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Realistic or Modern Salvation

"i mean, i CAN do that." he says then mutters to himself "it's what i was trained for..." he looks back up "Does anyone want to do it? if not, i will."
"Thanks." Rue said, grateful to be excepted, more so grateful to put the sniper behind her and start fresh with this group. "I'm certainly not going to volunteer for the job but I do think you'd be a good leader." she said to Jason. "I'll vote for you also."
nods his head. "Alright then!" he laughed "I need to sit..." he walks over to a chair and sits. on his way to the chair he grabbed a crutch from the ground "Yes."
"So, leader, where exactly are we if you don't mind me asking?" Rue asked, her eyes following Jason as he moved to the chair. "And I'm sorry but I don't believe I've caught any of your names." she said, realizing up until now she hadn't bothered to ask. How sad; that should have been the first thing she had done.
"Beautiful name; it's wonderful to meet you." Rue said, nodding her head at Adrian and smiling. In one day alone she had probably smiled more than she had in years. But also in that one day she had met more survivors than she had ever before.
"I'm Mau, or Jason, i prefer Mau. And we are in a small town hospital in the town i grew up in as a kid... i know this place better than anyone. he pulls out various maps of roads, railroads, subways, and farmlands. "Take a look," he picked up the road map "Sorry, this one is covered in blood" he began trying to figure out which part was covered so he could compensate for that area.
"Mau then, I like the way it sounds." Rue said, moving so she could see the map Jason had pulled out. "It's amazing you've managed to keep these maps in such good condition; for the most part anyway." she said, adding on the last part as soon as she caught sight of the blood on one of the maps.
"Once we gather some more supplies, we should get moving to the next town, south." he glanced at Rue "Yeah, took me forever to get 'em"
"Asaya, you see that house in the distance? That's my house. My parents and sister died there got eaten, I don't want to see you go like that, your kinda' growing on me." Tyler said still look straight at the house through his binoculars.

"Jason before we go to the next town i have some unfinished family business. Can i tie up the loose ends?" He said with a distant look on his face.
"Thanks" Tyler salutes and runs off.Forgetting to bring a partner.

He makes it down to the house, a big green house. A bit posh. He opens the door, a dog lays dead on the floor, it's been eaten by zombies. His dog. His very own dog. "Sorry fifi." he says to the pile of dog bones. He opens a door, it brings him to a living room. He looks around and sees three zombies. His parents and his sister. He takes out his knife. Stabs each in the head. He grabs a photo from the coffee table and leaves the house. He takes a match lights and throws it at the house. He falls on his knees and starts to cry. He runs bag to the group after a good cry. Looks back at the direction his house is in and smiles.
Walking along, with a musical step, Jack Trudged on singing, as he often did. "Oooh, I'm the kind of guy, that likes to roam around, I go from place to place, I go from town to town, and..." His voice, which wasn't half bad, trailed off. Just ahead of him, crouched in the road, viciously tearing into the flesh of some poor soul, was one of them. Jack Continued on, though his step was no longer musical, but now slow and steady. Reaching behind his waist pulling out a revolver and cocking the hammer; there was a distinct "Click!" as the hammer locked into place. The creature ahead of jack heard it, and lifted its head in a shaky manner. Jack stopped mid stride, one foot still in the air. An odd sound came from the creature, it sounded like sniffing.

These noises continued for just a few moments, then to Jack’s relief, the creature went back to its meal. Jack gently put his foot on the ground, but it was not gently enough. The creature jumped up and whirled around towards Jack and immediately started after him. Jack had about 20ft from him to it when it first turned, in the short time it took him to raise the gun, the gap between him and it was brought down to around 10ft. The first shot rang out, it was loud, and tore a hole through the creatures chest, but only stopped it momentarily. The second shot, just as loud as the first, but more effective, thankfully, putting a hole through the head of the creature. Its body tumbled and fell right at Jack’s feet. He let out a breath of air, that he had been holding in during the whole ordeal. “Close, very close.” He said aloud.

In the distance Jack could see some buildings sticking out over the trees, the sight brought a smile to his face. He began to walk again, replacing the two spent shells from his gun as he went, the music once again returning to his step. “Oooh I’m the kind of guy, that likes to roam around!” He began, side stepping the mangled remains of whatever the creature had been eating, it was no longer recognizable as anything more than a nasty pile of who knows what. Jack, singing loud, and walking with a rhythm to match his song, headed for the buildings.
" darling every time is good fora nice hard drink " he said with a grand smile, surely he was a little drunk now. His face was all red, as he glared around, slowly and gently sitting back on his seat. He seemed joyous and started to poke Asya in the head, it seemed like he had lost control over himself by now as he yelled, " LETS PARTY!"
"Shhh." Jason said with a hush motion. He listened for a moment before a deep popping sound echoed in the distance and continued. "That was a gun...did they shoot somthing?" He said looking out the window at the car they arrived in. "Doesn't look like it... Someone's out there..." Jason said standing up with help of his crutch.
"You're right; I heard something too." Rue said softly after the faint yet unmistakable sound of a gunshot faded, her eyes draw in the direction she thought the sound had originated from. The sound had been so brief she could have easily imagined it, and if it wasn't for Jason having heard it to she would have assumed as much. "The sound's too faint to have come from close by." Rue said, speaking her thoughts aloud. "And I'm sure we can all agree that that sounded too much like a gunshot to be anything else. So it's probably another survivor." Rue reasoned as she returned her attention to Jason. "Is it worth the risk to investigate?"
Jason thought for a moment before standing "Directly, yes, from a far...no. Let's get to the roof maybe we'll find out more from a higher vantage point." He started hobbling for the stairs with his crutch tucked under his arm and his pistol in his other hand.
After walking for about a half hour so, Jack stopped walking, and singing, and looked into the distance. He was about half way to the town he had seen earlier, but couldn't go on, at least he didn't really feel like going on. For a couple minutes he just stood there in the road, looking around, and then decided what he was going to do. Reaching behind him he dug about in his backpack, his tongue sticking out, and one eye squinted in concentration. After a Moment he pulled out a book, it was leather bound with a strap, the leather on it being very worn and tarnished. Looking about him he found the most comfortable spot he could, a nice little spot on the edge of the road under a tree proved to be it, and it was there that he sat. He opened the book, about half of it was filled already, he started a new page.

"Day 246: Well, I haven't found you yet... But I will! I know your out there somewhere, I just wish there was some way to know which way to go to find you, I guess it doesn't matter, I'll make my way across the whole world if I have to. I bet I'm getting close, It will be so great when I see you again, you'll laugh so hard when you read some of the stuff I've written, I even wrote some more stories for you, I remember how much you used to like hearing them. I guess I should get going, you know there's this whole end of the world thing going on...

Until I see you again,

-Yours Truly, Jack.

Jack made a very dramatic motion with the pen as he dotted the last period. He looked up and surveyed there area, no sign of anything. Jack stood to his feet and put away his book, then, once again, headed for the town. As he walked he began to sing again, moving about as if the music to the song was playing. "Everyday It's a-gettin' closer, Goin' faster than a roller coaster!"

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