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Fantasy Sail

Rosemarie was a bit shocked to be kissed. She had never kissed a man in her entire life, except for the times she had kissed her Papa's cheek, and to be honest, she had never expected to ever kiss a man. Her Papa was very protective of her especially when it came to boys. She felt her cheeks heat up. She smiled for the first time since her kidnapping.

"There," said Rosemarie. "You have seen my smile."
He laughed and leaned his forehead against hers. He cupped her face in his palm and his thumb brushed her blushing cheeks. "It's a beautiful sight to see. We must head back to the ship. It's getting late."

He kissed her one more time before standing up and leading her back on board. He said goodnight to his crew who smirked as he followed her into the quarters. He knew what they were thinking. It was on his mind, too.

He sat at his desk and put his feet on top of it. "How was your night?" He asked her, eyeing her up and down.
(Just the slightest, she is more or so lonely)

Penelope strod across the landing providing access from port to the ship, pulling her long coat close to the cool winds. With her long red locks pressed close, her braids crisp against her bangs, she began down the street. She kept her head low, her coat keeping most of the attention of men away from herself. She wasn't too worried, she had a dagger along her side and few other knives stashed in her boot, she was a prepared women.

She recognized the town as one of the first of second ports she visited when she had first ran away. The area had not been promising so she had headed off on a traders ship farther south.

She decided on a small pub just off the main road, the shop like bar was small but decent, with few souls wondering about. She had some change on her, and she only ordered water or maybe a juice if she was feeling up to it. She never drank alcohol. Not that she was religious to any extent, she just needed a certain measure of control. Beers and rum made the body soft, open to error and lack of judgement. A lone women needed everything she had.

She noticed the glances of some men as she pulled back her coat, but a good hard look kept most of them at bay. While she was sure plenty of the crew found someone for the night when they ported, she could never bring herself to it. She always saw John. Oh god, don't make a child of yourself. Three years, and each night was still a struggle, always pulling at her wedding ring, which had never left her finger. It would stay there till she was ready to let go, and now was not the time. No matter what she thought she felt, no matter what her heart tried to push her towards. She loved John with all her heart. She felt tears circle down her cheeks, whipping them quickly as she recieved a small glass of water.
"Eye eye captain." Echo says and salutes. She quickly goes to her cabin and grabs two large chains. She whistles and throws the collar parts in the air. Two large demon dogs apear on the ground and jump into their collars landing o the main deck of the ship. The leashes automatically tighten and they walk to her sides. "Stay aboard and kill anyone that isn't the crew or with the captain." She orders.

Once she's back in her cabin she grabs her staff and twirls it in a bored fashion. She swirls it and it makes a small hissing noise and a small whirlwind appears infront of her. A large bang makes her lose consentration and her creation disappear. "What now!" She yells angrily and stomps up the stairs to see her demons play fighting. She gives them an annoyed look. "Hey! Your supposed to be watching the ship not foolin around you scallywags!" She says and the wolves instantly cower away from her. "Get back to your positions!" She snarls and walks back into the cabin. "Freaking lazy mutts... But I can't blame em for being bored like me. After all my emotions link to theirs." She talks to herself alot and this is just one of those moments.

She was now on deck with her wolves. A fierce gaze and a blank expression covering her face. She begins whistling and her dogs join along in long soft howls. Their beautiful song covering the night sky.

He saw that the other ship changed their flag revealing that it was in fact a pirate ship. As soon as he saw that he ordered his crew to stop loading and put away their weapons for now as he did the same. Seeing that they too were pirate maybe they were able to strike a deal of some sort or just see each other off without any casualties. One the ship came in close enough range and heard what he assumed was the captain of the ship.

"The Captain is me, Captain Tavian Duncan! At my displeasure you may have heard of me by my other name people have given me, 'The Merciful Captain'! My ship here is The Rose! And the name of your ship and captain?!" He yelled back to him as his crew waited anxiously for the outcome of the conversation.

"It was the most fun night I have ever had," said Rosemarie with a beaming smile. "Thank you ever so much."

