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Fantasy Sail

Penelope leaned from her position along the side of the boat, spotting the clearly damaged ship. She didn't like getting involved with other ships and captain's problems. It was a risky move, though the chances of a damaged crew turning on them were slim. She spotted Rosemarie at the stairs. She didn't like the girl to begin with, her feet hardly water born, and her femininity offensive to herself as a women. But what really got her kicking with not only jealousy and anger, was Rosemarie's statues as quarter mate and wife with the captain. She hoped not to hear the answers to who the girl was when asked by the other crew.

Yet her mind lingered on if her and Killian were simply a one night stand or something more. Something that could grow and become something greater. She truly hoped for the latter. Seeing Rosemarie at the stairs she grew with anger and resentment. That ... was a disgrace to the feminine image and what she stood for as a women. She had no tact for the sea and lacked strength. Not only this, but her shared quarters with the captain only made her ears grow hotter.

She would normally push this behind her, but right now, all she was, was the scandalous girl who had gone a full home run with the captain.
Pounding the last nail into the board, Connor here's the barrel man shout down from his perch. "Ship. Coming up on us. Cannons are not out." he shouted. That was the first good news he had heard all day. Nothing with gunpowder and lead in it pointed his way. But, recent events were making him cautious.

When the other ship boarded, he was right there to meet the captain. Hearing the offer of help, openly smiles and pats himself down for his pipe, and to make sure his pistols were where they were supposed to be. And those dogs, they looked half tamed and rabid at that. But if the offer of help was genuine.... "It would be nice to have some extra sets of hands to help patch up holes in the Sea Dragon and stitch up holes in me crew. And someone to help fend off anyone hoping for an easy meal with a damaged ship." As he said this, he found his pipe and his bag full of tabbac. Putting some in the bowl, he puts the bag away and out comes a box of matches (not sure if they had them back then, if not then replace with flint and steel). Here was the tricky part, lighting the tabbac and not the ship with it, but he did it without any harm. And putting it in between his teeth, he starts to puff on it contently and occasionally gesture with it.

"But, what ever you can spare would be nice." Then was when he saw them, woman. Woman were bad luck on a ship, always meddling with what shouldn't be meddled with. Always sticking their noses into captains business. Off a ship, they were completely free to do as they wished. But as soon as they were allowed on a ship, if he allowed them on the ship in the first place which is slim, he expected them to obey his every command. But from experience, that is not often how it went. So, he quickly took the pipe in his hand and jabbed the stem at the two women, "But those two cannot set foot on my ship I've had enough bad luck for one day."
Penelope was in a bitter mood as it was, her scowl now predominant. She looked at the opposing ships captain, trying not to bite out a remark of hate toward his bias. She looked towards her own captain. She had a good knowledge of ships and craftsmanship. She was adept in metal and wood work. It was clear from the looks of his hull and mast that is needed skilled work. She hoped Killian remembered this, Conner was more likely to listen to a man of status than what he considered a wicked women who would only bring misfortune.

If she had been higher in rank she would have considered mentioning Connor's ship had found all its own bad luck with men on board, not exactly supporting his superstitions.
Killian brisled at his comment and grabbed him by the jacket. "Show some respect, mate. One of the women is my wife." He let him go and shoved him backwards, "I actually have three on board. One of them controls those dogs so I would be careful. This lass here has quite the skilled hands and will quickly help patch your ship enough to get you to port."

He signaled Penelope to come over then looked back at Rosemarie. "Stay there, love. I'll be back soon." He smiled at her. He turned back to the captain and ran his fingers over the curve of his hook. "So, do you want my help or not?"
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Penelope flinched as Killian refered to Rosemarie as his wife, but did her best not to show it. Stepping up beside Killian she gave a raise of brow towards Conner, awaiting his response. She hoped he had a change of mind when it came to his bias against women. Standing beside Killian, she could feel his presence beside her, sending warm chills across her back and side, her heart beating just the slightest bit faster. It took a great amount of will and determination not to look towards her captain, not wanting to appear in anyway fond in front of the other crew.

