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Fantasy Sail

Feather rolled her eyes and punched Killian's jaw, sending him stumbling back. "Bad move.." She ran after the crew and jumped at them, swiftly knocking them out. She grabbed the girl again and grabbed her arm, racing onto her ship. "Austin, battle arrangement!" She yelled and before long, half of her crew stood behind her, Austin grabbing the girl and taking her away into the Captain's Quarters.

She drew her sword and looked down at Killian. She grinned and walked down to him, her crew ready for her command. "Never underestimate me you pirate..." She turned her back and started walking back to the ship. "It was your mistake..." She whispered, crying a tear that dropped to the ground.
He moved his jaw and rubbed at the place where he had been hit. She had quite the strength about her he had forgotten about. They pulled the girl aboard the ship and Killian just stared.

"Feather..." He said softly laying a hand on her shoulder. They had quite the history together. Even after all this time he still cared for her, "I need that girl."

He spun her around and got close to her face. He lightly brushed the back of his finger against her cheek. "You give her back to me and, once her father brings me what I desire, you get half the treasure. I haven't hurt her nor will. I know how to treat a lady, as you very well know." He leaned forward with their lips an inch apart and pulled her body into his. Just like old time's sake.
Feather pulled away, her eyes filled with sorrow, grief and rage. "You need that girl? Well, guess what! That girl, needs her father right now...." She nodded her head to her crew and they closed the ship up, making it impossible to climb on. She nodded her head and walked up to Killian. She leaned forward, putting their faces an inch apart and hissed. "She doesn't need trouble, like you.." She strode away, heading towards the woods.

She stopped in mid-step and glanced back. "And no.. You don't know how.." She now ran at her fastest pace, being very fast, and reached the woods in under a minute. She climbed up at tree and rested there, crouching on a thin branch. Because of her light weight, the branch did not falter. If any normal woman would have chosen it, it would have broken. She smiled. "Lovely me.." She whispered. Feather gazed up at the stars and cried a tear.
Rosemarie let a few tears fall out of her before weeping completely. She should have known better than to run. But her desire to see her dear Papa again was so great, she felt she had no other option. She wanted to run into his arms and climb upon his lap and hear him tell her that everything would be okay.

"Please, Papa," said Rosemarie quietly. "Please find me, Papa. I miss you ever so much."
Will Royal, after some time of light-hearted walking and whistling found himself in the midst of the port and docks; they were bustling with crowds of people as they so often did, though the crowds were perhaps slightly smaller on this day, and at this time, then usual, but smaller only in a relative sense of the word. Will still had to bump shoulders and scoot round groups of sailors, marines, and all the random sorts of folk that gathered about in the streets and ally ways. The merchants called out about their goods and prices, woman bickered and chatted with each other, and children ran about playing games. Will had no great displeasure about this hectic, loud, dirty, scene, but truth be told he would much rather be at sea. He continued to make his way through the streets until finally he arrived at the Royal Dock-house, the place of business for all matters concerning His Majesties ships.

Will entered the building, bells that hung atop the door rang sounding his entrance to the building.

"Can I help you, sir?" An elderly man behind the counter asked, his white wig sitting puffed and perky on his head.

"It just so happens you can." Will said rather plainly as he leaned nonchalantly on the counter. The old wigged man looked at Will, Will grinned back.


"Oh, right!" He exclaimed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the letter, "Here you are, old sir."

