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Fantasy Sail


Feather smiled as she watched Killian from the distance. She snuck in behind him and rammed her fist into the back of his head. She then lunged for Rosemarie. "You're coming with me kid!" She snapped as she grabbed the girl and ran into the woods. She threw her into Austin's arms, ignoring his annoying stare. He needed to talk, but she didn't..

She went back to the place where she ran into the woods and kept watching Killian's crew. She grinned but then realized she couldn't see Killian. She sat up, her back straight, her ears alert for any movement and her eyes blinking. She thought she had knocked him out, maybe she didn't??
Killian was dazed as something smashed into his head. He felt Rosemarie slip from his arms and tried to shake the dots from his vision. He touched the spot as he stood up and looked at the blood on his fingers. "Feather." He hissed as he watched her blonde hair disappear into the forest.

He quietly crept around her, keeping a wide berth. He watched Rosemarie get put into the arms of Austin. He drew his sword and snuck up on her. He yanked her against him. He held his sword to her throat and his hook dug into her stomach. "Let her go. I won't hesitate to kill you."
Feather slightly gasped at the surprise attack but easily pushed him off her, tackling him to the ground. She grinned, her eyes filled with admiration. "Oh Killi.... You know you can't beat me..." She hopped onto him and kicked the side of his head with her foot. She then lifted his head slightly off the ground and punched his chin.

She dropped his head and drew her sword. She flicked his away, easily. She then forced her sword down into his leg. "That's for abandoning me.." She snapped and twisted her sword. "When I needed you the most...." She crouched down beside his head and looked into his eyes. "You will never beat me... I will always win..." She then kissed her fingers and set them on his lips. Feather rose to her feet and grinned. "Love you pretty boy.." She said in a teasing way, before giving his face a final kick, grabbing her sword and turning to Austin.

"Let's go?!" She said, annoyed that he had waited for her. She shoved him forward and he ran off, Rosemarie in his arms. Feather looked down at Killian and shook her head. "Once, I thought you actually loved me... Guess you can never love a pirate, and that love can't be returned..." She looked up to the sky. "Admit.... You missed me.." Feather sat down on a fallen tree trunk, not bothered if Killian's crew came, she had dealed with worse...
Killian was gasping for breath. He spit the blood out of his mouth and felt the hole in his leg. Talk about some pain.

After listening, half dazed, to her question he looked over at her. "Missed you!? No...I didn't." He lied through his teeth. He wiped the blood off his face with the back of his hand. He slowly sat up and rested his head against a tree.

His only thought was Rosemarie. He shakily stood up, holding onto the tree for support. He had to get to her. "I should've killed you." He growled then turned around. He quickly hit her hard with hook. He picked up his sword and, using the trees for support, made his way towards her ship.
"Let go of me!" Rosemarie grunted.

Rosemarie started struggling in Austin's arms.

She finally was able to get away. She broke out running away from him as fast as her legs could carry her.
Killian got to the edge of the forest fairly quickly. The searing pain from his leg was worse than ever. He was constantly wiping blood from his eyes. He looked up just in time to see Rosemarie running at him. He opened his arms and caught her in them.

"Are you okay, darling?" He asked her, tilting her head up to him. He sheathed his sword and wiped his face on his sleeve, "We must get to the ship."

He staggered against her then whistled to get his crew's attention. "Prepare for attack!" He yelled, hoping they had heard him.
"I-I'm fine," said Rosemarie.

She looked down at his leg. Her eyes widened in shock and she looked back up at him.

