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Finished [Ryken - Ryke] Those damned bandits!


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe & Coachman] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

With a plan now set and Guiseppe wishing them good luck, Flare gave a respectful salute at him. "We won't let ya down, sir." they stated confidently before entering the carriage. The bulky OVEN struggled a bit squeeze inside, finding themselves hunching over in a somewhat cramped position, but they'd fit just barely enough. They'd sit at the opposite end of the carriage, setting the "Blade of Seranphina" against the dividing wall, before getting as comfy as much as they could for the long journey ahead of them.

As the carriage treaded out of the capital, Flare mentally prepared themselves for the worst case scenario. If the situation tended to go awry as badly as the last quest, the fire elemental at least wanted to ensure they were ready. Still, they'd try to break the tension with the other adventurers with some small talk to pass the time. "So uh..." Flare thought allowed, patting her metallic hands with a slight awkwardness, "Anyone got an interesting story they wanna share? Like how your last quest was or something? Or anything on yalls' mind really, it doesn't truly matter..."

A short time later, the crew would finally reach the last known appearance of the caravan, stopping abruptly as the Coachman requested they look at something outside. The fire elemental grasped Seranphina as they exited the carriage, giving a quick stretch of the armored joints. They then found themselves gazing upon a truly grizzly scene. "Oh gods..." Flare breathed, looking out at the path that was utterly drenched in crimson ichor. They kneeled to one knee as they inspected the substance, wanting to confirm that it was indeed blood. "Now this doesn't look ominous at all." they stated sarcastically. Really the whole scene around them had an unsettling vibe as if the whole forest was alive, watching them ever so closely from the shadows. Flare also noticed some disturbed foliage by the roadside, consisting of broken twigs and scattered brush. They weren't sure how long ago this all happened, but a gut feeling ruminating from their core believed this to be recent. "This... this surely couldn't be the work of bandits?" they asked the group with a hint of worry, "Right?"

They then tried to peer into the forest depths, using [Dark Vision F] to see if they could spot anything moving deep in the brush.
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Flare Develius Develius | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seranphina Karcen Karcen

She chuckled at what Flare told her. “Yep, I'm a woman of many rapiers, you might say~” She joked back at Flare. “Hmmm.... you remind me of the oven-stove-heater I used to have...” back in her previous life. It was probably best not mention that part. “Though that does make me wonder. Are you fuelled by raw mana or do you just, well, throw in some fuel into your suit or something? You don't seem to be producing smoke.” She smiled when Flare agreed to her request. “Great, I'll hold you to it~”

Upon hearing she'd not be able to help VeeVee, she sighed. “You're right, I've got no clue what you're talking about. Though I do appreciate you letting me know if there's a point at which I can help out~”

Seira also managed to bring out a chuckle, upon the mention of hiding. “That shouldn't be something a bit of a hood can't fix, as much of a waste as it'd be to hide it~ Then again, you would have the element of surprise the moment you'd take off the hood and make folk's mouths fall open~” She figured she'd tease the sellsword a bit more. “Sellsword it is~ I guess we're not that different then, though I'm mostly taking official Adventurer's Guild jobs.”

Upon hearing she'd travel around the Kananto region again, she just nodded in silence. That would be weird. Once in the wagon, she'd sit next to Viokii and lean into the Construct, hoping to make the journey more comfortable by having some soft-ish and warm to rest against.

It was surprising to hear Flare try to make small talk. “Hmm. Have you ever been to the Underbelly? I could tell you a bit about how I fought some vampires there not too long ago. Or when I went to Widersia... also to fight a vampire. Or how I met some really interesting folk in some marshes on the first continent. Some big hunk of a dinosaur warrior and a rabbit paladin... I wonder how they're doing.” She wouldn't mind talking about about those quests, though she'd obviously leave out any detail regarding who or what she truly was. “Although if you want nicer stories, I did travel all the way to the Shade in the See once to meet up with some Lune Elves. They're quiet the sort. I guess I could also tell you about my girlfriends, if you want something really juicy~” She stated with a wink regarding the last bit.

Then again, once story-time was over, she'd just relax against Viokii, perhaps asking for a lap-pillow to lie down for a bit. Just as she was getting sleepy, the Coachman called out, shocking her right back awake. “Coming!” She stated, hopping out of the cart again. “Oh... wow. That's not good. They really didn't hold back much or try to hide anything.” She'd somehow expected the bandits to have been more subtle than this.

As for what Flare asked... “Bandits, monsters, monstrous bandits. It could very well be any of those. Doesn't take too much to start a real bloodbath.”

Heading out a bit, she'd lean down to check how fresh the blood was and (when nobody, other than perhaps Viokii) was looking she'd sneakily (Stealth B) taste some of it, to see how much information she could gain from with through [Blood Appraisal] and through being a [Blood Celebrant].

Blood Appraisal: – Appraisal B, Blood Drinker F – Character is able to appraise some titles from drinking blood, rather than from watching the blood's owner. Works in tandem with [Blood Celebrant] title. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Blood Celebrant] You are a connoisseur of different types of blood, including fae, human, and others. You know the differences of such.

She'd also check the general scene (Survival F) to see if anything stood out in particular, though such type of investigation was far from her expertise. “Perhaps they might give us an easy enough trail to follow to abstain from going to Etvia after all, although it makes me wonder. Are they just this confident in being able to beat those coming after them, are they hoping to set up another trap or are they tricking us by using this as a misdirection?”

Seraphina let the illusion fade in the off8ce not seeing much reason to keep it up. This did leave her as just a silent blade, but she had spent gods knew how long alone in the dark with no sound what so ever. Compared to that having people around made even being silent far better. Still she did want to mess with the sex bot more. Seraphina might be jealous and seem to be aggressive, but viokii made it to fun. The overly literal I must explain everything attitude was both annoying and entertaining. Flare was fine honestly warm was the best way to discover her. Chandra well she seemed very experienced and Seria didn't leave to much of an impression but well she wasn't without presence.

