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Finished [Ryken - Ryke] Those damned bandits!



Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Viokii, having missed her chance to do something, saw that there wasn't much she could help with or do to help the situation seeing as the others already had it handled and dealt with. She opted to just use her flight to find a better and higher vantage point and continue getting closer as she let the others handle it seeing as she had missed her opportune moment, now that whatever remaining visible at the moment was pretty much left to the others and out of her capability to assist.

1. Flight (F) to move closer on a higher vantage point
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

Seira stilled her breathing as she hid herself against a tree, her grip on her sword tightening as she waited to see if Flare's little show would bear fruit. And as it turns out, she didn't have to wait long to see the results for herself, the swordswoman standing watch at the entrance to the camp running towards her, an obvious look of fear on her face. She almost felt bad for the poor girl. Almost. Those in the business of robbing and murdering others should expect to meet a similarly bloody end that they have delivered upon countless others in their lives. It's like an unspoken contract of the universe that those filthy heathens meet their end this way. All Seira had to do now was fulfil that part of the contract.

As soon as the bandit was close enough for Seira to dash towards her and slice her down, she burst forth from behind the tree without hesitation, unsheathing her blade in a smooth motion and making a horizontal slash targeted at the bandit's neck and upper body.

  • Dash out towards the fleeing bandit to get within sword range
  • Attack the bandit at L6 using [Justice] - Accurate F
    • Seira quickly brings her sword to strike her foe, intent on striking any holes in her foe's defenses and bringing a swift end to the poor soul
    • Grade F - 0 post cooldown, 1 action cost, 5ft range
  • Grade F abilities: 0/0


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Seeing the puny bandits cowering in fear had Flare feeling like they were truly an unstoppable menace; a far cry from how they felt with their antics against the dastardly goblins. This again was no doubt thanks to the help of Seraphina heightening their mild-facade... yet still they had to be cautious not to get too overconfident. Seeing the bandit leader approaching them, asking about what all the commotion was about, the looming Flare glared at this hotshot as flames continued rupturing from their head. Instead of fear, the fire elemental would grin quite devilishly if anyone were to look closely between the grated helmet.

"And just WHAT in the hells is going on IN HERE?" Flare boomed back rhetorically, pointing Sera's blade directly at him with one arm to keep up the act, "You lot enter our sacred territory uninvited! By orders of the great ones protecting these sacred woods, you are to leave immediately post-haste or you shall all taste our fury through fire and flame!"

Just then, they'd notice Chandra striking at the bandits from behind, mocking them and demanding that they surrender or face the very consequences Flare announced. The fire elemental would slowly continue their advance in an ominous manner, each foot crumbling against branches and leaves snapping underfoot. "You would be wise to heed our warnings!" Flare continued with a scowl. Their free hand would soon begin producing a ball of real flame, swirling around in a mesmerizing fury of fiery vengeance, as they raised it towards the group. "Choose your next actions carefully, MORTALS."

  1. Continue walking towards the camp entrance; stopping at (L,14)
  2. Preparing [Fireball E]; pointing at Bandit leader.
  3. -

That had worked, wow illusion f really was more useful than Seraphina had expected, really when it had been understood that the illusion was easy see through and yet no one had thus far seen through them. The group had thought her some soul and now the bandits thought Flare was much bigger and more fearsome than she was. Though a large suit of armor with fire inside would be scary even if they weren't towering over everyone. It would be nice to have more she could do, but illusions were about all she could do minus being an actual sword. Seraphia being able to honestly relax not scared about being targeted or hurt, at least until spells got involved, she could think calmly about her actions like few others could in combat. Well she would just have to keep going with what she had, though given she spoke through illusions she was silent in Flare's hands until the changed the illusion. For now Seraphina would just alter the illusion of [ Projection F ] to make the flames around Flare grow darker, not weaker but darker. The yellow started to diminish and be replaced with a red, the light no longer a yellow tint that fell on others but a bloody red as the tips seemed almost to be made of a black fire. That was scary for sure a bloody hellish flame made by a massive suit of fire and steel.
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Seira’s eyes narrowed as she observed the fleeing bandit, her target’s fear palpable in every desperate step. With a burst of speed, she sprang out from behind the tree, her blade gleaming as it arced through the air. The bandit barely had time to gasp before Seira's sword struck with precision, slicing through the bandit’s defenses like a hot knife through butter. The blade found its mark in the neck and upper body, cutting through flesh and bone with practiced ease. The bandit crumpled to the ground, the life extinguished from her eyes before she even hit the forest floor. Seira’s strike was swift, clean, and fatal, leaving no room for error or mercy.

Meanwhile, Chandra had her sights set on the Bandit Captain. With deadly accuracy, she attempted a [Precision Strike] through the tent’s fabric, but the attack was met with a loud, metallic clunk. The sound reverberated through the tent, a clear indication that the leader of this ragtag band was more prepared than his subordinates. Undeterred, Chandra swiftly redirected her focus to the crossbow-wielding bandit at I12. Her next strike was as precise as it was lethal, piercing through the air with an eerie silence. The bandit had no chance to react as Chandra’s attack tore through his defenses, the impact sending him sprawling to the ground, lifeless.

As the crossbowman’s body hit the dirt, the other two bandits nearby—at H12 and I11—were caught off guard. "Oy, what ha—?!" one of them began to shout, but the words died in his throat as he coughed up blood. The Vampiric Infection spread through them with terrifying efficiency, their skin paling as the contagion worked its dark magic. Their eyes widened in shock and horror as they felt the life drain from their bodies, the infection beginning to claim them just as it had their fallen comrade.

At that moment, the tent flap was thrown open, and the Bandit Captain emerged, his presence commanding and his armor of noticeably better quality than the rest. He carried a sword and a dagger, both of which gleamed menacingly against the sunlight. His steps halted as he caught sight of the carnage and heard Chandra's calm yet firm offer of safety to those who would surrender. Meanwhile, Flare, standing tall with her fiery aura intensified by Seraphina’s illusion, appeared as a towering figure of dark flames, her presence a beacon of intimidation.

The combined effect of Chandra’s words and Flare’s overwhelming presence proved too much for some of the bandits. The man at H12 dropped his weapon, his hands trembling as he stepped back, raising them in a gesture of surrender. The woman at I11 hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting between the looming threat of Flare and the bloodied ground beneath her feet, before she too threw down her weapon, her shoulders slumping in defeat. The bandit at F10, however, took it a step further, dropping his sword with a clatter before ducking into the carriage at E10, seeking any form of cover he could find.

