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Active [Ryke – Stonewall] (Caelia Barony) How Do You Like Them Apples?

Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Point Booster: Attentive Student
Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: conman2163 conman2163 Elvario Elvario Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor
Watching stood a little perplexed for a moment as Gwenith had denied it's request, after personally having stated that it might be a disastrous event for the orchards surrounding here. Though if it was offended or anything of the matter would be doubtful, though also quite hard to read if it were the case. It stood there listening intently as she tried to reason that perchance this was an incredible opportunity to be seized instead. If it could be proven to be reproduced, and if there wasn't an actual harm secret behind these apples which was yet unknown. The ears of the critter seemed to sag down for a moment, before putting the sack of coin back into its satchel. Simply nodding and accepting Gwenith's words for as they were.

As Izuru and Alister grew to have a heated conversation on the nature of the apple circumstance, it simply kept its board in its satchel and kept a listening ear to it all for the first part. Its eye twitched for a moment as Alister spoke, staring up towards it with an odd glance, but nothing was so specific as to why. As itself gave no reason either by writing down a question or an answer of its own yet. It's ears were still slightly sagging downward as its tail hung low though during the remainder of the conversation. When Izuru personally addressed it, Watching gave him a nod, before finally taking out of its satchel the wooden board, and showed the others of this travelling group its answer. Before cleaning the board and putting it back. "I'm not understanding enough of differing magics wielded by some. Nor what purpose was behind this happenstance. But as I understood things, it is not the creation which belies the importance, instead is it not the method of how they've appeared in various places without a trace? If they're being teleported, must one have sight on the locations one would wish to place them? And is their want to spread fear and hear of it, or would they wanna witness this in person themselves and are observing unseen."

With their approach to the Keg its nose would begin to hasten in each instance it was obviously smelling the delicious meal being made inside. Yet its overall mood didn't seem to shift as dramatically as with Retili or Alister. Its lurched back for a moment as Amika came so close to its personal space and looked down towards it with such eyes. Watching looked for a moment towards Retili at his introducing of Watching towards the others here, before focusing on Amika as it shook its head. Taking out its wooden board to write something down and show to Amika directly, "I would sadly wish to decline, I haven't really come down to the idea of being petted, even though many people have been so interested."
Before scrubbing the board clean again, and now rather starting to actively document the following conversation, whilst also writing down specifics of the things heard so far for the first time.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Giftvi Giftvi

The tavern that Lentil showed the group to was way more homey than the dodgy place next to Izuru's inn. Maybe if he had eaten here last night, he'd have slept through the morning rather than suffer those brutes interrupting his slumber with their snoring. Scratching his cheek for a few moments. The dragonkin followed Lentil inside. Now the ladies on staff were a sight to look at. A combination of working women and girl next door vibes that would make any man melt. He fixed his coat so that he wouldn't make a bad impression on the trio of lovely ladies. Until he realized that Lentil would do his damndest to make Izuru seem unreliable. Izuru was concerned about his image and retreated into his thoughts while Lentil spoke with the workers. He eventually came back to himself upon noticing Amika attempt to touch Watching of Reflection, something the creature probably wasn't very interested in having happen to it. A fully sentient creature like Watching of Reflection being treated like this could be considered a form of ignorance. As for Marrok, he seemed to have gone for the route of presenting himself honorably and chivalrously. Izuru was neither of those things so he decided to do the only thing available to him.

"I see you four were debating over whose apple based treat was better. I'll buy one of each and some ale to boot" said Izuru while placing a small bag of coins on a nearby countertop. Although he looked broke as all hell. Izuru's recent adventures had made it so he had a decent amount of traveling expenses. Lentil had made the atmosphere super serious whereas Marrok was doing his best to play the honorable wolfman. Izuru could only do what was reasonable for him and spend some gold so that the staff here could test their treats while dishing out some juicy bits of gossip. "Another round of ale if you can drop any rumors or knowledge you know about the whole apple fiasco going on around these parts?" remarked the dragonkin while sliding another couple of coins over. If he handed over the money itself, that was a bribe. Bribes were bad in this kind of environment. Izuru was being a generous customer and supporting their business.

