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Fantasy Sail

Dulio noticed the third ship, " Great now it's vultures to slaughter, but there is no slaughter" .Dulio went to sit down on the chair " Tell me when you wish come chat until then my men will sing a shanty". One of his men got a small violin and men gathered round him. Then he started the shanty ( sounds like this: [media]

[/media]) And there song was the one that filled Dulio's ears until he heard a " Lets chat".
Echo smirked. "Aye' I see its now a party!" She called out and one of the wolves pulled the opposite way, towards the new ship. They both howled at the same time and she laughed. "Oh calm down you darned scallywags!" She laughed and they looked back at her tongues lolling. They turned back around and pulled. She was almost tempted to let them go.
"No singing on my ship!" Connor shouted from below deck, once again through one of the holes, which was quiet possibly the lost one. "You can do three things. Patch up the holes in me hull, play at doctor and sew up me crew, or you can get off me ship and piss off." He was getting really tired of this Dulio and his damned thinking he owned the Sea Dragon. He had half a mind to just walk up there and start firing at anyone that wasn't in his crew.

So, he finally decided to go above deck and do something about it. Face red and looming over the seated captain, smoke from his pipe swirling lazily around his head, he finally snaps. "He says that's his wife, so she's his wife. I don't see a reason why he should lie about it. You see the ring as well as I do, unless you need glasses. And there are the papers right there. Now, if you aren't doing anything with that table, we could use it to help fix the holes you caused."

Then, looking up, he sees yet another ship heading for his. Now there was going to be three ships anchored and hooked onto the Sea Dragon. Then he saw perhaps the worst of it, a female captain. How that ship was still floating was beyond him, but then he thought about it. Women captains made sense, captains were supposed to poke around with what their crew was up to and make sure they were doing what they were supposed to do.
Penelope gave a grin seeing Connor try and hid his satisfaction. She began to patch the other hole, applying a coat of sealant. When finished she notice a cut from her tools and quickly whipped it along her jacket. He better be happy, that cut was on her dominant hand and would make ship duties pestering later. Gathering her things she stood. "Finished," she said simply, hoping she could finally leave this excuse of a ship.
((That's not what I understood. Oh well, either way. Connor is angry about the whole thing, what with you having recently shot at him. and all.))
"fine i will be on my way". Dulio got up from the chair and went to the wheel of his ship. Soon enough the ship was back in the fog making it hard to see him. Dulio thought to himself " That girl was suspicious, i will have to ask Tavian about that". As he got farther and farther away, he turned his head around " By Gods name if that girl was Rose then that captain can count me to shank him once or twice". Little did anyone know he was sailing towards Tavian.

( @Beowulf i know i was a jerk damaging the ship but i gave you gold to get a few layers of metal and murican wood for the hull, and some new sets of cannons.Please don't have Connor tell Killian my sailing direction)
Killian listened to Rose and smiled. She did a well enough job. As Dulio went to offer him a seat, he heard the voice that frequented his dreams- Feather. He slowly pulled Rose behind him and turned to her.

"Ah, my dear sweet lady." He smiled at her, "Heard the news I take it? The lass and I are married. She couldn't resist this dashing rapscallion." He picked up her hand to show off the ring and kissed it, "I have official papers. You know the code. Now, run along."

He kissed Rosemarie before looking at Echo. "Keep her off my bloody ship. She or her crew step one foot on board let them go." He turned and hurried over to Flintlocks.

"Are you almost ready to set sail mate? We'll escort you to port then I have somewhere else I need to go. We'll be back in three days to see how you're doing." He smiled at him and clapped him on the shoulder.
Echo giggles. "Aye' captain, you can count on it." She says her eyes glimmering. She whispers to one of her dogs that she's gonna let him go and he is to run towards them but stop halfway and wait for her to pick back up the chain. The dog nods through its vicious pulling and she lets go. "Oops." She says slyly and walks slowly over to the demonic wolf and picks up the chain. The howlers rear up and howl a battle cry into the air which would cause anyone to flinch and she laughs as the other captain flinches.
Penelope, finished with her work, headed back over the plank, back to her home on the Jolly Rodger. Spotting Hook she decided against heading towards him, his lips kissing Rose lightly. There they were, the happy couple, waving their paper and gloating to the world. She knew the act was justified, but it still pestered her.

Though she was a mistress now, technically. Though it did have a ring to it, and it made their kiss and ... the other night all the more, glorious. But at the same time, it was not her style to skulk around and commit practical adultery.

She quickly returned the supplies before slipping her dagger to her belt, and her two knives in opposite boots.

Soon after explaining his whole situation with Dulio they found out they were being tailed. Tavian saw that Dulio had this ordeal covered so he went on his way searching for Darkwaters. Currently he is on a separate island from everyone else and has made port. A crew-mate approached the captain while he was above deck giving orders.

"Sir, I have found a bar like you asked," Tavian turned to him with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Splendid!" he then yelled over his shoulder to the other men, "You have your orders, you are dismissed!" The men scattered as he put all of his attention to his first mate who he ordered to find a bar for him. "Now, lead me to this place if ya' kindly will."

"Of course captain."

He was the led down a couple of streets to the nearest bar. After going in it didn't look at all like a pleasant place to drink at. The people smelled of alcohol, the floors had stains holding history of previous drunkards throwing up on that very floor, and no one seemed merry. He made his way to the front counter of the bar while his first mate left him to do his work. He sat down in front of the bar tender putting down a dozen of coins in front of him.

The bar tender gave him a look and smirked, "That looks more like information coins rather than drinkin' ones."