But the Bandit Captain, his face twisted in rage, was having none of it. "Some disciplinary action will be dealt with after this is over!" he snarled, his voice a mixture of fury and frustration, "The rest of you, stop standing around with your dicks on your hands!". His eyes locked onto Chandra, and he pointed his dagger at her with a menacing gleam. "I will gut ya like a fish!" he roared before charging at her with reckless abandon. His movements were wild yet practiced, as he slashed at her with both his sword and dagger in tandem, spinning like a whirlwind of blades in a flurry of attacks.

At the same time, the bandit at G18 advanced towards Flare, her eyes narrowing in determination. She closed the distance, stopping at K14, and with a swift motion, she raised her sword, slashing at Flare in a horizontal arc. The blade met Flare’s fiery armor with a fierce clash, and without hesitation, the bandit followed up with a thrust of her dagger, aiming to pierce through any chinks in the elemental’s defense.

From her position at G10, another bandit, crossbow in hand, aimed at Flare, her fingers steady as she released the bolt. The projectile whistled through the air, hurtling towards Flare with lethal intent. As soon as the bolt was fired, the bandit wasted no time in reloading, pulling back the string to prepare for another shot.

Simultaneously, the bandit at I18 moved swiftly towards F15, his own crossbow raised and aimed at Chandra. His heart pounded in his chest as he fired, hoping to catch the rogue off guard. Like his companion, he immediately began reloading, his hands moving with practiced efficiency despite the growing tension in the camp.

As the battle raged on, there was an unsettling feeling in the air—a sense that unseen eyes were watching, observing every move made by both the adventurers and the bandits. The presence was subtle yet pervasive, adding an extra layer of unease to the chaotic scene. Something or someone was lurking, what it was remained to be seen...

The forest 4-1.png

Chandra: C 0/3, D 1/2, E 0/1


Bandits at L6 and I12 have been defeated.
Bandits at E10, I11 and H12 have surrendered.

Flare is under attack by bandits at K14 and G10.
Chandra is under attack by the Bandit Captain at D17 and the bandit at F15.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet

Seeing as her last attempt to move closer to help or move to a better spot seemed to just not work out, she just tried again to move forward up with everyone else so she was able to do anything.

1. Move forward up with everyone else
Chandra Jarmil

Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She needed to resist the urge to wave at Viokii when seeing her flying upwards. For a short moment, she even wondered if looking upwards at the construct would feel different if she'd wore a skirt, rather than seemingly nothing, but she discarded that thought as something far below her already questionable morality and ethics. Likewise, she was struggling to abstain from complimenting Flare and Seranphina on their acting skills. Those two could join a theatre production straight-up. Perhaps she'd recall to compliment them on all of this once it was done and over.

Sadly enough, her own attempts to engage weren't as fruitful at first. “Darn... tough one.” She muttered, as she heard her attack somehow being blocked. An attack that should've come out of nowhere being blocked like it was nothing? That was a really bad sign. Normally even the strongest foes were to be beaten by a surprise attack, so either he's seen it coming last-moment, or he was stronger than the strongest. “Oi, I might need some help with this one!” She'd all out to her teammates.

That said, she managed to get the other group's numbers thinned out pretty well by her second attack, which was good news. Seeing how her vampiric infection affect them, the monstrous part in her started to revel in their mystery and fear. Yet the Fae part in her worried about her allies. “Steer clear of those ones or it'll spread to you as well!” She warned the others, just in case they wouldn't have gotten the hint otherwise.

As the bandit leader would appear, she realised things were getting a tad more serious. “How charming~” She would reply to his threat to gut her like a fish. That said, she did have a sword and dagger to defend against. Luckily enough, she had saved one of her stronger abilities. Using [Precision Strike-Back B] she would attempt to sent his own attack right back at him, with some extra force and vampiric infection while at it.

Precision Strike-Back B: – Fighting Style [Specialized] [Precision Strikes] B, Deflect B, Accurate B, Penetrating B, Range C, Continuing [Vampiric Infection] B, Contagion B (+Lucky F). Character attacks with their fighting style, deflecting back an enemy attack, ignoring 5 grades of speed, 5 grades of armour, reaching 1000ft (304m), continuing to deal 1 hp damage for 5 posts and spreading to up to 5 others. - Action 1 - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown

Just in case, she'd quickly follow it up with a regular attack. Sadly enough, she had not seen the one at F15 aiming at her. Either she'd be in luck(y F) and her Deflect would also get rid of the bolt, or she'd get herself a new piercing soon enough.

Whilst his cronies surrendered, she chuckled. Now that he had called out for disciplinary action, she had her answer at the ready. “How about you join us in killing your leader and we'll let you leave with any loot that we're not after! Get a bonus, save yourself a swift death by our hands and avoid his disciplinary action!” (Rogush Charm F) That might entice some of them further.

Roguish Charm: – Deception F, Persuasion F, Seduction F, Disguise F – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade F – 0 Post Cooldown

1 – [Precision Strike-Back B] + Lucky F
2 – Combo bonus from regular attack.
3 – Roguish Charm F

B 0/4
C 1/3
D 1/2
E 1/1
F 0/0

Well things were going well enough to seraphina, though she wasn't exactly fighting for her life. The worst that might happen to her is ending up with bandits and if she did then she could just go to sleep until they does or sold her. That situation of course was not ideal as she would rather stay with those she was with now or at least not have to pretend to be an inanimate object again. Though now with flare in close combat the time for tricks of size and flames had passed. It was time for a new trick.

Using [ projection F ] seraphina let going of the old illusion and created a new one. Now she as tge spectral child appeared arms wrapped around female bandits neck even as her dagger sought to hurt flare. This would perhaps cause the bandit at g10 to attack their own ally seeing them now seemingly under attack from a new being.

" Do you feel it "? Setaphina asked using the illusion to manipulate the bandit at h14s sense of hot and cold making them feel like they had plunged into an ice bath " death is coming a death you can't run from then seraphina switched and a false heat consumed the bandit " and I'll drag you down to hell to burn. Give up and live fight and torment awaits " she finished nit sure where she got the ideas of torment and fire and brimstone. It was one of those things that cane to her.


