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Fantasy Sail

(Penelope would love you if you broke up Hook and Rose's little romance) Penlope whispered over towards Conner. "I have never gambled or drank before," she said whispered, slightly embarrassed. She looked at the many men around, she didn't enjoy gambling. It was petty and she would rather keep what she had than loss it all on squabbles and games.

On the beach now she begged fate to not send Hook on over. She couldn't bare to look at them right now. She had to promise herself not to let him lure her to bed again, he would only hurt her again.
( i think i will break it up because as soon as Maeve valor replies to my paragraph you will hear another thunderous cannon fire from afar)
"It's simple." Connor said, gesturing to what the men were doing. "All you have to do. Is roll the highest. Unless you get twin ones, then you win unless someone else gets twin ones. Is that the way you lads are playing it?"

"Yes cap'n." one of the men said, taking up the cup with two dice in it. Giving it a good shake, he sets the dice spinning across the makeshift table set in the sand. Round and round they spun, until they finally landed to a rest. 2 and 3. So, the man got a five. Now, to see what the supposed cheater did. The cheat took out his own pair of dice, which is allowed, some people preferred their own dice thinking they were luckier then any other. Giving them a shake, he set them spinning, and they landed as 6 and 5. Only two other things could beat that, not much but still something. Clever.
((I realize my previous post may not leave much to respond to. So, let me elaborate a bit more on it.))

Quickly, Connor scooped up the man's dice. "Hope you don't mind me using these. Don't have my own pair with me." This left the man with two difficult options. Either let the captain roll, and possibly have his cheating ways exposed, or take them back and put suspicion on himself.

Giving a cautious nod, Connor rattles the dice around inside the cup. If they landed a five and a six, they were weighted and the man was a cheater. If they were higher or lower, the man wasn't. Simple matter really. But if he was a cheater, his rum rations would be stripped and he'd be left to the crew for judgment.

Letting the dice spin across the board, Connor mept his stare on the man. How he reacted would be as much of a give away as how the dice landed. And what he saw was what he expected. A sudden tensing of the face, praying that he would not be caight. Then, what would follow would either great fear or great relief.

((I'll leave it to you to decide how ge dice land and how the man reacts. He could be innocent for all I care.))
Penelope watched the men, allowing Connor handle thr decision making. Things grew tense as Connot scooped up his crew mayes dice, the man looking flustered. As Connor rolled the five and six suspicions rose. Rolling once more, the beach bece nearly silent, each memeber of the gambling circle holding their breath.

The dice landed in a light thud against the table revealing two fives. Penelope herself was not sure if this was chance or cheating. But the man whose dice had rolled out high numbers three times in a row, his brow was sweating.

Penelope looked towards Conner. What happened to cheaters at this outing? She really hoped it wasn't anything crude. She had just begun to enjoy herself.
"Carlson Arling. I call you a cheater, and strip you of your rum rations." Connor says smoothly. There, fair enough punishment considering he got most of it from the weighted dice. "I leave you to the rest of the crew. Don't come crawling to me with a black eye and a broken nose. You'll get what you deserve." he continued calmly. "But that being said. I don't want him hopping around on one good leg, with the other broken."

"There, lass. Now there's even a spot for you to fill." The cheater had gotten up and scurried away, no doubt to gather whatever friends he had to help protect him. "And as for having nothing. Half of what he had won should do."
Echo sighs irritably, putting the chains down. "Stay on the ship, guard it, and NO EATING THE CATS."

Jumping off the ship, echo heads somewhere to gamble. She may somewhat hate it but its better than doing nothing. She gets in there and looks to her sides as men make room for her to walk. Then she gets up to a lad whom is staring right at her and not moving. "My lady, what brings you here?" He asks

"Boredom now get out of my way." She snarls and holds her knife against his throat. She laughs as he quickly moves and begins walking again, sitting down at a random table.
[QUOTE="Mia Moulop](Could you please leave it to the people who are actually in the relationship?)

(If you wanted a one on one rp you should've joined elsewhere. It's actually nice of him to mention it without outright interrupting you guys so that we can all discuss beforehand if it's alright to do so.)

He stood silent waiting for the two to have their time to catch up even though it looked like Dulio could care less under his masked expression. He then boarded onto Dulio ship and then approached the two but still was quite a ways from them. He coughed trying to get the attention of Dulio hoping that he would get the idea that there was more pressing matters at hand here.
[QUOTE="Maeve Valor]~Tavian~
He stood silent waiting for the two to have their time to catch up even though it looked like Dulio could care less under his masked expression. He then boarded onto Dulio ship and then approached the two but still was quite a ways from them. He coughed trying to get the attention of Dulio hoping that he would get the idea that there was more pressing matters at hand here.

(Who's the two?)
Penelope took the cheaters seat, looking down at her starting pieces. She didn't enjoy gambling, but to be polite, she stayed put, her eyes managing to flicker once over to Rose. She forced herself to watch long enough to try and accept it, but she knew deep in her heart it would not work. Looking back to the gaming table, she awaited instruction, determined to bet only the bare minimum, she wasn't much of a risk taker.