"Don't call me, old sir." He responded bitterly as he took the letter with a snap. The old man looked over it, squinted his eyes as he read this line and that, scratched his head once or twice, and then finally - Will having been sweating in worry as the old man looked over the letter - he said,

"Okay." Will let out a deep breath, and to his delight - and the delight of any others that might cross his path later - stopped sweating. The old man turned and began rummaging about through papers and files, stamping things here and there, signing this and that, all the while talking to Will. "It all checks out, let me just find..." he trailed off as he dug about, "Ah, here we are. You will need to sign this." The old man said holding up a certificate and bringing it over to the desk. He handed Will a pen, and pointed to the paper. "Sign here, and here, initial here, dot that, sign this" STAMP, STAMP, STAMP! "Done." Will looked up at the man a little confused by the speed and accuracy of everything. The old man put a hand out to shake, Will shook it, though he was only half sure of what had happen. "She is docked down at the end of the row, slip number twelve." Will smiled, teeth showing from cheek to cheek, now he knew what all this meant. He headed for the door, and then, upon the remembrance of the old man's words, turned and said,

"Thanks, old sir." Leaving with a wink and a grin, slamming the door behind him.
Killian sighed and scratched the back of his neck as his crew stood up. He was getting the girl back. He had them follow him to the ship. They prepared to sail and very slowly made their way around the harbor.

He stopped his ship directly in front of Feather's. There was no way for them to make it around them to get out of port. Now that was done, he needed Rosemarie. Then they would sail off, he keeping her protected.

"Rosemarie." He called out, sitting on the railing of his ship, "I'm not going to force you to come with me. Have I been nothing but kind? Accommodating? I won't hurt you and I promise to keep you safe and return you to your father. Now lass, please come aboard the Jolly Roger."
Rosemarie thought. He did have a point. But on the other hand, he did kidnap her. After a few moments of thought, she opened her mouth and spoke.

"All right," said Rosemarie quietly, so quietly it was barely audible.

She was a bit surprised the words came out of her mouth, but now that she had said them, there was no way she would be able to go and back out now.
He grinned and put a plank of wood across both ships. He walked over to retrieve her and looked at the first mate. "Tell your captain that was a nice effort. Running off and leaving her ship is bad form."

He helped Rosemarie across and onto the deck of his ship. Before they sailed he had one last order of business. He found the man who had been letting her know of his whereabouts. Killian roughly shoved him forward and onto the plank of wood.

"You've committed treason. I should run my sword right through you, but I'm in the merciful mood today. But if I see you again I won't hesitate to spill your guts all over the deck. Get off my ship you rat." After the man landed on Feather's deck, his men pulled the wood and they sailed off. Rosemarie was safe and he would soon have his treasure.
"I, I am sorry for running," said Rosemarie, sounding truly sincere. "It's just that I miss Papa very much and I long more than anything to be with him once again. I won't do it again. Please forgive me."

She was being completely honest. She was truly sorry for running and she wouldn't do it again. After all, he had been nothing but kind to her throughout this entire ordeal and she owed it to him to stay silent and play the part of his wife.
Feather hopped off the branch, sensing something wrong. She hurried back to her ship and as she whistled, the men lowered the ramp. She growled and threw Austin to the ground. "How could you lose her!?" She looked down at the man on her deck and hissed. "I should never have trusted any of you..." She lifted the man by his shirt and punched his face. He blacked out and she turned to her frightened crew. "Set sail! We're going after them.." The crew started working and soon, they were sailing away, after the Jolly Roger.

Soon enough, the ship came into view. She looked at her first mate. "You will be the distraction...." Austin nodded. They pushed the Dark Rose, and soon they were close. "Ahoy!" Austin yelled at the top of his lungs. "Anyone interested in gold or jewels?" He said, tempting the pirates. The Jolly Roger stopped and Austin steered the ship, putting it on the starboard side of the Jolly Roger. Austin sat down on the railing and waited for someone to approach. Meanwhile, Ashley jumped into the water, swimming around both the ships and onto the other side of the Jolly Roger. She carefully climbed her way up, making no sound.