"Are you all right?" she asked worriedly.
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Feather wiped the blood off of her face, grinning. "Hell of a fight? Not so much..." She laughed as she stood up. "Well, at least I know he's lying..." She climbed up at tree and made her way through the forest by jumping from branch to branch, much like a squirrel. She reached the end of the forest and looked at the far away Jolly Roger. She grinned and drummed her fingers on her sword. It would be dumb, even for her, to fight an entire crew and angry captain over a small girl. She giggled, how Rosemarie would regret choosing him, over her dear Papa...
Dulio and Tavian were now close at the harbor that Killian was in. Dulio put on a metal jacket and metal hat with a feather on it. Dulio shouted " READY THE TROOPS!" just then 72 men come out from under the deck. 18 of them were wearing black iron vest and white undershirts and pants, the rest were dressed up in red,white, and green. The men had Naval muskets and bayonets. The ones in armor had an extra grenade. 1 of the 18 men carried a flag, on it was a scythe and gun crossing behind a skull. They got into 4 small boats. Dulio was with the elites and shouted back " I WILL FIND YOU DAUGHTER!" They got out of hearing distance and two men in the front boat with Dulio began playing a fife and drum. Finally they shored behind Feather's men. " REGNO'DI'ITALIA GRANDINE" Dulio yelled to his men. His men yelled " GRANDINE" as they walked along the shores. They finally where behind Feather's men. Dulio yelled " FIRE AT WILL". Many of Feather's men dropped dead in the gun fire. Dulio then stated " CHARGE!" Men then charged at Feather's remaining amount of men as Dulio went to find Killian and Rose. He found the two lying and Killian was bleeding. Dulio approached them and said " YOU! you have allot of explaining because i am here for Rosemarie, and your acting was terrible."
Killian's eyes widened as the boats emerged from the darkness. He grabbed Rosemarie's hand, but couldn't exactly run on a wounded leg. He was about to tell her to run to his ship when Dulio found them.

He stood up straight as he saw his men start coming forward. "STOP!" He yelled and they stopped in their tracks, "Live to fight another day mates! Back to the ship! Alert Connor !" His men were uneasy about his decision. It wasn't like him to have them stand down. If Dulio knew they were lying he had found Tavian and was sure he wouldn't be far behind. They couldn't beat three ships.

His crew retreated and he pulled Rosemarie behind him. He drew his sword as he looked at him. "Don't you feel like quite the idiot then, mate. You fell for it. And the fake certificate. I'm a pirate. Not a bloody entertainer." He backed Rosemarie up a little more before taking a step forward, "I quite fancy the lass. Maybe she doesn't want to be rescued."
Penelope hearing her captains outcry, stood quickly, shifting her stones from her clutch to the center. Though she didn't want to help her captain fetch back his new bride, she was still sworn loyal, and treason like such would be her undoing.

"Thanks for the game, but I am afraid duty calls," she said quickly to Conner, tipping her head before scrambling down the beach. With long strides in the summer sand, she extended her blade, a dagger the length of her forearm. Crafted herself the blade had kept her through thick and thin, and now was most certainly thick.

A practical army had massed along the beach, and with them in full charge, Penelope was quick to seek hide away in the woods. Though this slowed her travel time, she was happy to be out of site of the muskets. Though it didn't stop the musket balls from hitting branches and trees nearby, a close call to say the least.

Seeing a large shadow, presumably Dulio, she pushed through the last tuffs of undergrowth. Seeing the enemy captain standing beside her clearly bleeding and exhausted captain and his damn bride.

No matter her captains commands retreating was a cowards move. So there she went, sword aiming for Dulio's chest, the man would not get his chance to spite her captain.
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Dulio took out his sword and threw it to the ground. " I wish not to fight, for the girl's sake". Dulio took off his helmet and put down his guns as well. "She decides her fate, you don't. At least be a man of little honor and let her decide." Dulio looked at Rosemarie " What would you rather do, spend your life having to kill men and steal from them, or come back to your father." Dulio then started joking " And Killian i think you still owe me a talk and i owe you a drink."
Killian caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The red hair immediately gave her away. Penelope. She had disobeyed his orders. To make it worse she was headed right for Dulio.