When the carriage stopped and flare grabbed her and took her out aseraphina beheld the gorey path before them. That was a lot of blood. Setaphina wondered if there had been that many people to leave that much blood or if somone had squeezed the blood out of people to make sure the road was painted red.

" I forgot how much blood people have Seraphina said only sending out the illusion of a voice. She didn't have much dhe coukd do but she couldn't remain silent about this.
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Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii remained in peaceful silence as she went along with the trip, hoping that things would just go smoothly. She had heard Flare ask about if anyone had any stories to share while they were just waiting around on their trip as they tried making small talk, not having much to say as she simply let Chandra respond back. She could be patient, probably something others may struggle with... though for her, it was easy to momentarily ignore the concept of time and let things pass as if it were nothing.

Since she would have wanted it, Viokii would have been fully willing to allow Chandra to use her lap as a pillow at her request, having would lightly patted and rubbed her hair in order to assist with comfort and the sense of safety. Though soon enough it seemed their trip was brought to a halt as a discovery was made. An unfortunate discovery, though fortunate that they come across it. Hearing Chandra mention about it being a trap or such, she considered the possibilities in her mind... then offered a solution on how she could help.

"If it would aid the situation, I can help with scouting the area to look for clues and the whereabouts of the perpetrators. If this is fresh, them they or signs of them may still be in the area. I can create the same miniature units from before to help cover more ground, plus from working on my internal files I have been able to recover more features that may assist the situation" Viokii answered.

With a little movement of her hand, she'd attempt to spawn five miniature units that had a design much like little 4' versions of herself that she hoped could help with searching the area. With having tried that, she hoped to use the flight systems she recently uncovered to try and get an aerial view to see if there way anything notable. Say, anywhere there could be an encampment or a cave to hide or something. The longer they took, the lower chance they'd have to find whoever did this, so she may as well start trying to search as soon as possible. If they could at least find one, maybe they would acquire some answers. She'd have small light blue flames emitting from the palms of her hands and soles of her feet, with extras hidden under the cloak that were... somehow helping her fly, though it didn't seem realistically logical how such small thrusters were lifting her. Oh well. Isekai or... something. What does realism matter.

1. Minions (F) (Minibots) + Energized (F)
2. Flight (F) + Investigation (F) + Energized (F) to look around.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

From the sound of things, it looked like the place they were heading wasn't exactly an ordinary patch of the wilderness. Town remains and the fact that there were undead "remaining" in that area didn't exactly scream "safe and secure route through a nice patch of woods." Well, at least it looks like her sword arm is likely going to get the exercise she's been wanting. As the formalities of the pre-venture briefing wound down, Seira would just give a slight nod to Guiseppe as he saw them off in the carriage.

The carriage ride to their pretty relaxed, one could hardly complain about a little ride in the woods. Seira hardly said anything during the journey, mainly tending to her blade as a way to pass the time. Of course, with the nature of the group's job and where they were being sent off to, this moment of peace didn't last forever, as the carriage was eventually brought to a halt by the driver. From the sound of the guy's voice, something ahead must have rattled him, Stepping out of the carriage, it became clear what it was. There must have been several bodies worth of blood spilled out on the road just ahead of where they stopped, and that's just from what they could see immediately.

"What a fucking mess..." Seira said, eyes scanning over the gruesome sight, before turning to Flare. "Chandra is right, some bandits can be especially cruel in their dealings... looks like that's the kind of bandits we're after..." If they're still dealing with people. But she decided to keep that last thought to herself.

"Nice drones you got there. Well, as long as we're not splitting up, scouting like that shouldn't be an issue. Let's not make ourselves easy pickings, shall we?" Seira said in response to Viokii's mention to scout the area before grasping her sword, ready to draw in case something jumped out of the woods, as there was still something bothering her about the entire scene. "By the way... you'd think with all this blood, there'd be more bodies around?"
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Road to Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

As Flare began to peer into the dense forest using their [Darkvision F], amongst the foliage and branches, they would notice a few things. Within the 100ft range in which they could see, there were some bushes that were clearly trampled upon, creating a path leading even deeper into the forest. In addition, there was also a trail of wheels leading towards the same direction, as far as their vision allowed to see.

Upon Chandra taking a taste of the blood that was spilled over the road, using her [Blood Appraisal] and [Blood Celebrant], she would be able to identify a few different sources from them: their origins were human, beastkin and animal. All those were mixed, as if they had been superimposed on each other. All those who bled upon the road might have been in a close distance to one another.

Curiously enough, from the titles that Chandra learned upon tasting the blood, none were related to criminal titles. All non-racial titles were either related to either weapon/tool expertise, jobs or being a member of the [Salamander Brigade]. Additionally, her [Survival F] would tell her something similar to which Flare had learned: something with wheels had moved from the road and into the forest.

As Viokii’s bots would try to scout the area, the poor lightning in the dense forest, canopy weaved meticulously, which allowed little sunlight to penetrate it, made it particularly difficult for their photoreceptors to gather information. They would move for about 45ft, before returning to the construct, having found nothing out of ordinary for the moment.

As for Viokii themselves, as they achieved higher ground, thanks to their thrusters, their scanning of the area would bear fruit. From the new height which the construct found itself in, they could see, in a distance of around 200ft, a source of light, burning brightly at the ground level. It was difficult to know exactly what it was, however.

