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Realistic or Modern Salvation

Aragorn smiled back, " well lets see it come back then " he said before giving out a laugh, he could see a comrade in her. It had been years since he found a comrade that was well alive.
"Oh you bet it'll come back." She snickered playfully at Aragorn before looking back at Tyler, "Ayyyy, so you wanna hop in, or you gonna keep stalking us like that?" She winked, "We gotta get moving so we have little room for small talk."
"Got it, thanks." Rue said to Adrian as she took the items, nodding to reinforce that she knew what she was doing. At least she could be helpful for once rather than just being a burden, she was glad for that. Leaning forward in her seat she turned away from Asaya and Aragorn who were preoccupied with talking to the man on the motorcycle who had apparently been trailing them and might possibly be joining them. “Either of you have an injury that needs tending to?” she asked Jason and Rei, trying for a friendly voice.
Asaya blushed slightly and looked back at him, "Yo thankssssssssssssssssssssssss." She replied sarcastically before laughing, "Thanks haha... I guess." Slowly the car jerked back into motion and continued onward out of the city.
Asaya looked back at Adrian and shook her head slightly, "I don't think so." she replied in a calm voice, her eyes resumed to look back on the road, "By the way, I'm extremely happy to meet you all!" Her eyes lit up as she suddenly changed the subject, "It's been forever since I've met so many people, this is great!!!" She took a deep breath and grinned, "My name's Asaya by the way. Beautiful name I know!" She joked, "Dad's really into big into movies and named me after a guy samurai character." she laughed, "He was always a weird guy, but he could make you laugh for hours!"
"Jason...call me Mau though. I respond to that." He sits back in the car and applies pressure on his leg and wipes his cheek clean from blood.
Jason bit his lip and shook his head. "I've been shot before, worse than this. I'll be fine, thank you" he smiled.
"It went straight through, it just a puncture, when we get back can you stitch it for me?" He asked her in return.
Soon, Jason could see they were approaching the hospital. "Here we go" he said with a grunt as the new girl pulled to a stop, one or two undead wonder outside of the front door. "I got 'em" he said as he got out. Engaging the rotting bodies with his knife, he kills the first easily, the second, he kills bit stumbles and quickly regains his balance. He walks into the front door, a few minuets go by, then he pops back out waving for Zero and Adrian to follow. "It's still clear from when I left it. Anybody else need anything, grab it now. I know the first and second floor is clear, but the basement I ne'er went down." He helps Zero out of the car, they both stumble back and forth as he walks into the lobby area.
After setting Zero down, he grabs some extra medical supplies and hands them to Adrian, "Here, take these to them. tell them i said thank you." He sits down. "Be careful." He says with a smile, he then proceeds to start poking at his wound, picking out a shard of metal.
Adrian nods and runs back out to the car. "These are from Jason. He says thank you." She says to Asaya. She runs back into the hospital. She sits down next to Jason and grabs some string, a needle, rubbing alcohol and more gauze. "Are you ready?" She asks.
"Mhmm" he says ripping his pants and holding back the fabric "Go ahead" he bites down hard on a torn rag

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