Rosemarie went to lie down on the bed, utterly exhausted. She was being honest. She couldn't think of any other night in her life when she had that much fun.
He grinned and chuckled quietly to himself. She had enjoyed herself. He would keep it this way for her. Maybe he'd get lucky and she wouldn't want to leave him. If nothing else it would give him quite the reputation with the ladies.

He got ready for bed and climbed in next to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into his chest. "I think a little bit of thanks is in order. Don't you?" He whispered seductively. He kissed down her neck and onto her collar bone, letting his hands start to wander.
Dulio yelled back " I am Captain Dulio, Perhaps you have heard of Death's Shadow and the royal navy's bickering of the Death's Frigate, That is I and T'is my ship be named Death's Frigate." Dulio sailed closer and then set up a board on the ship which Dulio and his first mate walked onto The Rose with. Dulio then approached Tavian and put his hand in front of him with a friendly gesture. Dulio then said " Good to meet you Tavian if you need help then just ask"

@Maeve Valor

(also is Rosemarie you daughter)
Paying for her drink, Penelope walked out of the pub, her coat falling just at her ankles, spotting a young man standing outside, her eyes fell to his, his to hers. He was decent looking, his face falling to a smile. She couldn't help but take notice, she approached him with caution, but nothing to obvious. He looked her over, her front coat open to a loose blouse. With a flick of his wrist, he reached out his hand, offering her an invitation. Penelope could have easily cast away, running back to her hammock to sulk along side John's ring, but something in her let go for just a moment, allowing her hand to extend.

She allows him to lead her to a back room off the road, the man did not speak, the connotation was clear. The man pulled off his shirt, bringing himself close, kissing her across the stomach, leading upwards, Penelope returned the favor, casting her hands in his hair, leaning down to embrace him. As he came to her collar bone, he undid the lace along the top of her blouse. Penelope began to kill his forehead, till coming to his lips. As the man reached to push off her coat, Penelope suddenly felt a panicked sensation, this wasn't right.

Her ring finger flared as she felt as if John's presence was there. Pushing away from the man, she grabbed up the blouse, not revealing anything. The man became confused, opening his mouth to ask, only to reach his hand to her shoulder, pulling her towards him. Penelope pushed away with her free arm.

"No, I don't, I changed my mind," she slapped away at his grasp, only rising his temper, it was clear he was not going to give up on her easily. With a yank he sent her into the bed frame, beginning to roughly kiss her shoulder and neck. Flustered and out of instinct, she brought her knee up into the man's groin, allowing herself to flee towards the door. The man was in no condition to run, though his mouth managed a variety of sexist slang as she retreated back to the street. Just at the edge of the alley, she redid her blouse, pulling her coat close.

She was an idiot to think she could just jump back again. She didn't want this, she wanted John. She could feel a bruise along her shoulder and wrist, but nothing major, she began along the street once again, her eyes beginning to pool with tears. Just before the port, music falling into place behind, she leaned into a crate, slumping into a mess of sobs.
Rosemarie's eyes widened. She tensed up and moved away.

"I appreciate you giving me a night I will never forget," said Rosemarie, "but I will not pay you back this way. Goodnight."

She closed her eyes and hoped she would fall asleep soon.
He sighed and flopped onto his back. It was a long shot, but he took it anyway. He would just have to continue the course he was taking her and making sure she had adventures before he sent her back to her father.

After trying for an hour, he couldn't catch any sleep. He pulled his clothes back on and walked out onto the deck with some rum in his hand. About half his crew was awake and walking around the deck. Killian sat on a barrel and watched them.

He pulled the cork off the bottle with his teeth and took a long drink. He held his liquor well after years of practice. It took quite a lot to get him drunk. He just wanted to feel relaxed.

Movement caught the corner of his eye. He turned and looked at the dogs watching him intently. He stared back then after a few moments tossed them some treats. He felt oddly safe when they were aboard the ship. It was nearly impossible to beat his crew when they were on board.
Penelope, finally gripping herself enough to pull up at the edge of the dock, whipped up her tears, and made sure her hair was presentable. She pushed back her coat and did the buttons as she headed down the wooden dock. Cargo and ships lined the recesses of the area, flags of assorted colors showing. While it was a smaller town, the port wasn't terribly sized. She spotted the dogs movement quickly on board, if she were a stranger, she would have been wary of even coming near such a boat.

