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Active [Ryke – Stonewall] (Caelia Barony) How Do You Like Them Apples?

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Megilagor Megilagor Giftvi Giftvi

Izuru was increasingly amused by how confused and exhausted Regula was getting because of his seemingly outrageous demands. Little Ethel as she was apparently called was forced to go do other things. The dragonkin also found the disapproving stare of Lentili almost as amusing as what confused looks he'd get from Marrok. Naturally he kept quiet while the wolfkin did his best to appear noble and humble before the liege he wished to enter the service of. It appeared Marrok was an otherworlder, of the transmigratory variety rather than the reincarnated kind. Izuru was aware of the difference due to being of the latter kind himself. Although it didn't matter much considering he had no memory of his former life beyond vague images of his own doom. His father had seemed to take the presence of otherworlders as being far more common than Izuru had found people to consider it. Yet it was difficult to know if everyone else wasn't taking the matter seriously or Izuru's father was just kind of strange. The presence of the small purple creature made Izuru unfortunately think of that accursed Nephilim. He vaguely recalled Rios speaking of some Purpler who had assisted in an escort quest he had undertaken. His face scrunched up a little when he read its name. Izuru couldn't tell if whoever named Purpler was far too poetic in naming him or incredibly inebriated. Which was odd coming from a literal poet like himself.

Now Izuru had simply suggested Ethel follow him along while HE himself did some investigation. The guards had taken it as a sign Izuru had deemed his own value great enough to order them around. Which meant he COULDN'T trust them now that they were on edge with preconceptions. Marrok seemed far more trustworthy so he would choose to share findings with him alone. Thus Izuru began his incredibly serious investigation. First he chose to perform an analysis of an apple he had picked up. Marrok had put forth they were high quality apples when addressing Lady Regula. Izuru himself had confirmed their taste as being of a high quality with no apparent side effects. Looking over the apple with his discerning eye [Appraisal E] and knowledge of magic [Arcane E]. He wanted to determine if there were any traces of magic left over from when it was teleported mere minutes before he had sat down to eat.

1. Watch everyone talk important things
2. Analysis of Apple = Appraisal E + Arcana E
Elvario Elvario

The Before:
"+That would certainly be most..precarious, I do hope that Tsanatl is not behind any of this, that could suggest future problems. if whatever is bothering them is not amended. A gift from Qeotl would be a much more agreeable situation, if we were to suspect that was the case, discussing with Zeoli might be worth while to see if she did anything that might have gained Qeotl's favor or if anyone has..and if that is a likely case the next steps I'd highly suggest is showing a sign that you are thankful for her gift so that she'll get the message and stop sending them. I would not want to rule these possibilities out but of course there are many others.+" Teuihua replied in MIct this time around because he fancied doing so.

Teuihua would listen to the plans and stand guard for Regula. He had no qualms with Gunhild climbing atop him, he would move the apple off his shoulder so she'd have easier access to wherever she felt inclined to go on the pleasantly warm construct.

The Current:

Teuihua might have given Ethel a wave with his hand, but otherwise was on standby with his [360 degree vision], there really wasn't much reason for him to speak for the time being nor was there much interaction with him. Between Ethel being on alert with Izuru and then Alister, both being in somewhat questionable positions, with Regula speaking to those involved directly, he'd simply assume a body guard position near her, and continue to do so, doing his best to look like the tall heavy construct he was who could do some serious damage if someone decided to do something foolish around him. Even if he recalled Izuru himself these circumstances were most unusual.

Then there was also purpler which put the construct on higher alert, unsure of who or what they were, he'd keep some of his vision on them for sure, had there not been other enforcement there and had Regula not been handling herself so well he might have gone into interrogation mode but for now given they were claiming they were there to help he felt more free to just continue his guard duty for the time being, creating a somewhat of a partial physical barrier with his body between whoever Regula was interacting with for the time being.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

As Izuru ignored her question regarding whether or not anything stood out about the taste of the apple he'd eaten, she had made up her mind. She did not like this person. Even if she wasn't a baroness, the act of ignoring someone was rather rude in general. Worse when it was a baroness. That said, it was too early to make a big deal out of it. Or perhaps this is where Marrok could prove himself in whether or not he'd notice and say something, assuming Retili wouldn't beat him to it. Either way, Regula decided it was beneath her to argue with Izuru at this point. Otherwise she might risk a lecture from her own advisors about being too casual in turn.

As Izuru was attempting to analyse the apple using Appraisal E combined with Arcana E, it showed him a soft glow, suggesting that mana/magic had, in some shape or form, been at play. Yet the skills were too low in grade for him to discern much more, such as whether it had been recent or not. It could've been from as far back as when they were still on the tree to as recently as just before it got picked up. Then again, it was, at the very least, confirmed that magic seemed to be involved and that it had affect the apples themselves.

The one to leave a better impression was Marrok. Although she shared some of Retili's worries, she too decided not to question what her existence was apparently starting to do to tailed folk. At least not for now. He did say some interesting things. “I can respect a desire to earn mutual trust.” She'd nod, accepting him having some level of secrecy. His titles confirmed a few things to her. Nothing criminal, wanted or unwanted. Another person from another world, which seemed awfully common around her. Perhaps she attracted them somehow.

She smiled at his genuine offer of aid, by now, already warming up to his behaviour a bit. It helped that he suggested he'd also seen warn, like her own experience of those burning woods in the See. “In that case, your aid is more than welcome.” She could also help alleviate some of his other concern. “As for not knowing much of this area or world, worry not, I've met a fair few others like you. Most turned out to be great assets to my barony after I gave them resources and time to learn and adjust, so you'd have only hightened my expectations.” She'd add the last bit with a genuine smile and a not-entirely-planned usage of [Baroness' Charm B], as she was recalling some fond memories.

Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

That said, he did have one useful thing to add. “If they were still fresh... that might be of some importance, I think. At the very least I think it could exclude some weird set-up by merchants or adventurers, as I doubt they'd be able to source this many apples freshly and hide them short after... Or at least it'd make them less likely to be involved.” She clicked her tongue. “Retili, Marrok, would the both of you mind keeping track of whatever clues we find?” She honestly didn't want to take the lead on this, both due to lack of investigative skill and still feeling tired from the short night's rest after a long adventure.

As for local orchards, there shouldn't be that many. “There's a farmer, or perhaps agricultural researcher is a better word, called Gwenith. She lives a bit outside of the southern gate. If the apples are sourced from this area, she would be the one to know. She might also be able to figure out more about these apples in general.”

That brought her attention to the purple creature again. By now, it seemed to have finished writing something, oddly enough. “Watching of Reflection..?” She asked. Whilst she was that she hadn't gotten caught trying to speak to a mere animal, she was still confused by this one. That said, it seemed like this one wasn't harmful, so she gestured the others to calm down a bit. Being [Well-meaning], [Gregarious] and [Amiable], she couldn't help herself from feeling oddly endeared by such an odd creature communicating in such an odd manner.

[Well-Meaning] Character has displayed several instances of attempting to help, so it is understood by many the character is at least trying to make circumstances better. However, their efforts struggle to achieve the best outcome.
[Gregarious] - Whether the character is among enemies or allies, they seem to know what to say or do that lets them thrive in the situation. A story or apt compliment, the character can make a good situation more fun or a bad situation more agreeable.
[Amiable] - Character has a knack for making other people feel more at ease. People character interacts with may feel less guarded in social interactions than usual.

His name would become bit annoying, so she'd lean down a bit as she considered something. “Would you mind if I just call you Watch or Ref or something?” She asked, wanting to get that out of the way first. As for him leaving, she shook her head. “No, you can stay. We're just in a bit of a situation. Apples are randomly appearing just about everywhere. It's not necessarily cursed, for as far as we know thus far at least, but the places it appears at without us knowing how or why... that is a reason for concern.” All of that was pretty much public knowledge at this rate. “So whilst you may not be involved, please forgive us for having some suspicions about someone of a race we have never seen before arriving at the time of these odd apple appearances.”

