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Fantasy Sail

Penelope froze up for a moment, stopping as she stroked her hair. She had to admit he was good at reading her suppressed signs. She looked, keeping her cheeks from flustering, though she wasn't quite successful. "Jealousy?" She played innocent to the accusation. "You are my captain, I have no reason to be jealous," she lied. She was decent at fibs but far from perfect. She stood up, now on the defensive. She could feel her heart pump faster. She wasn't jealous. Okay that was a lie to herself.
Dulio said" I shall do it for free, the reward a jolly man is all i need". He had been talking to the other captain for a little bit when suddenly " SIR SHIP OFF PORTSIDE SHE SEEMS TO BE LOADING!" Dulio looked at his men " Luckily we did not unload the cannons, GET READY TO FIRE" ( also Beowulf could you have your men notice my flag a little more just check my character on page 2)

@Beowulf and @Maeve Valor
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He laughed at her reaction. She was definitely jealous. Hiding it just made him want to get it out of her more. He would use any tactic to do so.

"Oh, really?" He put his bottle down and slowly walked towards her. He had her back pushed against the mast with their bodies touching. He leaned forward, keeping his blue eyes on hers. He could feel her breath against his lips. "Your body says something different, lass."
Penelope was taken back by the sudden intmacy her captain took. Her body immediatly wanted to shift back to her confort zone, but with the pillar behind and Killian's hands beside, she was trapped.

Finding her eyes stare into Killian's she felt herself relax just slightly, while her heart thudded in quick and erratic motions.

She was mostly loss for words. In her moment she was unsure of how to proceed. One side wanted to kick him in the groin and yell piss of as she headed to her quarters. The other wanted to lean forward and bring her lips to her own. There wasn't truly a compromise between the two.
Dulio said " lets score them before they score us, of course i think they might sink after first volley" Dulio came back aboard his ship and the ship seemed to be leaving.

@Maeve Valor and @Beowulf
He watched her. He remained calm and unyielding. His eyes glanced down to a vein in her neck and watched the rapid pulse. He gently traced it with his fingers. "Am I flustering you? My apologies."

He smiled and moved his fingers softly across her lips. He rested his hand on her hip and moved in, just short of kissing her. He was a relentless and well versed flirt. He took pride in it. Penelope had a choice to make. If she kissed him...well he didn't know if he could hold himself back being denied once tonight already.
Penelope felt his hand push against her hip, bringing him ever closer, with a smirk she let go of reason and control.

"Not in the least, captain," she said in a whisper before leaning forward, letting his lips press to her own, bringing her hand around his shoulder and towards his neck. She let her finger tips stroke his dark hair just along the back of his neck. Warmth spread across her body in thr embrace, eyes closed.
He pulled back, his eyes hooded and full of lust. Being with a member of his crew could cause a few issues. He was very much sober so he didn't need to second guess his reasonings. He was the captain. It was none of their business.

He took her hand and pulled her down to where she stayed. He would've gone to his quarters, but those were occupied. Next time. He shut the door behind him and snapped his hook off, letting it fall to the floor. They didn't need any injuries. He turned to her with a wicked grin before crushing his lips against hers.
Penelope at first was confused, but as he lead her down to her quarters she blushed, her heart pounding with euphoria. She pulled off her coat, not needing it below deck, nor in this situation. She was quick to embrace him, letting her lips push against his, her hands feeling the rivets and bones along his back. She had completely forgoten about her past husband's ring along her finger, finally able to let herself enjoy a night with someone. Though something in her told her it wouldn't work. He was her captain after all.
Just then as the crew aboard the other ship treid to follow Death's Shadow, Dulio's ship turned their entire broadsides on the other ship. Dulio shouted " FIRE". Just then cannon balls filled with black powder smashed the other ship's deck @Beowulf , Making the crew unstable. 15 successfully scored their mark, knocking cannons and men off board and around the deck.Then Dulio's ship started sailing towards the other ship @Beowulf

@Maeve Valor and @Beowulf
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Killian laid next to her panting and sweating. He kissed her cheek and stood up, putting on his clothes. He had to sleep in his quarters. If his crew, or the lass, needed him he had to be in there.