((I gtg sorry... It's your choice if someone notices her but otherwise, just talk to Austin, you can play his role and just leave her hanging..))
Will Royal once again, having left the dock-house, made his way down the busy walkways towards the docks. He was excited, this was a new beginning for him, and, with a new ship, and no longer being a member of the royal navy, he was, for the first time in his life, truly free. 'And how nice of His Majesty to give me such a wonderful parting gift.' Truth be told, if the navy had known of Will's plans for the ship he would likely have never gotten it, though he would have likely been thrown in prison if they knew... or worse. But the fact of the matter was they didn't know, and they had given him a ship. And There she was, floating in the water before him. She was a glorious unnamed ship ripe with potential, at least in his eyes.

The reality was that, though she could float, she was a very small, very worn, tired old ship that was more than a few years past her prime. But that made no difference to Will, because she was his; she was not the fastest, she was not the sturdiest, - and most definitely - she was not the best looking, but she was his.

She was a small sloop - single masted as that sort of ship is with a jib up front - fast and agile, but quite cramped. Not the fastest of course, but faster than most any of the larger ships at sea, and most certainly more maneuverable. Her size, however, did mean she would be limited on cargo space, and she would have to be run by a fairly small crew. A small crew is not particularly bad, it might mean better relations all around between those aboard, but the lack of cargo space simply meant that she could not carry as much as other... 'privateers' ships.

Will did not board his ship, no, he observed from where he stood on the dock; she was not named, and to board an unnamed ship is terrible luck. He knew his first job, it was quite obvious, and his second job, all the more obvious as it was cause for the first job, and the third job, oh the third job, that was the one he looked forward to. He thought for a moment, silent, unmoving. The gears in his head turned and turned until they came to the answer.

'The Pub!' He suddenly thought loudly to himself, as loudly as one can think anyways, and then set out for it with determined, powerful, energetic steps.
The sun shone down on the crew of the Sharktooth as they approached a rickety old dock. IF they wanted to get good supplies they would need to go to the more formidable area of the town and this meant going incognito. Rip was already up telling everyone their respective task and where to go. “We shall meet back here in a couple of hours. If someone is not back by then they will be left here. Got it?” After a universal yes, they set off unto land. The captain was proud of her swift crew and how they seemed to be obeying quite easily. How long would that last? Probably not much. So she would enjoy this. Looking at her list she noticed she was off with Tibbs to get a barrel of potatoes. A silent message was exchanged and the two started their shopping trip. There were enough men left on board to defend the ship if necessary. A large hat hid her hair and face as she crept through the market. Her satchel bumped against her leg revealing the sound of coins. She caught sight of a few of her man and while she passed near the sea again she saw vessels leaving port.

Finally arriving at her destination she set forth to examining the produce. Personally she did not like potatoes at all. They reminded her of the many days she had spent under the sun peeling the brown skin as a young teen. But it actually was a hardy food known to be quite popular among sailors. Turning her attention towards the merchant the woman selling gave her a grin. “Hello sir, would you like a fresh barrel of potatoes.” It was funny how well the disguise worked and with a chuckle Rip started to bargain with the woman attempting to get the lowest price.
A strange crew emerged from the ship, instinctively the fine hairs on her neck stood. The maiden hadn't had much experience with pirates, but the boat wasn't from the navy, and didm' they look a little to suspicious and wealthy? Oh no they were coming this way. In a frantic attempt to save herself from being brutally murdered by the cruel beasts she opened a barrel of potatoes and climbed in it. Oh what was that stench. It wasn't the best idea, but they were here! All the dastardly tales swam around her head she could have sworn the barrel was tilting. Wait, tilting?! The barrel had been dropped to lay on its side and they were rolling it somewhere. Thank the lord she didn't eat breakfast, she was going green over here.