.Think Hard
.Persuasion E on the staff

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua replied, "+So as not to upset whoever put you here, I suppose you can wait here, truthfully I wish I had the authority to let you go myself but without a formal title or desgination to allow for such, it seems unlikely. And I suppose you are correct that it could detract some attention but I am uncertain who to seek who would have the authority to give you the okay to leave who I can speak with.+"

He'd then nod at what Zeouli had to say about the next bits, unfortunately there wasn't any real headway on understanding if Qeotl was up to gracing them with produce, or if Tsnatl was angered since Zeouli didn't seem to have any insight into either definitively. The insight that he did get was however was that there was a possibility of one of the gods of this time being displeased which wasn't exactly a better situation as far as Teuihua or Zeouli being able to assist the Barony solve the apple problems.

"+Well that is certainly a concern, thank you for the insight of this possibility, I will see about getting your released in some capacity.+"

Teuihua would translate the dialogue for Gunhild, before heading out, He'd nod. "Yes Gunhild that's correct, hopefully we'll be able to get Lady Caelia or someone else to free up Zeouli, nevertheless I have information to share with Lady Caelia when we see her again from that conversation, but Zeouli certainly did not do anything wrong she is a good "metal friend" as you say." He reassured her, allowing her to lounge on him as perusal.

However she did get his attention when she got her tail up against him. He'd look over with his [360 degree vision] before stopping and Giving Sherwood a wave. "Hello, Sherwood, He is an ally Gunhild. Sherwood, I am certain you are aware of the apple situation, we were just attempting to assist Lady Caelia in figuring out what happened but unfortunately I Just found out that Zeouli was placed under arrest because it was believed she may have had something to do with the apples appearing when it actuality she was just trying to thank Qeotl on the chance that the barony was receiving favor from her. Did you have any idea of what might be going on to cause these apples? And if you are trying to locate Lady Caelia, you may as well come with us."

By the point that Teuihua was being asked by Regula why they were back so soon he would explain.

"Yes I consulted Zeouli and unfortunately she was placed under arrest (If Teuihua was told who placed her under arrested he'd tell Regula) due to her gathering the apples to make an arrangement to honor Qeotl to thank her on the chance that the apples were caused by her as a blessing of sorts and this offering was deemed suspect apparently and made someone think Zeouli might be causing the apples, however also unfortunately Zeouli's insight went as far as to suggest to me while she suspected the two possibilities I mentioned to you prior as possible, she does not think that Tsnatl is as likely as she questioned why he would use apples, and is concerned that if not Qeotl being pleased with us, it may be a god from this time who is displeased, nevertheless If it isn't too much trouble I would like to ask of you to give permission for Zeouli to be freed, I do not believe she did anything wrong to warrant this treatment."

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.


The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Amika perked up at Alister's words. “Oh, if you like cinnamon roasted ones, you should really try these!”


“They're apples that have a small layer of sugar-coated dough, with cinnamon and caramelised sugar inside of where the apple core used to be!” She'd offer him one of the pastry apples.

In her eagerness, she forgot introductions were a thing. Only recalling when he introduced himself. “Oh, right, I'm Amika, nice to meet you mister Marrok.” She wondered why he'd asked for rumours. Though she did know one really juicy one. “There's a rumour that there are three Kitsune sisters living in the barony now that arrived form some far-off island!” She'd lean in to whisper. “There was even a rumour that the baroness was going to take them in as courtesans, but I don't believe that one, because she seems way too careful about not getting a bad reputation.”

Upon Retili's words, she was confused. Blinking a few times, she looked from Retili to Watching and back again. Was she being pranked or...? When she saw the creature started to write, her heart skipped a beat. “Oh my, ehm... I'm sorry.” She'd state, bowing down real deep. “Can I offer you some pastries or ale to make up for this mistake or... wait, you don't have a mouth? Why do you not have a mouth? I mean... ehm...” She was totally at a loss.