That had been as much as the group could uncover without venturing deeper into the woods. As they considered their next move, a soft breeze began blowing towards the southeast, causing the branches and foliage to rustle gently.
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

Viokii's efforts at rubbing her head would've been respond with happy grumbling vampire noises for a bit, as she had to be careful not to allow herself to relax too much. This was still a mission after all, regardless of how ideal the large-sized hips on that construct were for using as a pillow. “Good thinking. That might also lure out any potential trouble laying in wait.” She'd respond to Viokii sending out her bots.

“Still not enough sometimes...” She mumbled when Seranphina said she forgot how much blood people have sometimes. She'd be able to enjoy much more size-able meals if people had more of it. She did quickly realise she'd have to explain that mumbling a bit. “As it seems like these people would've died from blood-loss alone, if not having died some horrible death before it.” She looked up as Viokii flew off. “Well fly me to the moon...” She mumbled, wondering when Viokii got that feature up and running.

Seira raised a very good point. “You're right. I'd normally assume the bodies were taken, but... with how much blood is still here, I wonder if they weren't just eaten instead.” That would certainly explain how much blood had splattered just about everywhere.

She suppressed a grimace upon tasting the blood. In order of flavour [Beast] folk were only slight less gross than actual animals were. Humans tended to be rather plain tasting, unless they had many in their veins. This tastes like something horrible (animals), something bad (beasts) and something really plain (humans). So nothing to write home about. “Seems like there might've been a close-combat battle between humans, beasts and actual animals.” She stated, not stating how she'd know so they would just assume she was reading the tracks or something. “Oddly enough... I have a suspicion that whatever got them hasn't even gotten injured.” That might explain why there didn't seem to be criminal titles among these. A worrying thought.

Normally, she'd suggest to [Stealth] and scout ahead, but with Seira mentioning they shouldn't split up and her not feeling like being a loner again, she decided against it this time around. “Well, they seem rather monstrous foes, but I can put up a fight of my own and I've got an inkling you're all gonna be able to hold your own equally. I say we just go chase them down.” She stated pointing in the direction of the woods where she'd seen something with wheels. “There's signs of wheels being used there, so that's where they must've taken the cargo.”


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe & Coachman] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Flare gave a chilled spat at Chandra's jest. "Used to have, huh?" they replied with a quippy question, giving a snarky chortle that they were clearly in on the joke, "What? Did it suddenly sprout arms and legs and just walked out of your house? Must've had quite the... fiery spirit." In response to Chandra's question regarding their fuel supply, Flare padded on their metallic stomach region. "I have a core under here that keeps me powered." they stated casually, "It reuses and recycles my fiery energy; allowing me to go on for incredibly long periods of time. Never had the displeasure of running out - pray that doesn't happen - but like you can throw coal, timber, fireballs and stuff into me and they'll give me a boost. Good in a punch, I suppose."

Once on the road, the charismatic swordswoman once again recalled a few notable events of her travels; in which Flare would listen intently. The first two revolved around vampires, entities which didn't frighten them given their lack of blood. At least from their understanding... they weren't sure if there were variants which COULD suck energies from the magically inclined. Then there was something about a marsh... having joined forces with a few notable individuals. Two of which stood out; a rabbit paladin and a dinosaur warrior. Beastfolk were nothing new to the Fire Elemental. However, that latter entity got them thinking for a moment. A flash of their past resurfaced for a moment, as if they were recalling an event. Though was it from this life or a previous one?

Something about... bones? A museum? "Dinosaur warrior?" Flare asked curiously as they rubbed their helmet, "Hmmm... That's- ...wait, aren't those things like extinct or something?" Regardless, a few other tales were announced, including the one time she went to visit some Lune Elves and another revolving around something really juicy... Flare didn't seem to catch on the last part, though admittedly they felt a bit hotter in the face. Couldn't put a finger quite as to why though...

Nonetheless, storytime would assume... perhaps with one, two, or all four suggestions. In turn, Flare would talk about their goblin quest and all the horrors they'd encountered. They had plenty of time after all...

Chandra and Seira seemed to affirm Flare's suspicions. Monstrous bandits are... a bit of a disturbing thought. Though it would certainly describe the amount of blood on display... And how much humans had, which what Seranphina admitted in forgetting. As for the blood on the trail, according to Chandra there were no signs of any criminal sense... meaning it left the area completely without a trace. Seisa believed more bodies could be lying around nearby, but Flare doubted this due to all this... well blood. Overall, this was truly a dire situation.

As Viokii sent out her drones to scout out the nearby vicinity, Flare's Dark Vision allowed them to uncover a makeshift path leading deeper into the forest. "Hey hold up, I think I see something over there." they'd call out, as they began walking closer to the scene. Some bushes had been trampled on; as were a trail of wheels leading in that direction. Aha! This must be signs of where they went off do. "There's some disturbance here." the elemental reported before pointing forth, "Looks like it leads further in that direction." Chandra would reiterate to mention the wheels on the ground, suggesting that the cargo could also be found there.

Flare's core pulsated unsteadily at the dark forest before them, wondering just what else was lurking within. Regardless, they knew they had to press on. Or should they? "Well, hate to break it to ya folks, but I think we oughta follow the trail and see where those bandits went. And NO, I'm not willing to split us up! I told ya'll what happened the last time that happened. And I absolutely DO NOT want to repeat that again!"


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Whilst it wasn't great to see that the bots she deployed didn't, the construct was able to notice the anomalous sighting in the distance and kept it in mind. 200ft away in the specified distance, something had been spotted. Calmly and slowly descending from the air back onto the ground, she gave the others present a moment to speak on their findings and taking a mental note. She hadn't answered to the words spoke by Chandra about her capability to fly, nor Seira's compliment on the bots as Viokii was more occupied by keeping a strong focus on her investigation for the moment. When others had said what they wanted, with Flare also pointing out a noticeable trail, she spoke.