He smiled as he picked up his hook and left. He shut the door quietly behind him and made his way up the steps. It was well into the night now. He sighed and went into his quarters.

He felt a twinge of guilt seeing her. But why? He didn't think she thought of him anymore than the man who kidnapped her. He crawled into bed next to her and closed his eyes, sleep finally washing over him.
Penelope lay along her bed, breathingbr in heavy strokes. She had fone something she had never thought would happen again. But was it love, or just two people desperate for something to alleviate the loneliness of the sea? She undid her mostly decemated braids and lay back into her bed, wary and tired. Tomorrow would be an awkward one, but the feeling inside was worth it. Feeling her eyes flutter close she let go into exhaustion.
As they got closer to the ship they shot 2 cannons from the front. Finally the black and white Frigate slammed into the ship, and the Frigate seemed to have taken little damage. Then boards were put down ropes were thrown and men aboard the Frigate cam aboard the other ship @Beowulf . Dulio shouted " We have meant you no harm so why did you try and tail us" Dulio said as he came aboard the ship. " I am very sorry for the damage of your ship and the casualties of your men" he said approaching the other captain. He handed the other captain a bag of gold " Hopefully this can pay for your damages, ALRIGHT LADS COME ABOARD". Just then 4 guys, 2 with drums and another two with fifes came aboard and began playing a song. All of Dulio's men looked down and after it they left the ship and sailed off to re meet Tavian @Maeve Valor and @Beowulf
Killian was roughly awakened by his first mate. "Captain. Captain! Wake up!" He said, shaking him. Killian opened his eyes and untangled himself from Rosemarie, not realizing he had curled up against her.

"What is it?" He hissed quietly as he sat up. The lantern in his hand bobbed in the captain's face. He swatted it away.

"There was cannon fire, sir. It was faint. Should we move?" The first mate was dancing with excitement. It was too early in the morning for this.

"Aye. Give me a minute. Move towards the sound. I want to get a glimpse of who it could be." Killian stood up and started pulling his leather pants on. The first mate raised his eyebrows, but didn't argue. The captain made the orders even when he felt like he was too reckless at times.

After Killian had dressed and snapped his hook into place, he followed him up on the deck. His crew had been awoken and were scurrying around to set sail. As soon as they pushed off from the docks, their white flag was exchanged for their normal black one. Killian quickly walked down and found Echo.

"Keep your dogs aboard. We may need them." He turned and headed back down to the quarters. He gently shook Rosemarie awake. "Darling? We'll be coming across some ships soon. Please understand it is so very important that you do your best at playing the loving wife." He kissed her forehead and walked to his desk. With a practiced hand he wrote out a very real marriage certificate. They would have it if they needed it.

He went back on deck and took control of the wheel. He sent a man into the crow's nest and concentrated on the task before him. He hoped it turned out well.

(He'll come through the fog and see the ship as soon as Tavian is gone)
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Penelope senses thr movement of the ship. Stirred from her sleep, she grabbed her coat and ran through her hair. Finally braiding her bangs, she headed up deck.

Seeing Killian at the wheel she diverted her vision and headed to her own post. Dear god this was awkward. She could feel her cheeks spark with embarrassment. Was last night a mistake or something more?
Rosemarie was a bit surprised to be waken up. She nodded when he told her that she would have to play the part of a loving wife, knowing it was best. She got out of bed and ran out onto the deck and found Killian.

"W-what's going on?" Rosemarie asked nervously. "Is everything all right?"
((I don't relpy, and here's where I'm at. Well, guess I'm being bloody boarded.))

"Fire chain shot!" Connor shouted as soon as the first golley slammed into his ship. Good thing it was made out of good American hard wood, at that ranged most of the shots fell short or bounced off the Sea Dragon's hull. A few men were hit, but the crew held strong. They knew what they were signing up for, abd knew death was in the bargain. "Fire at will! Fire at will!" he shouted after the initial volley if all fifteen guns firing on the port side. After that order, a strady stream of chain shot, round shot, and grape shot when he got close enough rained down on the opposing ship. Most captains only thought of the large barrage a broad side gave out. But few thought of the continuous rain of shot that firing at will brings.

