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Active [Ryke - Ryken - The Underbelly] - A Date A Day Keeps The Bloodshed Away

[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

Hunting appeared to have, in fact, worked on the Underbelly's tyrant appetite. Or, at least, that is what our tinkerer got out of the experience. So far, every single clue of distaste had gone above his head and he considered the experience going as expected. "Somewhere to eat..." He commented, not quite wanting to reveal the cards he had up his sleeve just yet.

"As you prefer." He said, not appearing to be bothered when told to keep some distance from her. Eventually, upon receiving the key to the guest house, he would head inside the place without a second thought on his mind. Surgically, she would wash off the zombie grime, bits and fluids off his person, just as if he was decontaminating himself after being exposed to radiation.

Eventually, he would reappear, clean once more and just the way he had come into the Underbelly. "... I've heard of some places that one can eat in here, such as The Rear End, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Leering Lichen and The Cave of Wonders. Does any of them seem to tickle your fancy?" Luckily, Erich's contact had provided him with insider's knowledge about some of the eating establishments in the lawless places, even if they were a tad dubious.

CDs: C 1/3, D 2/2
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.


Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Plaza near the Champion's Quarters
From: Microsoft CoPilot

She'd changed out of her armour again and cleaned up as well, when they met back on the plaza near her quarters. Upon hearing him name the suggested places to eat, she had to suppress a chuckle. He seemed to know his places, but whether that was a good thing or not was highly questionable. “If you've heard of these places, I assume you've heard what they are about. So... why don't you surprise me? Take me to the place which seems most fitting for our date. Don't worry about reservations either. I can say ahead of time, none of them would want or dare to refuse me.” She wasn't going to let him off all that easily by trying to make her decide.
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[Otherworldly], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario

Having been left in charge of choosing where they would dine, Erich turned around for a moment, recovering something from his pockets. "Mmmm, let's see..." Erich retrieved a small metallic contraption, a display flickering to life. Assigning each restaurant a number, he pressed a button. A number flashed. A decision was made. Completely at random, but made nonetheless. "... uhum, that will be it." With the secrecy time coming to an end, he stored the device in his pocket once more, extending his gloved hand to Lykra. "Let's go then?"

To keep the surprise, the tinkerer ended up not revealing where the pair was going. He tried the best to follow the map by memory. Both Lykra and him would end up in a rather well-placed district in the Underbelly. Not quite the high-end luxury neighborhood where they ended up facing the delightful zombies, but quite there. Their walk would come to a sharp stop in front of a peculiar building.

The building itself, massive and overcompensating, jutted toward the cavern ceiling like a monolithic declaration of power, or insecurity.

At the entrance, someone clad in a pure black leather, rather form-fitting, second-skin like worker waited. They mumbled something, not really able to form words, considering the red sphere that was located in their mouth, firmly affixed to their head with a strap. However, as soon as their eyes locked on none-other than Lykra, the mumbling intensified. Their muffled noises increased in urgency, eyes growing wide and darting between Lykra and the engineer who was clearly, unmistakably, holding hands with her. But could anyone fault them, anyway? Any sane person would discard this as a fever dream.

Not wanting to be killed in a gruesome way, the greeter moved aside, bowing low and inviting them to enter the rather well known 'Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant'. Yes, dear reader. You read that correctly. Erich, through sheer random selection, had chosen an erotic dining experience for his date with the tyrant of the Underbelly. Somewhere, a probability engine was having a stroke.
Mentions & Character Goals:
Maxxob Maxxob Erich Zann – Have a date with Lykra, the Champion.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Plaza near the Champion's Quarters
From: Microsoft CoPilot


She raised an eyebrow at Erich's 'decision-making-process', but decided not to question it. “Indeed.” She'd state, accepting his hand once more. As much as he might've wanted to keep the surprise, she knew the Underbelly better than anyone, so she had figured out where they were going soon enough.

A chuckle escaped her lips at seeing the 'welcomer' panic. “Table for two please.” She'd state, figuring she'd make that clear before half the place would run off fearing she was here on business. “Make it your finest.” She'd add, not wanting to bother with anything less.

Location: Second Continent, Ryken, Ryke, The Underbelly, Full Cheeks Erotic Restaurant, Private Room
From: Microsoft CoPilot

Her demands had them led to a room in the back, with a view of a rather strange stage. That said, just the walk there had her smile a bit. Seeing various people panic, worrying they were about to be caught for whatever it is they'd likely done wrong, was rather humorous. Some other sights were not. “Some people seem too wrinkly and old for places like these. Perhaps an upper age limit would be warranted just like the lower one.”

As she entered the room, she saw another thing that displeased her. She wasn't here for the spilled white sauce. Waving some staff over, she'd point at the seating and floor. “Someone clean that up. Now.” She ordered. Yet she soon had to clarify. “With a mop or towel. Or disinfectant if possible. Just not your bloody tongue.”

Sighing, she looked to Erich. “So. What made you pick this place in particular?” She was really curious, by now, if there had been any reasoning whatsoever to begin with.

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