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Realistic or Modern Salvation

He blushed a little and finally passed the packet to her, but he did full his mouth with dozens of chips before doing so. he munched hard and then swallowed them down with force, " Well she is a girl and is my friend and so my girlfriend but not in the context you are thinking of, she is my dog you see " he laughed hysterically, he could only imagine what Asaya might have thought of Candice and him. " Well you will understand what i mean by zombie free when we get there " he said with a grin. He then snatched the packet back from her, " My turn to feed " he said munching down a handful of chips.
With a grin, she took the bag of chips and threw her right hand into the bag, grabbing some before taking a bite as she listened to what Aragorn was saying, literally almost choking when he told Asaya that Candice was a dog, "W-What?!" She said hoarsely as her coughing stopped, "She's a dog?" She swallowed, "Should have told me sooner!" she laughed and after a long moment, smiled in response, "Zombie free eh Sniper Boy? That's something to look forward too." her hand reached for the bags before being interrupted, "Hey I'm still eating! Shareeeeeeeeeee!!" she laughed.
Aragorn could not resist laughing hysterically at her reaction, " My my your reactions are gold " he commented pulling the packet of chips away, "sorry cant hear you " he told her trying to steal the chips for himself. " these chips are MINE MINE MINE!" he added, saying ' mine ' like the seaguls from one of Aragorn's Favorite movies, ' finding nemo ' that was.

( you are never a man till u like a animation xD , animation as in western not in anime)
Bursting out laughing, she turned and reached her hand out, stopping the car briefly as she reached back for them, "No fair!!!" She laughed, "Give me it back seagull!!!"

(( xD ))
He put a chip on his mouth a bit it like a seagull causing the other half it to fall onto Asaya's head. there was a moment of silence before he burst into laughter, soon chocking a little on the other half of the chip.
"Idiot!" She laughed as she reached her hand up to get the chip off her head. After staring at it, she ate it and pretended to choke, mimicking Aragorn, "Haha!!!" She wiped the tears out of her eyes from laughing so hard, "This is the most fun I've had in forever! You should've seen your face!!!" She laughed some more as she pressed on the gas and resuming her driving.

((brb in like 10-30 minutes owo)b ))
"Nothing is wrong with me face BAKA!" he yelled, his eyes peeking through the windshield. He could see a huge billboard saying ' visit again ' with the half tore poster of a girl, and other half filled with blood. Aragorn's heart beat stopped as he had a his memories flow back at him. " stop here" he said in a low tone.

( if u dont know what baka is then firstly go and beat urself to death, baka = idiot )
"Hm....?" her voice lowered, "Alright." She replied seriously as the car came to a small halt, "Take a weapon just in case." she told him.

(( beat yourself to death? that's a bit harsh bro. yeah ik what baka is lol.. brb for real lol ))
" in case? surely take it " he added putting a new clip into his pistol. "get back " he said as he came forward from the gap between the front seat, " give the wheel to me " he added as he waited for Asaya to go back so he can drive.
" Oh i am fine, i was just shot its no biggie he said taking the seat then slowly pressing a button on the key chain. " that is ought to do it " he said before driving the car behind the bill board and going on a off road path, " Welcome to my secret passage " he said with a grand smile.
"No biggie?" she nodded, "Alright then..." her eyes followed the scenery as he pulled up behind the bill board and drove onto a different road, she went quiet as she slowly sat back and looked around with curious eyes.
He drove the car straight towards what seemed like a ranch with a wind mill and a high fenced wall around. single to none zombies around the fence. " hold on tight!" he yelled as he pushed the brakes hard causing the car to skid. The ground below the car collapsed as some what in a diagonal way. He pushed the accelerator gently moving the car forward from the camouflaged ramp. " Welcome to my humble adobe mesdemoiselles! " he said as the ramp raised back up . He got up his seat and moved out of the car stretching a bit, his heart beat was fast, his vision had gone a little blur maybe it was due to the adrenaline rush.
With her eyes focused on the surrounded area she couldn't help but look back at Aragorn, "Well what do you know, it is zombie free..." she exclaimed with a cheeky smile, "How though," she asked, "Did /you/ do all this?"
Well if you are prepared for a for a world war the zombie situation seems rather mute " he said with a wink. I had this place ready before and well if you follow down the road you might find dead bodies, a devilish grin came to his face," all the zombies go there and do not come to my little cottage. The zombies won't find a thing here and i dont think they move underground do they know" he finished his face filled with pride.