1 new projection F on bandit at H14 to try to get them to give up or distract them.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

As the bandit fell to the ground, it was clear that there was no need for a second slice. From the sounds of shouting and commotion inside the camp, it seemed that her comrades were faring pretty decently as well. If things continued going this smoothly for them, the mercs Guiseppe hired weren't worth their commission fees after all, just as that one thought she had back at his office. If she was going to set up a merc company later down the line after getting herself in line as a sellsword first, this would be a great lesson in watching out for ambushes on the road.

There was little time to mentally criticize those Salamander Brigade guys or wipe off whatever blood splatter happened as a result of her strike as she looked over to the entrance to the camp. She had to admit, it was quite the show Flare and Seranphina were putting on for the bandits, but however good it is it will eventually become less engaging over time, just like any piece of entertainment. Might as well lend a hand in putting a swift end to things before the bandits gather their heads. Sword still drawn, Seira ran over to the camp entrance to help wipe those parasites off the face of this world, keeping her wits about her to be prepared to deflect an incoming attack.

  • Move towards the gate to reinforce Flare
  • Prepare [Retribution] - Accurate F, Deflect F in case a bandit came at her
    • Seira readies herself for an incoming attack, ready to swing her sword to deflect an incoming attack and subsequently performing a quick counterstrike against her enemy, so long as they are in range of her sword
    • Grade F - 0 post cooldown, 1 action cost, 5ft range
  • Grade F: 0/0


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

Flare was pleased to see their bluff working on at least some of the bandits, seeing a few of them lay down their weapons and surrender. They chuckled as they saw one dart for cover, one they couldn't help with the position of power they were currently in. "Wise choice." the elemental boomed pleasingly. Yet the bandit captain, wasn't going to surrender so easily. With rage and venom in his tongue, he demanded his minions to stand a fight while he dealt with Chandra behind him. "NOT so wise of a career choice!" Flare yelled as they prepared to defend, seeing a bandit rush towards them while the armored entity rose the great sword, "Think it's time to change tactics, Sera!"

Their opponent would quickly close the distance, raising her sword to slash at them. Flare felt the sword clang against the OVEN's hard and fiery exterior, though the heavy armor would comfortably hold its own. Still, it caused Flare to hesitate briefly, allowing what looked to be an opening for the bandit to exploit! Yet as she thrust her dagger forth, Sera would intervene as her spectral hands reached out and begun choking the bandit in a frozen embrace. While it caused Flare's illusion to break off, it instead would allow a critical moment for the armored elemental to regain her composure. "Cool save!" Flare called out to Sera pun entirely intended, as they readied to finish the poor bastard off.

But before they could have a chance to finish her off, they felt a sharp jolt lodge itself into their shoulder. "Gurk!" Flare grunted through their metallic visor, as their afflicted shoulder twitched downwards briefly. The crossbow bolt from a distant bandit would just hit, thankfully missing a potential headshot at Flare's grated helmet. Flare wasn't completely sure if it completely pierced through the OVEN's exterior - though it didn't feel like it - but they knew it was definitely going to leave a noticeable dent. They cocked their head where the shot was fired, glaring at the bandit who shot them.

"Oh you cheeky bastard..." Growling away the shocking sensation, the fire elemental's hand raptured with flame. In a swift motion, Flare would launch a fireball towards them with a powerful throw, as they bellowed, "RIGHT BACK AT YA!"

  1. [Block] K14 Bandit's sword strike with [Heavy Armor E] gauntlet.
  2. [Block]/[Reduce Damage] of C10 Bandit's Crossbow Strike; [Vitality D] (3) + [Heavy Armor/Catalyst E] (2) = 5 Pt Degree
  3. Launches [Fireball E] at C10 Bandit.
Fireball E - [Magic E, Range E, Continuing E, Fire Blight F, Selective F] - +1 Cooldown - Flare can lob a fireball from their hands up to 100 feet away towards a single target of their choice, dealing fire blight damage.

Last edited:
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

Chandra's eyes narrowed as the Bandit Captain charged her with reckless fury. His twin blades moved in a flurry, but Chandra remained unfazed. With a calculated move, she executed her [Precision Strike-Back B], her blade deflecting his wild slashes effortlessly. The Captain’s attacks, though fueled by raw strength, lacked the finesse and precision that Chandra possessed. With a sharp twist of her wrist, she redirected his momentum, sending him stumbling forward. Seizing the opportunity, Chandra struck with deadly accuracy, her blade cutting through his defenses and plunging deep into his side. The Captain grunted in pain, his eyes wide with shock as he fell into a pool of his own blood, his body twitching before going still.

Nearby, the bandits at I11 and H12, who had earlier surrendered under the weight of Chandra and Flare’s combined intimidation, began to move hesitantly. However, as they took their first steps, the lingering effects of the [Vampiric Infection] coursed through their bodies once more. They cried out in agony, their legs giving out as the infection intensified, pinning them to the ground. Their faces contorted in pain as they clutched at their wounds, the dark magic sapping their strength and leaving them helpless.

At the same moment, the crossbowman at F15 fired his bolt, aiming squarely at Chandra. But luck was on her side; the bolt swerved slightly off its intended path, thanks to her [Lucky F] ability. Instead of piercing her core, the projectile grazed her shoulder, leaving a minor cut in her armor [1 damage to armor]. The bandit quickly reloaded his crossbow, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to fire another shot in her direction.

Meanwhile, the bandit at K14 was caught off guard by Seraphina's [Projection F]. The chilling sensation sent a shiver down her spine, followed by an intense heat that caused her to falter. Seraphina's ominous words echoed in her mind, shaking her resolve. Her dagger, intended for the illusory figure's neck, instead sliced through empty air as she swung wildly at the ghostly image. Panic gripped her as she realized her strike had found no purchase, the illusion playing tricks on her senses.

However, her sword still moved toward Flare with unwavering intent. The fire elemental was ready, catching the blade with her gauntleted hand, the metal clashing with a resonant clang. Neither the bandit's sword nor Flare’s armor sustained any damage, the elemental’s fiery defense holding strong. The bolt from the crossbowman streaked through the air. Flare braced herself, and while the bolt managed to dent her armor slightly, the damage was minimal [1 damage to armor], barely scratching the surface of the metallic protection.