Hestia nodded when Retili asked for rumours as well. “Well, as you might imagine, most are about the apples. Some say it's from the same civilization as the one that Teuihua, Zeouli and Ringo are from, others say that it's the Merchant Guild working with Baron Highgrove to sow chaos, others say it's due to someone activating an ancient apple curse in Yemaya, some say it might be an interdimensional apple tree, others say the apples have always been here, but are merely becoming visible to us, some claim that it's the doing of a cult...” She listed off an array of rumours. “Oh, right, did you hear about someone's cows apparently getting drunk from eating them?” She'd add. “That said, we've confirmed they are totally edible. Other than, well, some folk that went to sleep after eating them say they have really odd dreams. We're not sure if it's true, but we'll probably find out of it is, right?”

She looked to Izuru and nodded. “Alright, you can get them all at a discount~” She'd state, as she brought out one of each pastry. “Ale's still the regular price though.” She'd state, as she took his coins, counted it out and nodded, then filled up an extra large mug of ale. With another person asking for rumours, she raised an eyebrow. It's like they didn't even hear one another. “Well, I'd not be able to tell you much more than I just told advisor Loxinofican.” She looked at the other three. (Persuasion E making her want to try to come up with something still.) “Does any of you know any more?”

Todo Sawl

“Sleeping on a full and happy stomach can give anyone dreams.” Todo would add to what Hestia had said about the dreams. “All I know is that these apples are amazing for cooking. Normally you'd want different types of apples for different types of dishes, but these seem to work in just about any dish and with just about any recipe we can come up with. It shouldn't work like that, but it does. It's like magic in the kitchen.” He'd nod to himself.


Her tail was wagging, as she looked upon those that entered and her eyes were stuck on one particular beast-man. “I know I'd love to start some rumours about a handsome Wolfman arriving in the barony~” She'd take a slice of cake. “And perhaps about how much he enjoyed a slice of this fox's upside down apple cake?” She stated, as if to one-up Amika's earlier offer of a pastry.

That said, hearing Retili ask for rumour as well, followed by Izuru (Persuasion E), she clicked her tongue. Somehow Izuru made her want to see if she could add-on something, regardless of what it'd be. “I've heard one wild rumour, that the apples are a failed attempt at warfare from the See or East Empire. That they wished to use some magical attack, but instead ended up summoning apples here. It doesn't make any sense to me, but some drunkards were talking about it... I also heard it might be a prank by some deity or maybe by the goddess of Luck. And... hmm... Some suggested it might be a trial for the baroness? To solve this. Oh, right, I also heard that she did some good deeds in the See, at some point, and some rumoured that this is some Fae trying to thank her for it? I don't heear a lot of rumours though, as I'm mostly in the kitchen.”


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

Zeouli hadn't been able to tell Teuihua much else of use, nor a name of whom had arrested her, as it'd been a general nondescript guard.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

She was surprised to find Gunhild and Teuihua barge in, as she wondered what this was about. “Zeouli got arrested?” That's somewhat what she thought Gunhild was saying. Luckily enough, Teuihua was quick to confirm it. She sighed. “That makes sense, I fear.” She couldn't blame whomever had arrested Zeouli, as that would look rather suspicious. She sighed. “I don't think she did anything wrong either, but if she was caught putting up apples...” She shook her head. “I'd have to put her under some watch, just to ease people's minds, as they would rightly worry about what they've seen, yet you're too closely related to her and nobody else is available at the moment.”

It didn't feel right to keep someone locked up for no reason, but she also didn't wish for the constructs present to cause more panic, rumours and distractions. Even if it wasn't by her own fault. That's when they spotted Sherwood, whom she hadn't even noticed him up until now. Or well, Teuihua and Gunhild did as they pointed him out.


Sherwood himself, only wished to sink further into the ground. What was he meant to do when someone talked about him without addressing him? Like Gunhild just did. Like, did he have to reply to that or did he just have to wait until someone would confirm who he was? She didn't ask him, but she did ask about him, so like, what... He just started in awkward silence. When in doubt, keep quiet and pretend not to exist.