Pressing her palms and feet against the damp walls of the barrel, she made sure to keep still or they would notice they had live cargo and she was going to be throw over board like an animal. Ugh, what if there were mice in the barrel. The bile was clogging up her throat, it had to be let out. If not she may just get it all over her pretty clothes, and the small amount of potatoes that had remained in the barrel. What a delightful dinner they would have. No, she had to stand. Popping out of the barrel it flew over and toppled her to the ground. In a hurry she made sure to get to the edge of the ship and upchuck over board. The ship, she looked behind her to see the daze crew. Taking her parasol she pointed it, a low growl left her throat. "Nobody move." She was a great actress, since inside she was cowering but her mother said it was all about impressions. Sadly this wasn't tea time.
After successfully buying the produce Angelle went forth to pick the heaviest barrel. This one had extra weight which she hoped meant extra potatoes. So she rolled the barrel back to the ship along with a much slimmer satchel and Tibbs grumbling about peeling potatoes. The walk seemed endless but they finally got unto the ship and set down their goods. Most men had come back and the last crew members drew in after them. “Lift the anchors we are heading north.” Approaching the men she had sent to scout for interesting maps and stories they lifted up empty bags and shook their heads. “We’ll in another port then.” The activity level on the ship was sure going to attract attention so she quickly hurried everyone and soon they were slowly but surely leaving the port. And when everything seemed to be going good for them the top of the barrel popped out and a lady dressed in fine garments ran out and upchucked overboard. Even the Captain was surprised when the woman turned back and pointed at the crew with her parasol. Slowly getting out of her stupor she made her way over to the potatoes barrel and saw the small amount of vegetables. “That lady sold me potatoes and a woman?!” She screeched loud enough for the whole world to hear.

Slipping out her sword from her belt she stomped over to the intruder and attempted to knock away her weapon. “Listen here missy. I don’t know how the heck you got on my ship or into the barrel but I have no time to escort you home. Men. Prepare the plank.” A murderous grin flashed unto a few crew members’ faces as they got the small wooden rectangle before attaching it to the side of the boat. “Now. You either swim all the way to port of give me a good enough reason to not slit your throat.” Anger boiled her blood as she looked at the girl. There was something oddly familiar about her a spark of the past. But this was no time to investigate. It was time to act.
Odette could see the crew had grown tired of waiting. It was something all pirates knew too well that with boredom came drinking, with drinking came gambling and by the end of the night each man was passed out and broke. Earlier that evening, in the dead silence of the night they had overtaken a small pub on the outskirts of town, home to a man called Alec Bain. Odette had been tracking him for some time now in hopes to find the mysterious rumor that surrounded his name. It was said that he knew the location of an immense treasure, the dream of every pirate. Her crew had been successful in capturing him, but hadn't been so kind to his face. He sat in front of her now, still knocked unconscious from a blow to the head. A large gash from a knife was smeared across his face and and a bruise was beginning to form across his cheek. "How Pathetic," She whispered to herself, getting up to go grab a bucket of water. Years aboard La muerte had taught her that the best way to wake up an unconscious man was with a nice cold bucket of water. Pirates were known to be mainly drunks and gamblers, always insisting it wasn't a place for a women. Maybe that was why pretending to be the fearsome Captain Dark Waters made her life much easier. She could be a friend to her crew, and still have a evil reputation. “Ronan,” she called, “Come in here. Im going to need your help with this one.”

In one great motion, the ice cold water splashed across Alec's face, as his eyes shot open. She watched as he realized the situation he was in, and immediately tried to free his hands from the iron cuffs that clasped them together. “listen darling,” she stood in front of him now, her hand resting gently on her hip. “You have two options. Tell me where the treasure is, or have your pretty face be fed to the sharks.” He did nothing but smile, looking her dead in the eyes. “‘How much are you going to pay me?” Odette let out a laugh, a mixture of darkness, that would send shivers through any mans bones. “You think this is a joke, Huh? You think your really funny do ya? Ive been searching for that map for the past six months, only to find a trail leading straight to you.” She grabbed his chin forcing his yellow eyes to face hers. “Now you're going to tell me where it is. No questions, no complaints. If I hear you so much as whimper, you're dead meat, do you understand? Captain DarkWaters ship isnt a place for the faint of heart, and from this moment on you're a prisoner, whether you like it or not.” She let his face slip from her hands, as she turned towards Ronan. “Dont be too mean, darling,” Odette said to Ronan as she let her hand brush across his chest,"Take him down to the prison cells, and see if you can get him to talk."