That could only end poorly.
Connor gave over grumbling, "Fine then. Let them on board. Make sure they do what they are supposed to do." he added, just in case. And, if worse came to worse, he could shoot them. One of the barrels of his eight double barreled pistols should be dry. "The dogs stay off. Useless on a ship, can't even hunt mice. Cats, on the other hand, now those bring luck, and kill rats and mice." Another one of his superstitions, apparently.

"Lads, women on deck. Behave yourselves." he bellowed around his pipe, he was good at that. He wasn't sure how the rest of his crew would react. Some held the same superstition he did and others liked women enough to do stupid things.
Killian watch the crew carefully before calling some of his men over. "Echo, Abigail stay put." He finished and started helping the wounded men. Looking into their eyes some of them clearly knew who he was. He chuckled. His hook was a dead giveaway.

After he had patched a few of them up, he stood to supervise his crew. "Best form, lads!" He yelled out as he watched them eyeing the other captain's men. They immediately snapped their heads down and went back to work.

He walked behind Penelope and stood a few feet behind her, making sure no one tried anything. His fingers played with the hilt of his sword as he looked around, ready to take action if needed. Seeing her work efficiently, he nodded and walked back to the captain. He crossed his arm and let his eyes sweep over the deck. "What happened here? Who attacked you?"
Penelope gave a small nod, she would have to retrieve a few tools from below. Out of good measures, andseeing how pestered Connor was over the matter, she pulled out both her knives and daggers, setting them lightly on the barrel sitting near the Jolly Rodger's mast. She gave another glance to the opposing crew before plummeting down deck. She enjoyed slipping through the boards of the stairs, feeling the second of free fall before landing with just enough give to keep her heels from bruising.

Trotting in a quick pace to her quarters, she skipped around to storage, opening her stash of tools. From hammers and specialized nails and measurement utensils, she had most of what she needed. Pulling out the last of the supplies, she looked down at her ring, the simple gold wedding band had been all her husband could have afforded at the time. Feeling her eyes go teary, she closed the chest quickly, heading back above deck. She came to the crossing of the two ships, tentatively entering enemy turf. She hoped these men had manners, even without knives, she could throw a good punch.
Just then a ship of large proportions came out of the mist, with a large black flag with crossing dual scythes. And as the ship was rolling along it is almost like it was making a growl noise. It had 25 guns on each side, with men armed to the teeth with swords and muskets. Some even held Blunderbusses. The Captain of the ship shouted in a rough voice " HERE, HERE, what is thy Ship and captain"
"An ass did it. Damaged ship, and another pirate bearing down on him. I was going over to make sure nothing happened, when they turned around and shot at me. Killed some good men he did. It was the captain of the War or whatever he's calling it these days. Oh, nearly forgot to introduce me self. Names Connor McKinley. Some call me flintlocks."

Just then, the ship he just mentioned came out of the fog. "Oh bloody hell. Load the cannons, we ain't getting shot at first. That's the ship that is giving me all this grief." he said, pointing out the ominous shadow of the larger ship.
Killian watched the ship and looked at Flintlocks. "Killian Jones. Or Hook. It's bad form to attack a ship twice."

Killian quickly walked back to his ship. "Get those dogs ready. If I give the command let them go bloody wild on that crew." He said pointing at the ship looming closer, "Men, we are protecting this captain's vessel and crew. They mean us no harm."

His crew nodded and took their stations. He walked back over the plank and looked at Flintlocks. "We'll quickly finish you up and you can be on your way. I'll stay and deal with this ship."

He quickly shouted orders at his men to work double time. He looked through his spyglass and watched the ship. He walked to the railing.

