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Fandom Sailor Moon CLOSED

Well Sailor Neptune is suppose to be the musical senshi, but it takes smarts to play an instrument too :P If you wouldn't mind toning it down just a bit that we be great, dear :)
Sephera said:
Well Sailor Neptune is suppose to be the musical senshi, but it takes smarts to play an instrument too :P If you wouldn't mind toning it down just a bit that we be great, dear :)
Well, I changed it earlier to focus more on composition than singing, but I can add more to make it seem more "nerdy?" Maybe the mathmatical aspects of music fascinate her, and she seeks to figure out how such systematic pulses can make people feel such great emotion? I kinda wanted to showcase that Ami noticed her lack of artistic expression as a drawback, and sought to correct it in her child. It's sort of central to the image of her I had in mind, but maybe she can be a nerd for like.. poetry or something instead?

Idk, I kind of want to reconcile Ami's leanings toward book learning with the symbolism of love and emotion the senshi are known for.. Maybe I'm looking to deep into this? xD
Perhaps she could be really interested in music theory and Sailor Mercury and Neptune bond over it? :D

No, don't get rid of it, just fill it in what it'll be eventually.

As for going too deep, I don't think you're taking it too deep. There once was someone that turned Ami's daughter in a vain, selfish, ballerina. In part because of her mother's constant absence as she worked in the hospital. (And a few other reasons)
As for the doll, she looked good, a little tired right now so I might be missing a detail or two, but just assume it's all good because that's how it is looking to me now.
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Sephera said:
Perhaps she could be really interested in music theory and Sailor Mercury and Neptune bond over it? :D
That idea sounds really great! Maybe Yume writes songs, but can't perform them? I'll change her attack names too, to be more.. theoretical?
If you change fundamental things in a character (which can happen) make sure to re-review your relations page in case it changes anything, and make sure to let others know that something has changed so they can check if their character(s)' opinion on your character needs change.

(That announcement goes for everyone of course)
Ok, I updated it a bit, @Olissa you're the only person who's characters I've added a relationship with (I'm waiting on personalities from the rest0, so if you want to review it and tell me if still seems a little off, that would be great. At your leisure, or course.
If there is any mention of constellations anywhere (where did you find that) it is from an older rendition of this roleplay and that part just happened to slip through my screening. One of the earlier versions had the planets as girls only but a new group had risen with the power of the constellations (western zodiacs). It is not a part of this RP.

And no, there won't be a new tuxedo mask type figure since Moon and Tuxedo Mask hooked up resulting in Chibiusa, and the current Moon character. Unless someone is confident they want to play that role it will remain not part of the RP.

For now I would like to request that you don't post the princess appearance online, because there will be a few guidelines that haven't been completely completed yet nor posted online?

Succubi Queen I doubt there is anything off, I mean, the relations page is an opinion thing mostly so there isn't a right or wrong really. I'll take a look in a bit and adjust my characters' opinion accordingly ^^
I feel I could very confidently play a Sailor Earth that is sisters with Sailor Moon. I never thought it was fair that only the moon trait got pasted on. If you gave me some guide lines to go by I believe I could :) If you'd rather not include an Earth Senshi that's fine but if you think it would make a nice addition I would be happy to do it :)

Oh I won't, it's very much like the original dress just with some additions. I'll only post it if it ends up meeting up to the qualifications, if not, I've done that dollmaker 100 times now I could make a new one in minutes xD I really just did it for fun haha
Hm... Problem with making it a family member of the Moon family means I have to change a lot of the background stuff and plans.

And I think having yet another female character to tuxedo's power is a little too much. We already mostly have women. If Tuxedo's power is added in any way it will be requested to remain male.

I've been thinking about it, and how such a character can be added without messing everything up. I don't have a direct answer yet on how it could be done, so I'll get back on that.

An alternative could be that this sailor moon has more traits and powers of Tuxedo to balance things out? If Celebi likes that idea.
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If we decide to add in a Earth Senshi, I'd be fine remaining male ^^

Just let me know ^^ Celebi and I have this thing for playing siblings xD As in we're really good at it.
I have no doubt you two could play siblings quite fairly.

As for whether or not an Earth based power gets added: I've been thinking about it, a lot. Gone through all my notes, scenes, settings, and plans for this RP to see if I can make it work.

The short of the story: I can't.

This story was designed to only rest on these 8 children and no other powers to be added. An entire structural piece was created to make this work, which is exactly why Pallas, Vesta, Ceres, and Juno had to be killed.

While it is a bit of a shame indeed to just let Endymion's side of the family vanish, I can't just add a ninth character. Not as a 3rd child of Serenity/Endymion, nor as a standalone character, without damaging the integrity of this currently established story. It might not seem that way right off the bat, but a lot of information has been withheld so far. Things that will happen later on in the story.

If I add Sailor Earth it breaks a few of the plans that I have. Very important plans to be exact. If I change those, it changes things that have already been established here in these threads. And if I change those things, I might be better off starting anew completely.

But even if I'd start completely anew I probably would not go with the version of 3 children being born to Serenity/Endymion. Simply because it causes a lot of extra complications in the story and makes it even more information you'd have to take in.

So I still would go for the version I have now, with the only difference that I'd make it a fixed statement that the new Sailor Moon has inherited the power of both parents.

In this case it's completely free to choose if Celebi wants to give Sailor Moon both the moon and the earth's side (If Celebi wants that). But there won't be a Sailor Earth in this rendition of the story.

Sorry, I know I first said that it might be alright, but the longer I got to thinking about it, the more I got to realizing that it couldn't be done in this version.
Oh no, that's completely fine! It was just a thought ^^ My mind runs away with me on occasion haha

I'm really looking forward to this, my character will be finished hopefully by tomorrow, I've just been juggling a lot of stuff this week!
Just checking in. It's been a while since there was any activity here, and I'm really hoping no one has dropped out haha!

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