Clicking her tongue, she'd lean a bit further forwards, going past Teuihua. “To that extend, would you mind if I were to use appraisal on you? You can just nod or shake your head.” She'd reply. If it wouldn't mind, she would use Appraisal to check it and notice nothing of concern. “Though even for a pilgrim, I do wonder why you are up at such an early hour.” That part as a tad peculiar, assuming Ethel hadn't shouted him awake.

As for Retili, she would nod to his words. “You may grant reasonable request from mister Marrock.” She made sure to exclude Izuru. “Could you coordinate with and answer any further questions from him and mister... miss... ehm..” She'd look at Watching, wondering what it was. “From them?” She ended up asking Retili, hoping it was implied enough that she was just as much asking him and his men to keep an eye out on the strangers. “I'll be heading heading back to the keep to discuss some things with mayor Aldwin and captain Ezekiel in a bit.” She figured that trying to delegate some tasks was going to be her best option for now. Until they had better leads.

As for Teuihua's suggestion, she would nod. +“If you could go ask Zeouli about it, that would be great.”+ Small of a chance as it was, it was worth checking out. Teuihua would likely be able to find Zeoli in the armoury or lower levels of the keep, as those were the only spots big enough for him and her to move freely and stay 'indoors' in.

At this hour, it seemed like there were only a few leads to pursue. They could try heading to the barracks, in the same direction as Teuihua, to go ask the guards if they knew more. Oddly enough, the Keg (the town's inn/tavern) seemed to have some candlelight burning already, perhaps someone there knew more. They could also travel a bit outside of the town to go meet the mentioned agricultural expert, Gwenith. They could also ask the baroness to join her meeting with the mayor or guard captain. Or they could just wander around aimlessly and hope for the best.


Kuma Lisa


From: Moonberry's AI magic

She patiently, silently and rather confusedly, listened to Gunhild explain. Until she lit up a little. “So, you are telling us not to overthink it? That the baroness, and us, that we are overthinking things too much and that we should rely on our instincts more often, whenever we don't need to keep our guards up and be formal?” Somehow that's what she understood from all that. She would nod as if having just heard great words of wisdom.

A bit of understanding showed when she was told that people thought petting was gross. “I'm surprised how you're able to live so freely.” She admitted. Part of her thinking back on the times she was called a 'filthy animal' back in the East Empire. Seeing the girl turn even smaller, she chuckled. “That is a fun looking ability you've learned, miss Gunhild.”

She would allow the lizard to climb into her lap, as she'd start petting her by gently rubbing her hand over her head. “It's odd to think you're still the same person that was so big and that towered over all of us not that long ago.” She stated, as she figured she would attempt to tickle Gunhild's stomach with her other hand for a bit. She might as well get some experience, just in case she'd need it later. That said, she did want to ask one thing. “Before I go, would you wish to be friends, miss Gunhild?” She asked. Gunhild might be a powerful ally to have. Also a fun one.

That said, she would soon gently place Gunhild back down on the bed. “I should return to my duties, but should the baroness every be unable to welcome you, you're welcome to return here.” She promised. “Perhaps you could go out into town to meet up with her and the others to see if you can help find out what's going on with these apples.” She wasn't sure how Gunhild could help, but the woman did have a lot of hidden talents and surprises. That much she knew.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Megilagor Megilagor

The critter's eyes slowly surveyed the people who were in a light sense surrounding it, it's eyes purposefully meeting the gaze of any who had focused in towards it, as Regula gestured for those surrounding her to calm down in this moment. It's body posture wasn't mellow and relaxed, but luckily it hadn't seemed to have changed to any degree to worsen after Teuihua had decided to interpose itself between it and Regula. Nothing that would imply an escalation of tension, Watching of Reflection or however it called itself seemed not react with a sense of fear. Of course whatever micro-expressions it might possess would be alien to comprehend at this moment.

Watching of Reflection looked Regula in the eyes for a good minute as she asked if it minded to be called Watch or Ref, as she had leaned down on her knees to be on mostly equal eye height to it, and seemed to wait as Regula continued talking. Obviously waiting for her to be finished with whatever she wanted to say before it would begin writing down any sort of reply, though how time consuming it might be in comparison. Before writing down anything, the critter would shake its head, as a manner to express it didn't mind. As it began to write down upon its wooden board knowing these may be the final words seeing as she seemed busy.

Busy enough to already be imposing Retili to answer any of its questions along with those of the Beastkin which stood at the square here as well. The handwriting in which it wrote still being far from any chicken writing, instead one could even wonder if not knowing it had been finger painted somebody might think a count who had spent many years taught by a teacher had written such form. "If you feel it is constraining to repeat my name. Then it is okay if you call me Watching. I won't condone a threat of intimidation from those who care for you and this place, when you feel concerned for its safety. It just, put me on edge for a moment, if you can understand why." It began to write once more as soon as it wiped away the calligraphy from the board, already knowing what it wished to say but not wishing to make the lettering too small. "If that's such a concern for you, and for your people's safety. May it not be imposing, I'd be happy to help, I cannot promise for long. As I still wish to continue my travels after all. For the time, I awake before dawn, if on empty stomach I hunt before the morning rays, and travel till I tire. It is comfortable to pass through when only those tending to the fields wake up."

Watching of Reflection looked towards Retili and then Alister, if Regula had to any extent felt like they were satisfied with the conversation at hand, or was making further expedience to do dealings elsewhere. As whilst Izuru had been there, and certainly a glance had been made towards him, the lack of communication directly with Regula was apparent. Writing down upon its board in a quicker pace, "Unless you'd mind. I could make travels to any of the local farmsteads at this moment. Or have any other ideas there?" Its head softly turning toward the one building whose lights still illuminated the interior at this very hour, before turning back towards the others.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece conman2163 conman2163 Giftvi Giftvi Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor

Gunhild patiently listened to Kuma Lisa as the lizard nodded about the given information, seeing as the floofa seemed to be getting a positive message out of it and at the very least the message that Gunhild had tried to deliver her best to explaining. She wasn't the best at advice like this, but if the girl found assistance and comfort in it then that was a good do well do'ed.
"Yesses, be's a fren, not a silly smarty-helpies-person. Be's helpy-fren, is fun, not siri-usses" Gunhild answered in agreement, nodding as she freely leaned her head into Kuma Lisa's touch in order to promptly receive her well deserved pets. Purring quietly, she felt herself turned over via an assault on her tiny Smoler Smolhild tummy as her tiny claws play-swatted at Kuma's hand with little grunts and growl-like purrs to defend herself from such a giant's vicious tickle attack.

Though she eventually found herself free, and changed back to a size of 4'1" as usual as she dropped her way back onto the floor seeing as her time giving advice was all well done here. Hearing one more ask from Kuma, Gunhild looked back over her request of asking to be friends.
"Gunhild and Goldy-Floofa frens, yesses, cans frens, goods frenses! Baibaibais Prettys-Goldsie, Gunhild go helpies Baronlady and Frens! Gunhild sees a mores times, Gunhild comes backies!" Gunhild smiled and waved with a playful wag of her tail in the air before scurrying her way off, it was good to know that she had collected yet another friend in her arsenal of contacts. Truly meeting and befriending all the friends was a worthwhile adventure for the ages, but for now she had to go back and help with the apple quest. Regula might end up giving her more pets and cuddles if the mystery was solved, but at least she now also had Kuma Lisa to visit if her affection quota wasn't being fulfilled enough. That Finn guy she met once was good at giving her all the pets she wanted, wonder where he went off to.