As the crossbowman readied herself for another shot, she noticed her ally at K14 struggling with the 'ghost', stabbing at thin air. Noticing that and changing targets, the crossbowman focused back on Flare. But before she could release the trigger, Flare launched a [Fireball E] (Unless using Flux/Meta Magic, Magic E allows up to Range F)—a blazing orb of searing heat that streaked across the battlefield with deadly precision. The fireball struck the crossbowman head-on, engulfing her in flames. She let out a blood-curdling scream as the fire blight took hold, her body writhing in agony as the flames consumed her. In moments, she collapsed to the ground, her body reduced to a smoldering husk.

Now, only two bandits remained standing in the face of the adventurers' relentless assault. The bandit at K14, her composure shattered, found herself cornered. Ignoring the illusion that clung to her, she swung her sword in a wide arc, desperation fueling her attacks. The blade whistled through the air, aimed at both Seira and Flare. But Seira was ready, having prepared her [Retribution]. With a swift and precise motion, she intercepted the incoming strike, deflecting the bandit’s sword with her own. The force of Seira’s counterattack caused the bandit’s blade to chink, the edge slightly damaged by the impact. The bandit stumbled back, her confidence eroded and her weapon compromised.

The adventurers had the clear advantage, their coordinated assault driving the bandits into a corner. Yet, the unsettling feeling of an unseen gaze lingered, its presence a silent observer of the carnage unfolding below. Whatever or whoever was watching, it had yet to reveal its true intent, leaving the adventurers to wonder what other dangers might lurk in the shadows.


Chandra: C 1/3, B 0/4
Flare: E 0/1


Bandits at L6, G10 and I12 have been defeated.
Bandit Captain at D17 has been defeated.
Bandits at E10, I11 and H12 have surrendered.
Bandits at I11 and H12 are taking damage.
Chandra and Flare takes 1 damage to armor.
Chandra is being attacked by the bandit at F15.
Chandra Jarmil

Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

“Pfew...” She sighed, upon seeing the captain drop dead. She honestly wasn't sure if she'd 'got this' or not for a moment there. Dude being a fair bit stronger than expected, yet luckily not strong enough to best her. That said, after such a tense moment, the scent of fresh blood filling her nostrils made her struggle to abstain from licking her lips.

She clicker her tongue as her armour get damaged. Sophia was rather busy these days, so she wasn't sure how quickly the girl would be able to repair that. “And here you might've been the only one to walk away without a hit...” Actually, a more fun idea emerged. Perhaps she wouldn't have to kill even more just yet. She would quickly cover the distance between herself and the bandit at F15 and attack not the bandit, but his crossbow. Being agile, she made it in a single fluent movement.

Agile - Strikers can combine one attack action (which may be an offensive ability worth 1 action or a basic attack) with one movement action (which may be 1 movement ability worth 1 action or a basic movement) without expending additional action economy once per round as long as they are wearing light armour and wielding a one handed weapon (natural weapons accepted).

Upon being in range, she'd attempt to disarm the opponent or break the crossbow, following it up with another normal attack against the weapon. Once that was done, she'd lean in. “Are you sure you want to die like this? I've already killed your boss. Most of your allies are dead or dying. I'm giving you one more chance to surrender nicely and make it out alive. Just because I'm that generous.” She'd tell him with some [Roguish Charm E].

Roguish Charm: – Deception E, Persuasion E, Seduction E, Disguise E – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade E – 1 Post Cooldown

There was another concern. “The man you'd captured to unlock the chest. Where is he?!?” She'd call out. She was sure to have heard his voice when going around the camp. “Also, how in the world did you manage to take down trained mercenaries when you're this pathetic?” She asked, figuring she might as well try to see if she'd get an answer.

Looking up to Viokii, she figured she'd ask the lovely VeeVee's aid as well. “Hey Vee, can you quickly look around from up there? Check the camp itself and maybe sent out your bots to scout the area around it? Something isn't adding up here.” She'd ask Viokii.

As she was talking, she was still doing her utmost to suppress her stomach from growling at the scent of so much fresh blood. The fact it was plain human, non-Fae and non-magic, at least made it relatively easy. That was often the most plain tasting stuff.

1 – Move + Attack the weapon.
2 – Attack the weapon.
3 – Roguish Charm E

B 1/4
C 2/3
D 2/2
E 0/1
F 0/0

Mixed results was the best description fir how seraphina saw how the bandit reacted to her. Though in truth the only best results would have been them giving up. Killing didn't or shouldn't bug seraphina she was a sword a tool made to kill, but still she didn't yet want to push for it. The question was why did she care about if people gave up or had to be cut down? This world was violent, it always had been why else would so many be fed to forges? She should not care of bandit scum were killed and yet something in the back of her mind wormed it's way up to say killing them was bad. Was this some vestige of the world before? Was that place do peaceful people didn't kill killers? No,that couldn't be if it was then why did she feel her death wasn't of growing old or sick? It much be some idea of the law or laws or childish aversion to dearh that she would be better off without. She was a sword and swords killed,they killed beast, they killed monster, they killed man, that was what a sword was for.

The battle of course continued as seraphina had her little fit about killing and flares suit had been damaged though the elemental within seemed fine. The other construct seemed less useful than seraphina had expected given Chandra was a beast and the two were close so seraphina kind of expected them to match. Maybe viokii needed more time? Though if she took anymore the bandits woukd all be dead. Maybe she knew how powerful Chandra was and had calculated she should only intervine if others needed help. That would make the pair close to babysitters. It made enough sense .

As fir the bandit, who was now outnumbered and off balance, well serphina wanted to try something. The projection was still in play and had plenty of time left and she coukd control its form a bit more than she had thought when she first woke up. She coukd use that here to perhaps see what one might see inside her.

Seraphina the girl vanished and around the bandits head appeared a block box. The question was could they see through her from inside. If they could seraphina assumed they would just keep going and if not she would try to move.

" I can't wait to eat that soul of yours if you don't give up " seraphina giggled it was a complete lie but hey she wasn't going to lose anything by trying.


1 change projection from ghost girl to black box on bandits head.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet
Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

Having felt rather unfunctional and unable to move or do anything to help for a while, Viokii could already tell that her assistance clearly hadn't been required in any way and that she may have just been better off leaving Chandra to handle the entire thing on her own despite having been invited. She could've perhaps at least used her time better spent somewhere else. She might as well try to go ahead and clean up with whoever else was remaining. Noticing one sword-wielder still remaining in front of Flare, she supposed she might as well put a quick and simple end to them so there was no chance they could inflict any more pain with their dying breath. Plus, it'd just get them out of the way in case they were on some sort of non-existent timer they weren't aware of for how much time they'd have to find their stolen cargo.