Yet it was not enough. The frigate got closer and closer, then he noticed the flag. "Well shit." he said before bellowing "Prepare to repel boarders!" If that captian thought he was going down without a fight, he was sadly mistaken. As the first ropes latched onto the railings, men with cutlasses and ades hacked at the ropes, and men with rifles, pistols, and manning the swivel guns fired at the crew if the boarding ship.

But they were a small ship, and were being boarded by a much larger one. Yet as soon as the first man stepped foot on his ship, he calmly walked up to him and handed him a bag of gold. Why did he follow them, he asked. "Because you were a bloody damaged ship being a plroached by a pirate ship." he blustered as the man walked off. Then, looking at the coin that was in the bag, he looks at the back of the retreating captain. Where did he get so much gold to freely hand it out to a random captain he had just shot at, presumably for repairs? He would have to look into that.
And as Dulio left the other ship, he approached the island and began repairing his ship and it's very minimum damage.
"Make for a port." he said, trusting his navigator to plot a good course to the nearest port. In the mean time, he had some patch up jobs to do. For instance, there was a galig hole where a railing one was. "Get me a board, a hammer, and some nails." he ordered a cabin boy, who scurried off to get the requested items.

Railings were easy to fix if you didn't mind it not looking good. All you had to do was nail a board across it and boom, instant railing. Everything else was a different matter. Downed masts needed man power to lift up a makeshift one and a spair sail to rig until they got to port. A hole in the hull needed a skilled hand, or else the job was for nothing. Cannons simply had to wait until they got to port.

Yet perhaps the worst of it all were the injured crew members. Some where missing limbs, others were unnaturally still and having a growing pool of blood around them. He always hated this part, the butcher's bill. Yet, that was their line of work, and they knew what they were getting into.
As Ashley laid in her quarters, she thought about Killian.. About how much she had loved him, all their memories and everything they were. She sighed. We were never meant to be... She kept telling herself. She walked out onto the deck and was saluted by her first mate. "Austin, we're setting sail to the nearest port..." He nodded and she started barking orders, Austin assisting her. She smirked, she needed a distraction. Perhaps a night out at the pub would suffice..

The sound of her boots clacking against the deck as she went off the ship was barely noticeable in the midst of people walking the streets. She went off the ramp and started walking towards the pub, she had been here once or twice before. She passed a family containing three daughters and a mother, all looking dried out, starving, and filthy. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned towards them. As the mother recognized her as Feather, she wrapped her arms around her daughters, eyes filled with plead.

Feather smiled and crouched down to their level. She reached out a hand and patted the youngest head. She gazed into the mother's eyes and calmly spoke. "I would never harm an innocent woman, nonetheless a child..." She looked over the small family. "They're beautiful.." She then rose to her feet and walked into the pub, the bell clinking above her. She was greeted by cheers of men, men she had come to know as her friends. Looks like she was going to have a great night after all.
Killian looked concerned as he neared the location. His brow furrowed as they came upon fog and smoke. It set his teeth on edge. He narrowed his eyes as they started to slip into the fog.

His head snapped up as he heard Rosemarie come up the stairs. The lass is getting brave, he smiled as his lips curved upwards. She didn't stay in the quarters which he was pleased with. "There was a fight here between ships. I wanted to see who it was and if there's survivors."

Just as he said it he saw the ship that had been hit. He quickly pulled her to his side and checked her hand for the ring. "Do not give your real name. Your name is Abigail Jones." He whispered to her.

He pulled next to the ship and walked to the railing. "Ahoy, mates! We're not here to attack today." He glanced at the dogs snarling behind him and threw them treats to keep them occupied for a moment, "In honor of the code we would like to be of service to your crew. Is there anything we can help you with?"

@Beowulf @Mia Moulop
Rosemarie nodded.

"All right," said Rosemarie. She then said, "My name is Abigail Jones, my name is Abigail Jones," quietly, trying to embed the name into her head.

She had never been on deck when The Rose neared other ships. Her Papa said it was for her safety.

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