Leaving the captains quarters she headed down towards the crew. They seemed like a raggedy bunch but these men were some of the greatest fighters in the world. Odette didn't like to brag but they even had a few assassin's on board. Most of them were passed out, rum in hand, and snoring so loudly that they sounded like a pack of wild animals. Thank god she had Ronan. She didn't like to tell him but he was one of the only people on the whole bloody ship who kept her grounded. She pulled out her gun, loading it with a single bullet, and fired straight into the air. “ Wake up you dimwits. Tommorrw we set sail for the treasure.”
As she swallowed she felt her throat drying up and clenching, the script was running out. Erica you have to do this, show the, what you are made of. A breath expanded in her chest as she lowered the parasol weapon, and as she exhaled her eyes shone bright with determination. "Well, I'm a pretty good swimmer but I'm afraid that I can be very good female company." Her light blue eyes moved around the deck, setting on each dirty and corrupted male that conformed this crew. Returning to the captain she walked forward and in an attempt to give him a flattering stroke on the cheek his hat fell off. Pale blue eyes widened and then filled with mischievous mirth. "After all as the only woman here you must feel quite lonely." A smirk danced on her lips, she felt so powerful. Something burned in her chest. Haha, she had the upper hand, the world was in her palm.

Woah there, she was getting slightly carried away, after all the pirate's gender had nothing to do with how tasty she'd be to the sharks in the ocean. But if she was cross dressing it must have something to do with reputation. Even if her name remained anonymous, she looked suspicious enough so that they could recognize her in the rumors. Years of tea parties had worked in her favor, and this little juicy piece wasn't about old Marta and her outrageous wigs, this was a pirate and in the pirate industry being mean and ruthless must be key. Right?
Blue eyes were fixed unto the women as she replied. Good female company? Rip almost laughed she thought she was a man. But soon the humor in the moment died when her hat was knocked off. Keeping her cool she looked down and stepped on the edge of her hat to keep it from flying. Then with a poignant stare at the arrival she realeased her dark brown mane from their braided cages and let the locks cascade over her shoulders. A smug smile settled on her lips. “Now you are definitely not leaving alive.” Her sword would attempt to lightly tickle the other’s throat without any real damage. Turning she headed back to her crew she looked at Tibbs. “Get her to the kitchedn and put her to peel potatoes for lunch.” He nodded and hobbled over to the lady. Impressed by her class and appearance he gave a small bow and only after noticing the glare from the Captain did he start making his way to the kitchen. Rip stepped forward to eye the girl closely. “First we need to get you into something more comfortable.” A devious grin played on her lips as she headed below to get a tattered dress from one of the men. One of his souvenirs from a trip to land. It was disgusting but she took it over to the kitchen hoping the woman was there.

She also opened her chest. It was procedure to confiscate all the reaches the captive had. And if she was right this lady was loaded with goodies. It seemed the trip to port hadn’t been fruitless after all. Looking at herself in a cracked mirror in the corner she felt a weird feeling. It was almost like her brain was piecing an incomplete puzzle together. She shook her head and headed towards the kitchen where the men were crowded around the door. She shooed them before entering.
Entering the pub a tad to dramatically, Will Royal called more attention to himself than he would have liked. This pub was the sort for rough, mean, nasty folk, pirates mostly, and for one of their kind it could be dangerous enough place to come busting in; for someone not of their sort, like Will, a former Naval Officer, dressed too nice, with too few scares, well, it could be suicidal, frankly.

Will stood in the doorway with a grin on his face as he looked around, he could see quite a few rough, nasty faces scowling back at him. He strutted in with confidence in every step, trying to make a good impression (sort of like a peacock). As he made his way into the pub, he turned and nodded at the cold glaring faces. They may as well have been saying "How do you do?" and bowing, because that is exactly how he took their glares and sneers. His easy ways and carefree spirit allowed for this.

