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Fandom S.H.I.E.L.D. Has Fallen

ReverseWells said:
Harrison nodded, and acted like he was listening. But in reality he was going over the information he read about. In the past years, nothing had came up about a warehouse, and this one was intresting. "Once were not busy I need your opinion on something" he said clearly deep in thought.
Royce looked at Harrison she could tell he was too focused on the information he had just found to focus on anything else. "After the team leaves I'll be completely available for drinking and my opinion," Royce told him. She wondered if he had only come back to SHIELD after the fall to use the files. Admittedly, she was kind of doing the same thing. That's why the team was so refreshing to work with, they were young they hadn't been wronged like she and Harrison had. They were like daisies fresh and blooming.
Enmyira said:
She nodded and lead them to the lab. She settled at her desk in her skinny chair and gestured for him to steal someone's. Almost immediately after logging in she started putting in variables and logarithms to come up with a model that would fit his descriptions.
Pat pulled a chair over, there was cat hair all over the chair, so he quickly found another chair. Then he sat and watched as Freya's fingers typed at a rate he could barely keep up with. Quickly the screen began to show a design that was far more detailed than what he had been able to plan. This was the very reason he had really a second more technical pair of eyes on it.
Lyndon said:
Pat pulled a chair over, there was cat hair all over the chair, so he quickly found another chair. Then he sat and watched as Freya's fingers typed at a rate he could barely keep up with. Quickly the screen began to show a design that was far more detailed than what he had been able to plan. This was the very reason he had really a second more technical pair of eyes on it.
Her fingers hesitated and she glanced at him. "More than one sensor right? Not just over the heart?"
Enmyira said:
Her fingers hesitated and she glanced at him. "More than one sensor right? Not just over the heart?"
"Yeah, I was thinking heart, two in the middle of each rib cage for breath sounds and then two on the lower back for sweat to judge adrenaline," Pat said looking at the screen.
Lyndon said:
"Yeah, I was thinking heart, two in the middle of each rib cage for breath sounds and then two on the lower back for sweat to judge adrenaline," Pat said looking at the screen.
(Hey, if you don't have an idea for the look for the guy undershirts, what about black under armor sleeveless compression shirts?)
Lyndon said:
"Yeah, I was thinking heart, two in the middle of each rib cage for breath sounds and then two on the lower back for sweat to judge adrenaline," Pat said looking at the screen.
((sorry didnt get the notification))

"Hmm... okay the two on the rib cage would be a problem.. though if we put four smaller ones near the shoulders and across the collarbone, that could possibly compensate. I'm guessing the sensors would be in the shirts, naturally. It'd be a bit too uncomfortable for it to be poking out on the skin only to then feed back into the shirt.." She mumbled and started typing again.
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Kuro woke up and went back to his room. His bags were in a neat order from shirts to pants, and finally shoes. He put his basketball in a special bag. Then, not knowing what to do, he decided to tell Royce he was done. Since he wanted to talk as less as possible, he wrote down in elegant cursive, "I've finished packing, and my way of getting to the target is secure.". He held the paperbin his hand and went to find the boss.

Kuroko said:
Kuro woke up and went back to his room. His bags were in a neat order from shirts to pants, and finally shoes. He put his basketball in a special bag. Then, not knowing what to do, he decided to tell Royce he was done. Since he wanted to talk as less as possible, he wrote down in elegant cursive, "I've finished packing, and my way of getting to the target is secure.". He held the paperbin his hand and went to find the boss.
"Kuro," Royce called when she caught sight of the boy at the end of the hallway. Walking towards him, Royce saw the paper in his hand, scanning it she nodded. "Okay, I was hoping you guys would be ready by noon, so, at least somebody is ready. Good work, I'm going to go check to be sure that the others are ready to go soon."

