he exclaimed, slowly taking a step backward toward the edge, surely he had a little fear in his heart now, the only hope he had was rue, surely it was a test of his faith, did he trust the wrong people all day or was he right at least once. He took a deep breath as his feet touched the ledge.
"you didn't back down when i did yesterday, you fired a warning shot before we showed any signs of intimidation, and you threatened to shoot us...i'm sorry but from where i'm from, that's intent of harm!" his weapon still raised but finger is no longer on the safety, weary of Zero's condition
((I have to say, it is so awesome that this is all just a misunderstanding xD ))

"T-thanks," he murmured, removing the pain from his face, "but are you sure you want to waste that here?"
Peering over his shoulder slightly "Zero, you good?" his weapons still aimed at the enemy across the way. His chick and thigh feel as though they are on fire, he grits his teeth.
"I'll be ok," he sighed, "Did you tell him about salvation...?"

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"Youre just going to Leave him here to eventually die out of his stubborn ways?" Rei became slightly annoyed. But maybe he was right. Maybe he wouldnt want to go anyways. Maybe things are better the way they are now.
"Hey, i'm not the one who shot first." he shrugs and lowers his weapon then holsters it "What are you even doing out here?" he yells to the sniper
You see a shadow on top of the hill in the horizon 
The shadow slowly moves along the dark sky and appears to get closer. He stabs a zombie in the head with some sort of knife. He adjusts his glasses with a gentle nudge of his finger. He walks in a mature fashion making sure he doesn't get any blood on his shoes as they were just freshly polished. He smirks at the sight of both of you. He mumbles something under his breath ands turns towards you. "If you had any common decency you would at least find a fresh pair of clothes he says pointing to Jason.
Turns to face new stranger "Who are you?" raising weapon in the new guy's direction 
eye switching back and forth from sniper to the new guy
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Wandering around the city, Asaya yawned and narrowed her eyes. Ruffling her long red hair she glared down at it, "I should probably cut you... time to trim." she murmured to the long strands before reaching for her dagger. She chewed her gum silently and held her guard up completely. In fact, she would have screamed her heart out if she hadn't bit her tongue when she heard the sound of unexpected gunfire and explosives bombarding daringly out of the silence. Staring at the direction blankly after a long moment of silence and utter confusion her eyes lit up, "...H-holy sh~t... it's... people!! " She exclaimed with a smooth low surprised voice. As she chuckled and laughed in excitement, she ran towards that direction screaming "PEOPLE!!! PEOPLE!!!" in hopes of getting attention from them before she suddenly hushed up and stopped running, "Oh right, apocalypse..." she whispered in a low voice as a shiver crawled up her body when she thought of any undead she may have alerted before cursing under her breath. Looking around the dark eerie area, she took a deep breath and narrowed her eyes, "Don't act so carelessly stupid." she hissed angrily at herself. Then again... This would be the first living person (if not people) she would have seen in months, it would be one hell of a sight to see. She couldn't help but smile as she ran.
Still with his weapon at the ready and directed toward the new guy, he can hear an echo in the distance of another human yelling. Though he can not see who this person is, he can tell that it is a girl from the sound of her voice. He sighs jokingly "Anybody know that one?" He asks the group of surrounding people. before backing to the opposite edge of the building, weapon still pointed slightly, and looked over to see someone running in their direction.
As she turned the corner she was surprised to find nothing but a few dead zombies in the huge open and the normal routine of scattered car parts and broken windows. "What the hell." she rose an eyebrow as she stumbled to a stop. She looked around, panting as she did, "I could have sworn it came from this direction." She muttered softly, "Did they get away already?" she gulped and rested her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

((she doesn't realize they're at the top of the building xD ))
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Rue had just opened her mouth to answer the man when the grenade’s explosion shook the very ground beneath her and then the other survivors were out and shooting and she thought better of answering; instead favoring the idea of taking cover from the bullets although she had nowhere to go. It was too late to hide anyway; her brightly colored silks couldn’t be missed in such a gray world, though she had to hope the newcomers’ attention would be drawn away from her by the man until she could come up with a plan. Suppressing a shriek at the sound of a bullet hitting the ground too close for comfort, Rue’s eyes darted between the new faces and the man’s; she couldn’t help but note that the man was bleeding, and likewise she couldn’t help but feel guilty for all the things about trust she had said to him before. For a second she remained silent as words were exchanged but finally she couldn’t resist but step in herself, having a naïve hope she might be able to prevent another shoot out. “Please, it was all just a misunderstanding.” She said directing her words at the newcomer who stood in front of the others and appeared to be their leader having spoken once already. She willed her voice not to shake as she continued. “You must forgive us for our actions; these days it’s just so hard to distinguish the line between what’s evil and what’s still good. One wrong move and you could very well be dead, you as a survivor yourself must know this. We didn’t want to take that chance and what was meant to be a warning shot to discourage you from coming here caused things to spiral out of control. We truly didn’t mean for things to go as they have as unlikely as that may seem, but I’d like to ask you all as fellow survivors and humans to forgive us and at least let us make up for our actions. Please, as fellow humans give us another chance.” Rue finished, letting her eyes trail over every member of the little group before finally resting her gaze once again on their leader before dipping her head in respect and letting her hair fall so that it covered her eyes. She could only hope her voice hadn’t given away just how scared she was, that her hair kept them from seeing the panic which must shine in her eyes. It briefly occurred to her that she had included the man into everything she had said when originally she had not intended to but nothing could be done about that now.