After that shot would be fired and done with, she'd turn her attention to Chandra's request to investigate and search the camp and area. Whilst it felt like her time could've been spent elsewhere instead of this mission gathering info that could pertain useful to her own investigation, she only supposed that she might as well try to help in the few opportunities she could seeing as the rest of those present could handle it. Truly, it felt like a rather lackluster task that it didn't feel like it made sense how nobody else had stopped them at this point.

"Yes, mistress Jarmil... " she briefly nodded, spawning a collection of five miniature droids to order them to search out the camp and area of anything of interest and out of the ordinary. Meanwhile, she'd use her built-in thrusters to take a look at the camp from above to take note of anything that stood out as something they should investigate. Reconnaissance work wasn't much, but it was at least something to do.

1. Fire upon the Bandit in front of Flare in K14.
No-Scope - Steady Hands (E), Fighting Style [Sniping Montage Datafiles](E), Quickscope(F)(Accurate), Snipe(E)(Range), Energized (E) - Viokii saves time and takes a fast shot by hipfiring, or through quickscoping, an enemy in close quarters - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Send Miniature bots to search and investigate the area.
Command Unit - Minions (F)(Minibots), Steady Hands (F), Leadership (F), Energized (F), Investigation (F) - Viokii spawns (or continues to maintain the existence of) up to five 'Minibots' (Character-controlled) that follow and perform simple commands.
3. Fly up in order to investigate the area herself.
Flight (F) + Energized + (F) + Investigation (F) + Appraisal (F)


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

"HA!" the fire elemental chuckled, as they watched their fireball scorch the bandit to ash. With the annoying crossbowman now out of the fight, Flare continued focusing ahead of them; now not having to worry about being peppered by bolts or other annoying projectiles. The path into the camp was essentially wide open. But first, they found their head swiveling towards Seraphina, who was still wrangling with her opponent's mind in forcing her to submit. The bandit was not having a good time, putting up quite the struggle against her fighting spirit. "Finish her off quickly!" Flare called with casual urgency in their tone, "I doubt they're going to be much of a problem now at this-"

Suddenly, the fire elemental would see the bandit's mind break in real time. Her desperation for survival and glory had her swinging her blade wildly, straight towards Flare's direction. Flare was ready to duck at a moment's notice and swing with the great sword, though Seira would arrive to counter in the knick of time. With a firm yet elegant grace of a knight, her blade clanged against the bandit's with enough force to chip at the blade. This would be coupled with Viokii getting in a quick shot on her too. Now the bandit was truly compromised; be it in mind, body, and arsenal. "Ay, thanks for the assist you two." Flare thanked Seira and Viokii with a nod and a thumbs up, "Ya'll head inside, I'll be there in a sec."

They took a look at Seraphina, or at this point the bandit she'd been tormenting all this time. Her ghostly body wasn't present, but judging by her victim's reactions she was certainly doing something mighty unpleasant to her. Flare's mechanical armor creaked as they leaned down to check on her, while leaning on the sword with one hand. "Hey uh, I know you're probably having fun in there," they'd start off nonchalantly, trying to talk to Sera, "But I think we oughta be joining up with the others. Like we got this whole place on lock anyways. Want me to finish this sucker now or give ya five more minutes in there? I'm fine with whatever-"

  1. -
  2. -
  3. -
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Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

The unmistakable sound of metal striking metal rang through the air as Seira struck away the bandit's blade as she swung her blade at her, chipping her opponent's blade in the process. Now, it was just a matter of time before the bandit's fight was over. Once your weapon was damaged, that fight was on the fast track to being ended by the one with the weapon in better condition.

"Yea, just hurry it up out here, then." Seira said as she complied with Flare's suggestion that they head inside ahead of them. The scene inside the bandit camp was something alright. Aside from the bloodied and charred corpses, there were also 2 other bandits who looked to be in extreme agony from... something. She wasn't exactly sure what it was that Chandra did to those 2 and she wasn't sure she wanted to find out right now. Besides, not like it was exactly the best time to ask even if she wanted to, the woman in question having her hands full with dealing with the last bandit still standing inside the camp. Seeing as how she singlehandedly was the cause of most of the carnage inside the camp, Seira figured she probably didn't need any help dealing with 1 guy.

Instead, while the others were wrapping stuff up, Seira figured she might as well help Viokii's droids in searching the camp for the stolen goods, survivors, or what were left of them. Chances are, the carriage in the camp was probably part of the shipment that they were hired here to find, so that seemed like a natural place to start looking, being sure to keep her wits and blade about her in case there were any more surprises.

  • Move into the camp and begin investigating the carriage
Location: Ryke, North of Ryke, Forest near Etiva
Time: Midday
Develius Develius | Flare
Elvario Elvario | Chandra
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Seira
Karcen Karcen | Seraphina
Femboy Femboy | Viokii

As Seraphina shifted the illusion around the bandit at K14, the ghostly girl morphed into a suffocating black box that enveloped her head. The bandit, already aware of the illusory nature of Seraphina’s tricks, was momentarily paralyzed by a surge of claustrophobia and dread. The stress of seeing her comrades so thoroughly defeated, one after another, gnawed at her nerves. “What… what is this?!” she gasped, her voice trembling with fear and confusion. The bandit's resolve faltered, her sword arm dropping slightly as the oppressive darkness clouded her vision and thoughts. This brief hesitation was all the opening Viokii needed.

With precise timing, Viokii executed her [No-Scope] attack. Her steady hands, honed through countless battles, aligned the rifle with the bandit in an instant. Without a moment's delay, Viokii pulled the trigger, the rifle’s energy-charged shot tearing through the air with lethal accuracy. The bullet pierced the bandit’s chest, her breath catching in her throat as the force of the impact knocked her off balance. She staggered backward, clutching the wound with trembling hands as blood seeped through her fingers. Her eyes widened in shock, a mixture of pain and disbelief washing over her as she crumpled to the ground. With one last, shuddering breath, she succumbed to her injuries, the life fading from her eyes as she lay motionless in the dirt.