Luckily, Teuihua at least addressed him. Although the Construct was saying A LOT. Way more than he wanted to respond too, but alas. “Yes.” He replied, realising the answer was pretty easy, as it was about the same word for all of those statements and questions. He'd walk over to the table, taking out a map and putting it on there. On it were a whole lot of dots that seemed to be spread out in an imperfect circle spanning Stonewall and its surroundings. It's centre seemed to be slightly to the north of the town. “These are all locations I could find.” He'd say.


The foxman nodded, a smile creeping along his facial features. “So it seems they are indeed contained to a specific area. Well done.”

“Indeed, well done!” Regula stated, with a smile.

The attention just made Sherwood want to run out, but he nodded and stuck around, for now.

Regula would look at Teuihua and Gunhild. “With this, we've confirmed they strictly appear in Stonewall and some areas surrounding it, in an almost circular form. I think I we solve this, we can free Zeouli directly after, once this is solved and we can explain what's going on. Or well, at least we'd have a better idea of it. I mean, do you know what this reminds me of? Do you also think what I'm thinking?” She'd ask, hoping they were reaching at least a somewhat similar conclusion, to ensure that she wasn't just being too optimistic in leaping to new conclusions.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild listened to Teuihua's confirmation that Sherwood was an ally, still not having much idea in the slightest who he was considering she had never seen or heard of him a single time up until thus very moment. Either way, she continued to remain perched on Teuihua's shoulder as Sherwood showed his findings to them and tilting her head as she tried to determine whatever it meant. The fact that Regula asked about being on the same wavelength only made the lizard more confused what the significance of it all being in some circular form was.

"Circ-ies... " Gunhild grumbled quietly as she tried to make even the slightest bit of sense about it, not being sure at all whatever it was the Baroness was referring to.
"Beeg pie? Is foods? Go foods-place, appy-pie? Beeg circies? Beeg rocks? Gunhild no know beeg circies... is place? Oh, ohs, ohs! Gunhild do a do knows, is rain. Appy rain. Appy rain day, appy's go in sky, do a rain, yes. Beeg circies, appy is circie, beeg appy circie. Mus' findses all circies? Maybes... peoples do appy wish, magic-wish-hole. Yesyes, wish-hole circies, beeg mappy circies, appy circies, yesyesyessies. Gunhild getses appy-pie? Foods? Yesyes... " Gunhild spoke with a smirk and small nod.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Point Booster: Attentive Student
Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: conman2163 conman2163 Elvario Elvario Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor
The critter would shake its small little head sideways as it looked towards Amika, putting the wooden board between its legs for a moment, as it waved its hands in the air. In a very human manner from its body language almost screaming out "do not worry", or perhaps "its fine" as best as it could do in such a short span of time. Perhaps quelling the thought within Amika that she had insulted it in any more, as it wasn't reacting in any way that was indicative of it feeling frustrated or angry in this moment.

Rather, as general a sentiment of trying to ease Amika's distress in some form or another. No matter what it might have wanted to say specifically. Blinking slowly as it stood still for a moment, gaze upward at Amika seemingly in thought for a hot few seconds.

Its right hand grasped the rim of the wooden board, slowly polishing it clean with its left hand as much as it could with the dirty old rag, before beginning to write down in a purplish red colour a short message to show towards Amika. "You're okay. Thanks for the offer, but you know. Uhm, is there anything you could tell me about this baroness maybe? I just arrived, and am quite far from home. Oh, which of these rumours do you believe the most? It's a lot to hear at once there."

It's words echoing a sense of curiosity, as it looked attentively towards Amika, whilst for a few moments looking towards the others standing around in the mess hall of the inn. Obviously having kept an attentive ear, if such was even needed for how loud and proud this gathering of passionate cooks and tattletales was. Its little face staring for a few moments at those of the retinue which it had arrived with, a certain indicitive curiosity perhaps on whatever they might latch onto. But no matter what it was quick to look towards Amika again. Perhaps it understood it was a bit rude to stare off midst a conversation after all. Though unlike say another person it was also strange knowing it couldn't make any quick interjections here or there, seeing as it was bound to a more tedious and slow form of communication.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Giftvi Giftvi

