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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

Wickedkent said:

"Dont mention it" He said "So, lets go?"

He then stood up and opened the door, he then found his small bag at the side of the door and smiled

"Hurry up, slow pokes," Steph called to the remaining occupants of the room then headed to go change into a tactical outfit and prepare the plane for take off.

@Enmyira @Lyndon @Shnuydude @Kuroko
Harrison had glanced at the GPS, not terribly long. He watched as Royce took apart the gun, then reassembled it. "That's what you do in your free time. Damn didn't know I was friends with the wife from Kill Bill." He actually had something to do, he pulled out his phone, and opened up his notes. Inside was a a page full of notes from the night of the accident. It was practically a portable crime web. He began to add in the new founded building, and his speculations.
"It calms me down," Royce responded defensively. "I like how it's always the same, the same order and the same result. Plus, it makes me feel pretty bad ass." She noticed that he had pulled a page on the night of the accident. "So, where did you find the information about the warehouse?"
Harrison looked up at her, agents were always noisy, but he trusted her. "The powers the man possessed were developed from something called the Chronon Syndrome. It's caused by exposure to a partical called Chronon. The espouse makes the body's particales become unstable. That's all anyone knows about the disease."
"Gotcha," Royce said, nodding she got the gist of what he was saying. She knew it meant something that he was telling her all of this. He was always secretive when it came to this case. Royce looked in front of her, they were still not at the warehouse. She sighed and slid her gun back into her thigh holster. Looking out the window she saw buildings and people flashing by. They passed a church as a young couple came running out white dress and black suit and all. Royce rolled her eyes, they were fools in love, living in their own tiny bubble.
Harrison finished adding the notes in, and slid his phone away. He decided to look out the window Royce was, to try and figure out what she was thinking. Seeing the couple, he closed his eyes, and turned his head. He felt his hand, feeling the his wedding band, he had never taken it off even though he is a widow. Before spiraling down into a emotional mess, he took a deep breath, and looked up.
Agent Stoleman drove steadily towards their destination. Not many words were spoken between the three of them but thats how he liked it. It was a smooth and unobtrusive ride all the way taking only about three or so hours. Their journey took them along the fringe of the city and up onto the over pass before they decended into the suburbs and on through to the dilapitated and somewhat isolated warehouse. He preformed a standard drive by to scope the scene but nothing obviously threatening showed itself. He the. Turned back around and identified a safe place to park on the other sode of the street from the warehouse. "Okay, we're here. Please keep all arms and legs inside until the vehicle untli it has come to a complete stop" he spoke sardonically. With those word he brought the ride to a standstill and proceeded to unlock the doors...
The moment the car stopped moving and the doors were unlocked Royce was out of the car. She walked a few steps turned in a complete circle to survey the surrounding area and then she walked back to wait for Harrrison to get out of the car so they could get going.
Harrison was out like the flash, he stepped out, and outstretched his arms. After hearing a few cracks, he stuck his head in the car. "You can either leave and we'll find transport back. Or you can stick around, but we're going to a bar after this so I'm not sure what you wanna do." He shut the door, not waiting for the response, and waved to Royce to follow him inside. Once inside, he pulled out his gun, and looked either direction. He could hear a quiet hum, like a machine of some sort.
When Harrison drew his gun Royce pulled her Glock from her thigh holster. Lowering her hand so it was at her side she followed Harrison into the building. Remembering his previous suggestion that if something moved to shoot it, she wondered when that order was suggested for. She could hear a humming noise, but couldn't see anything making it.

"Harrison," Royce said softly looking around. "Am I shooting things that move? Or is there something more specific I should look for right now?"
"No, you need to look for particals. They look as if we were in a game, and that part was glitching. It's a studder. Also anything glowing." He had done extensivehours of research, and his job at the FBI had helped. Access to secret Goverment stuff was a perk. He decided to follow the humming noise, slowly walking behind a shipping container. He peaked his head around it, to see the machine. It was undiscribale.
Agent Stoleman decided to stay and observe. It was atill unclear as to what these two agents were up to. He figured they wouldn't have any back up except for himself and on the other hand, if they were battimg for the other team so to speak, he would need to know. He cranked up the air conditioning and lowered his chair back a bit. His eyes where closed but he could still see all around him...
Royce decided not to follow Harrison behind the shipping container, she remained in front looking around to see if she could find anything out of the ordinary. She walked around the area, gun ready in hand to shoot if needed. She really hoped that Harrison would find something that would lead him to answers. He was a good guy, he didn't deserve to have this stuff hanging over his head all the time. Answers might provide even the smallest bit of solace.
Harrison made his way towards the mysterious machine, and holstered his gun. He walked around, observing it, the metal was pulsing into a orb like metal. It looked like a mechanical heart. As he neared the machine, the cylinders that pulsed began to glow. He couldn't find a off switch near by, and grew more confused. He placed his hand on the machine, as it began to glow. "Roy-!" He managed to shout before a flash of bright light filled the warehouse, and took Harrison with it.
Not too mich time had passed before something unusual happened. From the confines of his car, Agent Stoleman witnessed a blinding light emminate from a majority of the windows of the warehouse his companions had entered. He sat up and considered his options. "Hmmm...perhaps it would be a tad risky to go in blind" he mused to himself. He lent towards the screen and entered a code before speaking his 'other' name. The screen blinked and flashed in response before a voice began to speak from the device. "Ah, Agent Stoleman. How goes it?" The voice was posh and clear. "Well I'm fine as ever Jansen, but some of my colleagues seem to be in trouble. Well, maybe" Stoleman responded. "I need you to run a diagnostic on the warehouse across the street. Pick up anything out of the ordinary because I think something's off".