Meanwhile, the bandits at I11 and H12, already weakened by the relentless effects of Chandra's [Vampiric Infection], found themselves at the end of their endurance. The dark magic pulsed through their veins, sapping their strength with each passing moment. They clutched at their chests, gasping for air as the infection reached its peak. Blood trickled from their mouths as they collapsed to the ground, their bodies convulsing in their final moments. The once-defiant bandits, now reduced to hollow shells, lay still, their lives claimed by the cursed affliction.

Chandra, turning her attention to the crossbowman at F15, struck with swift precision. Her blade met the crossbow with a sharp crack, splintering the wooden stock and rendering the weapon useless. The male bandit’s eyes widened in horror as he realized the full extent of his vulnerability. He glanced down at the shattered remains of his crossbow, then back at Chandra, his hands trembling with fear.

“Wait! Please, don’t kill me!” he pleaded, dropping to his knees in desperation. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know! The man you’re looking for—the one who’s supposed to work on the iron bark—he’s inside the tent where the leader was. We’re holding him hostage!” The bandit’s voice quivered as he continued, “We… we defeated the mercenaries protecting the caravan with the help of a Mage. He was supposed to open the magically sealed strongboxes, but something came up, and he had to leave. He… he said he’d be back soon.” The bandit’s confession spilled out in a frantic rush, his eyes darting around nervously as if expecting the Mage to return at any moment.

With the battle seemingly over, Viokii and Seira set to work, searching through the remnants of the bandit camp. Viokii’s Minibots scuttled through the debris, their mechanical limbs lifting tattered cloth and overturned crates. In the tents at H9 and J20, the duo discovered a variety of loot—piles of gold coins, glittering gemstones, and ornate weapons with intricate designs etched into the blades. Among the treasure, they found several sets of heavy greenish-metallic armor, each bearing varying degrees of damage and blood splatters. The armor, though still functional, showed signs of recent, brutal combat, the bloodstains a grim reminder of the mercenaries who had fallen to the bandits' ambush.

In the covered wagon at D10, Seira uncovered a large, imposing strongbox. Its surface was smooth and polished, and at its center, a symbol was embossed: a golden scale and feather, representing the symbol of Guiseppe's mercantile agency. The strongbox, clearly of high value, was sealed shut, its contents hidden from view but undoubtedly what they were looking for.

Viokii, ever vigilant, took to the skies, her construct body rising above the treetops that surrounded the bandit camp. From her vantage point, she scanned the area with her photoreceptors, her sharp gaze cutting through the dense foliage. The forest around the camp was thick and shadowed, the towering trees casting long, dark shadows across the forest floor. Yet, despite the ominous atmosphere, Viokii found nothing out of the ordinary. The forest was silent, save for the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and the distant call of nocturnal creatures.

An uncharacteristically chilly wind suddenly swept through the area, sending shivers down the spines of all those present. The sensation of being watched, which had lingered ominously throughout the battle, suddenly vanished, leaving behind an eerie stillness. The unseen observer, whoever or whatever it was, had withdrawn, but the unsettling feeling of its presence lingered in their minds, a reminder that the battle may not be truly over.


Combat is officially over, no hostiles remain.
Bandits alive: F15, E10
Chandra Jarmil

Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Seranphina Karcen Karcen | Viokii Femboy Femboy | Seira Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | Flare Develius Develius

She'd give Viokii a thumbs up upon the latter's agreement. Such a good constrcut. She should give her some head-pets or something later. With Seranphina and Flare wrapping up their show and Seira coming in, it looked like things were wrapping up neatly.

Clicking her tongue upon seeing the two at I11 and H12 die, she felt a tad bad. “That's a shame.. I would've let 'em live had they made it through.” She didn't necessarily like killing. Or rather, she didn't want to like it. That might bring the monster back up, after all, something she feared a fair deal. Part of her was also curse if she'd end up siring some vampire spawn if someone were to survive it and turn after, but that was another question and perhaps not one she'd want answered. Especially not positively.

The freshly disarmed bandit made her smile though. “Now there's a good fellow~” She stated, as she was hearing him out. “A mage, you say?” She couldn't abstain from subconsciously licking her lips. Battles like these made her thirsty and mages tended to taste awesome.

That said, she needed to focus. “Honestly sounds like the mage might've realised we were coming and waited for us kill you all, which means he now plans to get rid of us and take everything to himself.” She'd state, something she figured was a genuine possible thing... though she'd use some [Roguish Carm] to convince him it was the likeliest option.

“The mage would be underestimating us though, he'd be the one to die. Yet, well, how about you make it a tad easier and faster? Tell us what magic he uses and what his weaknesses are. We'll kill him, don't get me wrong, but I'd like to speed up the process. A woman like me is rather busy, you know?” She'd add with a wink.

Roguish Charm: – Deception B, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Disguise B – Character uses their words, disguises and charms to get things done. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Roguish] Character's actions can be seen as sly and crafty at times, they are not to be fully trusted yet come off as a very trustworthy person.

She'd call out to her teammates exploring the camp. “Any sign of how that mage he mentioned might've beaten up the lizards?” Considering they seemed to be digging through removed armour, there might be hints left on it. Claw marks, dents, whatever would clue them in.

The cold wind made her already semi cold-blooded body shiver. “Hmmm... I think that mage fellow might be preparing something as we speak.” She turned to the others. “How do we want to proceed? We might be able to rush back before he can prepare, or we we can wait it out a little, prepare some more.” She'd personally prefer to go stealth mode again and sneak around to see if she could catch him off-guard, but she didn't wish to call it out in case the mage has magical eyes on them.

She then looked at the two remaining bandits. “As for those two, I'm willing to let 'em live, though letting them go might mean they join back up with the mage. I say we tie 'em up, dump them in the wagon along with the chest and loot, then we head out.” There was a bit of a trick to it. She'd already made them fear the mage would turn on them. If the mage were to cast on area attack on the group, they'd be included. That should make them more willing to talk and spill anything they knew, or so she hoped. “Oh, right, we should free the dude we kidnapped as well and see if he can hold a weapon to defend himself. Escorting folk and protecting them is the worst.” She'd state, hoping whomever it was could pull his own worth.

That reminded her. “Ah right, I forgot to say, but that was an amazing show, you two. It's certainly neat to be working with folk who know what they're doing.” She'd state to Seranphina and Flare. Seira, she hadn't seen all that much. “Anything happen on your side?” She'd ask her. Then she'd call up to Viokii again. “Did you manage to spot anything? This place gave me quite the shivers a bit ago.”

