"Kaiju Enthusiast"


With a plan now set and Guiseppe wishing them good luck, Flare gave a respectful salute at him. "We won't let ya down, sir." they stated confidently before entering the carriage. The bulky OVEN struggled a bit squeeze inside, finding themselves hunching over in a somewhat cramped position, but they'd fit just barely enough. They'd sit at the opposite end of the carriage, setting the "Blade of Seranphina" against the dividing wall, before getting as comfy as much as they could for the long journey ahead of them.
As the carriage treaded out of the capital, Flare mentally prepared themselves for the worst case scenario. If the situation tended to go awry as badly as the last quest, the fire elemental at least wanted to ensure they were ready. Still, they'd try to break the tension with the other adventurers with some small talk to pass the time. "So uh..." Flare thought allowed, patting her metallic hands with a slight awkwardness, "Anyone got an interesting story they wanna share? Like how your last quest was or something? Or anything on yalls' mind really, it doesn't truly matter..."
A short time later, the crew would finally reach the last known appearance of the caravan, stopping abruptly as the Coachman requested they look at something outside. The fire elemental grasped Seranphina as they exited the carriage, giving a quick stretch of the armored joints. They then found themselves gazing upon a truly grizzly scene. "Oh gods..." Flare breathed, looking out at the path that was utterly drenched in crimson ichor. They kneeled to one knee as they inspected the substance, wanting to confirm that it was indeed blood. "Now this doesn't look ominous at all." they stated sarcastically. Really the whole scene around them had an unsettling vibe as if the whole forest was alive, watching them ever so closely from the shadows. Flare also noticed some disturbed foliage by the roadside, consisting of broken twigs and scattered brush. They weren't sure how long ago this all happened, but a gut feeling ruminating from their core believed this to be recent. "This... this surely couldn't be the work of bandits?" they asked the group with a hint of worry, "Right?"
They then tried to peer into the forest depths, using [Dark Vision F] to see if they could spot anything moving deep in the brush.