Scuttling and crawling around to find her way out of the keep once more, she wandered back out into the open night. Seeing as she was now free in the open, Gunhild thought it would be a nice time to return back to her normal size so she could get a chance to stretch her legs and use all of her muscles. Sometimes, it got a little cramping and restrictive being small all the time like you wouldn't even believe or begin to understand. Letting go of her Size Change now that she was outside, she returned to her natural yet staggering 16' height. Sighing and stretching as she stood upright, she spent a moment stretching out her arms and legs, it felt good to do so.

"Mghmh, Gunhild crumpied, Gunhild mus be freesies, beeg freesies" Gunhild grumbled to herself, feeling all nice and stretched for another big day... well rather, night out. Plus, it'd help her notice wherever her friends had gotten off to. Taking a look around the area to see if she could locate said friends, she would wander around enough and soom find the group of inviduals on the apple-related mystery along with a bunch of new faces she didn't recognise. Not really sure who these others were, wondering if they were appley mischief-makers or certified apple-hunters, Gunhild quietly walked up to the group as best as she could although her size and the likely loud thudding of her footsteps wasn't the easiest thing to hide. Looking and eyeing everyone present, it had been a while like this that she had almost completely forgotten hers and Teuihua's real height difference. Waltzing over and laying herself over his back and resting her head on top of his, she cheerfully grumbled with a dopey smile.

"Hellos frens, hellos Prettybirdie ReguLady, where'ses appleys? Dids finds? Dids a do?" she asked, wondering what they had gotten up to.​
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

Retili called off his men as Regula took the lead with the purple creature named Watching, failing to notice as Izuru effectively failed to respond to his offer of aide. His men visibly relaxed, letting themselves drop back into a less alert posture. Rifles were rested on shoulders or with the butts of the guns on the ground as they waited to see the outcome of the situation. As Regula addressed him once again, Retili bowed deeply. "As you wish Lady Caelia. I will both record any findings and assist this pair in their task." He said as he straightened. With [Insight C] it didn't take him any time at all to pick up on the hidden meaning of her words, and with [perception D] he did not miss that Izuru had been excluded from being given the same support as the other two, nor did her miss that he had failed to answer Regula in any way, shape, or form. He smiled pleasantly at Izuru, a change from the glower, though the smile did not reach the crimson eyes that were so ominously framed by his black sclera. "Master Izuru was it?" Retili asked. "I cannot help but notice that Baroness Caelia asked you a question, and yet you did not answer." He said, the zentox speaking in a neutral tone. "While my lady was so pleasant as to allow this slight to pass thus far, I would advise against making it a habit. Those with less forgiving natures than my lady might take offense." {Ability used: Noble Bearing C} Retili felt the rebuke was gentle enough, given the situation. Continuing to fail to answer the baroness when she spoke would likely only escalate the situation however. He turned his attention back to Watching, who he gave a slight bow to in apology. "Please accept my apologies, my men acted with haste. I hope we can work well together on this assignment." He said before straightening. "Now, Master Watching, Master Marrok, I would advise that we first find our way to Ms. Gwenith. It is our best possibility given the nature of this problem. Then, if we cannot get the answers we need there, we will instead head back to the Keg. It is late, but Ms. Hestia might be able to provide us some sort of lead where we have failed to otherwise find one."

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters. - 3 cooldown posts remaining
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Giftvi Giftvi Femboy Femboy

Finishing a brief analysis of the apple in his hand. Izuru was able to determine there were still faint traces of magical energy on it. He couldn't determine where it had been or what it was. Yet the fact it still held some magic on its red roundness was all Izuru needed to start crafting a few theories. His thought process was interrupted by Lentil, who seemed to be upset that the dragonkin had been ignoring Lady Regula. Izuru hadn't recalled her saying anything in particular to him but he assumed it must have been while he was busy beginning his incredibly serious investigation. Lentil even displayed what Izuru believed to be some kind of noble bearing. Not that this in any way helped Izuru with the task he had taken on. Throwing an apple into the air and catching it. He crouched down to speak with little Watching of Reflection. "Greetings small friend. A small favor to ask of you. Mind keeping a record of things we find? You can't trust someone won't try a little information tampering. I'm Izuru, we'll be working together for a short time. Anyway, so far we have determined that these apples are high quality in appearance. My current findings show that they taste high quality and still carry faint traces of magic. No side effects upon consumption which leads to either two likely but undetermined outcomes. All of these apples are locally sourced, which we may determine when heading to the orchards. Alternatively they're duplicates created by magic or alchemy" said Izuru while reporting his findings to Watching of Reflection. He knew there were many advantages in trusting this task to something people would underestimate who always had painting equipment on hand... or rather paw.

It was then he saw her, a lizardkin with bright blue eyes. Izuru had thought himself a decent example of reptilian; but this lizard was something special. Scaly, fluffy and wholly fierce looking. Yet her innocent gaze penetrated the dragonkin in a way he had never experienced before. He had no idea if it was attraction or simple fascination. Her giant frame was a sight to behold as she casually made her way over to greet them. Once she opened her mouth and referred to them all as frens. Izuru could tell she was a very straightforward sort. The dragonkin would usually wonder if such an individual had developmental issues if they spoke in such a way. This specific instance just made her all the more charming to Izuru. What should he say? What would the appropriate thing to say to such a creature be? How could one ever hope to communicate the immensity of ones fascination to a lizardkin who stood so tall? Izuru had no clue what to say but knew that unless he said something, the two of them may never meet or speak ever again. Digging into his coat for another apple. He casually offered it to the large bluish lizard woman. "Hello friend" was all Izuru said with a far more genuine smile on his face than he realized.

Interactions: Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario

Teuihua was largely on standby during these conversations, still acting as a body guard of sorts, feeling a tad more at ease when no one seemed outwardly hostile so far, still on alert however with the newcomers and odd circumstances around them. With her going beyond him he would watch carefully, knowing well enough not to get between again at the moment since she had clearly moved so that wouldn't be the case in this instance. With this all said when Regula addressed him He gave her a bow.

"+Understood Lady Caelia, I will see if I can locate Zeouli and see if she has any information which can help us solve this apple problem, while I am sure I do not need to tell you this, please do be extra careful while I am not at your side during these strange times.+"

Teuihua was about to take his leave to see if he could find Zeouli, First he would check the lower levels of the keep, and if he did not see her there the plan was to go to the armory to look for her. (The order depending on which was closer to where they were currently and if he didn't find her in the first location) However Gunhild made her way over and got atop him again.

"Greetings Gunhild, I am glad to see you are okay given the circumstances. I am about to go and search for Zeouli to see if I can get any information which might help us get some information on why these apples are appearing, you are more than welcome to come with me if you would like too, but I also understand if you'd prefer to look elsewhere or go along with others." Teuihua spoke honestly on the matter, and regardless, he would take his leave toward the aforementioned location if she decided to go for a ride on him and come with or not.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Active titles: Baroness of Caelia, Ryken Adventurer E, Hero of Yemaya, Redhook's Demise, Merchant's Guild Member C, Mictlantechulian Chosen. Prideful, Well-Meaning, Connected, Gregarious, Earnest, Tail Freak, Team Rocket, Peacekeeper, Hip Noble, Boundary Setter, Amiable, Tea Drinker, Degenerate, Expert Blacksmith, Expert Enchanter, Expert Courtier, Expert Cultural Anthropologist, Expert Leader, Expert Sophist, Expert Psychologist, Expert Seductress, Nomad, Bureaucrat, Diadem
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Svylan} | <Beastial> | %Analog% | +Mictlantechulian+

“Won't condone?” She asked, wondering if the purple critter had misspelled a word on its board. As this sounded like it was trying to threaten them all by saying it wouldn't condone a threat of intimidation and might start trying to fight them all because of it. “Of course, you're welcome to help out. It'd be appreciated. Besides, if things go well and you'd have some time, I'd love to learn about more about you, or rather, your species. I don't think I ever met someone mouthless.” She would reply to its next text. It's explanation for being up way early was somewhat reasonable as well, alleviating some suspicions and giving room to some genuine curiosity. Considering it hadn't even asked for a reward yet either, it was definitely off to a good start.