Retili did not in fact waste his time telling Hestia or the others about Izuru. In fact he was a little surprised the dragon kin had continued to keep up with them despite the clear attempt to exclude him from any conversation they'd entered into. A man who could not take a hint or listen properly, Retili assessed. He nodded as Hestia listed off rumors, listening intently to what she said as he retrieved a small notepad and charcoal pencil from his ever present satchel and quickly jotted down what she told him. The information was beginning to become a bit too much just to keep organized in his head. The notebook would make it easier to summarize for his report later as well. "Yeah, we'd heard that some cows were drunk off the apples. Apparently something about their stomachs let them ferment." Retili said, his tone friendly as he addressed Hestia. "Other than that they seem pretty harmless in so far as we've been able to discern. I don't know if I'd believe the Highgrove barony was involved, this seems a little far fetched for them and a little underwhelming as far as plots go. Interdimensional apple trees and a magic apple curse sounds a little closer to the mark. Where'd you hear those from? I'd be interested in interviewing whoever is telling those stories to see if they know anything concrete." Retili asked. He cast his thoughts to Inola's words. The idea of some Fae spell going awry in an attempt to attack the empire was actually a pretty good theory, even more likely if they were trying to magic up food supplies instead and some ritual went wrong. They were close enough to the border that it was possible at least. There were a lot of rumors but Retili wasn't certain which ones were credible. He wondered if he wouldn't be better served joining the baroness at her meeting with the Mayor at this point.

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua nodded, "Well that is certainly unfortunate that she is being judged for acting on a primary function, if there was even a chance that Qeotl was responsible it is by design that she would wish to thank her by creating a ceremonial apple arrangement." Teuihua said sounding on the sadder side of things.

"However I do understand that this is how it must be until the answer for our situation comes to light." Also unfortunately despite the fact that Teuihua could be trusted to watch her, that definitely wouldn't be sufficient in the public eye since there were probably many who were suspicious of constructs to say the least. Teuihua would then turn and listen to Sherwood, who said yes a good deal to all of his questions it seemed, before pulling out a map of sorts, that information was actually to be useful. The apples were primarily appearing around Sootspire.

"Thank you for this added information Sherwood." He said matter of fact.

Teuihua would also allow Gunhild to continue to move around him unimpeded, even reaching his more dexterous hand out to her during the conversation, giving her a reassuring thumbs up despite her word salad not really contributing much.

"I appreciate your effort to contribute Gunhild."

Where else and how else had things randomly got astray around Sootspire before? There were the magical stones from his time and the magic tower appearing and disappearing..but these apples weren't really disappearing, there was also the shrine of passage and the circles..perhaps it wasn't too farfetched to assume there was another magical abnormality occurring there related to things from his time rather than a specific deity being displeased or particularly pleased.

But that's when Teuihua made a connection.

"Ringo has a great affinity for apples.The Shrine of passage is within the area of apple appearance. The pattern of appearance reminds me of the religious gate shape which was originally nearby the shrine of passage, and Ringo mentioned Apple Pie possibly becoming a new tradition of the shrine, perhaps in the context of the arrival of important religious figures, Maybe the one's whose name has been lost to time is thanking Ringo and is giving us a "heads up" as the term I've heard from this time..that someone of religious importance from the Mictlantecuhtlian pantheon is coming..you are the [Mictlantecuhtlian Chosen] afterall.."

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario , conman2163 conman2163 , Giftvi Giftvi
"Excuse me then when I partake in this delicacy, lady Amika." Replied Alister to Amika's offer, after all, it was rude not to taste something someone offers, especially if you want to make good impressions on them, and will meet them often enough. He then listened closely to the words spoken by everyone gathered in the Keg. He grateful partook in the apple given to him by Amika, it was tasty that was true, but he still preferred his simple cinnamon roasted apples.
"Hmm so the baroness's love of tailed folk precedes her it seems." Alister chuckled a little at the news, hearing that Lady Caelia is friendly to his kind of people was nice to hear, even in his previous world not many people acted well towards his kind, knowing their reputation as mutts of the angels and all that.