"Roughly 200 feet in that direction is a grounded light source. I may suppose it to be a fire of sorts, perhaps campfire or forest fire beginnings, though it may come from something else. Either way, it is a notable anomalous presence that seems important to investigate alongside the traces Flare here has noticed" she answered, before briefly looking to Seira to catch up on what she didn't answer.

"Thank you, my capabilities are intended to help greatly assist wherever possible" Viokii mentioned before looking to Chandra.
"My apologies, Mistress, you were probably not aware that I possessed that feature. It is simply one of many that are only currently inaccessible due to file and data corruption, I am working on resolving the issues with time in order to optimise and fully restore my supporting capabilities and services" the construct mentioned, supposing they best move on to take a closer look at where their findings may lead them when the group was ready.​

Fly me to the moon, that phrase triggered something in Seraphina she felt there was something to it. There was sone continuation to it, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Sonething about holding hands and singing. Well it didn't matter they were kind of investigating stuff here right now and while she couldn't do much Seraphina should mostly pay attention.

Voikii calling Chandra mistress confused Seraphina as she thought they were friends or something. Honestly it was hard as the construct had told the woman she wasn't yet the admin ir whatever yet was calling her an owner. Just how were those two related? Going with flare really was looking like the smart choice given if she was with Chandra theater might think she owned seaphina. Really Seraphina had an odd hatred for slavery given what little she knew of in this world said it was practiced. Well it might be from the world before

" I agree with Flare no splitting up, though going by slasher rules we would be the safer group " Seraphina chuckled at the joke even she didn't understand. She just knew it was funny Though I do have an idea we can let my projection scout any shifty areas if I can see them I can project into them and trigger ambushes " finally she had figured out a way to help while being unable to truly do anything.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

"So either eaten by animals or taken prisoner then? Isn't that a wonderful thought." The silverhaired swordswoman surmised after hearing Chandra's analysis of the scene. She was definitely a more experienced explorer than Seira, so it's probably safe to say she knew what she was talking about, even though she didn't understand how she arrived at that conclusion.

From Flare's and Viokii's findings, it didn't seem that the maniacs behind the blood bath didn't go far from the scene of the crime. "I'm all for chasing them down, it's what we're getting paid to do after all." Seira said in response to Chandra's suggestion. "Getting the jump on them would be a good idea too, if you can get them in the right spot for us to go in for the kill, Seranphina. Though..." Her emerald eyes shifted to Flare. "You gonna be good with hiding in that big old suit of armor, buddy? Hmm..." Seira mulled it over for a few more moments. "You guys think we could lure them into a pincer trap or something with Flare here as the center while the rest of us swoop in on the sides while they're occupied with them if it comes to an ambush?"
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

As the group decided about the tactics they might employ against the supposed bandits, they would delve deeper into the dense forest. The crunching of green leaves and twigs beneath their feet, the occasional cry of the wild life, be it the singing of birds or the hurried escape of a smaller critter which spotted the group.

The lightening of it was much different from the road itself, the several branches that formed a dense canopy above blocked most of the midday sunlight, only a few rays of sunshine being able to penetrate the natural sun blocker here and there. It also caused the temperature of it to be cooler and more pleasant, than it was back at the covered wagon.

Eventually, the group would come upon two generously sized bushes, which would allow them to position themselves behind it, before being able to scan the environment.

The group would be able to see a full camp, surrounded by wooden walls from the direction they were looking at. The walls were decently put together, the space between each section being almost nonexistent, blocking much of the vision into the camp. From the front-entrance of the camp, the group would now be able to see what the previous light-source was: a campfire. The smell of roasted meat reached the nostrils of those who were capable of it, the source of it being the meat rack near the campfire.

Further looking through the entrance of the camp, the group would also be able to partially see both a horse and a wagon. In front of the camp, there were two humanoids wearing an assortment of leather and metallic armor. The one at L11, female, appeared to have a sword or her waist, while the one at L12, male, held a crossbow. Curiously enough, both of them were wearing a red armband with a black dagger on it.

“Heard any news from the other groups about the hunt of that little shit lordling and that armored bitch?” The man asked. “Ya, the boss’ boss actually called it off. Said it wasn’t worth it. Vera sure wasn’t happy, after losing her hand and all.” The female answered, shaking her head in disapproval at the end of it. “Hah! Guess he’s losing his balls! If ya don’t send a message, soon enough, other fuckers will try to mess with us.” The mocking tone was followed by a grin, which was mirrored on the woman right beside him. “That works for the boss and us. We gotta be ready when he decides to go for the command.” She concluded, snapping her fingers.

And, from within the camp, another pair of voices began echoing. “C-come on, just untie me and l-let me go! Y-you won’t break that magical lock…” The voice, a male one, had a mix of stuttering and pleading to it. “Shut yer fucking trap! I already told ya, we MIGHT let ya go as long as you actually know work that wood. If ya botch it, ya will be buried with the others. Anyway, the mage will come eventually.” A grizzly, male voice answered the first one, impatient being palpable in its tone.

The Forest 1A.png

Each square of the map represents 5ft of distance. Action economy is in effect, each player being able to perform 3 actions. The party wasn’t spotted yet. Seraphina and Flare, for the moment, are accompanying the same square. When moving or performing an action, it is important to include the coordinate (letter + number) of the square.
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Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She laughed at Flare's joke. “Still not as hot as you though~” She'd reply to her stove having been a fiery spirit. She was a tad surprised to hear how Flare kept going. “Like a stomach that barely needs food? That seems rather useful.” Considering how troublesome it might get for her to get food during this trip, she was sort-off jealous, though she kept it to herself for obvious reasons. She was surprised when Flare thought dinosaurs to be extinct. Was the fire spirit also from another world? “Considering I've travelled with one, I'm fairly sure at least one of them is still alive and going~” She answered.