(sorry for not giving that great materail i am sitting in a car right now :/ )
Running full sprint into the gas station, tumbling every other step of course, he leaps through the already broken window with everything he has, taking the undead body to the ground and stabbing it to death. he looked to see another guy about his age laying on the ground holding a pistol, barrel smoking. "Howdy..." he said standing up and offering a hand to the stranger, knife still in other hand.
After a moment of being purely impressed she looked back at him and rose an eyebrow, "Wait... where did you get the dead bodies Sniper Boy?" She asked a bit alarmed.

((no prob xD ))
Tyler who was sleeping woke up suddenly. He turned around and looked at the two in the car. "I need your help sniper boy." He said while opening the door. He went to the trunk to fetch his weapons. He looked back in the car. "You coming or not???"
((Oh sorry Jacuzzi I got confused with the way things were going)) 
Tyler was walking back from his pre-apocalypse house he had just burnt down to the camp. He found a stump to sit on and sat down. He was lost in his feelings. "Can't life just be normal??" He yelled. Slowly a few zombies approached him from behind. He didn't turn around in time a soon as he looked back. A zombie already bit at his shoulder. "ARAGGGH!" He screamed in agony. As he stab the zombie in the head. He ran back to the camp. "HELP,HELP" he screamed still in agony as blood rushed out of the fresh bite wound.
Aragorn acted as if he had not heard the question and did not respond, but a gloomy look had fallen at his face it was clear he had something he wished to say but dared not. He walked towards the entrance to the basement and just asked, " You coming ". Soon a bark could be heard, a dog came running and dashed onto Aragorn causing him to fall. It began to lick his face. The dog had white fur below and dark black hair at top, it was a huskie indeed. " HI! STOP!" Aragorn told the dog.
Tyler still outside the camp blood rushing out of the bite, crying in agony. He looked behind him zombies. He stabbed them with his good arm. A rage burning hotter than the fire of a dragon he yelled "IS ANYBODY GOING TO HELP!!!!" He had never prayed before so he got down on his knees, clasped his hands together and said inside his head, "Dear god, I need help, I need help. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!"
Ryuu had started every day the same, slowly pulling out his sword and trench knife to sharpen them, slowly sliding the trench knife along the sharpening stone as he sung a small tune about the Apocalypse he had made up. He would then pull out his gun, unload the clip and clean it out continuing the tune. Food would sometimes be a problem but today was ok as he had found a bag of chip untouched, Ryuu slowly opened the packet making sure not to make too much noise as the packet raffled. He thought to himself "today is going to be a good day, I can feel it ya know", with a goofy smile on his face. Ryuu decided it was time to venture further forward and out of the house he was held up in for the night, He slowly sheathed his sword and trench knife, after doing so he holstered his gun and walked toward the entrance. Hearing a growl outside the door and readied his trench knife, "oh great i just sharpened and cleaned this", he said softly to himself. Slowly opening the door he spotted one zombie slowly making its way up the street, slowly looking around to make sure he was alone, "time to party" Ryuu said with a smirk on his face. Running towards the zombie with full knowledge of what he was doing, Ryuu slid the trench knife deep into the zombies skull, the zombie rag dolled onto the ground and Ryuu looked into the sky with a joyful smile, "today is a good day".
Jack reached out and took the hand, pulling himself up to his feet. "Thanks!" He said, brushing some dirt off his jeans. "Hey, listen, I hate to run after you helped me out, but, I have to go." Jack reached into his bag and pulled out a pen, and ripped a piece of paper from his book, and began writing. When he finished he looked up. "Here, I'll meet you here in one week." Jack handed the man the note, gave him a quick wave and smile, and then ran off out of the gas station and down the road.

The note Jack had given the man read like this:

"Meet me in the next town over, To the West. I'll be there in one week."

(Sorry to do this to you but, I'm going to be traveling and don't know if I'll have internet connection for the next week.)

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