A vision of someone in this place threw Alister out of the loop, he stopped listening to others and focused on her in the entirety of her being, her looks, her voice, her stride. All of that was enticing to him, and when he heard her speak to him in such a sultry tone he had to reply back in a similar style.
"I have to say I might be handsome but it pales in comparison to your beauty and cooking~. But sadly I am working right now, so perhaps we should see if there is something more to THAT rumor in the evening, the two of us that is~. And yet your name eludes me, care to share it or shall it remain a mystery till the evening comes?~" Alister spoke as he was entranced by the Vixen lady that just came to the room, it has been quite some time, a few epochs in fact since Alister's last time he was enamored by someone, especially at a first glance. So he walked a bit closer to her, took the slice of cake in one hand, and with the other grabbed one of her hands, raised it up to his level, and kissed the top of her hand if she allowed him to do so. He then let go of her hand and took a bite of the cake, commenting on its taste. "If I didn't know better I would have thought this cake was from the gods, but it was your making. Which strangely enough makes it... Tastier."

Enough with the flirting and romance for now, he has all evening and every other day for that, but since he does want to be in the baroness employ he needs to get back to work. At Retili's words he had his own theory to share, not that it would amount to much as they still wouldn't know how to handle it.
"With each passing clue and rumor, it seems to me it might be a case of a Greenman appearing here. Tiny little buggers with magical prowess, if you help them once even if unknowingly they will want to repay the favor, though their ways of repayment vary greatly. Had that happened to me once, I saved the little one as he was stuck in a bunch of burdock. After a few days I kept on finding burdock everywhere I went. Sadly I do not know how to handle one so they stop, as that case was fixed by a friend of mine. But I do have to concur we should go meet with the baroness, share what we know with her and those who went with her, and try to arrive at an answer or at least a plan for how to handle the issue going forth!"
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

Perhaps expecting her emotional support-Hild to spot the pattern was a tad too much. She shook her head. “I'm afraid it's not food.” The next bit confused her a bit. “No, it's not a magic well or hole either.” She wondered if she had indeed been reaching far-fetched conclusions, though Gunhild might not be the best one to try confirm that with.

Teuihua's conclusion was also different. Perhaps even way more thought-out then hers could ever be. If anything, it made her doubt her own conclusion for being too simplistic. “Ringo has left for Yemaya and the shrine's been mostly empty and unused since. I highly doubt that would warrant some sort of gift from an apple deity related to the shrine.”

She sighed, as she was now sure her thinking had been too haphazard.


“A tree.” He'd say, figuring he'd attempt to pitch in his own conclusion to the disappointed baroness. He'd soon regret it, as it have him her full attention and a smile so genuine that he was quick to say. “Excuse me.” To rush off before she'd ask him or thank him or something, or worse, praise him in front of others.

Regula, knowing how socially awkward the scout was, nodded. “You're excused.” That said... “It was what I was thinking, however, as the pattern is so simply that it looks like how apples would end up if they were falling from a tree. Do you remember that magic tower, Teuihua, Gunhild? What if this is similar?” She hoped that might be enough to help them reach similar conclusion. If it still wasn't, it'd only show her that she did, in fact, reach far-fetched conclusions. They'd already needed another spur, after all, which made her worry about her own theorising.


“That tower was surely an interesting experience.” He'd speak up. “I do hope I won't run into one of those weird trees again, like we did at the lake.” He'd state, looking at Teuihua. “Though if these apples were falling from a tree, the tree itself must be massive.”