Flare's reluctance to split up was a tad surprising. It sort-off made her want to push it a little, see what'd happen, yet she decided against it. “A single trip, a few stories, and we're already inseparable~” She'd reply instead. “Though if you do see me missing, don't worry, I'll just be nearby, using stealth.” She'd add, figuring she'd give the heads-up regarding her usual methods.

“A light source? They must be extraordinarily confident to leave so much traces of what happened and keep a light on or have a fire going...” Either that or they were extraordinarily stupid. “Hmmm, I see. You're becoming cooler by the moment, it seems~” She'd reply with regards to Viokii's increasing capabilities.

She raised an eyebrow at the sword. Or well, its illusion. “Slasher rules...? What are those?” It was a rather confusing terminology. “Although using your projection seems like a good plan.”

Nodding at Seira, she had to agree. “Flare does stand out a lot, but perhaps that might work to our advantage. At the very least, I'm confident I could sneak around to surprise them from behind or to infiltrate their ranks, if needed.”

“An entire camp huh... seems like they were in it for the long run.” She'd whisper upon their findings. “Want me to kill the two standing guard?” She asked, as she'd continue to whisper. “I'm pretty sure I could do so before they'd make a sound. Either that or I can try sneak past them and see if there's a way into the camp to try free whomever they've got captured.” Those two seemed good options. “Or we can have Flare go around and start burning it from the backside, have them come running outside to go Fetch water and kill them as the come running out.” That also sounded fun.

" i don't know things just come to me" Seraphina's voice said in a hushed tone, though it likely wouldn't carry like a real voice might. " Its from another world, yes some people become and over powered badass, i became a sword " She continued picking up on flare asking if dinosaurs were extinct which could mean she was another from a different world. Really Seraphina didn't know how common that was, but hey if it happened to her it could happen to anyone. She was of course omitting her rebirth as a person maybe before she was a sword but details.

As Chandra outlined the details for her plans Seraphina did notice she seemed to think she could take 2 people on alone with ease. She must be stronger than she let one, she had mentioned an adventure with the sex bot before this so she might be much more experienced than Seraphina assumed. Well she had assumed everyone including herself was green so that was on her. Well that honestly was good for them having someone skilled around was good. the fire thing was neat, but a fire might hurt others they might save or worse the cargo. Well hey nothing risked nothing gained.

" i say we burn them our, it might leave stuff a little burned but it will be fine " That was her vote cast if they were voting.
(cant do much on mobile rn, posting too hard on mobile)


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Karcen Karcen Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Develius Develius

Over the matter of Chandra commenting on her becoming cooler, Viokii simply looked to the woman and gave a small nod.
"If that is what you believe then it is appreciated, I aim to serve and please users as need be to complete given goals and provide satisfaction" she answered as she moved on her attention to the next matter that needed to be dealt with.

Viokii looked to the encampment ahead and considered possibilities of plans that would prove most successful. In her eyes, their party composition didn't feel overly practical for this mission though after witnessing Chandra's abilities in different instances the construct did likely believe that Chandra could probably handle the entire camp and task at hand by themselves if need be. Contemplating what course of action to suggest, she overheard about the usage of fire and shook her head as she turned to the two who had suggested and agreed with said idea.

"Starting a fire would prove most impractical. It would damage and destroy stolen supplies within the camp, rendering them unrecoverable. It would place hostages, unnecessary casualties as well as eachother in danger for no necessary reason. Plus, we ourselves are not equipped to deal with a fire outbreak. The camp appears to have a major composition of flammable material, I.E the wooden walls, of which we are not prepared for a forest fire outbreak of which may be highly likely to spread due to uncontained circumstances. As Seira suggested, utilising our strengths individually while in a cooperative manner would seem most efficient" Viokii spoke very wordily with a lot of words, looking to the camp for a moment before to the group.

"Mistress Chandra should be able to sneak around a different route to flank the camp from another position, and begin to eliminate problematic targets just before Flare approaches from the front as to keep them distracted from finding out from Chandra's surprise attack. Seira shall be able to stay in waiting from a different place near to Flare in order to surprise melee combatants who aim to combat Flare, whilst I can relocate to keep an eye on both sides in the conflict and apply covert covering fire to where assistance may be required and if ranged-weapon wielders make an appearance. Although, I'd hope Chandra would be able to quickly move and eliminate those if they made an appearance since they likely would not be prepared for your attack on them" Viokii put out in suggestion, not really having anything to say about Seraphina in the plan because... well, there wasn't really much they could figure to say about a sword in a strategy likely other than 'don't break'.

"Then again, the plan is open to input and this is simply my deduced strategy that would appear to prove effective. I am simply here to suggest and support to the matter at hand".​
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Seira kept her hand on her blade's grip as the group moved through the forest. With trees and vegetation limiting field of view, there was no telling when one of those bandits would jump out from the woodwork to create another blood bath, and she he had no plans of becoming a pool of blood today.

"They must have been here for a while if they had time to set up walls." Seira whispered as they came into sight of the bandit camp as the group began discussing their assault plan. "If you're confident enough in your abilities to do that without becoming a corpse and leaving the rest of us hanging out to meet the same fate." She would respond to Chandra volunteering herself to sneak into the camp. "Sounds like that could be a solid play through, if we put off a large enough of a distraction and not get overwhelmed ourselves while you work your magic that is."

