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Active [Ryke – Stonewall] (Caelia Barony) How Do You Like Them Apples?

(small post for now, sry)


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

As Gunhild was looking around to see if she could find anything, she was eventually blessed with the sight of a little Regula talking to her. Smiling a little and huffing a small chuckle to enlarged self, she smiled and grumbled lightly as she lightly pointed her finger to the little flying birdie girl.
"Heheh, smol ReguLady, eheheheh~" Gunhild chortled softly as she momentarily listened on to what Regula had to ask, grumbling quietly although thinking about the proposition of getting pets and hugs for doing not much at all. Smiling and nodding, she answered.

"Yessies, Gunhild do a do, yesses" she answered back, soon enough feeling the pelting apples from who-knows-where and eventually shrinking back down to her normal size now that she'd taken a look around. She couldn't really tell what it was from, but could only suppose that the lack of logic behind apples magically growing on trees truly allowed them to grow anywhere, and they were just simply raining from the sky at this point. Who would ever know where apples came from? Not Gunhild.​
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.

Small Side-Path
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Road between Stonewall and Yemaya – Side-path in the direction of Sootspire
Speedpaint 59 Motley Grass by RHADS on DeviantArt

Whilst Izuru's magic ability didn't help much, other than making the breeze less chilly and giving him a dark looking magic flavour, his investigation with Arcane E and Investigation F allowed him to see glimpses of the tree again, in the dimension/time that it likely stemmed from. Not only that, he would also be able to spot something that, with his Arcane knowledge, he was able to identify as an anchor point. Something that somehow summoned the tree to this dimension, even though it was broken and malfunctioning, therefore causing the three to be mostly stuck in its own realm. It seemed like the apples, smaller and less impactful, had an easier time slipping through the dimensional cracks and had therefore ended up all over the barony's capital.

Alister was less lucky, the mundane methods not being able to get him a sight on the apple tree. He'd only become ware of the lingering scent of the many apples that'd recently appeared. Though he would, after it being pointed out, also notice the lingering glow coming from the ground.

Teuihua speaking in Mictantectulian got something that was either a reaction or a lucky coincidence, as he'd see a short flash of the tree again. The glow they'd spotted from the ground seemed slightly brighter. Other than that, nothing seemed to have changed.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

“Ancient magical power source?” She'd ask. That did seem plausible, after what they'd spotted before at the Magic Tower. It'd been the close to the conclusion Izuru had just uncovered.

Deciding to take action, she'd look around herself, especially towards the bit the others hand been interested in. Considering it seemed to be something underground, she'd use the Tremorsense B on her boots to try locate it. As she noticed something stuck in the soil that seemed to be vibrating, she used [Take It All] to try get it out of the ground.

Take It All – Magic B, Magic Area of Effect C, Energised B, Pocket Dimension B, Selective B – Character Pockets everything in a wide (500 ft) radius around them into their Pocket Dimension. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

As she did so, for a short moment, an odd green Crystal would show itself, before exploding into various fragments. All those presents would suddenly have a vision of someone planting a young apple tree. They seemed like a Fae, judging by their features, possibly Elven. The vision shifted to the tree growing, with seasons shifting rapidly, the tree grew, grew and grew. Until it was big enough to span across many fields and towered above all the other trees. All the while, the same Fae that'd planted it returned to it from time to time. Until one day, he did not. The vision got a bit blurry there, until they saw the giant tree being in the middle of a battlefield.

Three armies seemed to be fighting, Fae, Humans and Beasts. However, in the midsts of the fighting, perhaps by some magic gone wrong, a large fire erupted, causing the tree and its surroundings to go up in flames. Then, there was a vision of nothing but ashes... and things faded to black. An overwhelming feeling of sadness would wash over them shortly, before that too, vanished.

In the end, they were left with just as many questions as they started with. Even so, the crystal shards were still there, small, yet glowy fragments of something that seemed to have anchored this giant tree and pulled it from its past into their present, breaking through the dimension of time just like the tower they'd once seen before. Whether this was an odd coincidence or the start of something more was left unclear.


With the apples no longer appearing, the barony would have a fair few apples to feast on, but it didn't take long for things to return to normal. The orchardists were able to breath out in relief as they wouldn't be outcompeted by magical apples, as the baroness would make sure (Connection Merchant's Guild C, Wealth B, Business E, Leadership B, Persuasion B) that a portion of the sudden excess of apples was also sold elsewhere to avoid crashing the market. The group would be able to go their own ways or work on the next project in the barony, though not without some souvenirs from this odd experience.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Regula Caelia:
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Title: – [Resting Place] – Character has occasionally served as a resting place for characters.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Asset: – [Blank Crystal Fragment] – A part of the original fragment that lost its green hue, yet sill seemed to pulsate with some lingering mana when held by Teuihua. Its current purposes are unclear.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Retili Loxinofican:
Title: – [Spokesman] – Character occasionally talks on behalf of his superiors and is trusted to convey their messages truthfully and clearly.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Title: – [Dream-Apple Eater] – Character consumed a magical apple that occasionally gives them pleasant dreams of giant apple trees.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Title: – [Dream-Apple Eater] – Character consumed a magical apple that occasionally gives them pleasant dreams of giant apple trees.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Alister Marrok:
Title: – Dream-Apple Eater] – Character consumed a magical apple that occasionally gives them pleasant dreams of giant apple trees.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

Watching of Reflection:
Title: – [Quick Writer] – Character has a fast writing ability.
Asset: – [Green Crystal Fragment] – A small, pebble sized fragment that gives off a greenish hue. When used in an ability that involves Magic E or greater, the ability will randomly spawn an apple somewhere within its affected area.
Item: – [Dream Apples] – Incredibly tasty and sweet interdimensional/time-travelling apples that induce pleasant dreams of giant apple trees after having been consumed.

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