While it had felt like a short day, it had been long, awake through a large portion of the night, woken early, and still up and about. While a pirates life trained one for long shifts and duties, sleep was a basic human need. Her eyes began to show signs of exhaustion, her thoughts easily distracted. She hoped not to reflect her groggy mind to her gambling.
Dulio looked over and nodded. " Conall i know there is a bounty on my head but your the only person left in the Royal navy that likes me. Now leave before i blow a hole in your skull". Conall punched Dulio in the stomach. "You always thought you were on top Dulio but i am" Dulio looked up and smiled. " And so you are friend." He started walking with Conalll towards the railing. " You know what let me send you off with a gift before you go". Conall now surprised said " alright what is it". Dulio pulled one of his guns from his holster and yelled " THIS!". Pulling back on Conall's head Dulio put the end of the guns barrel on Conall's neck. BOOM, Dulio then threw Conall's corpse in the water. Dulio shouted to his men " FIRE THE CANNONS!". and just in a second louder BOOMS sounded. And finally the biggest explosion went off when one of the Cannon balls hit the Gun powder in the First rate ship, causing the hull to split in half. Amazingly only two of Dulio's men got hurt from large splintered wood, and the Frigate was still in fighting conditions. Dulio looked back over at Tavian. "shall we go get your daughter before they leave i am pretty sure they heard that last explosion." Tavian hurried back to his ship and they were quickly off.
Killian sat up with a start. Explosions. Cannon fire. He kissed Rosemarie's cheek before walking towards the water. His eyes scanned the water's surface, looking for the patterns an incoming ship makes. All was quiet.

He picked up his jacket and went back to her. It must've been some other ships testing the cannons or fighting one another. He sat back down next to her and put his jacket over her shoulders. "You know, maybe we can just sail away. I'll forgot all about this treasure..." He paused then shook his head. He wasn't that selfless, "After I get my treasure we can sail away. I'll teach you to become a pirate. We can do whatever you would like."
Rosemarie smiled brightly.

"That sounds absolutely grand," said Rosemarie.

Something crossed her mind.

"What about Papa?" Rosemarie asked him nervously. "Would I be able to see him? I don't think I'd be able to go the rest of my life without seeing him."
"Your go lass." Connor said. The table was stacked with simple stones to represent the rations. They had redistributed the rations, to make up for what the thief took away and what they had on hand. The highest role was to Connor, two fives, and with someone elses dice to show he wasn't cheating.

"It's simple. You've seen it done, now it's your turn."
Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
(Feather we can meet up I have nothing to do with my character anyways... Where should we meet.)
(Check the OOC chat)


"Right-o good show man," He patted Dulio on the back before making his way to his own ship. Together, Tavian followed Dulio's ship towards where he last saw the man who took his daughter. Once nearing the island, Tavian thought that they should dock elsewhere from the port a bit a ways just in case the kidnapper was still there. Tavian called Dulio's name out and then signaled for him to follow Tavian's ship away from the port. Once they docked, Tavian got off of his ship to meet up with Dulio once again, "Where did you last see his ship Captain?"

Dulio looked down at a map, " He was last where i was with the ship that i shot at, They had to go to a nearby island so they are either here or somewhere over here *pointing at a smaller island north of the one they were closest too*".
((Before you just arrive at the island. Remember, he said it was a full fay of sailing to get there. I don't know about you, but it's dusk where the Sea Dragon and the Jolly Roger are at. And on top of that, contrary to popular belief, ships are gard to see at night.))
Penelope pushed a stone into the center of the table to signify her bid, allowing the others to match. Once ready she took a roll of the dice, a small part of her hoping to win, the other calling the gamr stupid and a bad use of rations.

Dice landing she had rolled a 2 and a 4, not th best, but she passed on the dice to the next man, Connor sitting counter clock wise would roll last. (Hope I am playing this right, figured it follows poker rules)
((I'm flying by the seat of my pants with this. Albiet it is slightly based off of a game, I think. So, whatever goes. I just layed down the vase rules. Role the dice, get two ones or a really high number. Will respond asap.))

The next man rolled, and the next one, and the next one. Finally, it got to Connor. Now, so far, the rest of the roles were rather terrible. One man had one die land on a one, the other a two. So, he was not going to win anything. Another rolled a three and a two, better but still had little chance of winning. So far, the winning roll was Penelope's, which was a six (did some quick math right there). Taking up the cup and the dice, Connor gives the cup a good shake, and sends them spinning across the table. ((Now, I'm going to roll the dice after my post because the darned thing won't let me do it now. So, I give you full permission to puppet my character's reaction.))

Penelope gave a small frown, her dice close to winning, but not quite, looking to Conner she gave a small smile. "Looks like you have won," she says with rather good sportsmanship. Hearing the cannon she was concerned, her captain would want her to be ready for anything, no matter the time of day. She figured Conner and his crew would not have much time to spare either, being their own ship parallel to her own captains.

Pushing back her red locks, she gave a small frown, her abdomen feeling stiff and painful. She pushed it off as normal, but it persisted. She truly was tired, everything in her body seemed to be protesting. Now she was certain she didn't want a drink, a hang over was not something she wanted to wake up to.

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