"Yea, I don't think going scorched earth in the middle of a wooded forest is exactly a great idea, unless you all want to play firefighter after this.” Although it would admittedly satisfy a primal urge for destruction watching the entire forest burn to the ground, being on the run for mass arson is something Seira didn't exactly want to be doing especially after the amount of time she's spent on the run in the empire. As for Viokii's suggestion "I think that having Chandra sneak into the camp while Flare creates a distraction and setting up a surprise attack from us is also the way to go. She could take out a few baddies inside before they rush out here to join the fight, and once we finish up out here we can join the fight inside the camp. Just hope we can wrap up the fighting quick."


| Maxxob Maxxob [Guiseppe & Coachman] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Everyone seemed to be in agreement with staying together. Good. At least Flare could have solstice in that fact... at least for now anyways. Listening to Seranphina's request to utilize her projection abilities to scout ahead, the armored figure nodded in approval. Anything that can let them see ahead while also remaining together was fine in their book, so long as it gave them the advantage over them. Though admittedly there was some confusion about what she meant regarding "slasher" rules. Yeah what was that exactly? Sounded oddly familiar but they couldn't quite figure out where they heard that term before.

As they began trudging through the forest, Seira asked how well Flare could hide with their big honkin armor. The fire elemental gave a thumbs up. "Oh yeah, totally." they confidently replied, as the blazing inferno within them began to dull significantly to something akin to lantern light, "I may be big and bright, but I can take it down a notch easy. No sweat." As for the plan suggested, Flare couldn't help but feel a weird sense of deja vu wash over them. And not necessarily the good kind. Once again, they would be in the center of the action as the others initiate an ambush while the enemy was distracted; just like the situation with the goblins. Only this time, it was actually being planned and not a complete chaotic coincidence. Though admittedly it sounded like it made the most sense.

After all, Flare was considered the "tank" of the group, so it fit.

"I mean, if ya'll really want me to," Flare replied, putting their hand into it, "I'm up for burning some more shit. Not like this would be my first time being front and center..."

Though as the elemental raised a finger to give their thoughts, Chandra would second that notion, as would Seranphina. Viokii recommended against it, given the risk of a rampant forest fire that could damage supplies and hostages. This was a fair point, as they couldn't afford to cause extra collateral damage. However, given they were 'playing with fire', perhaps the Elemental could control the spread of the flame? Maybe not completely (definitely not completely actually) but enough to channel it to specific areas... perhaps even absorb said fire into their system too? It was an interesting idea and something Flare could totally see themselves doing.

But could they pull it off despite still harnessing their true potential? That was the question. And in hindsight, maybe the 'mass arson' idea should be tested another time.

It wouldn't be long until they finally reached the camp where they'd get a better grip on what they were dealing with. Once again, they began formulating a plan; one where'd they'll divide and conquer on a more individual level. It was much like what they've discussed before frankly; with Chandra sneaking into the camp to take out some guards, while Flare - and by extension Seranphina - provided a distraction for Seira and Viokii to help set up a surprise attack. They nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan." Flare replied confidentally, "Just say the word and uh... I'll make some sorta distraction."

The fire elemental then looked at Seranphina's blade. "You wanna help with that too?" they asked, given they're currently wielding her, "You said you have access to like projection magic, I'm sure you can conjure up some visions or something, right?"
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

As the group remained hidden behind the thick bushes, their eyes peering cautiously through the small gaps in the foliage, the forest seemed to hold its breath. The distant calls of birds had faded, leaving only the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. The cool air, carrying the scent of damp earth and the distant aroma of roasting meat, filled their lungs as they considered their options.

The camp ahead remained relatively quiet, the flickering campfire casting a warm glow against the crude wooden walls. The two guards, still engaged in their conversation, appeared relaxed, their laughter breaking the silence of the otherwise still forest. Every now and then, one of them would glance towards the camp entrance, but their vigilance seemed to be dulled by the apparent safety of their stronghold.

A few beams of sunlight pierced through the thick canopy above, creating dappled patterns on the forest floor. The shifting shadows danced across the group’s faces as they huddled close, whispering their strategies to one another. Each member of the party contributed their thoughts, weighing the risks and benefits of various approaches. Some suggested a stealthy infiltration, while others favored a more direct confrontation, possibly causing a forest fire to break out.

As the discussions continued, time seemed to slow. The distant sound of the crackling fire reached their ears, accompanied by the low murmur of voices from within the camp. Occasionally, the clinking of armor or the faint snort of a horse would interrupt their conversation, reminding them of the dangers that lay just beyond their hiding spot.

Despite the tension in the air, the group couldn’t ignore the feeling of anticipation that hung over them. They knew that the next move would be critical, and the weight of their decision pressed heavily on their minds. Each possibility they discussed seemed to lead to a different outcome, and the uncertainty of what awaited them inside the camp only added to their hesitation.

The minutes stretched on, filled with cautious glances, whispered words, and the quiet rustling of gear being adjusted. The bandits at the camp entrance continued their banter, oblivious to the imminent threat lurking just beyond the tree line. Meanwhile, the group’s focus sharpened, their resolve gradually solidifying as they prepared to make their move.

For now, the forest held its peace, but the tension was palpable, like the calm before a storm. The adventurers knew that once they committed to a plan, there would be no turning back. Until then, the discussion continued, each word spoken a step closer to the inevitable clash that awaited them.

It looked like burning everything was off the table sadly. Well maybe next time she would get to see the burn. She would need to get fiddle if that happened. No wait she couldn't even play a fiddle darn sword body. Chandra and voikii seemed to think they had it and if they did well why not let them do what they wanted and do as they suggested. Seraphina might find it hard not to want to mess with the machine, but she could at least take her seriously.

" Yeah if you have a specific idea let me know my range is limited but two of you running and fighting might really scare them " the word fighting had a special emphasis on it as it would just be an illusion. " just don't expect it to trick them forever its rather low rank "
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She was pretty eager to start burning stuff, after Seranphina agreed, but the others seemed to disagree. As for the other bit of what she'd said. “Perhaps you'll be able to learn transformation magic in the future and take on another form.” She offered, hoping to suggest something of use to the sword as she could imagine it wasn't a pleasant form of existence otherwise.