The arrival of Gunhild was difficult to miss. “Hello again. It's been a while since I saw you at full size. Remember to be careful not to step on things dear.” She'd note, still ever so slightly worried that Gunhild might just kill some child one day by forgetting to look where she walked. That said, she'd [Fly] up to be on eye level. “We don't know about the apples yet. These are Watching...” she'd pointed to the purple creature “and mister Marrok” she'd point to Alister. “They're going to help solve the case.” Izuru was purposefully ignored. His existence was still tolerated, but nothing more.

She'd fly over to give Gunhild a quick ruffle through her hair. “Did you do a good do with the Task Force?” She still wondered what in the world those might've debated, so she figured perhaps this might make Gunhild spill some information. Then again, she didn't have the time to ask for details right now.

Luckily enough, among them all, there was at least one person with actual integrity and focus to keep things going. That being Retili. Perhaps Marrock might prove himself to be of similar calibre before long, as she had high hopes, but for now, it was good to hear Retili agree with the planning. “Good. I'll have one of the Task Force deliver a summary of what I'll be discussing with the Guard Captain and Mayor.” She'd state in turn, figuring the exchange of information would likely be crucial later on.

Meanwhile Retili's words towards Izuru (C grade persuasion vs. D-grade character) would be a lot less easy to ignore than Izuru made it seem to be at first. Whilst it wasn't enough to instantly make him obediently fall in line, the words would keep lingering in his mind. (OOC: let me know if either of you would need a mod to judge this officially as 'social' PvP through the effectiveness system. I'm personally not the biggest fan, as that might delay the flow of the RP, but I do think it should be an option considering the nature of the skills and this being a system-RP-setting).

Regula noticed Izuru explain things to Purpler instead of answering her. In particular adding the information she'd asked for. There was a slight doubt on whether he did that on purpose or not, but she figured she'd let it go one more time. That said, she'd made her mind up. She'd show him he was on thin ice in a similar manner. “Retili, Teuihua, you are both free to ask mister Izuru to steer clear of the investigation or to have him leave the barony altogether if needed, should his meddling become problematic to either of you.” That should be a good enough warning to signal that her patience and kindness had started to reach its limits.

That said, she found herself smiling warmly at Teuihua's words of advice, as she nodded. “+I will. Same to you.+” She didn't fear much in her own domain, but it never hurt to be careful. With that, she was off to fly to her next meeting. Rather busy for early morning.


Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard


Should Teuihua move onwards after being let go by Gunhild, or perhaps with Gunhild tagging along, he'd eventually find Zeouli seated in the armoury. Seeing how big she was, he could spot her from the outside on the Training Grounds because I can't find a good image for the armoury. She seemed to be crouched down in a corner for some reason. She didn't have many ways to express negative emotion, but... well, this seemed to indicate as much. She was looking downwards, to the ground, not even spotting his arrival.


Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.



Those wanting to go check the farms/orchards or 'agricultural researcher' would all be able to find their way to Gwenith's place. There were a few more farms on the way there, but all were closed up with the inhabitants still sleeping. Even for farmers, it was a bit too early morning. All in all, Gwenith's place was the only nearby one with activity happening at this early time of day. Gwenith herself was working to... sort apples? That's what it looked like from a distance, at least. Multiple baskets with apples were stacked outside her house, as she picked up apple after apple, observed it, then put it into one of the several baskets.

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario , conman2163 conman2163 , Giftvi Giftvi

Alister nodded at Regula's words but upon learning he was not the only one from a different world he was a bit surprised, were they from a different world or maybe from his own, but even then how would that work, who sent them here? All those thoughts plaque Alisters mind for a minute or two till he shelved them in some folder in his head so he could get back to it later since he had work to do now, not exactly the time to overthink stuff.
Alister could tell from experience that Regula was certainly not a normal person, her aura enhanced by her smile was able to sway people's hearts, if he did not know better he would ask why she wasn't an empress yet, but he knew how busy such life is as he followed Rosel during his tenure as the emperor closely. "Very well Lady Caelia. I shall remember the clues we find on the way." Alister affirmed her choice to lay some trust in him with those words, with a small bow at that.
"We shall visit Gwenith shortly then my lady. A ruler's true strength is people who wish to serve them and lend them their expertise. We also shall partake in the expert's ruling."
Spoke Alister technically to himself but as well to Regula and those who are to follow him to Gwenith, Alister wasn't the greatest wordsmith but considering he stole those words from his friend Klein just rephrased them a bit, to fit the time more.
"Lead the way then Retili sir, as you know the way. And welcome mister Watching to our little group." Confirmed Retilis's words and then he greeted the weird purple fellow... At least they were far more social than the Beyonder beasts at home, or however that small saying Klein used to say went.

From a distance Alister announced their arrival so as not to spook lady Gwenith, who was doing some menial tasks at the moment, though the sorting of apples was... concerning in this situation, maybe she was involved in all of this, or she could just be sorting through the apples by how priced they would be. Anyway, Alister approached her closer while greeting her from afar.
"Welcome Lady Gwenith! We come to ask you a few questions and perhaps partake in your wisdom as an agricultural researcher in a certain matter, that you might know about. We are researching the mysteriously appearing apples in Miladies Caelia's barony. So far we know that the mysterious apples are fresh and contain some traces of magic on them, which might lead one to suspect they were teleported from a short distance to where they appeared. So can you dear lady help us with this situation a little? We would be very thankful for that."
After saying his words he approached her ever so closer, though keeping some distance between himself and her as everyone had their own personal space after all.
Watching of Reflection

Song Inspiration

Languages: Common | <Bestial> | [Telepathy]
Mentions: Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Megilagor Megilagor Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Femboy Femboy

The eyes of the little critter rested for a moment to the wooden board it had turned around to show Regula, as it heard the questioning response, seemingly inspecting the words it had written down once more most likely. Before it listened once more intently to Regula, its head raised upward and eyes met back at hers. For whatever reasons it had, it certainly was quick to begin writing down once more, seemingly with an expedience not quite present prior. Which made the letters written down just a bit messier, though by all accounts of the quality normally present it wasn't any chicken scratch or doctor's handwriting that proved difficult to understand. "Ah, that would appear to not be the right word for it. As I said, the language of comfort rests with Bestial. I simply wished to say no discourtesy has been taken. And... I would gladly accept, if time finds itself for me, though I do not know if there is much I could share that is compelling to read. It is always a good past time to share stories however." With that said Watching of Reflection gave a slight bow, though of all things it was quite apparent practice with this school of courtesy was quite lacking for the critter. Though the fact that it was present might have been a surprise to most.

As it began to walk off to stand closer to Alister and Retili, the draconian Izuru would interject upon its short jaunt, the critter head rather not requiring to be raised to make direct eye contact, since the draconian had courched down through his knees to meet head height instead. As it listened intently to the words of Izuru. With mention of Izuru's own name a small hand would be extended with an open palm, likely inviting him to a handshake. And it did have hands, though on each were only four fingers rather then five. As Izuru continued his words the purpler nodded, and held up its wooden board. "Good to meet you Izuru. I will note that down then, the task wouldn't prove too difficult. And if no one else would carry anything to write upon, though my memory will make due for when I may wish to speak." Its response was kept quite short, as it looked to see Izuru had read its writing, and began to move towards Retili and Alister once more as Izuru themself moved towards the new arrival. The critter stopped within its tracks for a moment, as it looked towards Gunhild, its chin raising so high its entire neck could be seen due to the extreme height difference between the two. Its gaze remained for a few moments more, nodding towards Gunhild at the mention of its own name by Regula. Before standing to the side of Retili and Alister.

