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Fantasy Sail

He gave her a few minutes to enjoy the feeling. He wanted her to go back to her father with stories full of adventure. To embrace her pirate blood. Most of all, possibly want to come back to him.

He grabbed her hand and slowly walked farther into the water. The ocean lapped at their legs the farther they went in. He went in waist deep and kept his hand in hers. The water was crystal clear. He watched the schools of fish swim around them. He looked back up at her and realized that black hearted Killian Jones was starting to open up his heart to this woman. In the end, he hoped it didn't backfire on him.
Rosemarie smiled, enjoying the feeling and ignoring how wet her soaking wet her skirt was. She giggled lightly as a small fish brushed over her foot.

"This is fun," said Rosemarie. "Papa would never let me do this."
After a few hours in the water Killian walked them back to shore. He pulled on his shirt and vest, securing his sword around his waist. His pants were stuck against his legs as was her skirt. Instead of trying to peel it off, he decided a fire was the next best thing.

He walked them up the beach farther away from his crew and gathered wood. He surrounded the wood with rocks, struck his hook on one of them, and watched as the wood started to ignite. After blowing on it for a minute, he came back over to her. They sat down and he pulled her against his back, wrapping his arms around her shoulders snuggling closer. "If your Father found you before I was able to retrieve my possession, would you go with him?" He said quietly then kissed her cheek, "Would you ever come back to me?"
Feather heard a shout behind her and then everything went blurry. She was knocked to the ground and her head pounded. As she gained her bearings, she hopped to her feet, seeing her crew fighting another crew. She saw the ship parked next to her and ran for it. She ducked under swords and dodged bullets until she swung herself over the railing. She landed with a thud and drew her sword, facing the captain of the other ship.

They battled for what seemed like hours until he pinned her to the ground. He put his sword against her neck but before he killed her he smiled and got off of her. "Leave off, eh? Leave your ship, and don't return..." Austin stumbled up behind him, being dragged by the other crew, his face bloody. "Or this one goes down.." He laughed and Feather growled. Before they knew it, she jumped at Austin's captors, catching them off balance. She knocked them down and grabbed Austin, swinging herself on board their own ship, Austin in her arms. She took out her gun from her pocket and pulled the trigger, sending blood everywhere as the captain fell. "Apparently you did..." She said as she and the remaining crew started sailing off.
Rosemarie was taken aback by the question.

"I-I don't know," Rosemarie stuttered. "I'm having the most fantastic time with you, but I don't know if I could leave Papa."

She couldn't have been more honest. Despite living on a ship, her life was dull. She had never had as much fun as she had been having over the past few days.
Feather's ship stopped at port and she hopped off, not bothering to take the ramp down. She stormed into a pub and sat down at a table. She was furious and her head still hurt. She smirked as she saw her contact. "Oi! Got some time?" She called and he spun around, smiling as he approached her. "Well if it isn't my snowy Feather.." She smiled, her face still serious. "So, got anything on, well, anyone?" She said as she looked him in the eyes. He sighed and shook his head and so Feather rose to her feet, marching out the door.

As she left the pub, she saw Austin running towards her. He looked very nervous and as she stopped in front of her he bit his lower lip. She raised her eyebrows. "Yes?.." She put her hand on his chest and turned him, grabbing his arm as she made her way back to the ship. "What is it?" She quickened her pace, worried something had happened. Austin stopped her, putting a hand around her waist and she stopped abruptly. "What?" She grew impatient.

He looked back and then down at his feet. "Em.. W-well you see... Argh!" He stomped his foot on the ground before making his decision. He leaned in closer and cupped his hands around her face. He crashed his lips on hers and her eyes went wide. She leaned away and punched his jaw, before running off towards the ship.
He sighed and nodded. He knew the answer. Why would she ever stay with him anyway? He was the man who had kidnapped her. But he also wasn't a ruthless pirate, either. Towards her father, yes. But never towards her.

"I only ask that question because for some reason I'm falling for you." His eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath, "I told myself I would never love again and yet, here you are. You have my heart, lass."
Rosemarie's eyes widened. She could have been more shocked. She had never expected a man to fall in love with her. Her Papa would never let a man near her.

She stayed still for a moment but then kissed Killian. She was just as shocked to have done that as she was to hear Killian say those words.

"D-do you mean it?" Rosemarie asked smiling brightly.
He was so angry he had let his feelings out. He should've kept quiet. Then she would've left and it would've been easier. The kiss broke his train of thought and he looked down at her.

"Aye." He said softly to her. He cupped her cheek and kissed her softly, "you've cast a spell over me, m'lady."
Rosemarie gave a beaming smile and she felt tears of happiness well up in her eyes, one or two escaping and falling down her cheeks. She let out a small giggle.

"And I believe you have cast one over me," said Rosemarie.
Penelope helped to maintain the ship, watching the horizon, eyes wide. She didn't dare look towards the shirtless captain and his new wife, playing along the water. But as time progressed temptation grew, though tired, she continued to scan about. Finally she gave in, looking towards the couple. Her sight was poorly timed, tracing the two bodies of Killian and Rose pressed together at the lips.