She spotted Killian, he was still up, and not with his new prize, shocking. She kept her face neutral as she boarded the ship, her shoulder still aching. She gave a small nod to her captain. "Captain," she said with little to add.
Rosemarie tossed and turned in her sleep. She was having a nightmare about someone stabbing her Papa in the stomach. She had ran over to him, begging him to wake up.

"PAPA!" Rosemarie screamed in her sleep. "PAPA! PAPA!"

The captain thought for a moment and then shook his hand. "Aye I have heard of ya," tension was immediately released and the rest of his crew exhaled and went about their normal business since they realized this encounter will not be dangerous. "I appreciate you graciously offering your help but I'm afraid my quest is something that I wouldn't think you'd be so willing to help me with. Nor do I have the money if ye were interested. You see, my daughter, Rose was kidnapped from me and I have to go through a deal of sorts to get her back."
"A pirate." he said second before the crows nest shouted it down. 'Well, perhaps the pirate "code" will keep them from fighting each other.' He even thought about the pirate code sarcastically, lawless men didn't have a code. "Should we unload the cannon?" the first mate asked, believing in the code.

"No, in fact, get the fuses set. There is one thing I trust less then a pirate. Two of them together." he replied. Lowering the spy glass, he realized how much he was puffing on his pipe and quickly put it out, smoldering tabbac on a wooden and very flamabke ship was not a good thing. "Prepare for combat. Things might get hairy. Get behind them, they may have more guns but they can't aim them backwards."
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"Penelope." He said nodding back. He watched her as she walked. Killian was quite the perceptive man. No matter how rough and tough she appeared she had a tragic past and it still haunted her. He could relate. He'd lost his love as well.

He stood up to talk to her when screaming was heard from his quarters. He set his bottle down and ran down the steps. "Rosemarie!?" He yelled. He found her still in bed. With a sigh of relief he walked over to her. "Hey. Wake up. It's okay." He said hovering above her. He finally sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap. He cradled her almost like a child. It was an odd feeling for him to be so affectionate, but he knew she needed it.
Penelope looked as Killian scrambled from deck to his quarters, once again left alone in the dark. That daughter was quite a high maintenance nuisance. She simply hoped she didn't lead to trouble for the ship and her crew. While losing mates was part of the career, it was never pleasant. Looking up towards the moon, she sat back along a barrel, the main mast resting along her back. With the wind whipping at her hair, she closed her eyes feeling the sea brush across her.
Rosemarie's sobs subsided soon and she was left sobbing. She stayed like that for a few moments before her eyes fluttered open. A few stray tears fell down her face.

"Papa?" Rosemarie muttered.

She looked up and saw Killian.
"No, love. He's not here. He's fine." He held her for a few moments longer then laid her back in bed, "Get some rest. I'll be back soon."

He walked back up onto the deck and saw Penelope sitting on the barrels he was just on. He smiled and walked over to her, picking up his rum. "Why so quiet, lass?" He asked as he leaned against the railing, "Sleep escaping you too, eh?"
Penelope looked up, her eyes less red, and cheeks less flustered than earlier. "Just a dull night," she said quietly. She didn't need to spill her life story to her captain. Her night wasn't exactly festive. Unless you considered a glass of water and kneeing a man in the groin a livid evening. She fiddled with the hilt of her blade, looking up towards the captains quarters. "How is the lass doing?" She asked trying to get off the subject of herself. Though she wasn't exactly fond of either conversation.
Rosemarie couldn't be more relieved than to know it was only a dream. She closed her eyes and laid her head back on the pillow.

She closed her eyes and drifted off once again. This time was much better, though. This time was dreamless.
He watched her reaction. She wasn't telling him something. He let it go. It was personal and had nothing to do with him. She was pirate. She could take care of herself.

"Fine. Missing her father is all." He rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about her, "She grew up on a ship and hardly saw anything but the quarters. Everything is new to her. Instead of keeping her frightened, I thought of just filling her life with adventure. She has pirate blood. It'll come out eventually."

He looked at her and smiled, "I sense a hint of jealousy, mate." He took a swig from his bottle, keeping his eyes locked on hers.

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