The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

“About the baroness?” She was a tad surprised when the not-pet Purpler wished to know about her. “Which the rumours? Well, there's a lot of things I know for a fact! She's a really [Hip Noble] that tends to listen to commoners and whenever she comes around here, she's nice and talks to us and all. She's also really strong, because she defeated a really dangerous rogue construct back in Kirkwall. She also once brought over an entire Shrine from Morbella Barony in a Pocket Dimension, that got her into some trouble with the church, but she's sorted it all out. She also allows people without noble backgrounds to prove themselves and get high ranks if they do so, like Advisor Steelhaven, or even foreigners like Advisor Loxinofican. I've also heard she has some really powerful gear, like a cloak and gun and boots that are enchanted. I've never seen them in action, but I did seem them and they do look really powerful. She's also friends with just about everyone, I something think. Like this giant construct Teuihua that she treats like a friend. They also say she's really rich, which I think is true, although she seems to spent more on the barony than she earns from it, so perhaps it's due to her craft? Anyhow, if you see the Marshall, you should look at her legs, the baroness made those as well! Also, it's rumoured that she once helped out the See and did them a really big favour, or at least tried to do so? She's also gotten to power due to the previous count, count Light, ending up splitting off the county and forming his own Country after which he got executed and Count Sadek got appointed and Baroness Caelia got appointed her as she was sort-off familiar to count Light, but not enough to be associated, so she was given up a chance to clean up the mess, which she did remarkably well as people are no longer starving. It's also said that baron Highgrove envies her a lot as a result, but she's friends with baron Morbella and I think one of Duchess Brysta's daughters was also on good terms with her, or so are the rumours.”

She'd eye Retili for a moment. There was one juicy rumour she really wanted to talk about, but she didn't want the baroness' advisor to hear her do so. She'd lean over to whisper to Watching. “The juiciest rumour is that she is a total [tail freak] though. That she loves to pet the tails of people. They say it's due to her having been through some sort of trauma and that it's... what did they call it? A coping mechanism? Yet it would explain why she likes Gunhild so much and why she helped bring in various Kitsune's into the barony, even though they all go their own ways soon enough, like miss Ringo did. Perhaps she's too shy to ask them to stay? People do say that she's overly self-conscious, but like, she's a baroness, so she'd need to be, right? I'd imagine you'd need to be super-duper careful to keep up appearances as one, right? Although she five fox-like [beast] people working for her now. Although those are generally really clever and competent, so I highly doubt she hired them because they have tails. That'd be more likely for the Kitsune's she brought along after her island trip, but I think she just wants to give those a home as I heard they are homeless?” The girl finally realised she'd been whisper-rambling a lot. It was really easy to talk lots and lots to someone who couldn't get a word in, in reply. Literally. “Anyhow, those are all the rumours I can think off right now~ All in all, I think most are surprisingly positive!”


She nodded at Retili's confirmation about the apples being harmless. “Yes, Chef Todo confirmed it for us.”

“Yep, some grade-A quality harmless apples!” The chef would add.

She shrugged her shoulders at the baron Highgrove rumour. “Between you and me, he's an old man with too much ambition for his age. You never know what they get up too.” As for the other two rumours, she had to think. “On the interdimensional apple trees, I think it was some Fae adventurers heading to explore the dungeons in Yemaya. The curse one, I think... Hmmm. I think it was a soldier that returned from trying to fight the bugs on the East Empire and See border. I'm not sure where he headed, but I think he went toward Osun.” Looking at Inola, the fox would nod in confirmation, having remembered it the same. “Although if it's about Fae, trees and interdimensional stuff, mayor Prisca is sure to know more.”


“Oh my, sounds like I have an evening more eventful than this apple-filled morning~” She'd state, giving him a wink. “As interesting as it is to keep it hidden for a bit longer, I won't, name is Inola~”

As her hand was kissed, she'd chuckle. “Oh my, handsome and a gentleman!” Those were rare, these days. A pleasant laugh escaped her lips when she was told she'd out-cook a deity. “Thank you, though I'm not one to wage a food-war against the deities~ I'm already glad to beat chef Todo here on the odd occasion.” She'd lean in. “Though I feel like someone here can motivate me to win even more~”

As for Alister's suggestion of a Greenman, it remained silent for a bit. Hestia eventually spoke up. “I'm not sure what a Greenman is, but the involvement of some type of other Fae spirit could be possible? Or perhaps they're known by different names here. At the very least, overall, it should be plausible and would be in line with the some of the rumours.”

Should the party be wanting to go find the baroness, they'd be sent to the Keep's Study (where Gunhild and Teuihua are at) and would be able to meet up with them (in this round).
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"I wasn't trying to insinuate it was a god of apples, what I was thinking there is a possibility it was a sign from the god of passage that someone important is coming." Teuihua would respond.