"Killian Jones of the Jolly Roger." He called out to them, "Do not draw your weapons."
Mason ventured on looking towards Conner, hoping he could hold his sexist remarks. "Where is your ship damaged? I will need an escort to lead me to the interior areas of damage, from there I can do my best to fix up anything moderate with scrap or surplus planks." She explained. Penelope tried to keep as peaceful and welcoming of a stance, she didn't dout his percecution could lead to dangerous situations.
blink0623 said:
Killian watched the ship and looked at Flintlocks. "Killian Jones. Or Hook. It's bad form to attack a ship twice."
Killian quickly walked back to his ship. "Get those dogs ready. If I give the command let them go bloody wild on that crew." He said pointing at the ship looming closer, "Men, we are protecting this captain's vessel and crew. They mean us no harm."

His crew nodded and took their stations. He walked back over the plank and looked at Flintlocks. "We'll quickly finish you up and you can be on your way. I'll stay and deal with this ship."

He quickly shouted orders at his men to work double time. He looked through his spyglass and watched the ship. He walked to the railing.

"Killian Jones of the Jolly Roger." He called out to them, "Do not draw your weapons."
Dulio replied " I never intend to but security of my men ensued me to shoot the ship you once was on" Death's frigate passed, Killian's men in awe at the ships scars and scratches and that it was still floating. Dulio walked up and leaned on his railing. " you would not have seen an innocent girl who was striped from her father have you?" Dulio asked.
"I thank you for the gold, but get out of here. The only women ge has on his ship is his wife and two crew members. And he gets whatecer is coming for him for doing so." ge said, ignoring the girl jext to him for the time being. Bloody ship should have been listing gard to one side by now, looking at all the damage done to it. He could, however, point out not a few repairs done in port. That was the mark of a good captain, or a lucky one.

Now, for the "she pirate". Turning to her, he says "I will escort you down to where there are holes in my ship. Then, you will fix it up, and get back above deck." Even though he had let them aboard his ship, he still didn't trust women to not poke around where they shouldn't. "This way." he said before pulling iver his quarter master, who was passing by, and whispered into his ear "If the War looks like it's doing something with it's cannons, like say loadind and or aiming them, fire." And with a pat on the back, he send the man on his way. "Well come on, I don't like waiting." he said to the woman as he mare his way below deck.
Penelope followed quickly, his looks were not aiding her temper. She heled her tools in both hands, making it difficult to begin doen deck, but she refused to ask for assistance. This man was only looking for excuses to calm her out.

The ship did need repairs, so she would have to focus and do a job good enough to impress even Captain Sexist.
He nodded as the captain walked away. "He's correct. I have not seen such a woman." He walked back over to his ship and watched the dogs pulling at their chains. He smiled at Echo as he passed.

"Make your way past us. After this captain fixes his holes we'll be heading to port. Have a nice day." He winked at him and headed into the quarters. He turned Rosemarie to face him. "This is where I'm relying on you, Mrs. Jones. This man is dangerous. Do not let him know who you are." He pressed his lips to hers then quickly went back to the deck. Maybe a kiss would help her get into character.
Dulio smiled and looked at Killian " Well if your wife is aboard may i see her to stop this suspicion" Dulio said. Death's frigate stoped and an anchor dropped from the frigate. Dulio continued " well if you would not mind if a saw her"
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Killian wanted to say no. But he knew this man wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't. "Aye. Wait one moment please." His crew passed a gang plank along both ships as Killian went back down to the captain's quarters. He picked up the marriage certificate, looked it over one last time, and smiled. It was perfect. He held his arm out to Rosemarie and escorted her up the stairs.

"May I introduce my wife, Abigail Jones." He handed him the document and lovingly looked at Rosemarie. He was quite the actor. He hoped she played along.
Dulio looked over the document " Sloppy....But it seems to have been done by a professional hand" Dulio then did the unexpected " care for a drink?" Dulio said friendly as he swung his arm round to meet his men walking up.His men came out with a table, two chairs, and a bottle of ale. Little did Killian know he was testing his comfort in the presence to see if the man would break down or not.
"Aye' captain." She said and a smirk appeared on her face. Her dogs had savage looks on their faces as they pulled, barking and snarling, it took all her might to keep the demons from killing the intruding crew. She put both leashes in one hand and pulled out her staff giggling maniacally.