Viokii seemed as tough to crack as always, not seeming to be programmed to really take a compliment. “You're welcome dear~” She'd reply to Viokii regardless, hoping that she'd eventually break through those construct patterns a bit more. “Hmmm. Right, it'd all depend on how well Flare could control it.” She admitted, having perhaps overestimated Flare's fire abilities a bit too much and assumed it wouldn't spread if they controlled it. It seemed they'd go with the plan of her sneaking around to find a back-door to enter from. “Right, I'll soon be on my way then, if we all agree.” She looked to Flare. “Make sure to be loud or flashy enough, I'll get my attacks going the moment I hear you or the moment I hear or see fire.”

She had to suppress a chuckle when told not to become a corpse. Little did Seira know she was already past that point. “No worries, it'll be alright.” She instead promised. “In the worst case, I might need someone to come help free that hostage. Otherwise, I'm confident I can handle whatever is in there.” She

With Flare agreeing to the plan, she'd nod. All pieces were in place, now it was just a matter of executing them. “Well, good luck, see you all in a bit~” She stated, as she'd [Stealth D] away, hoping that would be enough to hide from whatever bandits were out there, especially keeping her distance and not having been seen before.

Considering she had no clue what to expect on the other side, she decided to play it safe and go past the left side, as it was easier to stay out of sight of those she already had vision on. Taking the long way around (X15 – X1 or further, then northwards) she'd rather take a little longer than go closer than needed. So long as she could see them in the distance without them seeing her, it'd be fine.


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Flare nodded at Seraphina, understanding what they were dealing with. She wasn't going to be anything too fancy; just an illusionary trick to give off a bit of additional... flare to the move. They had an idea brewing... though they weren't sure if they could pull it off. Regardless, Chandra would be on her way to scout from behind enemy lines, telling Flare to make her distraction flashy enough from the front as to cover her sneak attack. "Loud and flashy..." the fire elemental stated, as a snarky grin formed underneath their helmet, "I can do that, no problemo."

Looking back at their living blade, Flare would quickly ask Sera for a request before stepping out. "Alright, how about this," they said lowly with an eagerness in their tone, "Can you make me look a bit more... bigger or intimidating? if ya can, of course. Just to throw em off a bit, I think it'll be funny." They'd finish with a cheeky wink. Believing they were in on the plan, Flare confirmed their readiness and emerged from the bush. They stepped forth towards the entrance, with Seraphina presumably helping them out, as their body began to vent and steam with an onslaught of thick smoke.

Flare's Fiery Aura [Feature: Cosmetic] began to engulf their form, which while acting as a harmless cosmetic effect, would be exaggerated to the point of it looking more than real. Adding to it, the fire elemental would try to emit enough heat to sell the illusion, yet not to catch things ablaze. Wielding the greatsword over their shoulder, they hoped it would look was as if a God of flame was knocking on the camp's doorstep. Gripping the hilt of Sera's great sword, as the blade perched upon their shoulder, they'd stop just short of the main entrance as they glared upon the poor saps waiting for them.

"LOATHSOME INTRUDERS!" Flare boomed as they swung around Sera's great sword around in a means to intimidate their newfound victims before pointing it at them, "YOUR PRESENCE OFFENDS THE GREAT SPIRITS OF THIS FOREST! LEAVE THESE HOLY GROUNDS AT ONCE OR SEE YOURSELVES BURN TO ASH AND CINDERS!" While admittedly a bit clunky and slightly awkward in their execution, Flare believed they would at least sell the illusion of a capable sword fighter and a more than intimidating presence overall.

  1. Walk to front of camp; with Seraphina in on plan to make them look more intimidating.
  2. With Sera's help, exaggerates Fiery Aura [Feature: Cosmetic] to make themself look bigger/scarier.
  3. Swings Greatsword around to intimidate bandits.

" I'll see what I can do Seraphina said her ghostly form vanishing as sge undid the spell.

The projection ability was a combination of sevral namely the illusion skill and while it was meant to project herself she in theory could project others. It was a matter of the mind and while it was only rank F she didn't need to make it very convincing. The easiest thing in her mind to make was a bigger flare.

With the idea in her mind settled abd the image on her mind seraphina cast the spell as flare gushed out steam and fire [ projection group ] to make flare seemed to grow enhancingher size from a large walking oven to one that would tower over the bandits. That should be scary enough.


Cast projectction group to make flare seem larger.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Seira saw off Chandra with a silent nod of the head. "Put on a show, big fella." She said to Flare before they exited their hiding spot to do their thing. Now, while Flare was out there entertaining those bandits and Chandra behind their lines, it was time for Seira herself to get into position for the real show. Under the cover of their resident fire giant making some noise, Seira made her way to the left just as Chandra had, laying low and staying behind the foliage of the forest for cover.

Her grasp on her sword's grip remained tight, ready to draw at any moment, as she made her way to a suitable spot to rush out from when the moment was right, her goal being between the two large patches of foliage to the left of the camp's entrance (N6 - P6).

  • Sneak to N6 to prepare for ambush
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

The dense foliage of the forest rustled gently as Chandra moved with feline grace, her every step carefully measured to avoid detection. The muted sound of her boots on the forest floor was drowned out by the distant chatter of birds and the occasional crack of a twig underfoot. She had expertly circled around the camp, taking advantage of the natural cover provided by the trees and underbrush. With a final, silent leap, she slipped past the camp's rear entrance, finding herself hidden in the shadow which was cast by a tent.