She was a bloody idiot, a fool, a child who thought she could play with fire and not get burned.

Tears fell along her cheeks in a terribly sweet irony. The first man she had opened her heart to in years. And her first night with a man taking it as far as he had.

John had been a strict religious man, and while he never pressed it on her, he never drank, and had sworn to hold off sex till he returned from duty. He had understood that children were a large responsibility, and at her age, no matter the pressures from her parents, he knew it was dangerous. But now, she had traded off her only remaining ounce of childhood to a bastard who could break her heart and make her feel whole again all in a twenty four hour period.
Connor walked cross the beach, his men scattered around on the sand and further in land and on plam leaves. Even some of the ships cats were on the shore, though they kept a wide berth of the dogs. All was right with the world, men were gambling away their rum rations, some even down to the watered down version called grog. Other's were spending those rations and downed what was left in their bottles.

He had nothing to do, and was finding to be the day was rather boring. Until he saw the she pirate standing on the shore looking at something off in the distance. 'Bah' he thought to himself, 'probably nothing.' But questioning her would certainly be better then doing nothing. So, walking over to her, he says "I never got your name. Can't have someone fixing my ship that I don't know the name of."

((Oh blast, forgot about the pipe. Well, we can all assume he is happily puffing away at it.))
Penelope looked up, whipping her eyes quickly from the tears. The pain coursing through her heart was hard to hide though, doing her best she put on the best face she could.

"My name..." She restated. "Penelope," she said quickly, stuttering just slightly, finally getting her face under control. Though she couldn't stop her hand from shaking. She looked at Connor carefully, trying to keep her mind distracted. "And your name? If I may ask," she asked. Her red locks fell along her back, her coat tight against her. Even with the warm water and her thick clothing, the coastal wind felt like ice along her skin.
"Really? You've never heard of me? The great captain Flintlocks McKinley?" he asked, bubble thoroughly popped. "Ah, guess I should have known." he muttered to himself. Not everyone could know he he was, especially if he just practically started being a pirate in the first place. "Well, Penelope, thank you for fixing up my ship enough to float. And here's how I show my gratitude." As he said the last part, he produced the bag of coin Dulio had given him for trying to say sorry. Opening it enough to see what he was grabbing, he handed her three pieces. Three pieces of gold would be able to buy a lot of stuff.
Penelope gave a small smile. "I thank you for your payment, though I feel it is unnessesary, it was only minor repairs, hardly long lasting," she said quickly, happy to have a distraction away from Killian and his new wife. She took the two pieces with gratitude, maybe she could purchase the metal to forge a new dagger. "But thank you for the gold," she said, though it was gratuitous, she really did mean it.

"I really should get back to the ship, I still need to clean the decks and it is already mid day," she made an excuse, she needed some time alone. Some time to realize what was happening, and to coupe. A women on a ship was already a disadvantage, but she couldn't be so emotional.
Dulio and Tavian were now sailing together. Death's Frigate and The Rose were now sailing towards Killian's last know route. However as they were sailing along, "CAPTAIN FIRST RATE SHIP OFF THE PORTSIDE!". Looking in the direction was a large First rate ship was lurking. Dulio whispered with regret to himself " Conall." The First rate ship entered shouting distance. " YOU ENTERED THE WRONG WATERS DEAD MEN!". Dulio leaned over his railing and yelled " GO BACK TO YOUR WATERS CONALL, YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WELL THAT I WILL WIN AGAINST YOU IN A NAVAL BATTLE!". The man aboard the large ship replied " DULIO, haha. NEVER EXPECTED YOU TO BE HERE, COME ON LETS HAVE A CHAT!". The First rate ship got closer and lowered it's boards. A young man came aboard Death's Frigate. He walked up to Dulio and shook his hand. " It's been so long friend, how are you and your crew these days?". Tavian was confused that Dulio had a royal navy friend although he could see a bitter look on Dulio's face.

@Maeve Valor
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Looking at the anchored Jolly Roger, Connor gives a grunt before saying "Looks clean enough to me." Turning back to her, he continues, "And there ain't much to do until tomorrow anyway. Might as well let it go until then. Come on, let's go find you something to drink." Gesturing all the while to follow, he begins to walk away and head towards a group already dicing in the sand, rum rations of course were the stakes.
Penelope gave a faint smile, she didn't drink, but right about now she needed something. Heck with it. Placing the gold close in her pocket, she followed quickly. Stepping off the ship, her boots sunk into the sand, legs burning with the extra effort. She was curious why the sexist captain was so quick to invite her out.
"There, now you're off the ship. No more bad luck." he said, a grin splitting his face. "Now, you'll show these louts how women gamble. Take all of their rations for me, but be careful of that one. I've been watching him. I think his dice are loaded. Only one way to find out for sure though." Walking over to that group, he sets himself down, and gives his crew members a nod which they readily returned. "Me and the lass are in next round." he announced to no one really.

((Two options. Interrupt the lovey feely moment that Hook and Rose(?) are having. Or come join a game of dice with me and Penelope for some rum. And there are a couple cats wandering around. But just keep a couple near the ship, they have to eat the rats and mice.))

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