At Alister's greeting the purple critter would nod, though did not offer a hand in this instance either, if perhaps understandable considering the height difference making things quite awkward as it was, or for whatever other reasons it could be. It would write down for a few moments upon its wooden board as the group began to walk towards Gwenith, with Retili taking charge, and hold it out in front of it as it stood besides Retili for a moment. "As I said to your baroness, no slight has been taken at all. I understand you must be having a stressful day over there, with much headache. May we do well together, and quell your baroness's worries. Please lead the way." Before holding out an open hand, now towards Retili who stood a feet shorter then it.

For now as the group began to make its approach towards the orchard of Lady Gwenith the purple critter kept itself silent, not interjected or seeking any attention. And simply began to write down some of the words which it would be hearing, moving forward to even seperate a small distance away from the others as it looked around the apple trees themselves for now, curious to see if it would notice anything off of at all from this perspective. It's heightened sense of hearing keeping a watchful ear to the conversation. {Hunter's Experience | Perception F, Survival F}


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Giftvi Giftvi Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor conman2163 conman2163
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

Gunhild watched Regula as the Baroness had flew up to eye level, huffing small cheerful grunts in light chuckling as she gently pointed her clawed finger to Regula with small movement as if she were almost to poke her on the stomach.
"Eheheheh, smol Prettybirdie is smol-smol, heheheheh-" Gunhild quietly chortled to herself as she looked at the littler bird-lady. Although it seemed like the mystery still had yet to be resolved and any sort of private time would still be put on hold, Gunhild was at least blessed with receiving a small amount of hair-ruffling which was pleasant. Grumbling a soft purr as the big lizard nodded, she spoke on her momentary time with the Task Force.

"Yesses, Gunhild do a good do, verys goods do, is goods nows. Goods floofas do goods do, bown-faloofa andses a bluubie-floofas ands mores floofases toos, good do a do is do-do do, floofas and Gunhild do a do good do-do, yesses, frenses toos! Happy frenses" Gunhild cheerfully explained out of it probably to the absolute lack of the Baroness' benefit to find out anything that they talked about. Looking to the others, she recognised Retili from earlier even though they've never properly met or interacted, looking to Alister and Watching who she hadn't ever seen before. Giving a light wave to them, she greeted.

"Hellos Mah-Rocky, hellos... Watchies-do, Watchies... " Gunhild answered, the Rock-Man's name made sense even if a bit misleading since he was clearly not made of rock, but the... purple lizard's name made even less sense. Watching wasn't a name, it was a do, maybe that waa what the lizard did. It watched stuff, that's how it was gonna help them find the person placing apples around. She hadn't seen a creature like whatever Watching was, but just gave a peaceful smile anyway.
"Gunhild is Gunhild, Gunhild fren, is frens? Gunhild helpies Prettybaronlady and Metalmans, is good frenses" she answered, for a moment looking to Izuru unsure who he was since Regula didn't address him as being around to help solve things. Either way, she noticed his greeting and his offering of an apple wondering if he may have something to do with it if he was so freely handing out apples secretly stored in his clothes.
"Hellos Appy-mans... " Gunhild uttered, wondering if it was really safe to take free handouts since Regula and Teuihua were always disapproving of eating things she didn't know where they came from. Lightly taking it from him inbetwen two claws, she suspiciously eyed it before lifting it to her mouth. Although instead of choosing to eat it, she crushed it within one large hand entirely and squeezed whatever juice it held into her mouth and wringing it out with one hand before nonchalantly throwing away the pressed apple corpse.

Moving onto the matter of actually solving things, she saw the others that would be going to investigate elsewhere as Teuihua offered her invitation to come along with him. Seeing as she had no real plans and Regula seemed like she was going somewhere else entirely, she might as well keep Teuihua company so she could still stick around a close friend. Shrinking back to her smol 4'1" size and clambering onto Teuihua's shoulder, she grunted.
"Okies, hellos Metalmans, Metalmans and Gunhild do good do, go do goodest do, yesses" Gunhild agreed, of which she'd stick onto riding Teuihua on their way to the training grounds and armoury. Not sure what else to do on the way there, she'd once more pester the construct with random Gunhild-generated questions.

"Metalmans, whereses appy froms? On tree, yesses? Hows on tree, whereses? Magics, airs? Air-appys? Do appy-magic appy to do appy-is-appy?" Gunhild questioned on how apples actually appeared on trees to begin with.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
2. Climbing F + Energized F
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Giftvi Giftvi Megilagor Megilagor

Looking on as the strange lizard woman crushed the apple to suck out its juices. Izuru found himself unable to say much as she simply clambered on to Teuihua's shoulder to go partake in her own investigation. Holding out one of his gloved hands as if wanting to say something. The dragonkin decided to check in with Watching of Reflection, who was on board with taking notes for them all throughout the investigation. He hoped that relying upon the small purple creature would prove fruitful in how unorthodox it was. Speaking of fruit, the group had soon reached the orchard where the barony grew its own apples. No doubt there would be some kind of clue as to where they could gather clues as to if the apples were being sourced from here. He allowed Marrok to take point in communicating with the local agricultural expert. His own focus on taking apart this case had done the opposite of endearing him to the Baroness and her entourage. Izuru wasn't too bothered as he was here out of interest in such a curious case. Whilst Marrok spoke as if he were trying to spill literally everything they knew within possible earshot of the culprit. Izuru inspected the orchards for clues.

Once he was certain that Marrok had thoroughly waxed poetic on the farmer known as Gwenith. He stepped in to try his own hand at extracting information. "We just want to know if you've seen anything out of the ordinary around these parts? People taking apples home with them? Missing stock? Random people showing up in the dead of night?" asked Izuru, laying the groundwork for further questioning. He made no assumptions that Gwenith wasn't somehow involved. Although he couldn't let HER know that. Hence why he decided it best to simply stick to asking questions. The single detective story he half heard in the stalls through a cup at the tavern hadn't prepared him for judging whether other people were trying to yank his chain.

1. Inspect the orchards = Appraisal E + Arcana E + Investigation F
2. Asking the real questions = Persuasion E
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Giftvi Giftvi

Retili considered, if only for the briefest of moments, stepping back and letting his guards swarm the draconian who blatantly ignored him once again. A vision of the man hogtied and with an apple stuff firmly in his mouth graced his imagination. He was even further tempted when Regula, apparently disinterested in continuing to be kind to the man, gave both himself Teuihua cart blanche permission to both kick him from the investigation or have him removed from the barony entirely. Retili resolved to watch the dragon-kin closely. If there were any questions as to whether he was interfering he would have him removed. He bowed his head in deference and respect to the Baroness. Seeing as his apology was well taken by Watcher, Retili smiled politely. "You have my gratitude for your empathy. I hope we will work well together in this endeavor." Before he left with the group, Retili collected an apple that had been deposited on the ground along with all the others that night and stored it in his satchel.

Now watching his charges like a hawk, and assessing the value of Marrok as a potential addition to the baroness's retinue, Retili moved them along towards the orchard. As he lead the group more of his men joined them, the compliment of ten with him being joined by another ten riflemen who had come from the tavern. Retili was not particularly concerned about alarming anyone in the town with such a large force. He had been in and out of the town enough times now that he suspected the novelty of seeing his troops march with him had worn off a while ago.

It didn't take long to walk to the Gwenith's orchard. As they approached Gwenith Retili signalled for his men to wait at the property line as they approached the home. He bowed in greeting to Gwenith. "Madame Gwenith, it is a pleasure to see you once again. I trust your work has been well since we last met?" Retili asked after waiting for the others to speak first, then easing into the conversation even as others waded hip deep into it. He gestured to his companions. "This is Master Marrok and Master Watching." He thumbed his finger over at Izuru before continuing in a notably more icy tone. "I believe that man is Izuru. You may ignore or answer his question as you please, but I would ask that you help Master Marrok and Watching by answering their questions." "I have been tasked with assisting Master Marrok and Watching in investigating the apples that are appearing. Given you are the local expert we figured it would be best to seek your assistance. I have brought along a sample for you to look at, although given that the Barony has been beset with them for a while I have no doubt you'll have seen one before." He said before removing the apple he had picked up from his pocket and offering it to Gwenith. Retili's words were polite and friendly with Gwenith, using his skills as a [Charismatic Scribe C] to help smooth over the quick start to the conversation. Meanwhile, Retili's [Perception C] was in constant use trying to spot anything out of the ordinary.