He moved to the side and pushed Dulio out of the way. His hook met her blade and with a twist he disarmed her. "Disobeying the captain?" He picked up her blade and put it in her belt, "Trying to play hero now, are we? Never stab a man in the back. It's bad form. Get back to the ship. Now." His eyes glinted with cold, harsh anger. He would take care of her later. For now, he had a damsel to protect. He looked at Dulio and smiled, "Sorry about that. Now where were we? Oh, I was telling you about my affections for the lass. On second thought, let me show you." He grabbed Rosemarie, smiled at her, and gave her a passionate kiss. He was hoping somehow to persuade her to stay. Furthermore, he was hoping to go take care of his injuries before he fainted from blood loss.
Rosemarie kissed him back, with all the passion she could muster.

She wanted to stay with him, go on adventures, see the world. But she didn't want to leave her Papa. He had taken care of her since birth and she thought a rotten way to pay him back was to leave him.
Crumpled to the ground with dishonor and pain along her knees and side, she toke in a long breath, her side aching as it had earlier. She didn't dare answer, her captains words like ice along her body. She pushed back tears, it wasn't time for those. Feeling the weight of her dagger she shuddered lightly, picking herself up, only to meet eyes with Killian locked on to Rose's lips. If Dulio hadn't been their she would have fell to sobs, but her heart burned and fell numb as she turned quickly, pushing back into the woods.

She felt sick, not just from the experience and betrayal, but she serious felt sick. Far enough away to be out of ear shot, she felt her lunch come up, leaning into the nearly tree. Bark pried in her finger nails, and dignity far and in between, she quickly cleaned up her mouth, happy her hair had escaped the undergrowth below's fate.

Her thoughts traced her most recent meals, but could think of nothing unusual. Picking her self up, she headed back to the ship, the sand heavy along her boots. She was quick to board, keeping a calm face for the rest of the crew. Finally below deck, she washed up, laying in her full attire along her bed. The tears followed, though the sorrow had been their since the captain had first kissed Rose.
Rosemarie kissed him back, with all the passion she could muster.

She wanted to stay with him, go on adventures, see the world. But she didn't want to leave her Papa. He had taken care of her since birth and she thought a rotten way to pay him back was to leave him.
Dulio felt bad that he could not convince her. " Well it is a shame, your father would not like this though, that is why i brought him". He pointed to a rowboat that had Tavian in it. The rowboat landed.

@Maeve Valor @Mia Moulop
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Echo could hear fighting outside and folded her cards walking out of the place. She saw multiple crews and her eyes finally flickered back to her own ship which she was sure was ready to sail away without her completely forgetting her. She looked at where she had left her wolves. They were gone. She tried to summon them but couldn't. She snarled and whistled hard, it echoing through miles of land. That's why they called her echo.

Echo moved around looking for any sign of her wolves demons, but found nothing. She walked back to her ship and got on knowing she shouldn't interrupt the captain but did anyways. "Sir, my hounds are gone. I can't summon them and they aren't responding to my whistle. I fret another crew here may have captured em and chained em down."
((Action pause. Time fir Connor to action))

"No worries at all. You owe me a bottle, however." Connor said as he scooped up the stones and deposited them into his pile. That was when he heard it, the booming of fire arms. First was the low thud of cannons, then the sharp crackle of muskets. One was closer then the other.

"Up lads! Up and to arms!" Then the first of Hooks men came running in, warning them of the crew of three rather large ships on the beach. That was what decided it for him. "To the ship! Load cannons! Prepare to repel boarders!" he shouted in quick order. He would not be caught off guard again. "Grape shot! Load the Puckle guns!"

Getting up from the rowboat he couldn't believe what he was witnessing. His own daughter had fallen in love with her capture. Has she gone insane? Was his thoughts. He was utterly confused about what to do at this point. In the end it came down to one question though. "Rose... is this true? Is this really what you want?..." He would respect her wishes no matter how much it pained him because above anything else he loved his daughter. He so much wanted to steal her and take her back to his ship, but he knew that if he did that his own daughter would resent him for the rest of his life. He clenched his fists and bit his tongue from saying anything more as he looked down afraid of her answer.