One man, who glared and sneered more fierce than any other did not seem pleased by Will's disregard for their attempted disapproval. That man, with his jagged black beard, large hat, and tattered coat stood and demanded Will's attention. Will, with his messy blonde hair brushed back, clean white collard-shirt that tucked into his wrinkle free black pants, and his polished boots, had already passed the man. Naturally he had to turn around, and so he did, quite magnificently, sort of spinning round, stopping, and leaning upon a wooden pillar next to him.

"What can I help you with?" He asked, crossing his arms. The angry man grew even more so, Will's playful, and slightly mocking ways sitting poorly with him.

"Who do you think you are, waltzing in here like some damn dandy gentlemen?" The man questioned, everyone in the room quieted down and turned to the two standing in the center of the room.

Well I'm glade you asked." Will said, after which he jumped onto a table. "William Thomas Royal, soon to be known as, Captain Will Royal" He said loudly. For a moment the whole room sat dead silent, then, an eruption of laughter. Will eased his pose atop the table and looked around at the many laughing faces.

"Never heard of ye!" A voice called out from the back of the room.

"Some Captain!" Another yelled, the laughter continued. After a few moments the laughter started to die and the angry beaded man once again spoke.

"You best find your mommy, ask hur' for a glass a milk." everyone started to laugh again, even Will laughed, but only a little. The man who had made the joke turned around and started for his seat, as he did so Will hopped down from the table and gave him a swift boot to the ass. As he stumbled forward and fell the crowed erupted even louder than they had before, a few men spitting out their drinks at the sight. Will turned from side to side bowing to the amused room. The man quickly scrambled up to his feet,

"You'll regret that boy!" he said pulling out his sword. Some kept laughing, some hooted and howled, a few even whistled. Will put his hands up and took a step back. "Ahh!" The bearded man bellowed lunging forward with his sword, Will stepped to the left and the blade just missed him and stuck into a wooden pillar. He tried to step to the side but was held back, he looked down only to see the sword sticking through his shirt into the pillar. He looked up, at the same time the man pulled back and freed his sword from the pillar. The two made eye contact, the man with the sword was no very close to Will, too close, he couldn't slash or stab at him, so, seeing as it was really all Will could do, he punched the man in the jaw.

The man fell and the room quieted for a moment, then loud cheers and yelling. The man looked up from the ground dazed, Will looked back at him with a big grin and wink. Men swarmed around Will patting him on the back and shaking him in congratulations, winning a bar fart was a great way to win the heart of pirates. Eventually a bottle of port made its way to Will, he took a swig and raised it high, more cheering and yelling ensued.

"Please gents, line up over by that booth, I need fifteen good men!" The commotion died down and the room returned to its normal state, Will sat at a booth and set his bottle of port down, the bar tender came over with a book full blank pages and set it down along with ink and pen.

"For your charter Captain."

"Well thanks." He said genuinely, taking the book and flipping to the last few pages; the bar tender left Will to his business. The man who Will had beat slowly got up and slipped out of the pub shamefully.
"It's okay, lass." He walked with her to the quarters and shut the door. He pulled the ring off her finger and sat on his desk, "The ring is for ports. You're quite a looker and I said I would keep you safe."

He winked at her and started a fire in the fireplace. He pointed to some clean clothes sitting on the bed. "You can stay in this gown or you may change into your clothes you wore on board. They've been washed. Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything, please come find me."

He smiled softly and kissed her cheek. He opened the door when he felt the ship stop. He scowled and ran out on deck. "Why are we stopping!?"

He ran out on deck and found Austin holding jewels. His crew was engaged in his scheme. "Back to your stations. NOW!" He yelled. As his men scrambled around, he aimed his pistol at Austin and fired. The bullet whizzed past his ear and Killian smirked, "I won't miss next time, mate."