1. Use [Charismatic Scribe C] to smooth over the quick start to the conversation and hopefully get more useful answers out of Gwenith
2. Use his [Perception C] to see if he can spot anything out of the ordinary in Gwenith's orchard.

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters. - 3 cooldown posts remaining
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility. - 2 cooldown posts remaining
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Well that was that, hopefully nothing ill would come of Gunhild consuming the apple juice, granted there didn't seem to be anything wrong so far with the other one who ate of the apple, Teuihua might have said something on it but what was done was done. But he would add,

"If you start feeling strange please do let me know, while the apples around here have appeared harmless so far, we cannot be to careful on the matter."
Of course he allowed her to come along on his shoulder, pretty used to this ordeal by this point, thankfully his large stature able to support Gunhild pretty easily particularly at that size, and there being plenty of room on his large shoulder for her to laze around and ride.

On the way there presumably he'd address her question and statement, "Yes Gunhild we are going to do a good by helping Lady Caelia find out where these apples are coming from which brings me to your next question, truthfully I am not entirely sure, my guess is that they are of magical origin however, what I am going to ask Zeouli about right now is the nature of the magic and if she believes it is divine or not, of course if you had any insight or ideas as to where the apples came from I am interested in hearing them."

Upon seeing Zeouli in the corner, looking down this was strange. He'd wave and call out to her in Mict, "+Zeouli, what is the matter?+" hoping that might get her attention and out of whatever she was feeling or that he could at least understand what is going on with her.

"+I came to ask about the apples which I am certain you have seen appearing, I was wondering if perhaps you thought It could be a blessing from Qeotl or maybe someone has done something to offend Tsanatl, since I know you would likely be most knowledgeable about this, but it concerns me to see you down+"

Teuihua would then translate to Gunhild what he just said to Zeouli, but in common.

Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.


Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.



She looked up from her work, surprised by the appearance of some new faces. Though by the looks of Alister, she'd not be surprised if he was a new person in the baroness' employ. “Oh, Lady Gwenith? That's certainly got a nice ring to it.” She'd call back. “Though Gwenith suffice. To whom might I owe the pleasure?” She'd ask, offering a hand to shake once he was close enough.

Upon spotting Retili and hearing him confirm how they were on some sort of official duty, she'd nod. “Hello again, advisor Loxinofican.” She'd state, though her eyes would linger on Purpler. He did stand out, after all. She might have even questioned if he was sentient, were he not introduced as 'Master Watching', a name strange enough to be oddly fitting for such a strange new fellow. As Retili confirmed that they were here for the apple appearances, she nodded once more. His charismatic scribe didn't do a whole lot, as she was already more than willing to help out. The only thing it did, was making her slightly more weary of Izuru, when he gave her the vague 'do as you wish' talk about him.

As for her answers; “The apples are definitely a mystery.” She'd state, pointing at the baskets. “I figured I'd try to get a head-start on figuring stuff out.” She would nod at Alister's findings. “Fresh, I can confirm. Magical... I had my suspicions.” She chuckled when he called her 'dear lady' on top of it all. “Oh my, you're gonna make a lady blush.”

That said, on a more serious note, she did know some things. “Well, one thing that I've just confirmed, is that they're nearly all of great quality. The vast... I'd say 99% of them seems like it'd taste great, juicy and perfectly ripe. The remaining 1% might honestly not even be part of the appearing apples, but just some regular ones that got mixed up in it all. Trust me, I've been trying to separate them to see if I could figure out where they might be from, but I have no clue. They're not like any apples I know. I just know they're all identically good and might bankrupt any orchardists in the area.... which makes me glad I switched to other sources of income, rather than relying on the profits from those trees... though I guess there's nobody left that's exclusively relying on growing apples, so that might be a lucky happenstance.” She clicked her tongue. “I sort-off wish to taste-test them, but that seems unwise, given how little we know.”

Purpler would easily notice the difference between the few apples trees here and the appearing apples. The ones here were smaller, more unevenly shaped, greener at times, far less evenly coloured... they were 'normal' so to say. The appearing ones stood out all the more how 'perfect' they seemed compared to these. If apple trees had feelings, these trees might all be crying right now, is what it boiled down too. Retili would immediately spot that most of the apples Gewnith had gathered weren't from her own trees, but likely the appearing ones. He'd also spot roughly the same as Purpler had.

She'd raise an eyebrow at Izuru's questions. “Other than the randomly appearing apples and the group of you, I can't say I saw anything strange.” The next bit she'd nod at. “Some probably take them home, yes. Though I'd assume most would be too suspicious of random apples to try so.” The next bit confused her. “I'm not sure about missing stock or people showing up dead, but no, no such thing has happened. The only thing that did happen was the local cattle rancher complaining some of his cows had gotten drunk on the apples that appeared in one of his fields. Apparently something about their digestion making them ferment in their stomachs.” She'd add, though that was about the most odd she'd heard about.

Turning to the group as a whole, she tapped her finger against her chin. “You know, there's one thought I can't get out of my head. There has to be some sort of pattern on where and how they appear, no?” She'd ask the rest. “Honestly, I think you'd need a apple-exorcist rather than an orchardist at this rate.” She'd half-joke half-state seriously. “None of you happens to be an alchemist, right? I'd have loved to break these apples down to see if they're made of the usual stuff or not.” To those more perceptive, it started to show that she didn't know particularly much more than she'd shared either, or rather, she'd already shared all she knew.


Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard


She looked up, probably surprised, when hearing Teuihua. “+Oh, ehm. Hello.+” She'd state, getting up and waving awkwardly at Gunhild.

Upon hearing about the apples, she'd nod, though only slowly so. “+Yes, well, about the apples...+” She'd start. “+I also thought they might be a blessing from Qeotl, so I was arranging them and planning to return some of them as an offering, but well, the guards saw me and, well... they sort-off assumed that was me summoning them. They told me to stay here until either I was proven guilty or until my innocence was proven...+” She drifted off a bit at the end. “+I'm sorry, I didn't wish to cause trouble to you or to the lady Baroness.+”


As they were talking, Sherwood arrived. He didn't speak much, as per usual, as he was looking around for something. Upon seeing Gunhild and Teuihua, however, he would speak up. “Have you seen the baroness?” He'd ask, keeping things as short and to-the-point as he possibly could.
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua listened and was surprised to hear that this had transpired with Zeouli. "+That is certainly not good to hear, I am sorry that they assumed you were suspect when you are not the cause of this, I will have to inform Lady Caelia so that this misunderstanding can be amended. I find it hard to believe that she would approve of you being kept here until that happens, as she knows you just as well as I do that you wouldn't actively try to cause problems for the Barony like this.+"

The golem paused for a moment before continuing, "+With that said as far as you know, it is possible that these apples are a gift from Qeotl? Have you noticed any particularly good harvests or people doing increased activities which might appease Qeotl or have you done any grand gesture to appease her as of recently? At the very least you do not believe that it is likely Tsanatl playing a trick in retaliation? You have not noticed anyone doing anything particularly egregious to the forest life have you?+"

"+Even if Qeotl is giving us a gift, it would not be your fault for doing what you were created to do, you cannot control how a deity will necessarily respond to your actions, what makes me more curious about it even possibly being her is to why the apples are appearing in strange places which are not the most convenient. What I do hope is that this is not because as I'm sure you know too, it would not be good if Tsanatl was made to be upset with the people of this Barony+"

Teuihua would translate all of what he was saying and what Zeouli responded with to Gunhild.