One thing was for sure though, even if his daughter did fall in love with this man, he could never forgive the man for what he has done. His intentions were to kidnap the daughter for ransom, and in his book, made him untrustworthy.
Feather clenched her jaw and hopped down from her landing place, landing beside Tavian. "Rose stop!" She cried out, tears forming in her eyes. "This isn't what you think it is... It's not." She gulped. "It's not true love..." She looked down blankly at her feet as she started circling the group. "I once thought I loved him, that he loved me.. But I was wrong, while it had felt so right..." Feather stopped in front of Tavian, facing Rosemarie. "He is not the right man for you... Someone like him," She nodded her head to Killian, her eyes filled with grief, pain and love. "Someone like him doesn't deserve to be loved." She looked down at his leg before turning around, stopping slightly. "Oh, and sorry 'bout your leg.. See it as a gift..." She smiled as she crouched down on the ground. "I'm done... With all of you.."
Killian had pulled away and rested his forehead against hers when he heard the question. He looked up at Tavian with a smile. "Oh! Look who decided to join us. You don't have the object I requested, I assume. Pity. I thought you could do it, Captain."

He looked at Rose and watched her intently. He knew she loved her father. She wouldn't quit talking about him the whole time he had her. He was also certain Tavian didn't like him. That was all fine and well with him. Most fathers didn't like him.

"Just so you know, I didn't take her...well, you know. Believe me, I tried." He smiled at him, "But she denied the advances from this dashingly handsome pirate."

He listened to Feather and raised an eyebrow. "Jealous, m'lady?" He took a step forwards on the wrong leg and his leg collapsed underneath him. He swore and slowly stood back up. "What a kind gift you left me with. I will have to repay you one day. Now, Rosemarie. Let's make a decision quickly. This bleeding isn't stopping and I doubt you want to see me on my way to Davy Jones locker."
Penelope leaned against her bed, peeling back her coat. She wasn't looking forward to Killian's punishment later. She hoped with the affair and now her disobedience she wouldn't be left at port. It would be sensible, starting a new life with his wife, to clip off loss ends. He really did love the girl, and it made her boil with anger and jealousy. He hardly knew the lass, her skills far from much, like a little lamb surrounded by lions.

Not to mention she was petite, it would be a pity if she were to be picked off by a small pox or measles, a quick end to such a inspiring love story.

Feeling her stomach, she muttered, she hadn't eaten anything sickening, it didn't make any sense...

Shit. No. She knew it couldn't be. She would have to find Echo. As soon as she possibly could. She needed to at least narrow down the causes. Because the thought of last night being the culprit, made her sick, even sicker than her stomach felt.

Rosemarie looked from her Papa to Killian. Her eyes filled with tears and she ran over to Killian and kissed him.

"I'm sorry," she told him, "I have to go with Papa. I'll miss you."

She began walking away but turned around.

"And I think she was wrong," said Rosemarie. "I think you do deserve to be loved."

She gave him a sad smile and a quick kiss. She turned around and walked over to her Papa. She embraced him.

"I've missed you, Papa," said Rosemarie.
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Feather grinned at Killian before turning away. "I knew it.." She chuckled as she walked into the woods. She climbed a tree and sat there, now deep into the woods. Austin ran up to the tree, screaming her name. "What?" She said, annoyed he showed up. Austin panted before saluting. "Miss... Erm, Captain, the ship is ready.." Feather nodded and hopped off the tree. She started walking off but was stopped as Austin dragged her arm back. She slapped his face and shot her leg up in between his legs, making him fall to the ground, groaning.

"What w-was that for?" He said as he rolled around cursing. He then sighed. "Look I'm sorry ok!" He said, annoyed. Feather rolled her eyes. "Whatever.." She helped him get up and as he started limping, she let him rest against her shoulder. "Don't get any flippin' ideas mister..." She hissed and he sighed, defeated.

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