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Realistic or Modern Salvation

(Not a problem)

Jason gives him an odd look but smiles and takes the note. "Alright, be safe out there." He says to the guy as he walks out of the gas station. Stuffing the note in his pocket, Jason walks back to Rue, explains what happened, and starts leading them back to the hospital.
Tyler curls up in a ball as a group of zombies comes over. "I'll see you soon mama." he says as the horde tears his flesh off his bone and eats his bloody body quickly, with no mercy.

(At this point I may as well ask if i can make a new character?)
(Probably should have added that, yes, I will allow ONE character after your first has past.)
Walking Rue and himself back to the hospital, he remembers he has left his crutch at the gas station. "Damn...what am I saying it's a hospital..." He chuckled to himself. He soon reaches the hospital.
Jason walks into the lobby area and closes the door behind Rue (She won't be on for a while), he sees Adrian in a chair waiting. "Hello there." He says smiling. "How ya holding' up?" He says finishing with the door then beginning to look fr another crutch.
Jumps slightly as Jason walks in. "Jeez! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" She exclaims. "And I'll be a lot better once we find Shannon."
"Sorry...didn't mean to scare you." He said finding a crutch again. "We'll get a move on either tonight or tomorrow. Either way, gather anything you can carry."
She nods her head and begins looking around. She grabs more medical supplies and a few scalpels and stuff I'd need for if anyone were to need surgery. Adrian also grabs some arms slings, ace bandages, gauze, rubber gloves, pain killers, flash lights, and morphine syringes.
Mai runs down a worn down road. She sees a car crashed into the side of a tree. Nobody inside. She looks inside. A pack of crackers. She stuffs them into her backpack. She smiles as she spray paints a smiley face onto the side of the car to signal she's been there. She runs down the road a bit until she reaches a town. She sees a sign pointing to the hospital. She giggles as she spray paints another smiley onto that sign and runs down the road to the hospital. She runs around to the back of the massive building a door there is slightly cracked open. She creeps inside hoping not to make any noise. She runs up the stairs and sees a room. The door luckily is open, she runs in, flops down on her bed and starts to eat her crackers.
Asaya rose an eyebrow, a bit cautious she watched him walk away before seeing a Husky suddenly tackle him. With a laugh Asaya smiled and looked at the dog, "She's adorable. How long have you had her?" she asked.
Jason grabbed his backpack and set it in a corner, propped his shotgun up next to it and started to look for the bathroom. "I'll be right back." He had his pistol cocked and ready as he hobbled off to find a bathroom. He wanted to clean his wound once before they left.
Reaching the hospital again and watching as Jason locked the door behind her Rue couldn't help but think of the note the other man had given Jason before he had disappeared as quickly as he had shown up. It was odd but then again she couldn't blame him for being cautious; she could see how he'd prefer a meeting to be on his own terms in his own time. Walking a bit behind Jason she listened without speaking, making a mental note to ask Adrian about this "Shannon" later. She still knew terribly little about the group, she hoped she might have time to change that. "If you run into any trouble just holler." Rue called out out to Jason's retreating form, her eyes sweeping over the room for anything that might be worth keeping as soon as he had gone. She normally packed light but if there was anything worthwhile here she would make a point of finding a bag.
Adrian glances at Rue before leaning back into her seat. She crosses her arms and looks up at the ceiling before closing her eyes.
Hearing Rue say that made him smile. Jason found a bathroom and entered. He sat down with a wash cloth and some water. He then began to clean the stitching on his leg. Once he was finished, he gathered his equipment and walked out to meet the others again. He left the crutch.
(@Ashglennsubann, Oops, meant to reply to you with my last post >.< I can tell you what's going on with the characters my character is interacting with but other than that I can't be of any help. So if you want me to give you an update on what I just said then just say so and if not I'm sorry I can't be of any help.)

Rue searched for a little and found some old pain killers but nothing else that would be of any use to her. Slipping the pills away, which she could only hope still worked after all these years, she finished her search abruptly and walked over to wait by Adrian. Unsure if she should say anything to Adrian who seemed to be plenty occupied with whatever was on her mind Rue finally decided to just wait quietly and fidget with her blades until Jason returned and they came up with a plan of action. Slipping the left blade smoothly from it's sheath on her back she lightly ran her finger over the sharp edge of it. It was beginning to dull some from use, she frowned down at the sword before returning it to it's sheath and pulling out the next to inspect it's condition. Better safe than sorry with your weapons she always said, or thought really since she hardly ever had anyone to talk to.
Adrian opens one eye and looks at Rue. She closes her eye again and shakes her head. "You okay back there Jason?" She calls out. 

[QUOTE="Aryn Harris]Adrian opens one eye and looks at Rue. She closes her eye again and shakes her head. "You okay back there Jason?" She calls out.

(I didn't read all the way through your post thesparkerproject. Ignore that I called out to you lol.)
"Don't cut your finger off." Jason said ans smirked. "Alright, we're goin. Let's get out of here." Jason walked over to the fire alarm and tossed Adrian a personal radio. "When yu guys get to the woods, call me on the radio and let me know. I'm right behind you guys."
"I have all ten fingers yet." Rue said as she held up her free hand and wiggled her fingers as if to demonstrate. "Besides the blades are beginning to dull." she said with another frown before slipping the blade back so she could have her hands free. "Why the woods?" she couldn't help but question, wondering what Jason was planning and hadn't spoken of yet. A forest was almost more dangerous than a city since the Undead could hide much better in the cover of the plants but she didn't have any real reasons to object besides out of curiosity.
"Actually..." Jason though for a moment before smiling widely. "Go up to the roof, all of you. Rue, take that tarp off of the helicopter up there and get everyone in, wait until I get up there." He smiled. "I haven't flown that thing in a few months but damn, it should still work."
Adrian catches the radio in one hand and hooks it onto her pants. She nods her head and waits for Rue to lead everyone to the roof.
"You have a helicopter?" Rue asked, her voice bemused. Of all things she never would have guessed he had a helicopter hidden away that still worked. The fuel alone it would take to fly was outrageous and the fact Jason still kept it in working order was amazing. "The roof it is then, let's go Adrian." she said, taking the lead since she had already been to the roof once and hadn't forgotten the way there yet.

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