"Regardless Gunhild, we should inform Lady Caelia in haste that Zeouli should be freed, rather than being cooped up here she should be able to assist with the investigation for why these apples are appearing."

Teuihua's future intentions were pretty straight forward, but the information he got from Zeouli would also help inform his future actions.

(not rly feeling writing with everything going on rn sry)
Character Sheet

Gunhild continued to sit along for the ride as Teuihua had given an explanation, only supposing that was how things must have grown on trees too. Truly nature was a complete mystery, but for now she sat and watched as Zeouli waved to her and giving a grunt and nod in the process.
"Okies, Gunhild and Metalmans findses Prettylady, do a sayses, yesyes" Gunhild cheerfully agreed to the idea, seeing as it would help the get closer to solving the weird appy-mystery.​
1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Giftvi Giftvi

The Zentox listened carefully to Gwenith as she rattled off answers to their questions. He was not surprised to find she had already been looking into the apples, and diligently he recorded all of the information she had, including the deviation about the drunk cows. With all that information compiled, Retili really couldn't think of anything else to ask the woman. It had been a brief trip, but not an entirely wasted one. The apples being of high quality on it's own wasn't particularly revealing, but it did hint towards their nature being more supernatural in origin. At the very least no one was stealing local apples. Gwenith probably would have been a first target if that was the case. "You've been a great help Mistress Gwenith. We will seek more answers elsewhere I think." Retili said before turning to Marrok and Watching. "There is a Tavern we passed on the way out here. It's proprietress Hestia keeps well up with all of the news coming into town. If anyone will have heard any rumors, it will have been her." He didn't mention that he was also particularly fond of the woman's company, and the ale they served there. It wasn't relevant he figured.

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters. - 2 cooldown posts remaining
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility. - 1 cooldown post remaining
Watching of Reflection

Ambient Vibes

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Interaction: conman2163 conman2163 Elvario Elvario Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Megilagor Megilagor
The critter stepped had stepped forward to inspect the low hanging fruit, it's feet still upon the ground, taking more then a few moments to inspect the apples. Only seeming to respond to the conversation at hand for a brief moment, as it gave a courtesy nod towards Gwenith, who had taken the deliberation to stare for a prolonged period towards it. Before inspecting the tree and the moist grass upon which it stood.

It dropped down for a moment upon all four of its limbs, standing quadrupedal, as it lowered itself further. Its nostrils audibly flared up as to the others it could be heard smelling the earth and flora around it. Moving around for a moment around the orchard, the scent of petrichor released from the earth mixed in together with that sweet fruity smell all around it.

Yet as it became evident there was indeed very little in the area which occurred here it stood upon its two legs once more. Its head swiveled on its shoulders as it gave another look around, before it began to slowly stepped towards the others in active conversation with Gwenith. Its head lulled downward once more as it gave a solemnly quiet nod to Gwenith, before looking downward to Retili who proclaimed to wish to walk back once more to Stonewall to the festhall which they had passed by.

Hearing Retili's reasoning Watching of Reflection seemed to pull out the wooden board which it had returned to its satchel to paint a response once more, "I would remised not to agree, if both you and Regula trust her attentive ear for news." It slowly and carefully cleaned off the paint with the rag, as it began to write down once more now, and held it out for Gwenith to read. "You keep a wonderful orchard miss Gwenith, the earth is very healthy and plants seem very contend. I could not eat said apples myself, but I couldn't proclaim them as uncared for or undesireable. If any orchards in the area would find themselves struggling for a few days, I don't know if this would help to offer any meals, but please give it to them. I've little need for it." As it said so, its right arm reached inside of the satchel, and pulled out of such a sack of clinging coins of Kuridan origins. The contents mostly untouched, save for the few times it would have offered beggars to pay a meal, as it had only hunted its owns meals and secured its own abodes, or used it to rest for a moment by hitching a ride on a farmer's cart.

Beginning to slowly walk away together with Retili, Izuru and Alister, though not waiting for any of them to take initiative as it knew the direction towards Stonewall itself already, but kept a slow pace to walk together with the rest as they moved to visit the Keg.
Last edited:
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Giftvi Giftvi Megilagor Megilagor

It would appear that speaking to Gwenith the apple farmer had yielded the smallest of clues. Yet that was enough for them all to move on from the orchard itself. So far it was clear that the apples had not replaced the entire stock, which meant there was a chance the problem was still very fresh rather than everything being merely the result of an already performed crime. A far more suspicious dragonkin would theorize on whether the consistently good quality was to cause some kind of drop in the market for apples, making it hard for other growers to compete. However Izuru couldn't help but think that this particular line of thought was far too sinister for the fairly innocent crime they were looking into. "Watching of Reflection, remember to jot this all down. Not only are these mysterious apples appearing randomly. They still contain faint traces of the magic presumably used to place them in such strange places. These fruits are all of a high quality in both appearance and taste. Yet not ALL the apples in the orchard have turned out this way. The fact Gwenith went as far as to point out a whole one percent may still be a clue in itself" said Izuru, going over everything that was established so that the group could mull over it all.

"Marrok, I'd like to hear your opinion on this matter given what we know so far. Watching of Reflection, feel free to add your own theories. As for myself, its too early to say. Gwenith mentioning the possibility of some apples not being of similar condition to the magic ones gave me pause..." remarked Izuru while doing his best to keep his wits about him and his thoughts focused on the case. Naturally he didn't ask Lentil anything as he was mistrustful that the guard official wouldn't keep his mouth shut about literally anything they would find. The next stop for them all would be a local tavern. A place where rumors and wives tales in circulated in equal number. Apparently Lentil knew someone there who may provide them with additional information which could solve the current issue.
Tags and character goals:
Elvario Elvario Regula Caelia – Figure out the who, what and why of someone or something putting apples everywhere in her barony's capital.
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Teuihua – Assist the baroness.
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Assist the baroness.
Femboy Femboy GunhildSneak into the baroness' room to warm her feet. Get pets. Assist the baroness with the apple quest. Get more pets.
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Izuru – Help out cause it's interesting.
Megilagor Megilagor Alister MarrokGet approved. | Get employed.
Giftvi Giftvi Purpler – Gunhild.


Small Farm Just Outside Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Farm.



She'd nod at Retili thanking her, although she did have one request. “Would you mind keeping me up to date? If possible. I'd truly appreciate it.” It seemed this issue was staying on her mind a fair bit.

Surprised at reading Watching's words, she'd smile. “It's not really an orchard any more, I'd say, just the few trees I kept for research.” She'd tone down his complimenting. More surprise arose when he offered money. “Oh no, please, I can't just accept money. Not even if it's for a goal like yours. I'm sure the baroness can handle whatever happens if need-be.” She'd state, refusing the sudden money. “Besides, if these apples turn out to be edible, we might be able to just gather those and start exporting them.” She offered, though the latter bit still had to be proven.

As she listened to Izuru, she wasn't entirely sure if he'd fully understood, but she decided to leave it be. “Give Hestia, Amika and Todo my regards.” She'd state, upon hearing the group would head for the The Keg next.


The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

Those arriving in the Keg would find something rather peculiar. It was a true apple galore there.

Todo Sawl

“I'm telling you, there's nothing better than some good classical apple pie.” They'd hear a pigman wearing a chef's hat state as he entered the main room with a freshly backed pie.



“It's true that they've been amazing, but Inola's upside-down apple cake is really pleasant as well.” Hestia would state, as she was munching on some apple cake.



“Hah! It seems like we might finally become equals, chef!” The fox sous-chef would state, tail wagging up a storm, as she realised she had a chance against the chef in this bake-off.

“Well, to be honest, I still think mother's apple pastries were the best.” She'd state, as she pointed at some different type of apple pastry.


“You're such a sweetheart, though I must admit you really surprised me by the apple pastries you came up with.”


It'd be pretty clear to the group that these folk had been up all night trying out various apple dishes...