When Sherwood spoke up Teuihua would give him a thumbs up before he was dismissed.

"Nevertheless yes I remember the tree where it ensnared sentients into dancing, And I will say it is plausible that the pattern in which the apples fell could correlate to a tree, and as we know there is at least one strange tree in that area I suppose the possibilities of others isn't improbable."

Teuihua didn't particularly speak like he was super convinced one way or another of this theory, sounding more neutral as he recalled the facts. Then there was Lowrence, to which Teuihua would look too.

It was at that point when Teuihua made a connection again,

"What if the apples are from one of those trees, normally as far as we know a tree like that wouldn't be this potent, but what if one of those trees was receiving a power boost from some of those magical rocks from my time? If that was the case it wouldn't even necessarily need to be that large to have it's abilities greatly augmented to where it could produce apples to this range, and we know that at least some of those magic..I think the word I have heard is ..magic battery like rocks? remain in that area where those trees can be found."

"If you are ruling out what i mentioned previously completely based on the current set of information then something like what I just said would be my next extrapolation and theory."
He would conclude, awaiting to see if that was what Regula was thinking, at the very least that it was strange tree related or if his entire thought had any merit.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Giftvi Giftvi

The keen ears and constant [Perception C] of the Zentox meant he picked up a little bit of what Amika was saying. “... rumour ... freak ... pet … people ... trauma … coping ... Gunhild ... Kitsune's ... Ringo… shy … conscious ... baroness …. appearances ... five fox-like … competent ... tails … island ... home … homeless?” Was all he heard. It didn't make a whole lot of sense at first, until she said something about the Baroness. Then Retili felt that he could reasonably conclude what the conversation was about. It made it hard to focus as Hestia spoke to him though. so he turned his attention back to Hestia. Retili nodded as Hestia gave some more information on where each of the rumors came from. They would bear investigating if they couldn't find anything around Stonewall to conclude the investigation. The Zentox eyed the beast-kin curiously as he flirted with Inola, then turned his eyes back to Hestia. "Hestia, you've been very helpful. You as well Inola, Todo, and Amika. I must take my leave now. The Baroness will want to know all of what we have heard so far. " He turned towards Alister and Watching. "You two may follow me, we are off to find Lady Caelia." He did not address Izuru, but instead walked out of the Tavern. A short while later they were approaching the keep. As they did, Retili stopped in front of it and turned to his guards. If Izuru were still following them, he would point to him and order them to keep him out of the keep. The ten guards were left behind as they ventured further into it and eventually made their way to the Keep's study. It was an often frequented room for Retili. Inside already he found Lowrence, Teuihua, Gunhilda, and the Baroness.

He bowed to Regula as they entered. "Lady Caelia, we have spoken to both Miss Gwenith and Miss Hestia, but to we have found precious little in the way of credible information. The only thing concrete we have determined is that the apples are of both high quality and safe to eat. Though they seem to be getting some of the local cows drunk due to some strangeness with their stomach allowing them to ferment. There are some rumors I can follow up on, but they are not particularly credible or likely in my estimation."

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception C, Insight C, Business E - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
(cant think of much to write rn)


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild cheerfully made small grumbly noises and swayed her head and tail to Teuihua giving her a little praise for attempting to contribute to the whole conversation. Though after a very brief moment of enjoying the given acknowledgement by her Metalmans fren, she was shortly enough shot down with two separate denials as to her suggestions by Regula as the birdlady apparently held different ideas in mind. Otherwise, she quietly awaited upon Teuihua's shoulder as she listened to Regula mention about the tower. She had never actually seen it, but maybe it was a case as she tilted her head a little.

"Beeg rock-house tolhouse alsos a appy's?" Gunhild confusedly asked, not really getting it since they weren't at all the same thing. It also wasn't like the apples were continuing to move around and were in copious amounts in comparison to the singular teleporting tower. So for now, she just held rather quiet and stayed along to whatever was happening.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")

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