Their captain was nowhere to be found. He turned around just in time to see her hop over the railing. Two of his men instantly grabbed her and Killian held his sword to her throat. "I pride myself on being a gentleman when it came to ladies, including pirates. But you lass have abused it."

He nodded to his men who picked her up and pushed her off the plank. He watched her hit the water and kept his eye on her as the ship started to move again. Once they were past her he turned to his crew. "DO NOT bloody stop again! Do you hear me!?" A chorus of 'aye captain' rang out and his ship picked up speed. He was far from her in a short amount of time. If he was attacked again, someone would lose their life.
Rosemarie felt her cheeks heat up when he kissed her cheek. She changed into her old clothes, feeling more comfortable in them, despite the fact that she loved the gown.

She heard all of the shouting from the deck and got a little nervous. She slowly left the cabin in time to see someone get thrown overboard. She was utterly horrified.
Connor stood on his ship, legs splayed to help keep him upright against the rolling of the deck beneath his feet. The Sea Dragon, his pride and joy. It was his biggest buisness venture, what with the possobility of sinking and all. It was a small thing, with the cannons on the deck and the one below. And it had some storage space to boot, for trading between islands. Three masts stood proud, sails catching the breeze.

He was smoking contently on his pipe. He had heard that there would be a merchant knocking about somewhere. Odds are, he had his strong box brimming of goodies and his hold stuffed with trade goods. That would be able to pay his crew, buy some supplies, and have some left over for good tabbac for his pipe.

((Not sure how to really get him involved.))
Alec was used to being brutally woken up, but usually it was by women he had been sleeping with the night before. The cold harsh water that splashed across his face brought him back to reality and his eyes shot open immediately to look at the figure in front of him. They were covered in black robes, covering their face except for the bright amber eyes that glared into him. He began to remember the night before, and it all rushed back to him like a dream. He was such a fool to trash talk a deadly group of pirates. He couldn't understand why he had to be such an arrogant jerk. They began to talk to him, trying to bribe him to give information about the mysterious map that he had memorized. “How much are you going to pay me?,” he questioned, but it did nothing but darken the already uneasy situation. The mysterious person grabbed his chin forcing his gaze to meet theirs once again. “Now you're going to tell me where it is. No questions, no complaints. If I hear you so much as whimper, you're dead meat, do you understand? Captain Dark Waters ship isnt a place for the faint of heart, and from this moment on you're a prisoner, whether you like it or not.” Alec definitely didn't like the sound of that. Captain Darkwaters had a reputation, and it wasn't good. He definitely had to escape the next chance he got. He watched as the person in the cloak turned to their companion, a tall man barely noticeable in the corner. A few whispers were exchanged, and he watch as they left the room. “So what now? Am I still shark meat,” he questioned, hoping that this night would not be his last.
He turned and saw Rosemarie standing at the top of the stairs. He expected her expression to be much more neutral than it was. Her father had kept her very secluded in the cabin when anything was happening on deck, he guessed. She was going to get a rough awakening.

"M'lady." He smiled as he walked towards her "It seems as if you have someone else after you. There's new precautions that need to take place. First, and foremost, you will accompany me through most of the day. I promise to make it interesting and teach you some new things."

He flashed his pearly whites at her and led her up to the helm. He put her hands on the wheel and smiled, "Second, I will be sleeping in the same bed as you. I will not make advances on my honor." Unless you want to, he added.

"And thirdly, let your guard down. Smile. Relax. We are your family right now." He showed her how to steer the ship. He left his hands on her shoulders and willed her to relax.
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"Papa never let me steer before," Rosemarie muttered.

She was ill at ease with the fact that she would be sleeping in the same bed as a man. The idea unnerved her to no end.

"May I ask why we will be sleeping in the same bed?" Rosemarie asked curiously. "And what will happen if my Papa does not complete this 'task?'"
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