“We should figure out how to conserve them, turn some into juice, make some cider...” Inola mumbled, with more ideas.

“I've already got some cider going. A good chef doesn't waste a single opportunity!”

“Yes Sir!”

It was Hestia that'd notice the newcomers. “Oh! Retili! And others..” She suddenly realised mentioning him by first-name was not ideal, with strangers around. “Advisor Loxinofican, how can I help you?” She'd quickly adjust. “And what brings the rest of you to The Keg at such an early hour?”

Once more, she'd look at Purpler in particular. Hestia's daughter was a bit less subtle, however, as she'd spot Purpler and well... “Oh, sir Loxinofican, did you get a Fae-like dog? Can I pet it?” She'd ask.


Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
From: Medieval Training Yard


“+I know, but wouldn't we be making trouble for her, if you were to ask her? If it is better for everyone for me to just wait it out here, I guess I should do so?+” She asked, hesitantly about what her role should be in all of this.

As for the latter half, she wasn't entirely sure. “+Well, I thought they were, as I said, though my attempt to thank her for them had me arrested. If she were to thank us for something, perhaps it would be for the new developments in agriculture, or just as a sign of goodwill?+” She wasn't entirely sure. “+I'm not sure about anything in specific.+”

As for Tsanatl, she wasn't sure. Her religion knowledge wasn't high enough to know details about gods outside her primary function. “+Like you, I did suspect trickery by Tsanatl, but using apples to do so seems odd. Nor would I know what might've caused such retaliation. I'm more worried that it might be one of this time's gods that turned against the barony, like the Church did when Ringo's shrine was placed here.+”


He was ignored by both Gunhild and Teuihua, perhaps his social awkwardness not giving him enough of a presence. Yet he did hear them saying they were heading for the baroness. He figured he'd just follow them silently.


Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

They would find the baroness in her study, on their way passing by the guard captain and mayor who'd just left the room.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki

The only once currently in the room were Regula herself and Lowrence.

“Are you two back already? Did something happen?” She'd ask Gunhild and Teuihua, as she looked up from a map spread out across the table.


The fox-man would merely nod at them.


Meanwhile, the scout had silently entered behind them and was awkwardly debating when to speak up or if he should just sink into the ground or something.


Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>, |Abyssal|

The entire time, Gunhild had been too busy and distracted to notice Sherwood asking them of Regula's location or anything about the Baroness, simply biding her time waiting on Teuihua's shoulder as he conversed with the construct and later on translated what had been spoken to her. Not really getting why they were being so untrusting of the other Metalperson who had been here for a while and that both Metalpeoples were clearly good and trustable, it only seemed fitting that they should help Zeouli out of their imprisonment predicament. Giving a nod and small grumble as she looked to Teuihua, she answered.

"Yesyes, helpies Metalfren, Gunhild and Metalmans go sayses ReguLady Metalfrens not bads, is goods. Yessies, good do, Metalfren no do bad do, only good do, help do good do" Gunhild agreed as she nodded and continued to ride upon Teuihua's shoulder as their next destination would be the Keep's Study in order to tell Regula of what had been happening. Lightly wagging her tail and smiling that they were once again back with the Baroness, Gunhild thought of what it was they had to say.

"Gunhild no know magic-appy's. Gunhild and Metalmans finds Metalmans' Metalfren stuckied, peoples sayses Metalfren do bad do buts Metalfren no do bad do's, ReguLady helpies Metalfren yesyes?" Gunhild asked as her best understanding of what had been going on, taking this long to realise that Sherwood had been with them and following them as she turned her head to stare at the man. Wondering for a moment if he was just someone who stayed in the Keep's Study or what, she eventually butted her head against Teuihua's in an attempt to get his attention and brushed her reptilian tail against his face in order to try and urge him to turn his head to look.

"Who dat, Metalmans? Do greenie-hatman do a who's?" Gunhild openly asked, to Sherwood as well as Teuihua in case the construct knew of him or should be weary that there was a stranger in the keep.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
2. Climbing F + Energized F

Alister Marrok
Languages: Common | ^Ancient Hermese^
Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia , Elvario Elvario , conman2163 conman2163 , Giftvi Giftvi

"Is it not basic manners and etiquette to address a person of fairer gender especially one younger than oneself as such in this parts of the world?" Asked Alister politely, after being a warrior and a mutt of war, it didn't mean he was allowed to not speak politely and with proper etiquette to others, especially since Medici beat it into him over the epochs.
Looking at the people gathered at Lady Gwenith orchard one by one, he waited to see if someone else would respond but seeing no one did he sighed and spoke once again.
"Sadly I have not dabbled in Alchemy for years now so I'm afraid I would be unable to do so, especially since I don't have my alchemy kit."

Seeing as no one had any more questions to ask Lady Gwenith, Alister bowed slightly to her and walked behind Retili towards the tavern, even though he could smell the food from miles away, the smell of various dishes using apples in their making was easily smelt by him, so even without Retili he could have found the tavern.
"Very well then Mister Retili lead the way to the Tavern, albeit I think my nose is picking it up. The smell of freshly made food is quite strong after all."
Alister turned his head towards Izuru as they walked to the tavern, and thought for a bit before throwing his theory up in the air.
"Well, the apples are nearly identical if not exactly the same, at least 99% of them are.I doubt someone could summon such a large amount of apples that were so identical to each other in all aspects of their apples. Unless someone attempted to make perfect clones of an apple with magic or alchemy, and infuse it into a tree, so that tree would only create identical apples to the one we've been finding. Or someone here figured out cloning, personally not the thing I want to believe in, but I knew someone who cloned himself enough to form his own family, a total of 9, he was one and his 8 clones in various ages and even genders.... Just remembering having to visit his family brings me the creeps."

Alister butted in into the conversation of the tavern keepers, as a way to break the ice so to speak, as the group entered the Keg tavern.
"Personally I prefer roasted cinnamon roasted apples. But where are my manners? The name is Alister Marrok, all of us here are under Baroness Caelia's orders to investigate the mysterious apples. So if you lovely ladies and you handsome fella wish to help, then we can start with the rumors I suppose."
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Giftvi Giftvi

Marrok's story of the clones was quite curious. He himself had never known anyone who could do something so dramatic as clone themselves, he did however picture the odd picture it would paint to have eight copies of yourself lounging about, acting as if they were all just a regular family. A technically correct term, as you would be blood relatives, but an odd one nonetheless. Retili wondered what exactly such a person was like, but did not pry further.

As Retili walked towards the inn his nose picked up the delicious scents that others would find enticing. Retili himself did not have any sort of craving for the food that might be inspired by an ability to process solid foods other than herbs, he did however have an appreciation for pleasant smells and good ales. As he stepped into the tavern he was greeted by a not so common sight. All four members of the staff hanging about, discussing their new pastries. Retili was not surprised to find that the cook had quickly taken to the ingredients that were so readily lying around town. If they were perfectly innocuous apples, why not try and bake with them? Retili bowed to Hestia. "A delight to see you as always Madam Hestia." He greeted formerly, though his usually stoic face was broken by a slight smile, and a twinkle in his eye that hinted that he was amused at the slip of Hestia's tongue. "And you as well miss Amika, Miss Inola, and Master Sawl." He turned and gave the rest another short bow. As Amika's attention was enraptured by the sight of Watching, Retili gave a small shake of his head. "Alas miss Amika you are mistaken, this creature would be Master Watching, another member of the investigation team looking into the appearance of the apples. Any wish to pet them would be at their discretion." Giving Marrok an odd look at the way he had addressed Inola, Amika, and Hestia (Hestia especially), Retili cleared his throat to politely regain the attention of the others. "As Master Marrok says, we would like to hear of any rumors you might have heard in the tavern."

  • Caelia Savant C - Law C, Warfare D, Business E, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Barony] F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters. - 2 cooldown posts remaining
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law C, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business E - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility. - 1 cooldown post remaining

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