With that all set on done, she was ready to start loading up the wagon or to free the kidnapped fellow, take the chest and get the hell out fast. Whichever the rest would prefer to go by.


Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Equipped Titles: Construct, Otherworlder, Servile, All-Purpose Intelligence, VeeVee
Character Sheet
Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Develius Develius Karcen Karcen

Viokii could peacefully land knowing that the area seemed clear enough for now, with the area appearing to be secure and having sent Minibots to scout the camps and coming back with actual successful findings. Having her Minibots return to her for the moment, she'd opt to simply reporting her findings to the group for now. Though, she had her Minibots do their best to try and retrieve one of the blood-stained armor sets since Chandra might be able to ascertain something out from it.
"Two of the tents in this camp contain large amounts of loot and spoils, though from where they originated or how long they've been here is unknown. There are some battle-worn pieces of armour here which appear to have blood stains, although how old they are may be up to determinable origin and age. Lady Chandra, with your investigative talents, maybe you are able to ascertain information about this blood if it is not too old and dried to be of any data value?" Viokii informed to the others before asking of Chandra, shaking her head when asked about sighting anything in the locale.

"Nothing was spotted, but I would recommend remaining on guard whilst we move findings and plan a next move. I'd suggest that if any inhabitants or allies have departed temporarily from this base and are to return, they would likely grow suspicious or weary at a now distinct lack of exterior defense keeping out intruders. It would be most likely that we work quickly and efficiently as our successful combat would be very obvious to outside watchers and important suspects with ties to this operation may scatter and return into hiding where we may not be able to locate suitable information to discover their identity or track them" Viokii spoke in suggestion, sending her Minibots to start collecting the loot her and Seira had come across in the tents since it was likely a bad idea to leave it here.

"The remaining treasure here belongs to unknown origins, so it may be best that it is returned to a balanced control of ownership such as the Adventurer's Guild or fairly donated to sources in need such as charities, medical facilities, educational facilities and locations of care and rehabilitation. My terms of service, legal obligations, pre-coded morality and beliefs, and self-founded morality and beliefs, do not condone the collection and possession of stolen gain for ones' self for it is too illegal thievery to do so. If correct owners cannot be determined, then it should suitably be reintroduced into the economy via the most in need, as stated prior" Viokii spoke on her awareness of the loot, thinking that if they were to repossess it from stolen hands then it should go somewhere it shall be properly needed.

Command Unit - Minions (F)(Minibots), Steady Hands (F), Leadership (F), Energized (F), Investigation (F) - Viokii spawns (or continues to maintain the existence of) up to five 'Minibots' (Character-controlled) that follow and perform simple commands. (Use to collect the loot from the tents)
Chandra Jarmil

Active titles: Human, Ryken Adventurer F, Lanost Survivor, Shy
Languages: {Sylvan} | Common | #Abyssal#
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob | Viokii Femboy Femboy

“Sounds like it might just be the armour and loot from the mercenaries they've beaten to get this chest with the valuable wood.” She answered Viokii. That said, when she was asked to 'investigate' the blood, she had to take a deep breath. Asking a dhampir growing thirsty to just have a taste of blood, really? “Oh dear... you don't know half of what you're asking me.” She'd mumble. “Let me go check it in the tent itself for a bit, I might be able to learn if I have more than just the single set.” She stated, though it was an excuse (Deception B) as using her abilities required tasting the blood, something she wasn't exactly planning to do in front over everyone.

Some bits of what Viokii told her surprised her. “We're here to retrieve the items, which we've already got our hands on. I don't think we need to find the other bandits.” She'd shrug. “If you were to ask me, our only concern should be if that mage and any potential staggerers are able to attack us to try get it back from us.” As she noticed the mini-bots, she did wonder about another thing. “How far out can you sent those bots? It might be nice to have them explore the surroundings of the camp for a bit. Outside the walls. Just in case the mage is lying in wait somewhere.”

It was surprising by how much of a goody-two-shoes Viokii seemed to be coded. “If you were to ask me, it's fair gains on a mission like this. Especially the stuff that no longer belongs to anyone alive.” She'd shrug. “Though I'm down to settle if you wish to go about it in such a generous manner. We'll probably get a decent pay regardless.”

With that all said, she'd hand off into the tent with loot in order to try figure out where the blood on the loot there was from. Once it again, it was through [Blood Appraisal] and through being a [Blood Celebrant].

Blood Appraisal: – Appraisal B, Blood Drinker F – Character is able to appraise some titles from drinking blood, rather than from watching the blood's owner. Works in tandem with [Blood Celebrant] title. - Grade B – 4 Post Cooldown
[Blood Celebrant] You are a connoisseur of different types of blood, including fae, human, and others. You know the differences of such.

That said, she would eventually whisper to Viokii. “Would you mind not asking me again? Battles always makes me thirstier than any normal adventure or task and I ran out of my rations. I'd be rather inconvenient if I started loosing myself due to growing even thirstier from tasting blood without being able to properly feed.”

" oh the battle is over " Seraphina let out a sigh " I was just starting to experiment " that much was turn though really she should be happy that the combat ended with no one really getting hurt. Thought news of a mage being the one behind it didn't surprise Seraphina mages were weird people. Though her only remembered contact with magic users was her contact with those that made her so it might not be a fair judgment to those that dabbled in the arcane arts, or however it worked on this world. The bandit that Seraphina had been playing with had been killed by viokii anyways, darn kill stealer.

Viokii then did the only thing worse than stealing a kill and started talking. Were all constructs like this overly literal with their explanations? Really serpahina had a hard time focusing on the other constructs words as she went on and on. Someone should have given her a ten word or less order. Though could people order machines like that around like that? Well Viokii seemed to take orders well enough and no one acted like it was strange. They also didn't act like her overly explanatory style of talking was unique. Seraphina did pick up the talk of blood and Chandra being able to do something with it, which was odd but hey she was a sword made from a dead child who was she to pick what was and was not odd. Viokii also had the most annoying morality loot was loot if the bandits stole it then they could take it the owners were dead and if they didn't need it then they could sell it that would promote whatever nonsense Viokii had been talking about. Chandra seemed to agree with Seraphina's unspoken opinion though what would a sword do with things? Seraphina couldn't even use money what could she even spend it on?