Royce turned and went towards the doors of the lab. Poking her head in she called to Freya and Patrick, "You two, be ready to leave by noon, meet up in the briefing room." @Enmyira @Lyndon

Royce began to head towards the gym. Sticking her head in there she saw that Steph and Jordan were sparring. Jordan seemed to be fairing well against the teenager, he was managing to dodge the majority of her attacks. She could see that Steph was pulling her punches around his head and smiled. "Hey, you two, I want you to be ready to leave by noon. Jordan, if you need to take Steph shopping you can do it at a mall on the way," Royce called to them, hoping they heard her whilst sparring. @Ninja Warrior @Shnuydude

Royce then headed back towards where she had left Harrison.
kickboxer108 said:
"Kuro," Royce called when she caught sight of the boy at the end of the hallway. Walking towards him, Royce saw the paper in his hand, scanning it she nodded. "Okay, I was hoping you guys would be ready by noon, so, at least somebody is ready. Good work, I'm going to go check to be sure that the others are ready to go soon."
Royce turned and went towards the doors of the lab. Poking her head in she called to Freya and Patrick, "You two, be ready to leave by noon, meet up in the briefing room." @Enmyira @Lyndon

Royce began to head towards the gym. Sticking her head in there she saw that Steph and Jordan were sparring. Jordan seemed to be fairing well against the teenager, he was managing to dodge the majority of her attacks. She could see that Steph was pulling her punches around his head and smiled. "Hey, you two, I want you to be ready to leave by noon. Jordan, if you need to take Steph shopping you can do it at a mall on the way," Royce called to them, hoping they heard her whilst sparring. @Ninja Warrior @Shnuydude

Royce then headed back towards where she had left Harrison.
Kuro sat down in the briefing room, twirling a butterfly knife. He forgot to ask if he could bring it, so he waited to see if he could. "I just realized something. I haven't talked to anyone here besides Royce. They probably think I'm weird..." He said to himself. He saw them, and they all talked to each other so easily, so freely. If only he knew how to do that, if only he could talk to people freely...
kickboxer108 said:
"Kuro," Royce called when she caught sight of the boy at the end of the hallway. Walking towards him, Royce saw the paper in his hand, scanning it she nodded. "Okay, I was hoping you guys would be ready by noon, so, at least somebody is ready. Good work, I'm going to go check to be sure that the others are ready to go soon."
Royce turned and went towards the doors of the lab. Poking her head in she called to Freya and Patrick, "You two, be ready to leave by noon, meet up in the briefing room." @Enmyira @Lyndon

Royce began to head towards the gym. Sticking her head in there she saw that Steph and Jordan were sparring. Jordan seemed to be fairing well against the teenager, he was managing to dodge the majority of her attacks. She could see that Steph was pulling her punches around his head and smiled. "Hey, you two, I want you to be ready to leave by noon. Jordan, if you need to take Steph shopping you can do it at a mall on the way," Royce called to them, hoping they heard her whilst sparring. @Ninja Warrior @Shnuydude

Royce then headed back towards where she had left Harrison.
"Hey, good round," Steph said, touching Jordan's shoulder as she grabbed a towel. "Hey, later you're going to have to help me with the whole shopping thing," She added and walked out of the gym. She stopped by her bunk to take a fast shower and finish throwing random articles of clothing into her duffle bag, sighing she zipped it up and headed towards the briefing room. Getting there she saw that Kuro was already there.

"Hey, man," she said as she walked over to the counter and started making herself a cup of coffee, she then grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet and took a seat at the table. Pulling out her phone to flip through her feed on Tumblr.
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Hey, good round," Steph said, touching Jordan's shoulder as she grabbed a towel. "Hey, later you're going to have to help me with the whole shopping thing," She added and walked out of the gym. She stopped by her bunk to take a fast shower and finish throwing random articles of clothing into her duffle bag, sighing she zipped it up and headed towards the briefing room. Getting there she saw that Kuro was already there.
"Hey, man," she said as she walked over to the counter and started making herself a cup of coffee, she then grabbed a bag of chips out of the cabinet and took a seat at the table. Pulling out her phone to flip through her feed on Tumblr.

