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Realistic or Modern Salvation

"I'm not going anywhere with that guy" he means the sniper. "It's your guys' choice, I won't hold you from that." He smiles slightly.
Adrian shakes her head. "I'm going with you. I told you. I need to find Shannon, but I'm not going anywhere without you."
Asaya chuckled softly, "I understand, I wish you the best of luck." she smiled at Adrian before turning her attention to Jason, "I'm actually very grateful for that hotshot." she walked towards him, "You know..." she pulled out the grenade, "It's not even real. It's just a toy." She snickered and threw it at him, "How about you give it a shot next time so you don't get shot again."
Tyler looks around and smiles "anyone know what the fuck is going on?" pointing to a horde of zombies chasing some sort of light
"I'm not shooting myself, other people shoot me. You'll never find one of my bullets in me" he chuckled waving for Adrian to follow him. "We've gotta find Shannon." He bends down to pick up Zero. "Best if luck to you too." He said to the new girl. "Tyler, who you with? Or are you on your own?" Looking for Tyler "where is he...?"
Aragorn's eyes slowly peeked out, it was all white to him, the only thing on his mind was a memory. A memory from the former Russia which now a cold winter wasteland. The day was unlike today, it was not raining but surely there snow, slowly falling, Aragorn could even see the flakes. It was cold yet the memory made him feel warm, it was the day prior to the outbreak. His pals around him talking about the the night's match, and who would win. It had been soo much time since the day that Aragorn did not even remember which teams participated in the game. Soon he could hear voices, it was the voice of the girl from a little bit ago, he was not sure but it sounded like she was defending him. He could merely see the shadowy figures of others and could barely hear them, but surprisingly there was a smile on his face as he began wake up.
"I know." she replied with a laugh, "Use it as a threat, it works~" Asaya hopped backwards slightly to look over at the zombies, "Welp, that's a sign I better get going!" She winked at the three, "Guess it's just me and siper boy then!" She ruffled Jason's hair, messing it up completly, "See ya hot shot!" she laughed and ran towards the car, starting it up.
"GUYS ZOMBIES ARE HEADING ARE DIRECTION IF WE DON'T GET A GODDAMN MOVE ON WE WILL BE SCREWED!" Tyler yelled. He pulled out his knife stabbing zombies here and there. The horde would cut down it was moving in on everyone there is no other decsion but to run.
Carrying Zero now, "see ya 'round. Don't worry Adrian, we'll get Shannon." Seeing a undead coming his way "going now!" He begins to run "'c'mon! guys!" He runs towards the new city on the horizon.
Asaya gasped, noticing more and more zombies, "They'll never make it on foot...!" She exclaimed with a deep breath, and drove the car quickly towards them "GET THE HELL IN!!!" she screamed frantically as the car stopped with a screeching sound, "I'll drop you off where you need to, just get the hell in!!"
Tyler looks at Jason and starts to run his coatails flying in the wind. he jumps into the nearest car. Jump starts it and drives towards the zombies honking the horn to distract them. The zombies eagarly follow. "TAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!" Tyler shouts to the zombies.
Jason looks back at the horde and lays zero in the back of the vehicle, then helps Adrian in and gets in behind her, he has his pistol ready incase of any hasty moments.
Rue listened as the others spoke in silence, finally risking a peek out the window at the mention of the Undead. Immediately her heart dropped at the sight; there were so many of them. Their fight must have drawn them, it was the only explanation. "What to do, what to do..." Rue murmured to herself, letting her legs give out so she slumped to the floor and no one could see her though the window. Running a hand through her hair as was her nervous habit she went through her options quickly. A car was the best bet; the girl who had spoken before an even better bet. Unlike the others there was still sense left in her, she hadn't been so quick to fight. Drawing the courage she still had left in her she stood up and crossed the room and was out the door and onto the street where a cascade of moans hit her ears. "Wait!" she yelled toward the car and the girl who was driving it, already running toward the vehicle. She could only hope she had been heard, otherwise she'd just have to make it on her own.
Adrian takes out her crossbow and aims it at the zombies. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh." She murmurs to herself, her heart thumping loudly in her chest.
Tyler's car swerves around creating a blockade that could last a few minutes while the group runs away. The zombies push on the car. It moves a smaller distance each push. "We need to get out of here before that blockade stops working!" Tyler emphasises. Tyler jumps into the passenger side of Jason's car "DRIVE" He yells.
The moment the car door shuts, Asaya starts the car before hearing a scream, she turns and looks back, "A...Another?" she exclaims, surprised and quickly reverses the direction of the car to stop next to the girl, "Get in!" She shouts at Rue. The moment the girl gets in, she steps on the gas, and the car jerks quickly into motion, driving quickly and away from the crowd of undead.
Panting from the exhaustion of the run and the fear of the Undead, Rue slipped into the car and slammed the door behind her; as if that would keep the Undead from getting to them. But it served more as a symbol of safety, the real safety was in distance; she just had to hope this car still worked after however many years had passed. "Thanks." was all she could manage; for once she was at a lack of words and she didn't want to distract the driver.
Aragorn's eyes widened upon hearing the screams, he did not speak but he was verily mad at the fools who foolishly kept yelling causing more zambies's to pay attention to their new prey. Finally he could see, vision still cloudy but he knew the difference between the deformed hideous face of a zambie and the face of a human. He gradually aimed his pistol towards rue, he pulled the trigger. His aim was not Rue but the zambie behind her, he did kill the zambie but the bullet went very close to Rue almost startling her. As she entered the vehicle the smile that Aragorn had had now faded off from his face,the words " My debt is fulfilled " escaped his mouth in a gentle and low tone as the gun dropped from his hand onto his chest.

( consider the car a hummer and well me at the back seat i can see behind and aim )

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