"Vey good sir" Jansen replied. " The building appears to be quite large so it would suit me for you to drive around it once so I may appropriate the desired result".

Stoleman nodded and did as he was instructed, driving the car around the entirety of the structure whilst his secret on board A.I. probed the structure. After about three minuites, he reached his starting point and pulled over again.

"Ok Jansen. Hit me. What you got?"

"Well sir, not much within the ordinary. Minor life signs and heat signitures."

"But out of the ordinary?"

"I did pick remnants of a unique signal of sorts. It was already degrading quite quickly. I daresay whatever it does has already occured"

Stoleman thought for a moment. The blast and signal were clearly the same thing. He didn't seem to have much choice. "Well I guess the only way to know is to check it out myself" he switched of the engine and removed his gloves. He then leant across the passenger seat and opened the glove box. Inside was a slection of sugary sweets admid which was also his gun. He pulled it out and checked it. "Jansen, stay in emergency standby mode" he instructed as he opened his dorr to get out "Very good sir, activating emergency standby mode. Do be careful sir"

Agent Stoleman grunted in aknowledgement before climbing out and closing his door. He looked across to the warehouse. Ominous indeed. He checked his piece one last time and walked with a wary urgency over to it with no idea as to what had just happend within...
A bright burst of light made Royce spin gun raised, she had heard Harrison's attempted cry for help. She began to make her way towards where Harrison had disappeared. Looking around he was nowhere to be seen.

"Harrison," Royce called loudly. "Harrison, you better not be pulling my leg." Royce knew he wasn't messing with her, this wasn't his style. But where the hell was he? It was like a hole had opened in the ground and sucked him in.
Agent Stoleman approached the warehouse and entered the same way he had seen the other two do so. He had not heard any gunfire so assumed the best but went with procedure and held his gun up aiming ahead whilst using his sight power to eye his surroundings. Knowing his colleagues had entered only moments before, he decided to shout out and let himself known. "SHIELD AGENT!" He hoped for a swift response...
Harrison lowered his arms, and found himself in a street. It was night, and the dry heat of summer filled the air. No. No no no no... He looked around, and spotted a pair of headlights in the distance. No! They were barreling towards him, he could see himself, but from years ago. He was laughing, and barley paying attention to the road. The car was going to hit him! He raised his arms up in defense, but a particle like blast shot from his hand towards the car. "NO!" IT WAS HIM. He had done it! He watched the car flip in slow motion, how was it in slow motion? Maybe he could save Tess? He ran to the car, while everything else took place slowly. He pulled the door off of the car, and unbuckled Tess. She was still staring ahead, but suddenly everything shifted back into speed. He leaped out of the way, as the car barreled into a tree.
Royce heard Agent Stoleman's yell from inside the warehouse. "Agent Stoleman, it's okay, there are no hostiles as far as I can tell," Royce called to the agent. "I just can't find Harrison. Did you see anything besides a bright flash of light?"
Pat grabbed his bags from his room and began to make his way towards the plane. He was slightly nervous, now, about the mission ahead of them. He hadn't ever gone undercover before.

Mason Raidar

With his bow in his bag and his normal clothing on, Mason looked up at the school gate and smirked. "Well...let's complete the mission before anyone else can begin." However, the new S.H.I.E.L.D agent didn't know who he was looking for and why he was there. Brushing it off, Mason walked into the school with a smirk, yawning as he done so.
Stoleman heard the other agent call him and give the all clear. He lowered his weapon and made his way towards her location. Upon finding her looking confused he holstered his weapon and confirmed what he saw. "Nothing but the light I'm afraid and a weak signal coming from one of the side rooms. You say the other guy dissapeared?"

"Yeah, he was checking out a separate part of the warehouse from me," Royce said. "Now I can't find him anywhere in here. Get in here and be ready to shoot things that look like the need to be shot."
"Hmmm...Maybe he's just trying to get out of buying that round of drinks he mentioned" he said without a hint of sarcasm. He unholstered his gun and waited for her instructions "Divide and conquer or go together cheif?"

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