(Haha got off at the worst time yesterday xD Sorry for the giant post, and if it's not clear Rue is talking to Jason mainly.)
Listening to the girl that he hadn't known was there at all, he lowers his weapon and holsters it. "I can make an acception on account that i know not who you all are yet. You make good points" his attention pointing back to the girl on the ground "Hey! Who are you?" keeping a close eye of those on the roof "Nobody move...just stay were you are."
"These days being quick to judge can be deadly." Rue said softly, the words not necessarily meant for anyone but herself. Brushing away the words as if she hadn't even uttered them, she forced her nerves to calm as she raised her head once more to look over the many new faces before her. It was unusual for so many humans to gather in one place like this; only the Undead grouped together like they were now, but always in much greater numbers than any remaining humans could muster. "My name's Rue by the way and I am forever indebted to you for the mercy you've shown me." Rue introduced herself, once again directing her words mainly at their leader, and falling silent afterward. She didn't want to overextend her welcome after all.
"No need. It's fine. We're humans." he smiles as he yells back to the girl. He stares angry at the sniper then back to the girl on the ground.
Aragorn's hands slowly came down hoping that the man would not notice, he wished to thank Rue but knew that every word the escaped his mouth will determine his fate. he could only think of a way to survive, but frankly it was what he did everyday. " Trust me I intended to scare you, not to harm!" he yelled hoping he wont shot again. His hand slowly reaching for his neck and pistol, as he applied pressure on his neck, he could feel the pain charging through his body, his shirt was now drenched in blood, it was never a good idea to have a shirt like this.
Asaya twitched as she heard a voice, a voice besides hers. Her eyes widen as she rose her head to look up, "A-AH!" She stuttered, a bit flustered and unsure what to say, "HI THERE!" She gulped and let out a small breath. Releasing her hands from her knees she stood straight and chuckled, "Hey there..." she whispered softly with a relaxed grin. When a sudden ruckus of noise exploded from behind her, she flinched and quickly swerved her body into a sturdy stance and pulled out her dagger. With the dagger firmly held in her hand, she narrowed her eyes. Two zombies to the right and one to the left, visibly emerging from under the shadows of the skyscrapers. Perhaps even more hidden in the shadows... They must have overheard the commotion and came to investigate... not a good sign. It most likely meant that more were on the way. She grit her teeth and the moment the zombies spotted fresh living meat, they began sprinting towards her. With mouths gaping open, darkened blood oozed from the corners of the lips of the deformed faces. It was hard to believe they were once humans... 'They're fast..." she hissed a little nervous and quickly (but gently) lifted the long dull side of the dagger blade into her mouth and bit it, this dagger wouldn't help in this situation. Lifting her loaded shot gun from her slumped shoulder, she aimed and began to fire.
Aragorn's keen senses could hear the gun fire, he was in doubt if others heard it too. He slowly and gradually moved as he tried to catch a glimpse of where the origin of the shots were, But his vision was now turning clouded, after all he was losing blood and even was wearing wet cold in the rain. " did u hear it!" he yelled, slowly gazing the land mass. Soon his eyes glanced over a girl, on her trail were zambies half of them already put down. Aragorn felt a need to help, but knew he would be shot for any further movement.

( yea it is raining if anyone remembered)
Jason sighed "Shi*t..." he looked back at the sniper noticing his hand on his pistol. "Don't. Just...don't. Grab that rifle of yours and cover her until we get down there... Remember who the real enemies are. What's your name?" he asked the sniper cautiously. he pumped his shotgun surveying the situation below. "Here we come!" he yelled to the girl on the ground. She'd probably din't hear him but all that mattered was that they were coming to help.
He dodged the question, a grin soon covered his face as the others ran down, " fools" he muttered as he pulled out his sniper settling it over the ledge He peered through the scope looking for the girl yet again and soon spotting her. He fired "BOOM!" he yelled as the bullet penetrated the zambie skull leaving blood over the girl's clothing. Then he began to scout the region, checking for other zambies, the only fear he had was that he might waste bullets and so he he felt there was not a need to shoot till necessary.

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