Kuro looked at the person who greeted him. It was a girl, Steph. He stopped twirling the blade, letting it drop to lay on his thigh. He pulled out his notepad and wrote "hello. Sorry if this might seem weird writing like this, but I find it uncomfortable to talk to people.". Then, placing it on the table, he slid it over to her.
Kuroko said:
Kuro looked at the person who greeted him. It was a girl, Steph. He stopped twirling the blade, letting it drop to lay on his thigh. He pulled out his notepad and wrote "hello. Sorry if this might seem weird writing like this, but I find it uncomfortable to talk to people.". Then, placing it on the table, he slid it over to her.
Steph read the message on the paper and nodded. "I get it, man, everyone has something like that. But man, you have nicer handwriting than I do," Steph said looking at it. "I write like a doctor going through withdrawal for opioids, or something like that. So, you excited about the mission?"
After Royce left, Pat looked over to Freya. He then looked at his watch they had twenty minutes before they needed to get to the briefing room.

"Hey, if you need to finish packing or anything we can finish this up later. Based off my research about high school, we should have plenty of time, if that is they allow boys and girls into each other's rooms," Pat said.

[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]Steph read the message on the paper and nodded. "I get it, man, everyone has something like that. But man, you have nicer handwriting than I do," Steph said looking at it. "I write like a doctor going through withdrawal for opioids, or something like that. So, you excited about the mission?"

Kuro bit his lip to stops laugh and wrote down a response, " I am,granted I'll have to dumb myself down to the level of a campus full of rocks. But the target. Kidnapping would be so easier.", before handing it to her. His mind was logical, so it might seem heartless at times.
Kuroko said:
Kuro bit his lip to stops laugh and wrote down a response, " I am,granted I'll have to dumb myself down to the level of a campus full of rocks. But the target. Kidnapping would be so easier.", before handing it to her. His mind was logical, so it might seem heartless at times.
"Oh my god I agree, I am not at all excited about this," Steph replied. "I get to sit around and pretend to be normal. Not to mention there's going to be zip fights for me unless high schools have started training teenagers to be assassins." Steph tossed a handful of chips into her mouth and chewed. "This girl better be worth the trouble. Do you think it's really weird to use the name Mulan? Because I was trying to think of Chinese names and stuff and I found out I don't know zip about my heritage. All my Chinese knowledge comes from Mulan."
[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]"Oh my god I agree, I am not at all excited about this," Steph replied. "I get to sit around and pretend to be normal. Not to mention there's going to be zip fights for me unless high schools have started training teenagers to be assassins." Steph tossed a handful of chips into her mouth and chewed. "This girl better be worth the trouble. Do you think it's really weird to use the name Mulan? Because I was trying to think of Chinese names and stuff and I found out I don't know zip about my heritage. All my Chinese knowledge comes from Mulan."

" Well, knowing that teens will make fun of you for everything they can, using Milan would get you no bonuses. But that's all you. I have to use a different last name, since my parents.... Are well known. I thought of Esters, that being way different. Fight wise, fights can happen, just hold back with your style. My use of all 4 boxing styles let me fight normally, since boxing isn't a high level assassin or secret agent style. I can use the Swarmed or slugger styles to end them quickly." He wrote, handingbit to her.
Kuroko said:
" Well, knowing that teens will make fun of you for everything they can, using Milan would get you no bonuses. But that's all you. I have to use a different last name, since my parents.... Are well known. I thought of Esters, that being way different. Fight wise, fights can happen, just hold back with your style. My use of all 4 boxing styles let me fight normally, since boxing isn't a high level assassin or secret agent style. I can use the Swarmed or slugger styles to end them quickly." He wrote, handingbit to her.
"Ulgh, I'll just give myself a really generic name, like Alice, it'll be fine," Steph said considering her options. She sighed again, this undercover stuff was going to be a hassle she could tell. "Are you bringing any weapons? Bc I have my numchucks, bo, and flying kamas packed and ready to go. I just like having those on hand. It's not like an M16 or anything so I figured it'd be fine."

Aaron Meister

Aaron sighed and waved his hand and the holographic Interface disappeared.

"I Should go to the briefing room" He said while walking towards the elevator, as soon as he entered he then pressed the button of the floor where the briefing room for the latest mission is. The elevator then descended, after it stopped and the doors opened Aaron then walked towards the briefing room with the file in his hands.

He knocked first and then entered.

@Ninja Warrior )
Wickedkent said:

Aaron Meister

Aaron sighed and waved his hand and the holographic Interface disappeared.