"I'd like to know any clue as to Captain Darkwaters whereabouts," he said with a lowered voice. The bar tender put down his glass and signaled with his head to follow him into the back room after he took the coins that the captain had set down. Tavian stood from his seat and followed. Once they were in the man answered him, "Darkwaters came in here a week ago asking about a map to the Cantina Islands. Next thing I knew I heard he kidnapped a man and fled. My guess is that there was no map and that it was a man with some interesting knowledge." This news did not tell him where Darkwaters was or went but it was certainly useful to him. He did not need to steal a map from the captain but it was an actual man that he needed to steal.

"Thank you sir," he shook the man's hand and then walked out of the back room.
With a firm nod at the departure of Dulio, Connor turns around and nearly bumps into Hook. And right then, he almost spoon fed him the chance that he wanted. "Why thank you. And if we are good to sail three days later, perhaps I could stick around. You got more experience in this line of work then I do, and your crew has a good head on it's their shoulders." he said, looking Hook in the eyes to prove that he meant every word. "And thanks to the gold the good captain Dulio gave me, I can get full repairs and then some. Now lead on, I'll be right behind you."
"Aye." Killian shook his hand and whistled for his crew to follow him. They pulled the planks off and Killian went to Rosemarie. "We're heading off on another adventure. Are you ready to go to the beach, darling?"

He smiled and headed to the wheel. He saluted to Feather and they were off. Their destination was a full day's journey, but the end result was worth it. A small island nestled in seclusion with no ports. He and his crew had made camp there multiple times. They knew it well.

More importantly, Rosemarie would get to feel the sand between her toes, swim, and he would teach her to use a sword. He didn't know why he felt like he needed to help her experience life. Maybe he was soft and wouldn't admit it.
Dulio's ship made it to the port Tavian was in and they dropped anchor in the harbor. People stared in awe at the large frigate and how it belonged to a pirate. Dulio made his way into the bar that Tavian was in while he was accompanied by his first mate. He smelled the alcohol and seen the drunken men. He smiled and walked up to Tavian. He then proceeded to tap Tavian on the shoulder and said " Friend i think i got something for you".
Penelope stood at her post, looking at the sea. As long as the other captains stayed near, she was just a lowr ranking crew member. While Rose was beside Killian, playing the happy wife. She was really starting to despise this Connor figure. She began to sharpen her knife, before throwing her dagger between hands, practicing her catch.

After some time, a small cut from a misthrow, she grew bored of the action and watched the sky gently.
Rosemarie's eyes widened and a happy, beaming spread across her face. She had always wanted to go. She had asked her Papa many times if she could go, but he had always said no.

"The beach?" Rosemarie asked joyfully. "I've always wanted to run along it, ever since I was a child, I asked Papa whenever we were near one, but he would never let me."

Turned around expecting it was some drunkard who tapped on his should wanting to cause trouble, but it was a familiar face that he was met with. "Dulio sir! Fancy seeing you so soon. What have you got for me? Let us engage elsewhere if you don't mind, walk with me." Tavian led him out of the bar onto the streets searching for an Inn as he talked to Dulio, "Now what news do you have friend?"
Dulio's smile left and now a serious face replaced it " I may have found your daughter, but i could not confirm it because of some damn Marriage papers" Dulio grabbed Tavian firmly on both shoulders " Tell me what she looked like".He said in a stern, yet angered voice.

@Maeve Valor
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He was confused about the marriage papers bit, but he answered Dulio regardless of his confusion. "She is 18 years of age, tan, and has brown hair along with brown eyes. Even if you did find my daughter I don't want to jeopardize her safety unless the person is absolutely sure they can get her back. Do you think you can?" He stopped walking to look at Dulio.
Dulio face palmed himself now steaming. He then quickly calmed down by taking a few deep breaths " I found her, The man with her and 3 other girls that were fond of him, seemed to obvious yet let them go. Shall i go ransom for her freedom?" Dulio said as he rested his hands on his pistols.

@Maeve Valor
"That's a nice spot. Shame I don't want to beach the poor girl." he said referring to his vessel, which was already hobbling behind the Jolly Riger as it was. "Bring her into the cove, get her out if te open waters. Then you lads get leave for the day. The next will he spent getting lumber."

The crew had a mixed reaction to this. A free day given by their captain was rare as it was, so they had to use it well. Yet they knew the day after would be spent doing hard labor. So a mixed reaction they gave, some cheering and others groaning rather loudly.

'Three days.' Connor thought to himself as he inspected the beach further. 'The repairs shouldn't take to long. And the lads won't like having to sleep under palm leaves everytime they come here. Perhaps a pirate port is in order.'
Killian sailed his ship in and they dropped anchor. He winked at Penelope as he walked by and helped tie the sails. "Okay crew, you know your shifts. One watches the ship, second catches rest on the island, and third is available for repair of the Captain's ship. Switch shifts every six hours!" He called then lowered the gangway.

He smiled at Rosemarie. "All right lass. Be comfortable. Let's see more of that smile." He set her on some barrels and took off her shoes. He picked her up and carried her down the gangway. Once they hit the sand he set her down where the waves lightly washed up on shore.

"Would you care for a swim, darling?" He smiled pulling his boots, jacket, vest, and shirt off. "We'll go in as far as you're comfortable."

He looked down in thought and then he finally came to a decision. "Yes but on one condition," he turned to face Dulio, "I fight with you." With this in mind he thought about getting all the help he can get. After all the stories he's heard of Captain Feather Starr she most likely is already at the ship ready to strike. Tavian was expecting to see her when him and Dulio arrive.
Rosemarie beamed as she felt the sand between her toes. She loved the way it felt. She was very excited. She had always wanted to go.

"I'd love to go swimming," said Rosemarie happily. "I have always wanted to go."

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