" i do hope that goody two shoes morality isn't common among constructs, really i would hate to be the only normal one? " The question was rhetorical " i say along with whatever we came to get we take anything shinny and pawn it off somewhere, that will stimulate the economy or whatever " her tone sarcastic as she spoke about the economy seraphina still had no answer to what she could want, but some deep instinct in her told her to take as much as she could carry and then sell it all off no matter what. the mage was less of a concern for Seraphina , only because she couldn't do much about them or really do anything to help seek them so she latched onto the argument over any loot as a way to have something to say.
Seira Steelwind

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Elvario Elvario Karcen Karcen Femboy Femboy

As Seira and Viokii's droids got to work investigating the camp, she listened into the bandit held up by Chandra as he spilled the beans to their operation. A mage, huh? that would certainly explain how they got the better of the company whose belongings they were likely finding now in the tents. Probably also explained why they weren't finding bodies, the guy must have used some disintegration spell or something or taken them off to do whatever rituals mages do. Seira let out a sigh. Maybe one of these days she would be able to make more sense of those esoteric arts, at least in case she had to fight a mage in the future so she would know what she was going up against.

"Took care of one of the poor bastards trying to get away. Not exactly a decapitation, but might as well have been with how fast they went down. You can take a look outside the camp if you're that curious, for whatever reason." Seira would respond to Chandra's question about what happened on her end, sheathing her blade. "You on the other hand..." She looked around at the bodies littering the camp, nodding a bit as if she was appreciating some sort of art exhibit as she looked around. "Looks like you had quite the busy workday." Were Chandra not on her side for this job, Seira would probably have a similar feeling of fear that the poor guy that was left alive, but she had to give respect where respect was deserved with how she dealt with basically an entire camp on her own.

Then came the discussion on what to do with the goods they found in the camp. "I'd say the same as Chandra and Seranphina here. You can't exactly return something to its owners if you don't even know who they are or if they're still kicking around after having a run in with these bandits, and all that blood on the road doesn't give me confidence that they would leave their victims alive." Morality of what to do with the found goods aside, what was that Viokii just said just now about Chandra? Is she some kind of blood expert or something? What kind of swordswoman- actually you know what, maybe some questions are best left unasked, especially if she could leave a bandit camp like this. "Well, I have no qualms with whatever we decide to do with the rest of the stuff, as long as I still get paid in the end. I don't see any point in staying here longer than we should, so I'm down to load up the wagon and go if you guys want to."


| Maxxob Maxxob [Camp Bandits] | Elvario Elvario [Chandra] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Seira] | Karcen Karcen [Seranphina] | Femboy Femboy [Viokii] |

"I mean, we can experiment later," Flare casually remarked, somehow not totally opposed by the ghost lady willingness to test... well, whatever she wanted to test out really. They kinda felt bad for her going out like this, but what was done is done. Though given it was dying, what EXACTLY did Sera have in mind with her? Mind-Break? Possession? Energy leeching, or something? Though really it was probably best that they shouldn't pry into all that... so long as it wasn't going to stab them in the back. Not that they imagined it would, but one ought to be better safe than sorry. "But, like, let's get the goods first." they concluded, before the armored elemental whipped the great sword to rest upon their pauldron and proceeded to walk into the camp.

The two sapped bodies which Chandra infected withered and decayed as Flare walked past them; the last of their essence being sucked out before being reduced to nothing but an empty dried-out husks. To see organic bodies wither away like plants without sunlight was an eerie sight; quite disturbing actually. That would be the equivalent of someone sucking their fiery essence with a powerful vacuum or a gale so powerful to strip the very gasses and plasma straight from their armor. Flare quickly turned away, not wanting to investigate this scenario any further.

Reaching Chandra's position, with a panicked bandit groveling at her feat, Flare waved their hand to give an all clear. "Perimeter secured." they stated bluntly, before their gaze stopped upon the bandit, "What do we do about this one?" The survivor meanwhile pleaded for its life, unleashing a decent portion of exposition in rapid fire succession that revealed what they were doing here. Two things were gleamed from this:

  1. They held hostage the man who worked with iron bark. He's in the tent.
  2. They had a mage which helped defeat the caravan; having left temporarily to deal with something. He's at large.

Judging by the panicked man's expression, Flare imagined this mage to be... quite dangerous. Ruthless even. Failure didn't seem like something it tolerated very well and now this man is clearly marked for death. Once the mage finds out, surely he'd be dead. Though as Chandra continued, they'd get the feeling that looked to be a potential set up. They knew they were coming... or at least that's implied. Though Flare didn't seem all too worried given how easily they were able to get in.

As Chandra continued interrogating the bandit, the armored elemental trodded through the camp as they attempted to find anything else of value. Looting the corpses; looking into opened crates; peering under tents... Flare didn't consider themselves the stealing type, but given the stealers are deceased, they might as well help themselves while they could. Viokii then introduced the moral dilemma of whether to keep the stolen loot or to bring it back to the owners. The other girls suggested they might as well keep some of it... maybe even sell it off at a later date for a good price. "I mean a lil' tribute for our work doesn't hurt, right?" Flare interjected, "If anything, we keep some and give the remaining portion back to whomever we want. At least that's how I'd go about it." Admittedly, they also thought a gold ring or some trinket would make a nice gift for Fraust...

When Chandra asked Flare and Seira how they went, the fire elemental chuckled slightly. "Oh easy shmeasy." they replied confidently, "Admittedly a lil annoying, but not too tough. Got a dent from a lucky crossbow bolt 'ere on my shoulder, but it'll buff out." Then the swordswoman asked if they felt anything off about this place, which the elemental seemed to ponder the thought. "Shivers, huh?" they inquired curiously. Flare couldn't help but take a second to feel the place out. And as they did, they did feel... a presence. A chilled wind blew past them, as pockets of bone-chilling wind flew into the holes and rivets in their suit. A significant drop in temperature forced them to shudder as their fires dimmed briefly in response before reverting back to full strength. That certainly wasn't normal. Didn't feel like it it either. Flare turned to the direction of where the wind came from, before looking around their position.

Their casual tone became more hardened and alert; the grip on the great sword now an iron vice. "Well now that you mention it," Flare mentioned lowly, "There DOES seem to be something icky going on here. Can't describe it but I don't like it one bit. Haven't seen it either... but best we stay on guard til' we get back to town." They approached one of the Ironbark chests, picking it up before hauling it towards the wagon. "So let's pack n' go, ladies."
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