"I Should go to the briefing room" He said while walking towards the elevator, as soon as he entered he then pressed the button of the floor where the briefing room for the latest mission is. The elevator then descended, after it stopped and the doors opened Aaron then walked towards the briefing room with the file in his hands.

He knocked first and then entered.

@Ninja Warrior )
Steph looked up when the director walked into the room. Was she supposed to salute or just nod respectfully? She settled for the nod. "Hey, Mr. Super Boss," she said. "Or would it be Director Super Boss? Because Royce is technically Agent Boss Lady or Bossy Agent Lady, depending on the day. I'm rambling, sorry sir." Steph sighed and took a drink of her coffee. "So what brings you down from your office?"

[QUOTE="Ninja Warrior]Steph looked up when the director walked into the room. Was she supposed to salute or just nod respectfully? She settled for the nod. "Hey, Mr. Super Boss," she said. "Or would it be Director Super Boss? Because Royce is technically Agent Boss Lady or Bossy Agent Lady, depending on the day. I'm rambling, sorry sir." Steph sighed and took a drink of her coffee. "So what brings you down from your office?"
Aaron Meister

Aaron looked at steph and forced himself to smile.

"You can just call me Aaron" he said staring at Steph "I just came here to wish you all good luck and listen to other things that you guys are gonna discuss"

He then took a sit on the nearest chair.
Wickedkent said:

Aaron Meister

Aaron looked at steph and forced himself to smile.

"You can just call me Aaron" he said staring at Steph "I just came here to wish you all good luck and listen to other things that you guys are gonna discuss"

He then took a sit on the nearest chair.

"That's cool," Steph replied, not exactly sure what to say. She looked down at the table and then over at Kuro praying the dude would say something, well, write something. He seemed like he knew what he was doing. Steph on the other hand had no clue. She felt she needed to fill the silence, even though her common sense screamed no she opened her mouth and let the words tumble out. "Do you know anything about Chinese culture? Because I know squat, and I'm like first generation Chinese. But you see the only things about Chinese I know are martial arts and I'm trying to figure out a Chinese name for my cover but failing. I mean I was given the name Stephanie, which has roots in German... Let me ask you, do I look German? Nope, I'm Chinese to the bones. Oh my god, I need to stop talking."
Royce walked into the briefing room and noticed that Aaron was now sitting at the table alongside Steph and Kuro. She walked in with a folder in hand. In the folder was a stack of transcripts of each other agents.

"Sir," Royce nodded to Aaron. "Nice to see you out of the office. Do you know the details about the Op?" Set the folder down near one of the chairs and moved to the computer in the corner of the room.

@Wickedkent @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko
kickboxer108 said:
Royce walked into the briefing room and noticed that Aaron was now sitting at the table alongside Steph and Kuro. She walked in with a folder in hand. In the folder was a stack of transcripts of each other agents.
"Sir," Royce nodded to Aaron. "Nice to see you out of the office. Do you know the details about the Op?" Set the folder down near one of the chairs and moved to the computer in the corner of the room.

@Wickedkent @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko


Aaron looked at Royce and nodded

"I Checked the details before i came here" he said "im here to listen to other stuffs and wish you all good luck when you go"

"I also had them printed and put in this folder incase i forget" He chuckled while raising the folder then put it back down.

@kickboxer108 @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko )
"Sounds good, sir," Royce continued to type on the computer screen attempting to locate a file. One of her sources had recommended she pull up before the mission. "Have you acquainted yourself with Agents Wang and Vortigern here yet?" Royce asked gesturing towards the two agents sitting at the table alongside the director.

@Wickedkent @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko
kickboxer108 said:
"Sounds good, sir," Royce continued to type on the computer screen attempting to locate a file. One of her sources had recommended she pull up before the mission. "Have you acquainted yourself with Agents Wang and Vortigern here yet?" Royce asked gesturing towards the two agents sitting at the table alongside the director.
@Wickedkent @Ninja Warrior @Kuroko
"Boss, I might have just ranted to the Big Boss about how I know nothing about Chinese culture," Steph whispered across the table to Royce. "He can't fire me for being crazy or anything like that can he?"

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