The captain was offered a drink and she snarled along with her wolves whom pulled even harder, barked more savagely, and slashed their jaws in the air. "Sir..." She said and glared at the other captain. Or that's what she thought IT was. She stepped forwards ready to release at any second and do some nasty damage with her staff. "Just say the word.." She mumbled and waits patiently for the command.
Rosemarie 's eyes widened, but only for a moment, though she wouldn't have told him who she really was. Of course she longed to be back with her Papa, but she was having a good time and she didn't trust this man.

"Hello, sir, it is truly an honor to meet you," said Rosemarie.

It wasn't the best acting, but it was passable. She was an okay actress. She often told stories to her father's crew and she would act them out, so she had some acting experience.
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Guiding the she pirate to a not small hole, he stip in front of it and gives a gesture that says 'get on with it'. The hole was about the size of a connon ball, of course, and the culprit that har caused that hole was rolling around at their feet. It could get through on set of American hardwood planks, but not two (('Murica!)). Oh well, free cannon ball.

The whole was a good few feet above the waterline, in fact none were below the waterline. That was a plus, at least he didn't have to keep the pumps going to keep his ship afloat.

Once she began patching it up, and he was satisfied that she wasn't going to poke around and not do her job, he sat down on a near by barrel of no doubt gunpowder, and puffed away on his pipe.

That damned captain was back, and still looking for a fight. And then he heard it, the thumping of wood on wood. Now what could that be? Only one way to check. He stuck his head out of one of the various holes in his ship, and looked up. Above his head was a gangplank, and it wasn't Hook's. "You get off my ship. I don't care if you give me another bag of gold, I ain't having someone who shot holes in my ship on it. Let alone bring a table." he added as he saw the edge of one cross the gangplank. "I'll shoot him next time he sets foot on my ship without permission. Or anyone after they put holes in me ship." he said more quietly to himself. He couldn't do anything about him at the moment, he was making sure the she pirate did her task well and follow his orders. She was on his ship, so she does as he says.
Penelope was quick to use some of the scrap wood and a small amouny of lacquer to help seel the boats rather decent hole. Without proper materials and being it was still in deep waters, the repair would be far from permanent but the overall structure would remain sound. Finished both holes took a little time but she was finished before long.

"I am done," she stood up collecting her tools and sealant.
"Then you can get on with the second one." he said as he inspected the patch up job. It would hold until they got to port, which was how it was supposed to be done. He wouldn't say it, but he was pleased with what she did. Of course, his pipe and how he was puffing on it was probably a dead give away with what he was thinking.

"Walk down that way, you should see another one." he told her, gesturing in the general direction of the next hole, and most likely the last one.

Perhaps he could get used to having women on his ship. Still bad luck, but at least they could at least fix it. And speaking of the good captains crew, he went on to thinking about Hook himself. That was a good man, pirate or not. Perhaps he should stick close to him for a bit, form a fleet if you will. They would both benefit from it. They would be able to go after larger targets, which lead to bigger pay offs, which lead to more money to pay the crew and put into the ship. Yes, that would certainly benefit both of them.
Feather had gone back to her ship early and they had already set sail. She heard a shout as she laid in her quarters and so she went out on deck. She smirked as she saw a couple of ships gathered and signaled to Austin. "Let's pay them a visit, eh?" She whispered as she recognized the Jolly Roger. They set the ship on the other side of the Jolly Roger and as they stopped, she thoroughly searched for Killian's figure until she found it. She sat down on the railing of her ship.

"Oh Killian? Where are you? I know you're there.." She said in a teasing voice, knowing it would irritate him. He had always been annoyed with her, especially when they were children. She smirked as on of Killian's crew pointed a gun at her. She simply blinked at him and he dropped the gun to the ground, in awe of her beauty.


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