From this vantage point, Chandra could now clearly see the layout inside the camp. Peering through a small gap in the canvas of the tent, she spotted several bandits scattered around. One stood at the ready with a menacing blade at I10, his posture casual yet alert. Further in, another bandit at G13 leaned against what appeared to be a cutting table, absently twirling a dagger in his hand. At G18, a third bandit sharpened his sword, the rhythmic scraping of metal on stone adding to the tension in the air. Near the front entrance of the camp at I18, a bandit with a crossbow scanned the surroundings, the weapon ready to be raised at a moment’s notice.

Chandra's gaze flicked towards the horse tethered next to a rickety wagon, its reins tied loosely to a nearby post. Just to her side, the fabric of the tent rustled slightly in the wind, and she could hear the faintest hint of movement inside. Someone was stirring, reacting to the growing commotion outside.

Meanwhile, Seira had stealthily positioned herself at N6, her form pressed against the rough bark of a towering tree. Her eyes narrowed as she gauged the distance between herself and the bandit who had suddenly bolted from the camp’s entrance. The woman’s hurried steps towards L1 betrayed her fear, her face pale and her breaths quickened. Seira's muscles tensed, ready to spring the moment the bandit came within reach. The element of surprise was on her side, and the bandit’s retreat would be short-lived if Seira chose to intercept her.

Not far from the camp, Flare, the fire elemental, advanced towards O13, her fiery aura pulsating with intensity. The flames that licked around her form seemed to swell as Seraphina, the sentient greatsword she wielded, cast an imposing projection. The sight of the towering inferno was enough to send a jolt of terror through the two bandits guarding the entrance. The woman at L11, her eyes wide with fear, turned and fled without a second thought, her boots kicking up dirt as she raced towards L1. The male bandit at L12, his bravado shattered, darted back into the camp, his panicked shout cutting through the air.

“W-what the hell is that?!” he stammered as he skidded to a halt inside the camp, his voice trembling as he struggled to find his breath. Two bandits, who had been lounging near the center of the camp, straightened up at his approach, their brows furrowed in confusion. They would approach their panicked comrade.

“Why the hell aren’t you guarding the entrance?” one of them barked, his tone sharp with irritation. But the crossbow-wielding bandit could only manage a few garbled words, his mouth dry as he tried to explain the terrifying sight that had sent him running. His fear was palpable, the words tumbling out in fragments, “F-fire… m-monster… it’s huge…”

Chandra, still hidden near the tent, tensed as she heard the distinct sound of someone moving inside. The shuffle of boots on the canvas floor was followed by a gruff voice, tinged with impatience and frustration. “What the hell is going on out there?” the voice demanded, the same grizzly tone that had earlier barked orders at the captive. The speaker, clearly a figure of authority among the bandits, was now roused by the commotion, and the agitation in his voice was unmistakable.

The atmosphere in the camp was rapidly shifting from one of lazy confidence to tense unease. The bandits, previously relaxed in their positions, now exchanged uncertain glances, their attention divided between trying to peer outside the camp, towards whatever menace had frightened one of their comrades so much, and the chaos beginning to brew within their ranks. The moment of action was drawing near, and the adventurers could feel the tension coiling like a spring, ready to snap at any second.

The forest 2-1.png

Chandra: D 0/2
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

Kalina was absolutely baffled by how easy it was to avoid detection and get behind enemy lines. Even more so by the fact that they hadn't even guarded the back entrance to their camp. Just how overly confident or foolish were these bandits? None of the bandits she could see from here looked particularly dangerous, interesting or, well, tasty. Even so, her [Critical] nature took over for a bit. Things were being too easy. It's a good thing they had a distraction coming up, as that might reveal a tad more about what they were gonna face and hopefully make them spoil more of the tricks they might have up their sleeves for being this confident and/or careless.

To her surprise, she could hear someone that sounded like a leader from up close. Very close. That meant that should could get in the perfect surprise attack. Using [Precision Strike E] she'd pierce through the tent's canvas and aim directly at the sound of the voice. That should hopefully hit the leader without him having a single clue as to what was even coming. With a surprise element like that, even a weaker attack might be enough.

Precision Strike E: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] E, Accurate E, Penetrating E, Range E, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] E, Contagion E. Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring 2 grades of speed, 2 grades of armour, reaching 30ft (9m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 2 posts and spreading to up to 2 others. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

She did make sure to leave out the [Contagious] elements of her attack, as she feared whomever they'd held captive might otherwise get infect as well.

That said, there was another juicy target right now. From her range, she'd use [Precision Strike C] on the one with the crossbow (I 12), hoping for the attack to also spread to the two directly besides (I 10 / H 12). Yet she'd not end it there.

Precision Strike C: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] C, Accurate C, Penetrating C, Range C, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] C, Contagion C. Character attacks with their fighting style, ignoring 4 grades of speed, 4 grades of armour, reaching 1000ft (304m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 4 posts and spreading to up to 4 others. - Grade C – 3 Post Cooldown

Perhaps it was her monstrous side, but she couldn't help chuckle a bit at how easily she'd gotten in and gotten to attack them with the surprise element. “You should really get your guards up better! If you all surrender now, perhaps I'll be a nice girl and spare you so can learn from your mistakes, rather than die because of them!” (Roguish Charm F)

Roguish Charm: – Deception F, Persuasion F, Seduction F, Disguise F – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

She was actually going to be okay with sparing them should they surrender, for that matter. The actual lie in that statement? She wasn't a nice girl. She was always naughty.

1 - [Precision Strike E] – through canvas against presumed leader
2 - [Precision Strike C] – at the bandit at I 12 and the two nearby
3 - [Roguish Charm F] – at anyone listening

C 0/3
D 0/2
E 0/1
F 0/0

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